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often difficult and founded on mutual wariness didn’t promise to her childhood best friend, becoming maid-

prevent the regional players from understanding their of-honor at the school-teacher’s wedding. Daybreak
interests were better served together than apart. was lucky enough to catch a few words with Melissa
Australia was as blindsided by the appearance before her security team whisked her away to where
of novas as any country. As a small population, the she’s staying at an undisclosed location.
nation had few eruptions of its own, and those who Australia was just as eager to host Team
did rarely stuck around for long. Much like the big- Tomorrow’s Asia/Pacific expansion as every oth-
name Hollywood stars who had come before them, er nation in the region. However, understanding
Australian novas quickly moved away from the coun- the geopolitical currents and the financial and po-
try to seek their destinies elsewhere. They still had litical capital required to make a successful bid,
the Aussie sense of patriotism and love of country, but the Australian Government abruptly changed its
knew that fame, fortune, and adventure were ready tactic. Australia offered to support Indonesia’s ne-
for them to claim somewhere other than Australia. gotiations rather than making a play of its own.
As the world changed seemingly overnight, Australia Indonesia initially met this sudden and surprising
needed to shift its stance once again. It wanted a piece support from its southern neighbor with suspicion,
of the new nova superstars but couldn’t offer the entice- but agreed to the offer, as the strength of both coun-
ments other nations could. Instead, Australia worked tries behind the representations to Team Tomorrow
its reputation as a valued regional partner. made it almost impossible for Utopia to say no.
When T2M-AP opened its doors on an eastern
Excerpt from Opcast,
Indonesian island, Australia was positioned to offer
Daybreak with Stephanie Myers, Sydney edition
support (backed by the Indonesian government) to
Melissa Gusmao is back home in Sydney, taking a the newly installed team. Australia had open spaces
break from her busy schedule spending her days design- in abundance with old weapons testing ranges and
ing high-yield, grow-anywhere crops to feed the world, training and wargaming grounds scattered across
and her nights glamming it up on the catwalk for her the country. Here, Team Tomorrow’s novas could
own fashion label. She’s back in Australia fulfilling a test out their powers or trial the workings of some


Pratima’s tragic story drives her to always
do better and be stronger for the people
who need saving. Pratima was raised in a
traditional household in a small communi-
ty on the banks of the Mahi River in India.
She was happy surrounded by love and
community. She fell in love with Aarav
and was content with her life.
This all changed on Pratima’s wedding day.
At the end of the ceremony, Aarav escort-
ed her to the boat they would take along
the river to their new life together. Along
the journey, the boat caught on something
and capsized. When Pratima awoke, the
currents had brought her safely to shore
but there was no sign of Aarav. The river’s
waters parted as she cried and raged at
it, revealing Aarav cold and dead and still
trapped beneath the hull. The waters rose up
and deposited man and boat on the river’s
banks. Pratima fell to her knees and wept
while the quantum-suspended column of
water broke and rained down upon her.
She left her village after the funeral and traveled the waterways to Mumbai where she ap-
plied to join Utopia. She would do everything in her power to save people from suffering
loss as she had. Utopia was excited at Pratima’s remarkable water and weather control
powers, and her drive and dedication to human life made her a prime candidate for the
new Team Tomorrow project they were building.
After a series of successes, Splash has recently taken on leadership of T2M Asia-Pacific.
She’s particularly enjoying the responsibility, living surrounded by water, and once again
being closer to home.

new hyper-advanced piece of technology. In paral- range of climates and challenges, and the Tomorrow
lel, Australia marketed itself to Utopia as a resource Training Territories cover them all. AP’s leader,
hub for the Team Tomorrow facility, and a conve- Pratima “Splash” Basham, has invited us along to the
niently located area for manufacturing and ship- baking-hot desert training facility today, where she’s
ping anything Utopia needed for the team. going to challenge herself with the hardest conditions
for a water-controller. Come with us as we help put
From Spotlight on Team Tomorrow,
Splash to the test.
Asia-Pacific edition
For the moment, Australia is content with its po-
With rocket ranges for the Allies in World War 2 sition on the world’s stage. Playing a calm and con-
and nuclear testing during the Cold War, Australia has sistent supporting role in the region and with its
a long history of offering its open expanses to friends allies has won it respect in global politics as a rel-
and allies to build a better war machine. Now, the con- atively neutral facilitator when other nations need
cept is the same, but it’s being offered in the name of a third party to help them come to the negotiating
peace. Like the rest of the world, the Australian peo- table. By not forcing its way to the front on nova in-
ple have opened their hearts to Team Tomorrow, and terests, Australia has managed to come out further
with T2M-AP as helpful neighbors, now is the per- ahead than if it had tried to dominate. The ongoing
fect time to help the Team to perform at its best. And assistance to T2M-AP and Project Utopia provid-
it’s not just one location, either. Australia has a wide ed the national push to improve and modernize

