Excel Quick Reference 2010

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e Excel 20
010 Scree
en Keybo
oard Shorrtcuts
ck Access Toolba
ar e bar
Title C
Close button
Formula Bar Genera
Open a WWorkbook <
<Ctrl> + <O>
File ta
ab Create Neew <
<Ctrl> + <N>
Save <
<Ctrl> + <S>
Preview and Print <
<Ctrl> + <P>
Close a W
Workbook <
<Ctrl> + <W>
box Help <
Run Spelliing Check <
Active cell Collumns Calculate worksheets < <F9>
Create an absolute, <
normal, orr mixed referen

Scroll Navigattion:
bars Move Betw
ween Cells <
<↑>, <↓>,
<←>, <→>
Right Onee Cell <
Left One C
Cell <
<Shift> + <Tabb>
Down One e Cell <
Up One CCell <
<Shift> + <Ente
orksheet tabs Down One e Screen <
<Page Down>
View buttons
b Zoom sslider
Up One Screen <
<Page Up>
e Fundam
mentals To Cell A1
1 <
<Ctrl> + <Home>
To Last Ceell <
<Ctrl> + <End>>
Thee File tab menu annd Backstage view w contain commands • Cell addresses: Cells aare referenced by
for w
working with a proogram’s files, suchh as Open, Save, Go To Diaalog Box <
addressses made from thheir column letter
Closse, New, and Print. and roow number, such aas cell A1, A2, B1,
B2, etc. You can find thee address of a celll Editing
• To Create a Neew Workbook: Click by looking at the Name Box. Cut <
<Ctrl> + <X>
the File tab andd select New, and click Copy <
<Ctrl> + <C>
Create, or press <Ctrl> + <N>. • To Seelect a Cell: Click a cell or use the
keyboard arrow keys to select it. Paste <
<Ctrl> + <V>
• To Open a Workbook: Click the File Undo <
<Ctrl> + <Z>
tab and select Open,
O or press • To Seelect a Cell Rangee: Click and drag tto Redo <
<Ctrl> + <Y>
<Ctrl> + <O>. select a range of cells. O Or, press and holdd
down the <Shift> key w while using the Find <
<Ctrl> + <F>
• To Save a Worrkbook: Click the
<arroow keys> to movve the mouse Replace <
<Ctrl> + <H>
Save button on the Quick Accesss
Toolbar, or presss <Ctrl> + <S>. pointeer to the last cell off the range. Select All <
<Ctrl> + <A>
To Preview and Print a Workbo ook: • To Seelect an Entire Woorksheet: Click thhe Edit active
e cell <
Click the File taab and select Print, or Selectt All button wheree column and row Clear cell contents <
press <Ctrl> + <P>. headinngs meet. Or, presss <Ctrl> + <A>.
• To Undo: Clickk the Undo button To Minnimize the Ribboon: Click the Formattting
on the Quick Acccess Toolbar, or Minimmize Ribbon buttoon on the Ribbon. Bold <C
Ctrl> + <B>
press <Ctrl> + <Z>. Or, preess <Ctrl> + <F1>>. Or, right-click a Italics <C
Ctrl> + <I>
tab annd select Minimizee Ribbon from thee
• To Redo or Reepeat: Click the contexxtual menu. Underline <C
Ctrl> + <U>
Redo button onn the Quick Accesss Open Formmat Cells <C
Ctrl> + <Shift>
Toolbar, or presss <Ctrl> + <Y>. The
T • To Ch hange Program S Settings: Click thee
Dialog Boxx +<
last command iss repeated if Undoo File taab and select Optiions.
Select All <C
Ctrl> + <A>
was not previouusly used. • To Usse Zoom: Click annd drag the zoom
slider to the left or right.. Or, click the Select enttire row <S
Shift> + <Space
• To Close a Wo orkbook: Click thee
Zoom m Out and Zoom Inn buttons on Select enttire column <C
Ctrl> + <Space>
Close button, or
o press <Ctrl> + <W>.
the slider.
• To Get Help: Press
P <F1> to openn the Hide seleccted rows <C
Ctrl> + <9>
• To Chhange Views: Clicck a View button inn
Help window. Type
T your questionn and Hide seleccted <C
Ctrl> + <0>
the staatus bar. Or, click the View tab and
press <Enter>. columns
select a view.

