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Week 3 Reflective Journal ECED 300

Activity 3.7 Sources of Values

(Feeney & Freeman, 2018, p. 100)

Name: Brianna Gitchuway

What I value Source of the Value

I value education because education is the most important thing in life.

Without education, people wouldn’t be able to understand or

communicate to their best abilities. Education helps with basic skills

and requirements for jobs.

Religion is important because it brings a sense of belonging to one's

needs and wants. It sort of gives a person the ability to have purpose in

their lives when they think about what they believe.

Competence has to deal with behavior and how someone portrays their
behaviors whether they are good or bad. I believe that competence

helps one's mind to become intelligent.

Creativity sparks my interest because as a teacher I want to be able to

be creative for my students for them to continue to learn from me.
Instead of having the children do the same crafts, it helps having a

creative mind.

Family is the most important to me because they provide feedback,

love, and they encourage your life to go in the right direction. We learn

a lot from our families first when we are born.

Finances are important to value because without money, it’s hard to live
Financial well-being
the best life possible. People become depressed when they don’t have

their finances in check.

Friendships should be valued when they are the right friends that
understand you as a person. Helping each other, being a shoulder to cry

on when needed.

Valuing happiness is important because without happiness there is

sadness. Being happy brings joy to your life and others around you.

When you lie, people won’t want to hang out with you or believe
anything you say. You are no longer credible.

Without health, your body is fighting itself to stay healthy and you then
have health issues. Valuing health is important in order to keep a

healthy state of mind.

QUESTION 1: Select and respond to one of the Reflection Questions at the end of Chapter 4 in

Professionalism in Early Childhood Education: Doing Our Best for Young Children (Feeney,

2012). Be sure to write the question above your response.

Describe a situation where you felt someone was behaving in a way you thought was highly


When I first became a teacher, I had a mentor who was helping me understand children

more inside of the classroom setting. I remember when we were walking outside of the school

building when we saw a child walking alone on the sidewalk. My mentor asked the child where

his parents were and if he knew where he was at the time. She also asked if the child knew where

he lived. Instead of freaking the child out and making the situation into a big deal, she called the

cops and gave the child water and a snack. This proved to me that she was kind hearted and with

a situation that is scary to most, she made it calm in order to access the situation. This also let the

child see that there was nothing to worry about and he was in good hands with us.

QUESTION 2: After completing the self-assessment for Chapter 4 on pages 115-116 (Feeney,

2012), answer the questions on 116. Note: This assignment will be very helpful in completing

your Professional Growth Plan due in Week 8.

● Describe your strengths in the area of communication and relationships

Building good relationship skills with students to grab their attention more often, helping

children regulate their behaviors, interacting with children to build comfort. Communication

helps children to trust adults better and it also builds their self-esteem inside and outside of the

classroom. I try to nurture children’s communication skills in order for them to express

themselves if something is wrong or something they may need as well.

● Describe areas of communication and relationships on which you wish to do more work
I wish to communicate more in ways that explain the action that I am doing. I have realized that I

will tell a child not to do something, but I won’t explain why the child shouldn’t. I need to be

able to allow the child to understand why they can’t do something because they may get hurt in

the situation.

● Describe your strengths in the area of work ethics

I am a very hard worker because even when my job seems easy, I always challenge myself every

day to be better than I was yesterday. I want to make sure I continue to be a better me for the

children in my classroom in order for them to see a great teacher who works hard.

● Describe aspects of work ethics in which you could improve

I could improve more on being organized. I feel as though my desk in the classroom is always

messy because I believe I need more than I actually do. I sometimes over pour glue or paint

when it isn’t needed. I leave crafts that I haven’t gotten to on my desk and I know I have to stop

doing that as well.

● Describe two areas of ethical knowledge and skill in which you feel most prepared

I feel most prepared in Observations because I have been doing observations for 5 years of my

career so far.. Observations help the educator learn more about the child and what his or her

needs are for the classroom. It also shows the child’s interest in what they like and don’t like to

play with.
Another area I feel I’m most prepared is partnering with families because I try to involve the

children’s parents as much as possible because it shows the child they are important. Families are

able to understand what their child is doing in the classroom and they can then ask them

questions about what they learned at school.

● Discuss two areas of ethical knowledge and skill on which you need to study or work

I need to work on Diversity because I live in a town where there are diverse children. Diversity

can be tricky with some children because they don’t understand, but it is vital for them to be

taught. Students who learn about different cultures during their education feel more comfortable

and safe with these differences later in life. This allows them to interact in a wider range of social

groups and feel more confident in themselves as well as in their interactions with others.

Another area is the learning environment because as I continue to learn a lot, I noticed that

children love the environment around them. I would like to teach my children that they can go

outside and make anything into crafts.

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