Australia 81
Australian infrastructure and open the previously important part in the modern world. While the im-
sparsely populated ‘top end’ to a population boom age of Australia as a quiet team player way down on
following the vastly increased manufacture, storage the far side of the world is true, it’s just not the whole
and shipping moving through the port. truth.
All Australia’s major shipping hubs have benefit- The masterminds behind Kuro-Tek, the
ed from the nova age with updated infrastructure black-market Yakuza offshoot, had interest in
and improved efficiency technologies. Hyperfusion Australia’s potential. They saw the manufacturing
engines power the vehicles constantly traveling the centers scattered across the country, all separated
air, rail, road, and shipping lanes moving goods and by so much space. The distributed manufacturing
materials across the country and to the world. By hubs had long been a point of contention between
quietly supporting the UN and Utopia’s global im- Australian industries, who wanted to keep every-
provement programs, Australia has secured a com- thing close together to keep transport costs down,
fortable if unremarkable existence for its people. and the government, who needed to keep the wealth
spread around to keep reelection hopes alive.
Opening remarks from Kenichi Takenaka,
These political realities force Australia’s states to
Kuro-Tek board meeting, 2023.
divide manufacturing and distribution. The hubs
Esteemed family, thank you for your attendance to- in each state make some items but not everything.
day. Allow me to be blunt; Kuro-Tek is dying. Please, Smaller regional centers provide resources to the
I know my words are strong, but listen and you will hubs to manufacture parts. The hubs ship parts they
understand. We have survived Team Tomorrow’s can’t assemble to the states who can and receive
criminal purges; we have taken advantage of Saisho what they need to manufacture their own goods
and all the funds that came from government coffers. in turn. The completed items move back around
We control the best designers in the world, and we the country to retailers and consumers for domes-
give our customers what Utopia doesn’t want them to tic use, and distribution centers and ports to move
have. However, despite our generous donations and al- them to the international market. It’s wonderfully
liances, government scrutiny — and that of Nippontai inefficient, completely consistent with the needs of
— keep our manufacturing potential to a minimum. a modern liberal democracy, and devilishly difficult
We are unable to meet customer demand, and that is to track everything.
costing us money. Kuro-Tek wants profit, but manufacturing on
I will continue to be blunt. Our future no longer lies the scale required to meet demand and hide from
in Japan. We must look to outside manufacturing if we hostile forces is problematic. Australia has the man-
are to ensure supply in ways that will not be detected ufacturing and transport infrastructure, and work-
by the UN and its Utopian hounds. Thankfully, an op- force not inclined to ask too many questions, that
portunity has presented itself. I trust that you have all Kuro-Tek needs. Australia also doesn’t have too
seen the news of Team Tomorrow’s expansion around many Novas snooping around, especially in the less
the world. Reliable sources tell me that the Australian glamorous areas of the country.
government will back Indonesia’s claim to the Asia/ As Kuro-Tek’s strategists predicted, Project
Pacific headquarters in return for Indonesia support- Utopia spends generously for Australia’s depend-
ing Australia’s bid for the lucrative manufacturing and able supply system. Team Tomorrow invested con-
supply contracts that accompany Team Tomorrow. My siderable funds upgrading Australia’s northernmost
gifted associates have studied the Australian industri- capital, Darwin, to be able to supply the Indonesian-
al infrastructure and distribution chains. They inform based headquarters. Traffic through the expanded
me that if we move now to establish our interests be- and upgraded loading docks and airport has sky-
fore the Utopians arrive, there is maximum chance rocketed with the demand. The city works 24/7
that our own manufacturing requirements can be hid- with ships and aircraft loading and unloading with
den within the chains and distributed around the globe more than just Utopia’s needs to move the product
under the Utopian’s noses. to the world.
Your folders contain all the details. I open the floor For Kuro-Tek, Australia is the gateway to the
to discussion. South East Asian market and beyond, subsidized by
What few people understand — even most Project Utopia generosity, and hidden among offi-
Australians — is that Australia does play a very cially marked Team Tomorrow signed-and-sealed


From: Corona
Subject: It doesn’t make sense
One of my contacts forwarded this to me. It’s what I’ve been telling you about. No one
wastes this kind of time and money without reason.
Hey mate,
We’ve had another order of those spec-adjusted servo motors to be shipped over to Ade-
laide. I spoke to the guy on the phone and told him the local mob could do it for a lot less, but
he insists he prefers the Perth site’s precision, or something.
Anyway, it’s all been quoted and he’s happy with it. We need to order in the specific circuits
from Brisbane — I checked but there’s none in Sydney or Melbourne suppliers at the moment.
I’ve padded out the date of supply in case we have shipping problems, and I just need your
green light to get it started.

shipments. Demand for Kuro-Tek’s black-market Tomorrow operations can recover. The team has
technology has never been higher, especially that found minute particles in some devices, inadvertently
designed by novas, or at least inspired by nova locked within during manufacture. While not much
designs. to go on, extra-sensory nova abilities may be able to
Kuro-Tek isn’t too worried about Team discern their origin and point the team in Australia’s
Tomorrow discovering their supply chain. Utopia direction. In parallel, the Directive has unpicked the
isn’t the only group with novas on the payroll, and tangled supply chain as far back as Southern Asia, in-
Kuro-Tek has some of the smartest brains money triguingly hinting at links to T2M-AP.
can buy. The manufacturing circuit is filled with At the same time, Kuro-Tek’s novas regularly shuf-
bluffs and double-blinds that would make little to fle aspects of the system to obfuscate it further, but
no sense to an outside observer, even if they had it the system is most vulnerable during these transition
all laid out before them. This arrogance may be the phases. Kuro-Tek is currently moving a significant
enterprise’s undoing. chunk of the delivery system to the more southern
The system isn’t impenetrable. Project Utopia cities of Sydney and Perth to give time for trails lead-
knows that Kuro-Tek’s products come from some- ing to Darwin to cool. This may be noticed by Corona,
where, and its Research Oversight section has a small Sydney’s nova defender, who has busted several local
taskforce dedicated to deconstructing and examin- Kuro-Tek-supplied criminal groups and is investiga-
ing as many samples of Kuro-Tek product as Team tion the supply chain from the local Australian end.

Australia 83
“Hear me… No longer am I the woman you knew! I am Fire and Life
incarnate! Now and forever — I am Phoenix!”
— Jean Grey, Uncanny X-Men #101


Characters in a Trinity Continuum: Aberrant The Nova Template
campaign are most likely novas — people who have
A nova is a human who has realized their poten-
erupted with incredible powers and now face the
tial power to manipulate fundamental quantum
choice of what to do with those powers in an in-
forces, “erupting” from their baseline human sta-
creasingly complex and dangerous world. This chap-
tus to become a nova. Novas all possess a Quantum
ter covers the process of creating nova characters, as
Trait that defines their energy-manipulating abili-
well as rules specific to nova characters, new Paths,
ties and may have various Mega-Attributes, Mega-
and new Edges suited to the Aberrant era. The pro-
Edges, and Quantum Powers as manifestations of
cess of character creation follows the guidelines
those abilities.
given in the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook,
Novas are also subject to certain side effects from
apart from the differences detailed in the following
their quantum manipulations, creating a Quantum


While baselines are outclassed by novas on nearly all fronts, the Gifts of Talents from the
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook allow them to work with, or even go up against,
novas. Many of the factions of the Aberrant era, particularly the Directive and the Æon
Society, recruit Talents and playing a Talent is an excellent way for a “baseline” character
to team up with a nova. While some organizations are aware of Talents and the nature of
their abilities, to the general public, Talents are “merely” extraordinarily gifted or driven
Similarly, Psiads from Æon Æxpansion exist in the Aberrant era: Psions who sponta-
neously awaken to their abilities without the aid or focus of a Prometheus Chamber. With
the limited understanding of psi in 2028 and the far greater number of novas, the handful
of Psiads at this time are presumed to be novas with rare or unusual powers. Only the Æon
Society and a few of the Teragen have any inkling that psionic abilities are in any way
separate and distinct from — and to some degree opposed to — the Quantum Powers of


