Capt Amarinder Singh Affadavit

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PAPER BEFORE THE RETURNING OFFICER FOR ELECTION TO PUNJAB LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY (NAME OF THE HOUSE) FROM 115 PATIALA ASSEMBLY CONSTITUENCY (NAME OF THECONSTITUENCY) PARTA 1, Amarinder Singh, **son/daughterwife Of Late Sh.Yadvinder Singh ‘Aged 79 years, Resident of H.No. 1669, New Moti Bagh Colony, Patiala (mention Full postal address), a candidate at the above election, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as under:- 4) | am a candidate set up by Punjab Lok Congress (“name of the political party) / *am—contesting-as—an_independent-candidate. ("strike out whichever is not applicable). 4 2) My name is enrolled in 116 Patiala Assembly Constituency, State Punjab 230d AS Ider, (Name of theConstituency and the state), at Serial No 732 in Part No 95. ye" Ve, * o 2 NOTARY PULP fe as PATIA of this affidavit i over to has accepted K 4 eo ooh ee SY "a. “ fe a a) one aa Ove Y Sion 3) My contact telephone number(s) is/are 08527000005 and my e-mail id (if any) is Yuvie and my social media account(s) (if any) is/are “(i Amarinder (ii) www. iii) www. 4) Details of Permanent Account Number (PAN) and status of filing of Income tax return: ames | PAN [fhe finaneiaffotal income ear for hown in Income Tax Return (in hich the Rupees) for the last five last ttcone feel Years completed (as bee return has pn 31* March) en filed |Amarinder Singh | ACBPSI920N | 2020-2021 [(i)_[Rs.39,99,090 2019-2020 [ii) Rs.32,59,080 /- 2018-2019 iii) Rs. 63,99, 180 2017-2018 (iv) Rs. 81,43,590 /- 2016-2017 (iv) [Rs-12,14,7307- neet Kaur ABCPK3II3B | 2020-2021 (i) IRs. 50,00,940 2019-2020 [iy IRs. 90,05,900 2018-2019 Til) RS. 52,08,590 (iv) RS. 47,04,830 2016-2017 Key) IRs. 31,54,950 3, Amarinder Singh | AAAHAG821P | 2020-2021 (iy Rs.2,19,850 - 2017-2018 HUF 2019-2020 (iy IRs. 668,610 - iii) RS.3,73,13,610- 2 of this affidavit As Laer ecuret hove been eed over a beak Wee . “e the tue & corset ia NOTARY PULIC. PATIALA INDIA, 2018-2019 liv) PRs. 9,72,850 2017-2018 [(v) [Rs 0 2016-2017 NIL NIL i) NIL ii) NIL iii) NIL iy) NIL wy NIL NIL NIL i) NIC ii) NIL ji) NIL iy NIL w) NIL [Dependent 3 NIL NL i) NIC fi) NIL iii) NIL iy) NIL (vy NIL Note: It is mandatory for PAN holder to mention PAN and in case of no PAN, it shouldbe clearly stated “No PAN allotted”. i The Contents of this affidavit document have heen ra: n fead the deponent He/She has cepted the true & correct, i sed AS Iden, ye My ys NOTARY PULIC PATIALA INDIA 5) Pending criminal cases: (i) [declare that there is no pending criminal ease against m didate and write NOT Tick this alternative if there is no criminal case pending against the Can APPLICABLEagainst alternative (ii) below) OR (ii) The following criminal cases are pending against me: then tick this alternative and here are pending criminal cases against the candidate, cases in the Table below) off alternative (i) above, and give details of all pen [FIR No. with name and | NIL. address of Police Station concerned ‘Griminal Complaint Number: COMA/I2412 of 2016 dt, 12.12.2016 in the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate the Court ‘Ludhiana. b) | Case No. with Nameof inder Section 277 of the Income Tax Act 1961 and u/s 176, © | Section(s) of concerned 1177, 181, 186, 187, 193, 199 of the Indian Penal Code. ‘Acts/ Codes involved (give no. of _ theSection, e.g.Section....... of IPC, ete.). Ce of this document have been / been read over to Ay wl iit the deponent He/She has accepted eal the true & correct. ce NOTARY Ye PATIALA INDIA Brief description of offence However, Dr.Amanpreet Kaur Walia Assistant Director | Income Tax, Department Ludhiana had filed criminal (Complaint Number: COMA/12412 of 2016 on dt: 02.12.2016 u/s 277 of The Income Tax Act 1961 and w/s 176, 177 & 181, 186, 187, 193, 199 of Indian Penal Code titled Directo Income Tax Department v/s Amarinder Singh in the court of (Chief Judicial Magistrate Ludhiana, The