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Department of Computer Science SEN-220:Software Engineering

Bahria University BS(IT)-Semester 04 (Spring 2021)

Total Marks:10


REG. NO. ___02-235192-009
COURSE CODE:_________SEN-220
Date of submission:____________________________________
Marks Obtained: ______________________

Theoretical Assignment

Read Carefully:
• The deadline for this assignment is before or on Monday 12-04-2020.
• Hardcopy submission date is 13-04-2021

WARNING: This is indivual assignment.No copying is allowed . Any form of plagiarism will result
in receiving zero in the assignment.

WARNING: Late submission will not be accepted. Any assignment submitted after the cutoff
time will receive zero.

• You have to answer and submit in SOFTCOPY of the given draft on your LMS. In case if LMS is
down submit your assignement to your following faculty on her given address:

Ms Hadiqua Fazal

Important Instructions:
As it was already discussed in online class that your proposed systems must be unique and solving
the daily life problems.
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2/2 BS(IT) Semester 04 (Spring 2021)
SEN-220: Software Engineering Assignment 02




3/2 BS(IT) Semester 04 (Spring 2021)
SEN-220: Software Engineering Assignment 02



Requirements Specification

Department of Computer Science

Karachi Campus
31 January 2022
4/2 BS(IT) Semester 04 (Spring 2021)
SEN-220: Software Engineering Assignment 02

Lab01 Gettting Start with Java

1. Introduction
People have to wait so long to give there order because of few and lazy waiters and sometimes
waiters will take wrong order which will end up in dispute, and It is also difficult and time
consuming for kitchen and billing department to manage all order on paper. On the basis of the
analysis performed our goal is to develop a requirements specification document that supports all the
functional and non-functional requirements with improvements suggested for the current

The purpose of the requirements specification document is to specify all requirements for the current
registration system as well as those requirements that are suggested as improvements for the current
system. This will help the software designers in developing this system in accordance with the
requirements given in this specification.


The scope of this document is to specify requirements for the current registration system and the
improvements that are suggested during the analysis of this system. In this document we will cover:

 Functional requirements for the current registration system and improvements for the system
 Non-functional requirements
 Constraints or assumptions of the specification

2. Overview
We will make LAN with star topology and place devices on every table with unique table number in
it(or different IP addresses or host name) that devices will have complete menu with price rate.
Customer will select and make list of food what he want to eat and send to kitchen, kitchen and
billing office contain device that are connected to each other and every host are connected with both
device with star topology with this customer send menu list to kitchen and kitchen will send cost to
billing office and billing office will send bill directly to the customer device and customer can pay
directly to counter or swipe his card into that device.

Product Functions

The restaurant system provides the following functions:

The customer can perform the following functions:
5/2 BS(IT) Semester 04 (Spring 2021)
SEN-220: Software Engineering Assignment 02

 Order food online

 Cancel the order
 Give feedback
 Place order from table devices
 Check food status
 Add extra topping
 Can pay directly from table with card
 Can communicate to billing and kitchen section

The billing office can perform the following functions:

 Can login
 Check employees information
 Check customer status
 Can see kitchen food/ inventory update
 Can change a unique table number which is set on table
 Generate bill
 Can communicate to customer and kitchen section
 Can check feedback

The chef can perform the following functions:

 View customer order
 Accept / reject order
 Can Disable food
 Can check inventory
 Can communicate to billing and customer section
 Can set time of food ready
 Send item list to billing section
 Can make a list of things to buy

3. Functional Requirements

FR01: placing order

FR01-01 The system shall provide an interface to the customer where they can place order
6/2 BS(IT) Semester 04 (Spring 2021)
SEN-220: Software Engineering Assignment 02

FR01-02 The system shall display a list of food from which the customer can select food

FR01-03 The system shall display price list of whole menu

FR01-04 The system shall display list of all extra topping

FR01-05 The system shall connect the customer to chef and billing section through message

FR01-06 The system shall display final food list and total amount

FR01-07 The system shall allow a customer to select food from the list display

FR01-08 The system shall not allow a take away customer to make order from table

FR01-09 The system shall not allow a customer to use software after he gets bill

FR01-10 The system shall allow a customer to write your info

FR01-11 The system shall allowthe customer to check food status and time

FR01-12 The system shall allow a customer to give feedback and rating

FR01-13 The system shall not allow the customer to cancel order after 15 min

FR01-14 The system shall display beverages

FR01-15 The system shall enable the customer to pay directly to billing office

FR01-16 The system shall not allow customer to send message if he didn’t place order

FR01-17 The system shall allow the customer to send order lists to chef

FR01-18 The system shall allow the customer to skip feedback.

FR01-19 The system shall display a message to the customer once his order request has
been submitted.

FR01-20 The system can allow the customer to write the reason of cancelling the order

FR02: Billing and admin Interface

FR02-01 The system shall allow the officer to generate bill

FR02-02 The system shall display the final bill

FR02-03 The system shall allow the officer to send message to chef and customer

FR02-04 The system shall enable the officer to login

7/2 BS(IT) Semester 04 (Spring 2021)
SEN-220: Software Engineering Assignment 02

FR02-05 The system shall enable the officer to check status of customers

FR02-06 The system shall enable the officer to check status of free tables

FR02-07 The system shall enable the officer to check status of order processing

FR02-08 The system shall display a message to the officer that a xyz customer bill has been

FR02-09 The system shall display all customer bill status as “Pending” who are on the meal

FR02-10 The system shall enable the officer to change and edit unique table number

FR02-11 The system shall display to the officer the number of table available in a hall

FR02-12 The system shall allow the officer to check employees info

FR02-13 The system shall allow the officer to add new employees

FR02-14 The system shall allow the officer to check feedback of customer

FR02-15 The system shall allow the officer to check inventory list


FR03-01 The system shall enable the chef to accept or reject order

FR03-02 The system shall allow the chef to set timer after accepting order

FR03-03 The system shall allow the chef to connect billing and customer section

FR03-04 The system shall allow the chef to add item in inventory list

FR03-05 The system shall allow the chef to disable food which is not avaliable

FR03-06 The system shall displace message then new order request receive

FR03-07 The system shall allow chef to send order list to billing section for verificating the

FR03-08 The system shall allow the chef to check inventory

4. Non-functional requirements
8/2 BS(IT) Semester 04 (Spring 2021)
SEN-220: Software Engineering Assignment 02

NFR01: Performance

NFR01-01 Average load time of the starting page of the system must be less than 2 second.

NFR02: Security

NFR02-01 System must provide access of billing section to users only that enter through the
login module.

NFR02-02 System must not provide access to ANY user EXCEPT the designated user to
update the database.

NFR03: Defects-Maintenance

NFR03-01 Post Release defects of the system must not exceed 1 critical bug per month.

NFR03-02 Post Release bug fixing should not take more than 5 hours.

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