• The character gains one dot in one Attribute of
CHARACTER GENERATION their favored Approach.
• The character gains either one dot of the Fame
STEP ONE: CONCEPT Edge or one dot of the Alternate Identity Edge.
Pick your character’s name, back- “Relative obscurity” is not an option for novas in
ground, and Aspirations. this era. These Edges can be improved normally.
• The player can spend 150 Experience to im-
Pick your character’s Origin, Role, and
prove the character’s traits, including acquir-
Society Paths. New Role and Society
Paths specific to Aberrant are provid- ing nova traits like a higher Quantum rating,
ed on p. 99 and pp. 104–157. Mega-Attributes, Mega-Edges, and Quantum
Powers, including Quantum Technology. Note
SKILLS, SKILL TRICKS, that the bonus traits other Trinity Continuum
AND SPECIALTIES characters gain during Step Six: Final Touches
are “rolled in” to this Experience, novas do not
Assign your skill dots, and pick skill tricks
and specialties for any skills with a high also gain those bonus traits.
enough rating.
Quantum Trait
The nova’s Quantum Trait determines the ex-
Assign your attribute dots and choose tent of their ability to control fundamental forces,
your character’s favored approach.
their overall “power.” Nova characters begin with
STEP FIVE: a Quantum Trait of 1, which can be increased by
APPLY NOVA TEMPLATE spending Experience from their nova template. In
Up until this step, your choices have Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook terms, novas
largely focused on your character’s are Nova tier characters, and their target number
baseline existence. Now apply the for all rolls is 7.
nova template and spend Experience
to choose your character’s Mega-Attri- Nova Improvements
butes, Mega-Edges, Quantum Powers,
and Quantum Trait rating. You can spend 150 Experience points to improve
your nova character.
Spend any remaining Experience on NOVA TRAITS
rounding your character out, and cal-
You can spend this Experience on nova traits
culate Defense, Speed, and Injuries.
Do not take bonus traits as per Trinity like Mega-Attributes, Mega-Edges, and Quantum
Continuum Core Rulebook, p. 38 Powers, including power tags. You can apply nega-
(those are rolled into the starting expe- tive power tags to reduce the cost of some Quantum
rience points that novas get). Powers. See the Nova Experience Table (next page)
for trait costs and Chapter 6 (p. 180) for details on
these nova traits. Many nova traits have certain re-
Flux (or simply Flux) which can build up, causing quirements, particularly Quantum rating, or a num-
Transformation of the nova’s body and mind. Many ber of dots in another trait. Your character must
believe this process is one of Transcendence, as the meet these requirements in order to take that trait.
nova continues to change from merely human to
something far beyond. QUANTUM TRAIT
When applying the nova template to a character, You can also spend this Experience to improve
include the following modifications: your character’s Quantum rating. You cannot im-
prove Quantum rating above 5 using Experience
• The character gains a Quantum Trait rating of
from the nova template, and the Storyguide may
1 (see below).
choose to set a lower limit on Quantum rating im-
• The character gains the Nova tier, with a target provement during character creation.
number of 7.

creating nova characters 87

After character creation, you can only spend Experience to acquire or improve a nova
trait after maxing it out (p. 181). This includes Mega-Attributes, Mega-Edges, Quantum,
and Quantum Powers. You can still take transformations to reduce the Experience cost of
nova traits. Additionally, at Quantum 6 or greater, you can take a high-level transforma-
tion to reduce the Experience cost of a nova trait by 9.

TRANSFORMATIONS less advanced characters might be limited to a start-

ing Quantum rating of 2, noting that this bars them
You can choose to take an additional transfor-
from several powers from Chapter 6 and limits
mation for your nova to reduce the cost of the
them to just a couple of dots in many other powers.
nova trait (including Quantum): A low-level trans-
formation reduces the trait’s Experience cost by
3. A mid-level transformation reduces the trait’s
Experience cost by 6. You cannot have more total
transformations than twice your Quantum rating. ADDITIONAL
See Transformation on p. 90 for details. STARTING PATH DOTS
You can also spend Experience from your Default 150 0
nova improvements on regular traits, including
Attributes, Edges, Paths, Skills, and the like. You
Experienced 170 0
cannot take Transcendence or additional transfor- Veterans 210 0
mations to reduce the cost of these traits. Heroic 250 1

Creating More or Less Exceptional 300 2

Advanced Novas
The system in this chapter creates capable novas Novas and Scale
relatively early in their growth and development, but The Scale rules from the Trinity Continuum
still with significant levels of power. It is also possible to Core Rulebook play an important role in Aberrant
begin a Trinity Continuum: Aberrant chronicle with because many novas have abilities that operate at
more experienced or powerful nova characters, or less Scale far beyond that of baseline humans, and not
powerful ones. Options include experienced novas who all nova abilities operate at the same Scale for the
erupted years ago, as long ago as N-Day, or even earlier same things. There are novas with tremendous
— as a handful of novas did exist then — or novas who strength, speed, and toughness, for example, but
possess extraordinary levels of power, beyond what also novas whose intellect, cunning, or presence far
most have when they first erupt. Likewise, not all novas outstrip human capabilities.
erupt with the same levels or types of powers, and it is The seven areas of Scale in Trinity Continuum are:
possible to start off characters with a lower power level Durability, Leadership, Might, Mental, Power, Size, and
than that given in the default system. Speed. Increasing one type of Scale does not increase
Creating more or less advanced characters is a others and increases in Scale apply to actions that a
matter of following the character creation rules in higher-Scale character takes, the way they interact with
this chapter, and then adding a different amount the world and other characters around them.
of Experience points to spend at the end. The
Storyguide should also decide whether more ad- Quantum Flux and
vanced characters are allowed to exceed the start- Transcendence
ing Quantum rating limit of 5. This is only recom- The common belief in the Aberrant era is that
mended for a truly high power-level chronicle and, eruption is a binary process: You start out as a base-
even then, advanced characters should be limited line until one day, suddenly, you erupt and, bang!
to a Quantum rating of no greater than 7. Similarly,


Attribute Add one dot to an Attribute 10 Experience
Edge Add one dot in a new or existing Edge 3 Experience
Enhanced Edge Gain a new Enhanced Edge 6 Experience
Path Edge Add one dot in a new or existing Path Edge 2 Experience
Favored Approach Change the character’s Favored Approach 15 Experience
Mega-Attribute Add one dot in a new or existing Mega-Attribute 12 Experience*
Mega-Edge Add one dot in a new or existing Mega-Edge 12 Experience*
Power Tag Add one point in a new or existing Power Tag 12 Experience
Quantum Trait Add one dot to the character’s Quantum Trait (up to 5) 16 Experience
Quantum Trait Add one dot to the character’s Quantum Trait (6+) 32 Experience
Quantum Power Add one dot in a new or existing Quantum Power 12 Experience*
Remove Tag Remove one point of a negative Power Tag 12 Experience
Skill Add one dot in a new or existing Skill 5 Experience
Skill Trick Add a Skill Trick to an existing Skill 3 Experience
Specialty Add a Specialty to an existing Skill 3 Experience
Path Add one dot in a new or existing Path (maximum five Paths) 18 Experience
* 6 Experience if the nova also takes a point of Transcendence (see p. 90)
You’re a nova, and that’s that. In fact, eruption is just Transformations, both physical and mental, what
the beginning of an ongoing process. Novas are, in some call “aberrations” of body and mind. For many
essence, living quantum flux zones, and their inter- novas these amount to random mutations, but tech-
action with fundamental forces shape and change niques known to the Teragen can control and direct
them even as they shape those forces. More expe- the process, allowing novas to choose how they
rienced novas like Divis Mal and some of the elders transform or to change those transformations.
of the Teragen, as well as some long-time associates Novas accumulate points of Flux in the following
of the Æon Society, have a greater understanding ways:
of this transformative process. A lot of other novas
• Botches: When the player botches a roll with a
have no idea... yet.
Quantum Power, the nova gains a point of Flux.
Flux This is not the case with Mega-Attributes or
Novas accumulate Flux from the use of their Mega-Edges.
powers, particularly pushing those powers to • Maxing Out: When a nova maxes out, exceed-
their limits. Accumulated Flux can lead to an in- ing their usual energy manipulating limits,
creasing Transcendence for the nova and causing they acquire a point of Flux. If they botch the


As Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook says, Flux is the inherent energy in the space
between worlds, the overlapping potentiality of the continuum of parallel realities. Talents
use this uncertainty to “push” reality one way or another to suit their needs. The powers of
novas place them in a state of “quantum flux” as they exert their power over the funda-
mental forces of the universe. This energy can build up over time, pushing the nova further
and further away from baseline humanity.

creating nova characters 89

effort, they gain an additional point of Flux. ordinary humans.
They can also gain additional Flux in exchange
• For each dot of Transcendence rating the
for more successes on a maxing out effort. See
nova has above 3, the nova acquires a trans-
Maxing Out, p. 181.
formation (see below): one low-level each at
• Rapid Recovery: When novas force them- Transcendence 4 and 5, one mid-level each
selves to recover Quantum points faster than at Transcendence 6 and 7, and one high-level
normal, they gain a point of Flux. See Quantum each at Transcendence 8 and 9.
Points, p. 180. If a nova reaches Transcendence rating 10, they tran-
Other specific ways of accumulating Flux are de- scend humanity altogether and become something else,
tailed in the text but are comparatively rare. what can truly be called an aberrant. The nova falls under
At Flux 10, the nova gains a point of Transcendence the control of the Storyguide, who may choose additional
and their Flux rating resets to 0 (see below). Novas can transformations and adjust the character’s other traits as
shed accumulated Flux through grounding (p. 93) and desired. Novas undergoing full transcendence can twist
channel it in specific way through chrysalis (p. 94). and mutate in terrible ways, with no known limits.

Transcendence Transformation
Accumulations of Quantum and Flux lead Transcendence changes the nova in various ways.
to Transcendence for a nova, moving them fur- These transformations range from the physical to
ther and further away from the human baseline. the psychological and emotional, or even quan-
Novas gain Transcendence rating in the follow- tum-level shifts in the nova’s relationship with re-
ing ways: ality as baselines understand it.
• Quantum: A nova gains a point of
Transcendence upon gaining their fourth
dot in the Quantum Trait, and another for
each additional dot in Quantum thereafter, At this level of Transcendence, a nova’s “otherness,”
so a nova with Quantum 8, for example, has a previously just an impression at Transcendence 1
Transcendence rating of at least 5. through 3, takes on a clear manifestation. Low-level
transformations remain minor enough to be dismissed
• Power: A nova can purchase a nova trait (Mega- as quirks or even “fashion statements” and often are,
Attribute, Mega-Edge, or Quantum Power) for but still make it clear novas are something other than
half the normal Experience cost, if the nova human. A low-level transformation is generally good
also takes a point of Transcendence at that for a +1 Complication or increase in Difficulty in social
time. This applies both during character cre- situations, depending on the circumstances. Common
ation and later during character advancement. examples include rumors and behind-the-scenes mis-
• Flux: A nova whose Flux rating reaches 10 trust, or assumptions based on the nova’s usual traits.
gains a point of Transcendence and the nova’s Aberrant Eyes: The nova’s eyes transform, taking
Flux resets to a rating of 0. Novas can shed ac- on an unusual quality, like a faint glow that shines
cumulated Flux through grounding and chan- brighter the more the nova spends Quantum points,
nel it in specific ways through chrysalis. or becoming completely black or red or some other
solid color, cat-like with slit pupils, or even shifting
Transcendence rating has the following effects on
through different appearances.
a character:
Anima Aura: A glowing, phantasmal aura some-
• Half the difference between two characters’ times manifests around the nova, ranging from a
Transcendence ratings, rounded down, serves saintly halo or full-body glow to ghostly images
as an increase in Difficulty to form bonds be- associated with the nova’s powers and personali-
tween them (see “Intrigue” in the Trinity ty such as psychological or mythic archetypes or
Continuum Core Rulebook, p. 87). So, a symbols. The greater the nova’s Transcendence, the
nova with Transcendence 4 and a baseline more pronounced their anima aura becomes. Some
(Transcendence 0) have +2 Difficulty in form- even manifest phantom sounds or scents, ranging
ing bonds due to the nova’s differences from


from ghostly music to the smell of the sea, spices, Life Bane: The nova emits an invisible, low-lev-
flowers, or rotting flesh. el degree of quantum flux that is inimical to lower
Epidermal Shift: The nova’s epidermis trans- life forms. Plants, small insects, fungi, and similar
forms in some unusual but minor way, such as de- life dies and withers in the nova’s presence. The
veloping fur, feathers, or scales, changing to an un- higher the nova’s Transcendence, the faster and
usual color anywhere along the spectrum, losing all more profound the effect, ranging from a wake of
pigmentation entirely, or acquiring a metallic sheen. brown and dying plant-life noticed in retrospect to
Feeding Requirement: This transformation sparks watching plants and other lower life-forms within
a dependence on some food, substance, or energy. It Close range blacken and shrivel in an instant as if
can range from eating only raw meat (and lots of it) to consumed in an invisible fire.
a need for live bugs, electricity, radioactive isotopes, or Psychological Shift: This is the subtlest of low-lev-
heavy metals. The feeding requirement causes the nova el transformations, a shift in the nova’s personality or
no harm — on the contrary, it becomes utterly neces- behavior that might be dismissed as a personal quirk
sary to maintain the nova’s health and well-being. or the effects of post-eruption trauma or celebrity
Inhuman Beauty: A nova with this transforma- — and for some novas that is entirely the case. For
tion is inhumanly, utterly flawless, but what should others, the transformation of body and mind leads
be a blessing just seems too perfect. At best, other to psychological shifts like absent-mindedness, bad
people feel jealous and awkward, at worst, they temper, obsessive thoughts, or strong phobias.
sense something disturbing about the nova lurking Vocal Shift: The nova’s voice undergoes a change,
beneath that beautiful façade. becoming unusual in some way. It might be hollow