Complainant “alleges that the Income Tax department received credible information from foreign authorities through official (Channel that the applicant is beneficiary of foreign assets ‘maintained and Controlled through foreign business entities. He is also beneficiary of foreign Bank Accounts maintained with HL.S.B.C Pvt. Bank (Suisse) S.A. Geneva Switzerland. It | jis alleged that the applicant was confronted with such formation, who rather denied the same. Whether chargeshave No | been framed (mention _ YES or NO) If answer against (e) NA above is YES, then give the date on which charges were framed Whether anyAppeal/ n for revision Applicat | has beenfiled against the proceedings (Mention YES or NO) Criminal Complaint Number: COMA/12412 of 2016 was filed by the Income Tax Department in the, Court of Chief | Judicial Magistrate Ludhiana on 2-12-2016, The Applicant was summoned by the Ld. Chief Judicial Magistrate Ludhiana for the offences punishable u/s 277 of the Income Tax Act,1961, and w/s 176,177,181,186,187,193 and 199 of the Indian Penal Code on 24-04-2017, | ‘The Applicant filed Criminal Revision Number 950° ei document have by the deponent H the true & co of 2017 against this, which was allowed by the Ld. ‘Additional Session Judge (Sh. Rajeev.K Berry) of Ludhiana on 27-11-2018 and the Summoning order was set aside and the Ld, Additional Session Judge Ludhiana remanded the | complaint back to the Ld. Trial Court of the Chief Judicial Magistrate with the direction to pass fresh orders in the complaint keeping in mind the circumstances and observations made in the orders of Remand on dated 27-11- 2018, The Income Tax department filed CRM-M 15062 of 2019 in the Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana High Court in | which Notice of Motion was issued on 01-04-2019. | ‘Thereafter on the application of Income Tax | Department Further Proceedings before the Trial Court | were requested to be deferred by the Hon'ble High Court | on 22-07-2021 till the passing of final orders by the High | Court to the date the case was fixed for hearing in the High | Court, Therefore, on the suid application ofthe Income Tax department, the Hon'ble High Court on 10-08-2021 | expressed opinion that the Chief Judicial Magistrate | Ludhiana should not pass any further order on the complaint which had been remanded to him. The matter is | pending in the Hon'ble Punjab & Haryana High Court, | Chandigarh, 6) Cases of conviction: i. I declare that I have not been convieted for any ir r ; y criminal offence. (Tick thi ternative, if the candidate has not been convicted and wi SPLICABLE ee’ icted and write NOT APPLICABLE OR ii, Ihave been convicted for the offences mentioned below: NOT APPLICABLE (If the candidate has been convicted, ick this i aie mnvieted, then tick this alternative and score off aveaehetpaast (i) above, and give details in the Table below) Table [@ ]CaseNumber NA. NA. NA. (b) _ | Name of the Court NA. NA. NA. (© | Sections of Acts’ Codes involved N.A- NA. NA. (give number of the Section, eg, Section....... of IPC, ete). (@ | Brief description of offence for) N.A. NA. NA. whichconvicted (© _| Dates of orders ofeonvietion NA. NA. NA. @® | Punishment imposed NA NA. NA. Whether any Appealhas been filed! N.A. NA. NA, against conviction order (Mention YES or No) If answer to (g)above is YES, give NA. NA. NA. details and present status of appeal 6(A) I have given full and up-to-date information to my political party about all pending criminal cases against me and about all cases of conviction as given in paragraphs (5) and ©. [Candidates to whom this Item is not applicable should clearly write NOT APPLICABLE IN VIEW OF ENTRIES IN S(i) and 6(i), above] The Contanis of 1 efidavit document have bee goain en red everto ponent HelSho hes accepted d the true & correct As ws Me NOTARY PULIC PATIALA INDIA Not 1. Det 2. Detai item. 3. Details should be given in reverse chronological order, i-e., the latest ease to be mentioned first and backwards in the order of dates for the other cases. . 