mizable Compute
er Training Excel Quickk Reference © 20011 CustomGuid
9 Courrseware  9 On
nline Learning  9 Skills Assessm
ments www.customgguide.com | Pho one 888.903.243
Editing Form
• To E
Edit a Cell’s Contents: Select the cell and click the Formula
F Bar, or • To Forrmat Text: Use thee commands in thhe Font group on the Home tab, or
double-click the cell. Edit
E the cell contents and press <En nter>. click th e Dialog Box Lauuncher in the Fonnt group to open thhe Format Cells
dialog bbox.
• To C
Clear a Cell’s Contents: Select thee cell(s) and presss the <Delete> keyy.
• To Forrmat Values: Use the commands inn the Number grouup on the Home
• To C Cut or Copy Dataa: Select cell(s) annd click the Cu
ut or Copy buttton tab, or click the Dialog B
Box Launcher in tthe Number groupp to open the
in thhe Clipboard groupp on the Home tabb. Formatt Cells dialog box.
• To P
Paste Data: Placee the insertion poinnt where you want to paste and click • To Coppy Formatting with the Format Paainter: Select the cell(s) with the
the Paste button in thhe Clipboard groupp on the Home tabb.
formattting you want to coopy and click the Format Paintter button in the
To PPreview an Item Before
B Pasting: Place
P the insertionn point where you Clipboaard group on the HHome tab. Then, sselect the cell(s) you want to apply
want to paste, click the Paste button list arrow in the Clippboard group on thhe the coppied formatting to.
Homme tab, and select a preview option to view the item.
• To Appply a Cell Style: SSelect the cell(s) yyou want to apply a cell style to.
• To P Paste Special: Seelect the destinatioon cell(s), click thee Paste button listt Click thhe Cell Styles buttton in the Styles ggroup of the Homee tab on the
arroow in the Clipboardd group on the Hoome tab, and selecct Paste Special. Ribbonn and select a stylee from the gallery..
Seleect an option and click OK.
• To Forrmat a Cell Rangee as a Table: Seleect the cells you w want to apply table
• To C
Copy Using Auto o Fill: Point to the fill handle at the bottom-right
b corner of formattting to. Click the FFormat as Table bbutton in the Styless group of the
the selected cell(s), thhen drag to the deestination cell(s). Home ttab on the Ribbonn and select a tablee format from the gallery.
• To C Complete a Seriees Using AutoFill: Select the cells that
t define the serries. • To Appply a Document TTheme: Click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon,
Clicck and drag the fill handle to complete the series. click th e Themes button in the Themes grroup, and select a theme from the
• To MMove or Copy Ceells Using Drag and a Drop: Select the t cell(s) you wannt to gallery..
movve or copy, positioon the pointer overr any border of thee selected cell(s), then
t To Appply Conditional Formatting: Select the cells to whichh you want to
dragg to the destination cells. To copy, hold
h down <Ctrl> key while draggingg. apply coonditional formattiing. Click the Connditional Formattiing button in the
• To IInsert a Column or o Row: Right-clicck to the right of thhe column, or beloow Styles ggroup of the Homee tab. Select the foormatting schemee you wish to use,
the row you want to innsert. Select Inserrt from the contextual menu, or clickk the then seet the conditions inn the dialog box.
Inseert button in the Cells
C group on the Home tab. • To Adj ust Column Widtth or Row Heightt: Drag the right boorder of the
• To D Delete a Column or Row: Select thhe row or column heading(s). Right-- columnn header, or the boottom border of the row header. Douuble-click the
clickk and select Delette from the contexxtual menu, or clickk the Delete buttoon in border to AutoFit the coluumn or row accordding to its contentts.
the Cells group on thee Home tab.
• To IInsert a Commen nt: Select the cell where
w you want too insert a commennt
kbook Ma
and click the Review tab on the Ribbonn. Click the New Comment
C button in • To Inseert a New Worksheet: Click the Inssert Worksheet taab next to the
the Comments group. Type a commentt and click outsidee the comment boxx. sheet taabs at the bottom of the program sccreen. Or, press <<Shift> + <F11>.
• To Del ete a Worksheet: Select the sheett want to delete, cllick the Delete
Forrmulas an
nd Functiions button in the Cells groupp on the Home tabb, and select Delette Sheet. Or, rightt-
click th e sheet tab and s elect Delete from the contextual meenu.
• To TTotal a Cell Rangge: Click the cell where
w you want to insert the total annd
clickk the Sum button in the Editing grouup on the Home taab. Verify the selected • To Renname a Worksheeet: Double-click thhe sheet tab, enter a new name for
cell range and click thhe Sum button again. the worrksheet, and presss <Enter>.