creating nova characters 91

and echo, deep and raspy, low and whispering, buzz- Psychological Disorder: At this level of transfor-
ing and electronic, or any number of other odd shifts mation, the nova’s psyche shifts in a significant and
in tonal quality. Whatever the shift, there’s no mistak- challenging way, ranging from amnesia, delusions,
ing it when the nova speaks or vocalizes in any way. flashbacks, and compulsions to seizures, paranoia,
or strongly obsessive behavior. The nova is func-
MID-LEVEL TRANSFORMATIONS tional — most of the time — but their psychological
(TRANSCENDENCE 6 OR 7) disorder occasionally overwhelms them.
Transformations at this level cannot be so easily Uncontrolled Dormancy: The nova effectively has
dismissed. They are clear evidence that something two dots of the Dormancy Edge (p. 95), except the nova
is profoundly different about the nova. Mid-level is not in full control of when they go dormant or when
transformations can significantly affect the nova’s their nova abilities reassert themselves. Uncontrolled
life and are good for up to +2 Complications or dormancy usually happens in response to some phys-
Difficulty shifts when they come up. ical or psychological stimulus, such as anger, fear, or an
Allergic Reaction: The nova suffers from exposure environmental condition like darkness, cold, heat, or
to a substance or environment that is largely harmless the like. The nova may have different conditions that
to baselines. Examples include materials like salt, iron, trigger and end dormancy. Unlike Hyde Syndrome (see
silver, or plastics, or energy like the ultraviolet radia- the following), a nova with Uncontrolled Dormancy
tion in sunlight, strong magnetic fields, or the like. does not necessarily have separate personalities or
Energy Bleed: The powerful energies coursing memories for their nova and baseline forms.
through and around the nova tend to “bleed” into Uncontrolled Power: One of the nova’s powers
the environment. The nova is constantly giving off is not entirely under their control. The power can
small “sparks” or bursts of energy, which can cause sometimes activate at the Storyguide’s discretion,
problems based on the nature of the energy, such as either at random or in reaction to the nova’s sub-
electricity, heat, magnetism, or radiation. conscious impulses or even other transformations,
Hypersensitivity: One or more of the nova’s particularly psychological ones. An uncontrolled
senses is so acute that the nova is prone to over- power can cause any number of complications for
stimulation. They may suffer Complications or a nova, and anyone known to have this transforma-
Difficulty shifts in environments that strongly affect tion is likely to be viewed as a literal “loose cannon.”
that sense, ranging from bright or noisy situations Vulnerability: The nova’s transformed physiolo-
to strong scents, and attacks targeting that sense gy becomes vulnerable to a specific form of harm,
gain up to 2 Enhancement against the nova. ranging from a type of energy, an environment, or
Physiological Shift: This level transformation a kind of attack, such as blunt-force trauma or cut-
begins to reshape the nova’s body in different notice- ting edged weapons. When attacking a nova with
able ways, ranging from the nova becoming unusu- their vulnerability, the attacker gains additional 2
ally tall or short, thin or broad, or the enlargement Enhancement on the action.
or diminishment of individual body parts, such as
the head or hands. The nova might take on certain
“anima” characteristics of an associated animal or
other creature, such as a “demonic” shift complete Novas who carefully manage their accumulation
with horns, pointed ears, red skin, a forked tongue of Flux and their Transcendence can avoid transfor-
and tail, bat-like wings, and cloven hooves. mations of this level altogether, but other novas run
Power Loss: Certain circumstances cause the into them quickly, and there is no mistaking these for
nova to lose the use of their powers. It could be anything other than the process of the nova becoming
requiring a particular “talisman,” what some call something non-human. Even once a nova has fully
“Dumbo syndrome” — without it, the nova’s pow- transcended, they might continue to accumulate these
ers don’t work. The nova might lose their powers kinds of transformations, becoming almost alien beings
at night (or during the day), when trapped in an from the perspective of baseline humanity.
enclosed space (or otherwise faced with a phobia), Energy Emissions: With this transformation, the
when in a crowd (or when alone), and so forth. Only nova emits potentially lethal energy at virtually all
removal of the power loss condition can restore the times. This might be hard radiation, sudden bolts of
nova’s full abilities. electricity, intense heat or cold, or some combination


of forces. The Close area around the nova becomes including megalomania (“Is it a delusion when you
an Environmental Hazard with an intensity equal to really are a god?”), dissociative disorders and mas-
half the nova’s Quantum or Transcendence ratings, sive delusions (“Reality is whatever I want it to be!”),
rounded down, whichever is less. and sadism or a complete lack of empathy (“Humans
Flux Emissions: Even more insidious than the are such small and fragile things. Irrelevant, really.”).
emission of deadly electromagnetic energies, this The behavior of such afflicted novas is difficult to
transforms the nova’s status as a “living quantum predict, and they become capable of truly inhumane
flux” into a condition affecting the environment. behavior, sometimes without even knowing it.
When anyone comes within Close range of the nova, Twisted Appearance: The nova is twisted into
and for every (Stamina) hours thereafter, roll the something truly inhuman in appearance. Vestigial
nova’s Transcendence against the subject’s Stamina. limbs or wings, inhuman faces, strange shapes shift-
Each success from the nova imposes 1 Flux on the ing beneath the skin, random animal parts (includ-
subject, even baselines and Talents. Characters can ing fish, reptiles, and insects), and skin sloughing
acquire Transcendence and transformation due away from raw muscle and viscera are just a few ex-
to this Flux and even fully transcend, becoming amples. Forms out of nightmares are possible, often
Storyteller characters. Characters with a Psi rating with the nova reveling in their new form, or all too
are immune to the effects of this transformation. aware of just how hideous they have become.
Hardened Epidermis: The nova’s skin and flesh
harden, developing chitinous or armored scales or GROUNDING
turning metallic or stone-like. The corresponding There are two primary ways of dealing with
loss of sensation imposes a Difficulty increase equal Flux and Transcendence: anchoring oneself in
to half the nova’s Transcendence on rolls involving the mundane and human world to maintain those
touch or physical sensitivity. connections, or embracing the inevitable transfor-
Hyde Syndrome: A nova with this transforma- mations in order to guide them along a particular
tion acquires the effects of two dots in the Dormancy path. Grounding involves the former, minimizing
Edge, except the ability is entirely outside the nova’s use of nova abilities and using ordinary interac-
conscious control, and their two distinct forms are tions with baseline people and life to keep a nova
“nova” and “aberrant.” The aberrant form carries all more firmly grounded in their own humanity. It is
the nova’s transformations and has its own person- a memento mori to stave off some of the effects of
ality — and often psychological disorders. The nova Transcendence.
form has no recollection or even awareness of the ab- If a nova spends a session utilizing all nova traits
errant form or what it does. Transforming between (Mega-Attributes, Mega-Edges, and Quantum
forms takes a turn, but the nova identity cannot Powers) at no more than half their rating and
control when it occurs. (If the character wants con- does not accumulate any additional Flux during
trolled forms with the capacity to potentially hide or that time, the nova’s player can roll Quantum +
lose powers, see Dormancy, p. 95.) Composure. Each success removes 1 point of Flux.
Power Lock: One of the nova’s personal range Failure has no effect but awards the Consolation of
powers becomes permanent in duration. The nova 1 Enhancement on the next successful roll to reduce
cannot consciously turn off the power or end its ef- Flux. A botch adds a point of Flux and means the
fects. This can include the nova being permanent- whole process must start over.
ly trapped in an altered form, transformed into a A nova who spends a session not using any nova
substance other than flesh, trapped within a force traits at all, automatically sheds a point of Flux at
field, or other such effects. It usually complicates the end of the session, but any return to their full
the nova’s existence, makes it almost impossible to nova form and powers disrupts the process, forcing
conceal their true nature, and may endanger those them to start over.
around the character. The power locked power Each scene of interaction with a baseline or base-
stops working when the nova goes dormant but im- lines while not using any nova traits also allows the
mediately reactivates when the character returns to nova to spend one success from a bond to shed one
their nova form. point of Flux (see Bonds and Cooperation, p. 86 of
Severe Psychological Disorder: At this level, the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook). If a nova
transformed novas can suffer from severe disorders, employs their nova abilities during the scene, it