4, Additional sheet may be added if required. : 5. Candidate is responsible for supplying all information in comp! Supreme Court's judgment in W. P (C) Number 536 of 2011. should be entered clearly and legibly in BOLD letters. to be given separately for each case under different columns against each nce of Hon'ble of the assets (movable and immovable ete.) of (7) That I give herein below the det: myself, my spouse and all dependents: A. Details of movable assets: Note: 1. Assets in joint name indicating the extent of joint ownership will also have to be given. In case of deposit/Investment, the details including Serial Number, Amount, date ofideposit, the scheme, Name of Bank/Institution and Branch are to be given Value of Bonds/Share Debentures as per the current market value in Stock Exchangein respect of listed companies and as per books in case of non-listed companies should be given. ‘Dependent’ means parents, son(s), daughter(s) of the candidate or spouse and any other person related to the candidate whether by blood or marriage, who have no separate means of income and who are dependent on the candidate for their livelihood. Details including amount is to be given separately in respect of each investment Note: 6. Details should include the interest in or ownership of offshore assets. Explanation- For the purpose of this Form, the expression “offshore assets” includes details of all deposits or investments in Foreign banks and any other body or institution abroad, and details of countries’; Avnuteceupe The Contants of this affidavit document have been read ever to : the deponent H: 12 has accepted the true & correct, . sted se Idan, Mie w ee NOTARY PULIC PATIALAIND Self Spouse HUF Depen Depen|Depen ‘Smt. Preneet | Amarinder dent-1 \dent-2 dent-3 Kaur | Singh HUF Cash in hand Rs. 50,0007, Rs. 100,000/- Rs. 50,000/- | N.A. NAL NA Details of deposit in] « PUNIABAND [> StateBankoflndia] WL WA | NA) NA SIND BANK, the|” (Saving & MOD) Bank accounts Mall Road, | Matiana, Teh Patiala. ‘Theos, Dist. (FDRs, Term Saving A/C No.| Shimla. A/C No. Deposits and all aasiisodoo1na] —“r15a4s24328 8 Amount Rs. | Amount Rs other types of seasros/- | 44,265890.50/ deposits including | . state Banieot + State Bank of indi, savit india, New | (Saving & MOD) ing accounts), officer colony, | Chhoti Baradari, Deposits with Patiala, Saving. Patiala . A/C No. ee ‘A/C No yan28as8723, Financial 10013819034 ‘Amount Rs. ituti : ‘Amount Rs | 49,59,011.28/- Institutions, Non: mrerhos Banking Financial nia ind Ban (Saving). Gurmand ‘Companies and + State Bank of | Patiala. . A/C No. ; india Haryana | —06061100000278. Cooperative Civil Sectt, ‘Amount societies and the Secor,” | Rs:74836.56/- | chang. amount in each such | saving A/C No. |+ State Bank of india 0086020675, |" (Saving te MOD) deposit. -Amount Rs, | Parliament, Sansad 10,00,312.44)- | Bhawan, New Delhi ‘A/C No, + HDFC- Sector | 10023818506, 8C Chandigarh. Amount Rs, 92,09,173.21/- Saving A/C No. 1071530004184Ale State Bank of india, ‘mount Rs. Lodhi Estate, 32,50,033.91/- | _Delhi,FDR No. 31753838510,Date ‘of Deposit + HDFC, SCO 46-| 05.08.2019, 47, Sector 9D Amount Rs, Chandigar. 13,46,778/, ‘saving A/C No. 1306256000103] + State Bank of 2, Amount Rs. | India,Parliament 12,20,143.50/-| House Branch ‘Sansad TOTAL Rs. | Bhawan.New Delhi, 35,22,640.64/- FDR No. 40627952053 Date ‘of Deposit 06.12.2021, ‘Amount Rs.15,00,000/- ‘TOTAL IRs. 2,18,18,629.85/.| The Contants of this effidavit document have been read over to the deponent Ha/ the true & correct. [> Patiala Co-Op WA] NA WA the deponent He/She hes accepted the true & correct. 3 we Os ee NOTARY PULIC PATIALAINDIL Details oF *Restaiie F Aaa remote t : Tiaqnons | “onstedhNo of | Store investment in Bonds, | wate ac | Shwew't00race| Stone Debentures/ Shares coop Face| ‘value (Rs.10),, listed). oe value (R10), Amount Sharer and units in ‘amount patt500/- | Face value companies! Mutual 85.000. (s.10), a «pas cycles ipount Funds and others and |, yadvindra inds.