CS202 Midterm Paper June 2019

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CS202 Midterm Paper June 2019

Some Questions From June 2019 Papers Are Given Below:

1) 32 Pixels font size equals to how many em?
2) Write 6 character of Dynamic URL?
3) How many parts a URL have? Define each part with some detal?
4) window.open(), window.close(), window.moveTo(), window.resizeTo()
Write its small details like what each function do?
5) Write About CSS selectors?
6) Open and Close Window in Java Script?
7) Write about Get And Post Methods?
8) Enlist Some Drawbacks of Java Script?
9) Type the name of selector used for selecting all h1 elements and what is the name of the
selector which can select all of the elements and give them class=green.
10) Write three different ways to use border-color property in CSS.
11) Some 3-4 input fields and one javascript code was given and we have to describe their
purpose and what they were to do.
12) Write a code to create image element with image source as "VU.jpg" and make it as
when the user click on then the user will be directed to new page on to the url vu.edu.pk.
13) Type four position properties that can be given to elements.

Best Of Luck From VU Rank (vurank.blogspot.com)

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