creating nova characters 93

disrupts the process. They must engage with base- that trait previously (see Maxing Out, p. 181),
lines on baseline terms. with a limit of adding no more than one dot
Novas using the Dormancy Edge have an easier to any given nova trait per chrysalis, includ-
time grounding because they deliberately “turn off” ing Quantum. This extends the duration of
their nova capabilities, preventing them from even the chrysalis by days equal to the number of
using them accidentally or reflexively (see New Experience points spent.
Edges and Gifts, following).
• Players can make greater tweaks to their no-
Some novas choose to maintain “civilian” lives va’s abilities while in chrysalis (see Tweaks, p.
or even “secret identities” because of the value of 39 of the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook):
grounding. Project Utopia psychologists and nova shifting one dot from one Mega-Attribute to
physiologists are aware that novas who maintain another, from one Mega-Edge to another, or
grounded lives seem to suffer from fewer complica- from one Quantum Power to another. Each dot
tions due to the growth of their abilities and try to shifted adds seven days to the duration of the
encourage this practice. chrysalis.
CHRYSALIS • The nova can swap an existing transfor-
Whereas grounding looks to tamp down a nova’s mation for a new one of their choice (see
inner fires, the process of chrysalis turns them into Transformations, p. 90). The new transfor-
a crucible to burn away human frailty, transform- mation must be of the same level as the pre-
ing a nova into their ultimate, evolved form. A nova vious one, but otherwise the nova can dictate
needs the Chrysalis Edge in order to do this (see everything else about it. The new transforma-
New Edges and Gifts, following). tions are permanent once the nova emerges
With chrysalis, when a nova attains a Flux rat- from chrysalis, at least until a future chrysa-
ing of 10, they can choose to go into a deep med- lis, when they can be changed again. This ex-
itative trance state wherein they exert influence tends the duration of the Chrysalis by a day per
over their Transcendence. This happens before the transformation.
nova trades their accumulated Flux for a point of • The player can spend Experience to reduce
Transcendence, since their choices in the chrysalis the nova’s accumulated Flux, at a cost of 2
can affect that. How long this trance state lasts de- Experience per point of Flux. If the nova
pends on what the nova chooses to do in it. emerges from the chrysalis with a Flux of less
While in the chrysalis state, the nova has the than 10, they do not gain an additional point of
benefits of the Adaptation and Regeneration Mega- Transcendence. This process takes an hour per
Edges, even if they do not have Mega-Stamina (see point of Experience spent.
Mega-Edges, p. 181 and p. 194). They are uncon-
scious and largely unaware of what is happening • If the nova takes on an additional transforma-
around them, immersed in an inner world. The no- tion, they reduce their accumulated Flux to
va’s appearance may transform during this time, or 0. The transformation must be of a level re-
the chrysalis may wrap them in a protective aura or quired by the nova’s current Transcendence,
cocoon. The outward effects tend to be greater the or low-level, if Transcendence is 3 or less. This
higher the nova’s Quantum and Transcendence and prevents the nova from acquiring an addition-
the longer the chrysalis lasts. al point of Transcendence due to accumulated
Chrysalis has the following benefits and effects: Flux, channeling it “away” into further trans-
formations. This process takes hours equal to
• Players can spend Experience points to im- the nova’s current Transcendence, with a min-
prove or acquire nova traits for the character imum of one hour.
without the requirement of having maxed out


The following new Edges and Gifts are available them. She can attune a number of objects of size Scale
to Trinity Continuum: Aberrant characters fol- 1 or lower equal to her dots in this Edge, or a single
lowing the usual rules for Edges and Gifts from the object of size Scale equal to her dot rating. (A set of
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook. Aberrant also clothing counts as a single item for this purpose.)
introduces a new class of Edges known as Mega- Your character can additionally attune a single
Edges, which are superhuman level abilities. Mega- Q-tech item of Rank equal to her dots in this Edge.
Edges are detailed starting on p. 186. To attune Q-tech, spend one Quantum point per the
item’s Rank. These Quantum points are invested
Nova Edges into the item rather than spent, reducing the char-
These Edges are particular to characters with the acter’s maximum number of Quantum points by the
nova template and a Quantum Trait rating of at least invested number until she removes the attunement
1. They are not available to other characters. from the device, or it is broken.
Characters who purchase this Edge at character
ATTUNEMENT (• TO •••••) creation start the game with a Q-tech device at a
One of the immediate aspects studies of novas re- maximum Rank of the Edge’s rating. To attune more
vealed was they were largely “attuned” to their own than one Q-tech item, the character must purchase
powers in such a way that using those powers didn’t the Q-tech Mega-Edge (p. 194).
cause them any harm. So novas able to project tre-
mendous amounts of energy, for example, suffer no DORMANCY (• TO ••)
ill effects from doing so, even if they are otherwise Transformations clearly mark some novas as
no more resistant to that energy than a baseline. something other than human. Additionally, all no-
Your character can spend one Quantum point to vas are living points of quantum flux, detectable to
attune material to her “quantum imprint” allowing certain scientific scanning equipment as well as the
the item to adapt to her powers and not be harmed by powers of other novas.