| (haryana) Led R.500. the amount. {non-listed).No, Wlisted).No. of | « Farmers Co- Gihares-1480 | shares-S02 Face |" Op Banke Ltd Pacevalue. | value (ta 10), (name he. 100), Miteetvatue | sted.No. of (amount | gta29yAmount | — Shares-100 retueoo, | “Re teze/- | Face value ts. 100), + 88D. (non. fimount lised.soot | 210,000, shuce-asiace | Shares 4.366 ce | » White Craft value (Rs. 100), value (Rs. 10), ‘Mig.Co.Ltd ‘xnount Market Value fron Aen300. | ent Amount | tsted-No, of Mia leetay | Shares40,000 + Witlrad india Face value rameiatedNo. F Snes & Dist (p) Led.) 10), wy'sharee 0’ { nowisted) oof ] Amount ace value “haree25 | _Re',00,000. iretioy Amount] Face vale (,100) Speciality Wire Peo" | Aount es2800/-| Led non. evacindia, | listed). No.of Monan Orta Mary industries Limited | Shares-10,000 aan eeayne'| (nontstedto of | — Face value teGnares 900 | “Shareeat Face | (R510), ranewave. | vee Ra loo, | _ Amount (eto, Amount] Amount Re'2100/-) R61,00,000, 5,000 * Patiala + TegMasarado Ltd | DastWole «+ tegatasrado |" (nonltedh No of ‘cotimedyte.| Share Face JFShasest3490] sale (Re 100, Facevalue | Amount Re. 100/- 100), ‘Kount + assed | value Reso, sitaa9.000 | Thoroughbred Px. | Amount Rs) Udy mon lsted) No] Patiala «ct tteinon- | “or'shares-22,000" | Fundries Ld HatediNo.of | Face value (Ra10),| (aane shaver 15000 Amount | ited) No.of Vacrwive. | — a220,000/- | Sharex-48,000 (ha: 10), Amount Yass valve 180,000" | + HOS ind irs.10 i nontsed)Ne,ot | Amount totam. ["shares291,600 | Rat/50,000, 759,600. | Facevalue (Ro-10),| + Yadvindra Amount Industries ni000/- | (aa) Prete ‘non ora, listed No.of Srer.06e.r4/. | shares: 1435) Pace value (Rs.10), Amount at 50, THE Cor devit document have been reed over to 10 so8 AS Weng [gh thuee [> Tee's Masrado] Ltd (non listed).No. of Shares-6750 Face value (Rs.100), ‘Amount Rs.6,75,000. « Swadeshi Polytex Ltd (non Histed).No. of ‘Shares-250 ace value (Rs.10), Amount Rs.2,500. + Sales & Distributors Pvt Ltd (non listed).No, of Shares-25 Face value (R100), ‘Amount Rs.2,500. ‘TOTAL |ps. 17,88,050/- Details of me investment in NSS, Postal Saving, Insurance Policies andinvestment in any Financial instruments in Post officeor Insurance ‘Company and the amount iL Nit WA | NA NA. The Contants of document have been road over to the deponent He/She has accepted the true & correct As sosied en, oO WA NOTARY PULIC PATIALA INDIA Tt Personal loans? “Amount Spent on B Be WA] NA] A advance given to any | Smstucton on | 13.38536.00 | 1.712600.00 person or entity Village Siw including firm, company, Trust ete, | R*%,00,00,000/- and other receivables from debtors and the amount. (vi) | Motor Vehicles? Rit Frnova, WIL KAT NA] RA Aircrafts/ Yachts/ Peta sei ae : ’ s4,05,000.00 Ships (Details of innova Crysta PB-11- Make, registration e voz 202i 04,790.00 number. ete. year of otal Rs.26,09,790 purchase and amount) (vil) | Jewellery, bullion "Pool ewelew | Gold Jewellery ee Beet Een = 7 cluding studed Including Studded ncluding stude and valuable thing(s) Gish stones and fith Stones & th stones and (give details of jamond Gross Diamond Gross wt, Hiamond Gross (evcdeaset, iepri Eimer Ears me ale ms value ale Re Re 51,68,113.00/- 54,60,414.00/- willy] Any other assets NIC Ni nic WA RA] NA such as value of {Si claims/interest, Re, m. Re RA | RA] WA (Total value |3,85,00,353.64/-| 4,17,55,940.29/- | 2,70,07,464/- ERAT ‘ mv it Pata (74 ie Pate (7) aia Regd. No. 4872 iIsofk fote: 1. Properties in joint ownership indicating the extent of joint ownership will also haveto be indicated. Note: 2. Each land or building or apartment should be mentioned separately in this format. ‘Note: 3. Details should include the interest in or ownership of offshore assets, The Coniants of this cifidavit document have be ad over to the deponent He/She has accepted the true & correct. 