• To EEnter a Formula: Select the cell whhere you want to innsert the formula. • To Chaange a Worksheeet’s Tab Color: R
Right-click the sheeet tab, select Tab
Type = and enter thee formula using vaalues, cell referencces, operators, annd Color, and choose the ccolor you want to aapply.
funcctions. Press <Entter> when you’re finished.
f • To Movve or Copy a Woorksheet: Click and drag a tab to moove a worksheet.
• To IInsert a Functionn: Select the cell where
w you want to enter the functionn Hold doown the <Ctrl> keey while clicking annd dragging to coppy the worksheet.
andd click the Inseert Function buttoon on the Formula Bar. • To Spl it a Window: Draag either the verticcal or horizontal spplit bar (located
near thhe scroll bars) ontoo the worksheet.
• To R
Reference a Cell in a Formula: Tyype the cell referennce (for example, B5)
in thhe formula or clickk the cell you wantt to reference. • To Freeeze Panes: Placee the cell pointer w
where you want to freeze the
w, click the View taab on the Ribbon, click the Freeze P
window Panes button in
• To C
Create an Absolu
ute Cell Referencce: Precede the ceell references with a $
the Winndow group, and sselect an option from the list.
signn or press <F4> affter selecting cell(ss) to make it absolute.
• To Seleect a Print Area: Select the cell rannge you want to print, click the Pagee
• To U
Use Several Opeerators or Cell Raanges: Enclose thee part of a formulaa
Layoutt tab on the Ribboon, click the Print A
Area button in thee Page Setup
you want to calculate first in parenthesees.
group, and select Set Prrint Area.
• To Adjjust Page Marginns, Orientation, Size, and Breaks: Click the Page
arts Layoutt tab on the Ribboon and use the commmands in the Paage Setup group,
or clickk the Dialog Box LLauncher in the P
Page Setup group to open the Page
• To C
Create a Chart: Select
S the cell rangge that contains thhe data you want to
t Setup ddialog box.
chart and click the Inssert tab on the Ribbbon. Click a charrt type button in the
Chaarts group and seleect the chart you want
w to use from the t list. • To Prootect or Share a W
Workbook: Click tthe Review tab onn the Ribbon and
use thee commands in thee Changes group..
To Insert a Sparklinee: Select the cell range that containss the data you want to
charrt and click the Inssert tab on the Ribbbon. Select the sparkline you want to To Reccover Autosaved Versions: Click tthe File tab on thee Ribbon and
inseert from the Sparkline group. Select the cell or cell range where you wannt to select Innfo. Select an auttosaved version frrom the Versions list. Or, click the
add the sparkline and click OK. Managee Versions buttonn and select Recoover Draft Versionns.
mizable Compute
er Training Excel Quick Reference © 20011 CustomGuide 
9 Coursseware  9 Onlline Learning  9 Skills Assessm
9 ments www.customgguide.com | Phoone 888.903.2432 

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