new edges and gifts 95

Novas with the Dormancy Edge can deliberately Path Edges
“power down” their energy manipulating qualities
to avoid being detected as novas. “Dorming down” BORROWED RESOURCES (••)
in nova parlance takes a turn of concentration, after
Prerequisite: Æon Society, Project Proteus, or
which all the character’s nova traits are shut down.
Alternate Identity
While dormant, a nova has no access to any Mega-
Your character can leverage their position in
Attributes, Mega-Edges, or Quantum Powers. The nova
their regular job to acquire resources for a mission.
remains in a dormant state until taking a turn of con-
Choose a resource, and its purpose, that your char-
centration to “power up” again. While dormant, rolls
acter may access through their Alternate Identity,
to discover their true nature gain +1 Difficulty per dot
such as a drug if the character fronts in the Triton
in Dormancy. Additionally, the dormant nova reduces
Foundation, or contact information on a politi-
their effective Transcendence rating by their Quantum
cian if the character fronts as an assistant in Æon’s
rating, suppressing any associated Transformations for
Global Liaisons. For the next day, you can add 2
as long as the character remains dormant. Novas with
Enhancement to actions that use your chosen re-
Transcendence ratings higher than their Quantum can-
source. You may use this Edge only once each ses-
not completely suppress their nature, although they can
sion, and the Storyguide can decide that you used up
restrict their remaining Transformations to non-visible
the resource and this benefit becomes unavailable.
ones in hopes of maintaining a disguise.
Novas with two dots in Dormancy have entirely CALL FOR BACKUP (• TO •••)
separate “nova” and “baseline” forms, if they wish,
Prerequisite: Project Utopia-Nova Affairs or
transforming between them. The baseline and nova
Peacekeepers, or Team Tomorrow
forms may be completely different and cannot be
physically linked. When you are in a tight spot, you can call for
help, provided you have a means to communicate
EUFIBER (• TO •••••) with Project Utopia or Team Tomorrow. Make a
Command + Presence roll with a Difficulty of 2. If
A nova with this Edge owns or has access to cloth-
successful, Utopia or Team Tomorrow dispatches
ing made from eufiber, a nova-made material with
help depending on the dots you have in this Edge:
special properties in terms of attunement to nova
powers and energies. • Three agents from Security. They arrive in
two hours or more, depending on how far
Eufiber clothing can be attuned to its nova wearer
you are from the nearest Rashoud Center or
without any need for the Attunement Edge (p. 95).
Utopia facility. Use the information for secu-
This makes the eufiber immune to the side effects of
rity personnel on p. 261.
the nova’s powers, and allows it to morph, shift, and
transform as needed to adapt to the nova’s powers. •• A squad of 10 from Peacekeeping. They arrive in
30 minutes, depending on how far you are from
Eufiber can also retain a “memory” of certain pre-pro-
the nearest Rashoud Center or Utopia facility.
grammed configurations, up to one configuration per dot
Use the information for soldiers on p. 261.
in the Edge, changing its color, cut, and shape as desired.
It takes an action to will the eufiber to transform, but no ••• One or two members of the nearest Team
roll or Quantum point expenditure is required. Tomorrow arena. They arrive in five minutes,
depending on how quickly they can get hold
Eufiber can store energy the nova can draw upon.
of Slider. Use the information for an Elite
Each dot in the Edge allows the nova to store 1
(p. 269) or the information of specific T2M
Quantum point in the eufiber’s structure. The nova
can draw upon these stored Quantum points and use
them normally. Infusing Quantum points into eufiber Every Enhancement used for the action reduces
at less than its full capacity takes one action to infuse a the response time by 15 minutes (•), 2 minutes (••),
number of points equal to the user’s Quantum rating. or 1 minute (•••).
Lastly, energized eufiber becomes highly resistant Using this Edge counts as using a Connection with
to damage, providing its wearer with armor with the same rating as the number of dots in this Edge.
the Innocuous and Soft 1 tags, so long as the eufiber Each use reduces the rating until it reaches 0, but the
contains at least one Quantum point. Add additional rating recovers one dot for every week this Edge is not
armor tags equal to the number of dots in this Edge. used. If this Edge is Revoked like a Connection, you


lose access to its benefits until you can resolve the amount equal to the number of dots of this Edge. At
Revoked condition, and even then, the support may be the Storyguide’s judgment, this Edge may also ap-
conditional until you can prove your reliability again. ply to underwater conditions. The character gains
Enhancement to actions taken in zero-g equal to the
CHRYSALIS (•) number of dots in this Edge.
Prerequisite: Teragen
By embracing their Transcendence and journey
towards something beyond humanity, the Teragen Prerequisite: The Directive
discovered a technique for directing quantum insta- Your character is always outfitted with the right
bility into what they call the Chrysalis. While the things for the job at hand. Novas purchase this Edge
nova is in an extreme state of quantum flux, they use at two dots and can spend Momentum as if it were
meditative techniques to direct their “evolution” Inspiration for Dramatic Editing (Trinity Continuum
and exert influence over their transformations. Core Rulebook, p. 154), only to generate a plausible
Chrysalis requires the direction and oversight of an advantage once within a scene involving having just
experienced mentor the first time a nova charac- the right piece of equipment. The equipment can be
ter performs it and, to-date, involves at least some core-tech or nova tech, but not quantum tech (see the
understanding of the philosophy of Teras, around Chapter Seven: Technology, p. 228, for details) and it is
which the practice was built. good for that one scene or use. You must provide the
A nova with this Edge can use the options de- Storyguide with a plausible explanation for how you
scribed under Chrysalis (p. 94) for dealing with happen to have access to the equipment, ranging from
their accumulated Flux. a hidden cache to having it concealed on your person,
in your vehicle, or the like. Talents within the Directive
EARNED TRUST (• OR ••) can buy this Edge at one dot solely to use Momentum
Prerequisite: Æon Society in lieu of Inspiration for this specific purpose.
The Æon Society has a century’s worth of hu-
manitarian activities, and its members can reap the
Social Edges
benefits of such good will. When your character
FOLLOWERS (• TO •••••)
presents credentials from Æon or one of its affili-
ates, they gain 1 Enhancement per point spent on Novas who operate in public tend to attract fol-
this Edge on actions meant to overcome other char- lowings. Typically, a nova has fans and casual “fol-
acters’ hostility, mistrust, or lack of confidence lowers” based on their dots of Fame, but some novas
have truly dedicated, even fanatical, groups of fol-
FRIENDS EVERYWHERE (• OR ••) lowers, which are covered by this Edge.
Prerequisite: Project Utopia A nova’s Followers are defined by an Arena, the
Even if you kept to yourself during your work same as Attributes: Choose whether the Followers
with Project Utopia, it’s inevitable that you know are primarily Physical, Mental, or Social. Physical
people. Utopia makes sure you play well with oth- Followers tend to be bodyguards, laborers, even
ers, and this extends to your professional life. Once soldiers or security. Mental Followers are primari-
per session per dot in this Edge, you can spend 1 ly consultants, assistants, advisors, or experts, and
Momentum to gain a contact from your Profession Social Followers tend to form an entourage — or
Path. This contact is temporary and only lasts until even a cult of personality — around the nova.
the end of the session, but any favor you owe them Followers can take one Bruised and one Maimed
in return will remain due. Condition before being Taken Out. Their Defense is
equal to half the rating of this Edge, rounded up.
MICROGRAVITY TRAINING (• TO •••) Much like powers, Followers may also have tags
Prerequisite: The Daedalus League, Direction to define important elements about them. Followers
Sense have one tag per dot in this Edge.
Your character is not disoriented when up • Access: The Followers grant the nova access to
and down are a matter of preference. You can re- some otherwise difficult to reach place or in-
duce the Difficulty of any roll involving low grav- stitution, such as the halls of government, dip-
ity, weightlessness or free-fall conditions by an lomatic facilities, scientific research facilities,