12 As k poedtse a NOTARY PULIC PATIALA INDIA Description Self Spouse | HUF Depen | Depen | Depen dent-1 | dent-2 | dent-3 Land Tana ae Vilage Siawan vill Bhupatwala ‘Shimla Hadbast No 338 Location(s) Survey ees ee Number(s) Kasra No, 635/ 619/ | Tehsil Kharar Kasra No. 81, | 45965/ 637/ 33/1, | District 82,86891 "| 662/ 37, 650/22 | SAS Nagar hata No.2 Khatauni | (Monal) Noo si/ 82 Kino. 15/17 na | NA | NA Khasra No 168 ‘Area (otal measurement | T992Aees [3 Uishe 2 Bia in acres) share of 8 biga jointly vith daughter js Inder our NAL NAL NA | Whether inherited property (Yes or No) to No No xa | NA | ONAL Date of purchase in case |_| of self acquired property 28.5.1997 12.10.1983, 12.02.2018 wa | NA | NA Cost of Land (in ease of purchase) at the time of purchase 1. 13,80,000/- | Ra.1,38,000/- rs21.25,000/- | NA | NA | NA ‘Any Investment on the land by way of development, NIL Rs.11,26,000/- NL NA | NA | NA constructionete. i mt _ Se Rs.13,80,000/- | Ra.1,20,00,000/- | x.28,00,000/- | NA | NA | NAL The Contents of this cffidavit document have been read over io. the deponent He/She has accepied the true & correct, 7 ented AS Ide, Min veg Me, NOTARY PULIC PATIALAINDIA | ie, NIL | Village Choti Bari ‘NIL ‘NIL ‘NIL ‘NIL y aggal Teh Maj tees) ec Survey Number(s) ‘Survey No. 877 a Bighas ‘Area (Total measurement in 13-3/4 Biswas es NA 70.43% Share and | NA. na} ona | RA 29.57% share of Ishwara Kaur Whether inherited property (Yes or No) NA No NAL wa | ona | NA Date of purchase in case of ax cam i wa | oma | ma self acquired property 7 " Cost of land (in case of purchase) at the time of Na. 5.29,97,977/- NA na | ona | Na purchase ‘Any Investment on the land by way of development, aL NL NA wa | Na | NA construction ete ‘Approximate Current wk: NAL 'Rs.30,00,000/- wa | MAL Market Value oar ‘Agricultural Land [village Chaunth, Loe ' “s) NL we eanaiieee] MAP NA | ONAL ‘Solan L Survey Number(s) Pe ‘Area (Total measurement in 3 Acres Actes ki as tomate | NA | NA NA ‘Whether inherited propert (Yes or NO) ” NA. NA. Inherited | NAL NAL Wea, Date of purchase in case of ° NA N self acquired property “ WA NA | NAL NAL Cost of land (in case of purchase) at the time of NA NA Na. war] oma | oma purchase ‘Any Investment on the land by way of development, NA. NA NAL wa | ona [Na construction etc. 7 7 imate Current Re t Value - me 602,50000/.| NA | NA | NA Fitiaps 1s document ha the deponent He/S! the true & conect, OF” The Contanis of this afficavit over to accepteq eaeSeeeS eee ao L ifm Kagan | eerie i Punjabi Co Location(s) operative Houe Survey number(s) Building Society | Area (total measurement a | in sq. ft.) NAL 2997 Sa. ft NAL NA NAL | Whether inherited zi property NA No NA NA NA. (Yes or No) Date of purchase in case iz ae of self - acquired property NA 25,2.2007 NA na | NA. Cost of Land (in ease of purchase) at the time of NAL s.3,99,600/- NA wa | NA purchase ‘Any Investment on the land by way of development, construction Ba me is eae lige etc. Approximate currentmarket NA Rs.75,00,000/- NAL NA NAL value i) | Commercial Buildings (including apartments) ni NL ae -Location(s) na | NA Survey number(s) Mstlieceithealtive i He/She has accepted i “ha 15 NOTARY PULIC PATIALA INDIA (J Area (total measurementin sq. ft.) Na NAL NA na | NA | NA Built-up Area (total measurement in sq.ft.) NAL NA. NA. NA. NA NA. Whether inherited (esorNo) wa | sa wa | mw | oma | ma Date of purchase in case of self- acquired property wa | wa NA na | NA | NA Cost of property (in case of purchase) at the time ofpurchase | wa | Na NA wa | NA | NA ‘Any Investment on the property by way of development, NA. NA NA NA. NAL NAL construction ete. ‘Approximate current market value wa | WA AL na | oma | NA i) | Residential Buildings Farm House Vi (including apartments): inci -Location (s) iL ni | Khasra No. 635/ | NA. NA NA as “Survey number(s) Land belongs to Smt Preneet Kaur “Area (Total measurementin sq. ft) na | NA House na | ona | NA ‘Built up Area (Total measurement in sq. ft.) A a Hees NA NAL NAL ‘Whether inherited property (Yes or No) Na nA No na [ona | NA | Date of purchase