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DATE: 01-08-2021

Name: Omario Gavin Darlington

Answer all questions
1. State and define the three main process we need to carry out if you what to make a sample handbook. (6
2. When collecting samples, what are five equipment that you would want to have with you? (5 marks)
Waterproof Field Notebook,Soft Lead Pencils,Topographic Maps,Gardening Gloves,Strong Plastic Bags
3. What are the two guidelines we should follow when collecting samples. (2 marks)
In the field, take care when selecting the plant material for collection.Do not collect species that are rare
or endangered.
4. State and explain the two methods of preserving plant samples. (6 marks)
Pack specimens in closed boxes or in sealed plastic bags containing mothballs and put packets of silica
gel in the boxes. The Mothballs are used to stop any mold or moth larvae from harming the plant and
silica gel packets absorb any moisture in the air.
5. What are two guidelines we should follow when storing our samples for later use? (2 marks)
6. State and explain one reason why scientists would want to collect and store plant and animal samples? (4
They want to classify all species so they can be easier to identify.
7. State three characteristics/ features we would look for if we have to collect samples of leaves in the
environment.(3 marks)k
8. Define the term taxonomy. (2 marks)

Taxonomy is the study of relationships between living things and the formal classification of organisms
into groups based upon those hypothesized relationships.
(30 marks)


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