in case of self — acquired property na | NA NA na [ona | Na Cost of property (in case of purchase) at the time ofpurchase | NA NA NA na [ona | ona “Any Investment on the land by 7 way of development, NA na | Constructions. | NA | NA Ha. construction etc. 2,13,00,000/- Approximate current a RA. ae ” 2,18,00,000/- MAL NA The Contents document the true & corrack, " (Vtbucuetticleceat elo the deponent Hei vii has accepted ws NOTAR #HULIC PATIALA INDIA As gore i e New Moti Bagh Palace, Ineluding (including apartments): sii ni |Stalf Houses Patiala} yy 4 a iat -Location (s) ‘Khewat No. 2815 Khetauns 2677 & “Survey number(s) 4283/8155 Khasara| No. 473, 474, 2305) | 75, 476, 477, 2107/) 78, 479, 380, 2307/| $83, 2103/ 464 Area. . 160 Bighas (Total measurementin sq. ft) NA Na oipeves | NA | NA | NA 1958720 89. Built up Area (Total ee ' ‘measurement in sq. ft.) na | wa | ize0sesan, | na | NA | NA Whether inherited ' property Na NA Inherited wa | wa | NA b (Yes or No) i Date of purchase in case of self’ e acquired property NA NA NA na | ona | NA Cost of property (in case of purchase) at the time ofpurchase | NA. NA NA NA [| NA | NA ‘Any Investment on the land by way of development, ma | ome WA wa | oma | oma construction etc. | ‘Approximate currentmarket iat me | me | gay wa | NA | mA Residential Buildings aeaoiae (including apartment Location (5) ~Survey number(s) .A.S Nagar (Mohali) "7k No9/1, wasra No. 161(3-13] NIL me fiezs7y, 163217) wm | om | 168(1-1), he900-8), 703-8) hri6-13), 72-9) h73u1-10), hra(o-11), 17518) Kite 11 ‘Area (Total measurementin sq. pas Loe AS 5 Biswa NA NAL NAL Rup Area (Total NA | measurement in sq. ft.) NA, 12,500 Sq NA NA re 17 Bre tue d eanecl 82 eRe NOTARY PUL a _ PATIALA IND ja” The Contants of on this affic deponent Hel DAS Io este’ len, we On, o Whether inherited property NA NA, (Yes or No) NA. NA. NA Date of purchase in case of self — acquired property wa A ‘012018 NA. NA NA Cost of property (in case of Be TTAS000/- purchase) atthe time ofpurchase | NA | NA NA NA NA. ‘Any Investment on the land by ".8,06,00,0007 way of development, construction etc. NA. Na. NA. NA NA, Rs. . xa. | ma. | 12,80,00,000/- Approximate currentmarket value NA. wa. NA. w) ——— ‘The Following ‘Others (such as interest in Properties are property) NIL Nw under Ligation ‘sith po Tor fast so many years & our possession is hot there, the tile & Possession are in dispute in various court, ‘At present the value of interest in NIL based on ‘above facts as the same wll depend upon court decision. 1.Non = Agricultural land measurement about 26 kanal in village Tripurt Saidan Khewat No.1 Khatauni No, 2/ 35/24, 37/6/3, 14/2, 15/3/2, 4/1, 7/2, 38/1/2, 12/3 2.Rani Chakdear Hill measuring 190 Bigha 10 ‘Biswa Land, NA. NA. NA, The c . ‘ontants of this affidavit document have lariat! fen read over to NOTARY PULIC. PATIALA INDIA xed A Mie eccaticethege accepted we Ory hail (H 3.4.5 Bigha nd in Lal Bagh Patiala Khata/ Khasta 284 & 285 4.Col, Mistri House on. Dakala Road Measuremet 42 Kanal S.Property named as Patiala House in Kankhal (Haridwar) 6.Property Named as Patiala House at ‘Ambala Cant. Nill Ranbir Rura Dist Patiala Khewat No, 1 khatint No.l to 11 Khasra No, 481, 480, 678, 677, 679, 294, 205, 296, 1697, 1691, 1996, 946, 947, 948 to 953, 1661, 1662, 1663, 1664, 122 Bigha 18 Biswa, this agricultural land is possession of Revenue record is "Bewaza Kabza” 90 its ‘value is nll for HUF’ (vi) ] Total of current market value of 7 Rs. Rs. Rs. (i) t0 (v) above 19,80,000 | 2,28,00,00 | 8,92,00,000 | "A | NA | wa, 0 The Contants of nl this etd ied AS Ig, Rereiecscimy a cpr the ts renee has scerteg Notary PU” (2) I give herein below the details of liabilities/dues to public financial institutions and government:- (Note: Please give separate details of name of bank, institution, entity or individual andamount before each item) Description Self Spouse | HUF Been jepend Depend lo. jent-1 ent-2-_lent-3 Loan or dues to Nr NE nr A] NA] 8A Bank/Finai Anstitution(s) Name of Bank _ or Financial Institution, Amount outstanding, ‘Nature of loan Loan or dues to any Pma Gupta Nik NA [NK] other individuals) ature, Personel. entity other — than s.15,00,000/- mentioned above. dev Singh Name(s), ‘Amount piste personal outstanding, nature of [Amount loan Bes 9,53,369/- ‘Any other ability or Nien againat | NA [NA | Wk agricultural 6,02,00,000/ edidualon "arm House, ‘lage Siswa fes.2,00,00,000/- Grand total of liabi 24,59,969/- | NIL fts.9,02,00,000/-| WA | WA Wax A Witian og The Contants of this fi deeument have been ead ety the deponent He/She has accept the true & correct. Pe NOTARY PULIC PATIALAINDIA - qi T ‘Government Dues: (A)Has the Deponent been in occupation of [YESS Dues to departments accommodation provided by the Government at (PI. tick the dealing with any time during the last ten years before the appropriate jovernment date of notificatio ion? Sedition n of the current election? alternative) (B) If answer to (A) above is YES, the following declaration may be furnished namely:- @ The address of the Government accommodation: AsMLL.A.t #3019-A, Sector 39-D, Chandigarh As M.P.:#7-B, Janpath, New Delhi ‘As Chief Minister, Punjab: Govt. Kothi No.4, 45 & 6, Sector-2, CHD. (ii) There is no dues payable in respect of above Government accommodation, towards- TL (a) rent; at (b) electricity charges; ir (c) water charges; and NIL (@) telephone charges. aso 6 ataSor(t) [the date should be the last date of the third month prior to the month in which the election is notified or any date thereafter]. Note- ‘No Dues Certificate’ from the agencies concerned in respect of rent, electricity charges, water charges and telephone charges for the above Government accommodation should be submitted. Hcl & 8 : tectvit? icp Dishiet Pati's (?0,) asia Oyrest te. 4 2, 21 The Coniants of this offi ged As He, oS OF document havo been ccdoverg WS Mie the deponent He/She ha thetue Bcorect Hee Notary puLic 2ATIALA INDIA Gi) Dues to department dealing with Government transport NIL including airerafts and licopters) — Self Spouse | HUF [Depende]Depende| Depende ntl | nt | mts jv) _ Income Tax dues NE oy 7D WA Wa Wa (v) GST dues NIL ‘NIL ‘NIL NA ‘NA NA |_| vi) | Municipal/Property tax or Ni Nic Wx Wa TA | dues vil) | Any other dues Nit Ni Ni Wx wx a vii) | Grand total of all iL NI Ti We Xx 3K Government dues 7 any other Ni Nit Nit Wa we NA ix) | liabilities are in dispute, if so, mention the amount invoived and the authority before which it is pending. ‘The Comtants of this affidavit document have been read over to the deponent He/She has eccepted the &corrent 2 od AS Ide, oo mn a in, yy ee notaky puuic PATIALA INDIA (3) Details of profession or occupation: (a) Self — POLITICIAN (b) Spouse POLITICIAN (9A) Details of source(s) of income: (a) Self: Salary & Interest (b) Spouse: Salary, Interest, Agricultural Income & Dividend income (©) Source of income, if any, of dependents N.A- (9B) Contracts with appropriate Government and any public company or companies (a) details of contracts entered by the candidate NIL (b) details of contracts entered into by spouse NIL (c) details of contracts entered into by dependents NIL (4) details of contracts entered into by Hindu Undivided Family or trust in which the candidate or spouse or dependents have interest NIL. (6) details of contracts, entered into by Partnership Firms in which candidate or spouse or dependents are partners NIL (f details of contracts, entered into by private companies in which candidate or spouse or dependents have share NIL (4) My educational qualification is as under: Give details of highest School / University education mentioning the full form of the certificate/ diploma/ degree course, name of the School /College/ University and the year in which the course was completed.) Name of School / University | Year of Doon School ‘June 1959 Dec. 1962 ‘June 1963 L eaetbcehectieleae Sof this ono ve bo 1ent Ho/Shy hed AS Hani t pr we NOTARY PULIC PATIALA INDIA (1). ABSTRACT OF THE DETAILS GIVEN IN (1) TO (10) OF PART - Az i. ‘Name of the candidate Sh./Smt/Kum. Amarinder Singh p Full postal address ~~ |INo. 1669,New Moti Bagh Colony, Patiala i Number and name of the |175 Patiala Assembly Constituency, State Punjab constituency and State i Name of the political party which [Punjab LokCongress eee set_up the candidate (otherwise write “Independent’) Total number of pending criminal NIL cases Total Number of cases in which [NIL convicted 7. PAN of _ | Year for which last Total Income Shown Income Tax Return filed a) Candidate CBPSIOGON —_po20-2021 57TH (b) Spouse FABCPK3113B 020-2021 s. 50,009407- () HUF AHINGEDIP 020-2021 Bes. 2.198507 (d) Dependent A ix A iB. ile of Asseis and Liabilities (Including offshore assets) in rupees: Description Self Spouse UF pende Beer [Depend] silt nt-1 int ent-3 ir Moveable Assets F235500353.60- Its. 41755990297 Ra270(74¥- NA A ‘ (Total valuey B. Immovable Assets I} Purchase Price of TS B0m00- Ps I8STSTAF Re SEADODN RA, x x self-acquired immovable property IT | Developmenticonst Nil TT 26000 RS. 10,19, 00 0007 a, ie x ruction cost of, immovable e Contants this affiavit property after jocumient have feen read ofer to purchase ft e deponent He/he has acdepted applicable) ‘nde & corre 309 AS Kony os NOTARY PULIC PATIALA INDIA [TIT | Approximate Current Market Price (@) Self-acquired assets (Total Value) (b) Inherited assets (Total Value) .13,80,000/- Rs. 2.25,00,000/- aL NIL 5. 14,90,00,000/- RRs. 41,02,00,000"- Liabilities ()] Government dues (Total) IL tL aL ha A A Toans from Bank, Financial Institutions and others (Total) STEEL OS i 9,02,00,000- NA. x A 10.| | Liabilities that are w inder dispute (| Government dues (Total) aL mL NIL AL A A (Gp] Loans from Bank, Institutions and others (Total) Financial Nu me TI. | Highest educational was completed.) qualificati (Give details of highest School /University education mentioning the full form of the certificate/ diploma/ degree course, name of the School /College/ University and the year in which the course Name of School / University ‘Year of Passing Educational Qualification Doon School June 1959 Pre Senior Cambridge WDA Dec. 1962 TMA Doon June 1963 Commissioned in Army JAusrdusltcdhay The Contants document have been rez the deponent He/She has afitdavit ad overt the true & correct —— 25 ose AS Ideny aoe NOTARY PULIC PATIALA INDIA This Document has been enteres an my register at Serial Not) ' Identify the Deoonent/Persor 29 JAN 2022 townor know personaly NOTARY PUBLIC VERIFICATION |, Amarinder Singh, the deponent, above named, do hereby verify and declare that the contents of this affidavit are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and no part of itis false and nothing material has been concealed there from. I further declare that: (a) there is no case of conviction or pending case against me other than those mentioned in items 5 and 6 of Part A and B above; (b) I, my spouse, or my dependents do not have any asset or liability, other than those mentioned in items 7 and 8 of Part A and items 8, 9 and 10 of Part B above. Verified of. .fenddd DEPONENT Note: 1. Affidavit should be filed latest by 3.00 PM on the last day of filing nominations. Note: 2. Affidavit should be sworn before an Oath Commissioner or Magistrate of the First Class or before a Notary Public. Note: 3. All columns should be filled up and no column to be left blank. If there is no information to furnish in respect of any item, either “Nil” or “Not applicable”, as the case may be, should be mentioned. Note: 4, The affidavit should be either typed or written legibly and neatly. Note: 5. Each page of the Affidavit should be signed by the deponent and the Affidavit should bear on each page the stamp of the Notary or Oath Commissioner or Magistrate before whom the Affidavit is sworn. The gg este of this affidavit the amett have beon read over to As k yo? Seng a PULIC 5 PATIALA INDIA %6 9914146330

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