new edges and gifts 97

and so forth. Each application of this tag pro- Ordinary action but can be part of a mixed action,
vides a new form of access. if the character is doing something else at the same
time. Followers don’t get a spot in the initiative ros-
• Arena: The Followers operate in an additional
ter or act independently — they always act on the
Arena (Physical, Mental, or Social). With two
commanding character’s turn, and their action al-
instances of this tag, they operate in all three.
ways uses up the character’s focus. If the charac-
• Defensive: The Followers add 1 to their ter is Taken Out, their Followers can continue act-
Defense. Alternately, if it fits their description, ing on their turn, but their dice pool becomes the
this tag adds 1 to the Difficulty of intrigues and Followers Edge rating + the character’s Attribute,
opposed actions against the Followers instead. without the benefit of Command.
If a character with Followers is present in a scene
• Forceful: The Followers are especially forceful and either the character or the Followers suffer an
and gain 2 Enhancement on actions meant to Injury Condition, the character can choose whether
harm others within their Arena. the Condition affects them or the Followers.
• Helpful: If a complex action fits within the Followers that are Taken Out typically return
Followers’ Arena and description, the nova to their default state at the beginning of the next
gains one additional Interval to complete it. session, either recovered or replaced with new
Followers. If being Taken Out means they are per-
• Number: A group of Followers starts out at manently removed from play and the Storyguide
around 10–25 individuals. Each application of feels the Followers numbers are permanently di-
this tag increases their number: to 50, 100, 250, minished as a result, dots in this Edge may be as-
500, and 1,000. signed to another.
• Powerful: Choose one area in which the You may purchase this Edge multiple times to re-
Followers have Scale, such as Might, Mental, flect different groups of Followers.
Size, or Speed, and increase that Scale by 1.
• Smooth: The Followers improve the Attitude
of Storyguide characters by 1, so long as they THE BIGGER THEY ARE
are present and the character is receptive, Keywords: Luck, Momentary
based on the Followers’ description. In deal-
When necessary, the character can take on oppo-
ing with particularly opposed characters, they
nents far out of their league and somehow still man-
may worsen Attitude by 1 instead.
age to succeed.
• Tough: The Followers have 1 point of Soft System: Spend an Inspiration to activate this gift
Armor. for one round. When in conflict with an opponent
of higher Scale than you, reduce the difference in
• Unruly: The Followers don’t take or follow Scale between you by your highest Inspiration
orders especially well. All Difficulties to com- Facet, but not to less than 0, and ignore the rule that
mand them increase by 1, but the nova adds says you have no effect against an opponent with
Momentum to the pool whenever they fail to a Scale difference of 3 or greater. So, you are both
meet the Difficulty. more effective against higher-Scale foes and you al-
When ordering Followers to do something, the ways have a chance against them, regardless of their
dice pool is the higher of the Followers’ Edge rat- Scale. This Gift does not change your own Scale; it
ing or the character’s Command plus an appro- simply adjusts the Scale difference between you and
priate Attribute. Commanding Followers is an your opponents for one round.


Trinity Continuum: Aberrant characters can Example Connections: Fans, Fellow Celebrities,
make use of any of the Paths presented in the Legal Counsel, Manager, Politicians
Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook, and players Skills: Culture, Empathy, Humanities, Persuasion
are encouraged to create their own Origin and Role Edges: Artistic Talent, Big Hearted, Fame (re-
paths to suit their character concepts. A few new quired), Followers, Patron, Skilled Liar, Striking,
Role Paths common to novas in 2028 are offered Wealth
here as additions and examples. For the Society
Paths most common to novas in Aberrant, along Consultant Path (Role)
with some thoughts on incorporating Society Paths The character is an elite, but more in the sense
from the Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook, see of a professional consultant or high-paid specialist,
Chapter Four, starting on p. 102. brought in for a particular job. Their nova abilities
may be only a part of their expertise, but they’re
Athlete (Role) a key factor in getting hired, and in the prices the
Your character excels at the physical, whether character can charge for their services. Elites (p.
it is a sport (professional or otherwise), pursuing 142) often have this Path.
excellence at the Olympics or other competitions, Example Connections: Academic, Corporate
or athletic performances. If a nova, their athlet- Executive, Elite Agency, Government Official,
ic career and pursuits may be constrained by the Media Agent or Personality, Policy Wonk
banning of novas from competition with baselines,
Skills: Integrity, Persuasion, and two of Culture,
limiting them to novas-only athletic and sporting
Humanities, Medicine, Science, or Technology
Edges: Always Prepared, Fame, Patron, Striking,
Example Connections: Agent, Fans, Manager,
Sports Journalist, Teammates
Skills: Aim, Athletics (required), Culture, Corporate (Role)
More than ever, people in the Nova Age are learn-
Edges: Adrenaline Spike, Ambidextrous, Fame, ing to navigate the complex corporate world, espe-
Hardy, Swift, Wealth cially if they have special abilities that make them
the focus of corporate head-hunters around the
Celebrity (Role) world. Your character has stepped into that corpo-
Some people are just born for the spotlight and rate sphere and learned to make a success of it, play-
others find ways to capture and hold it. Either way, ing the game well for as long as it takes to achieve
your character is famous, although exactly for what their goals.
is up to you. Your character splits a great deal of Example Connections: Corporate Executives,
their time maintaining their fame, most likely by Experts, Lawyers, Financiers, Investors
doing whatever made them a celebrity in the first
Skills: Command, Humanities, Integrity,
place, and using their considerable audience for
other things, like personal or charitable projects,
Edges: Library, Patron, Skilled Liar, Wealth
political statements, or what have you. These days,
there’s also a fair amount of interacting directly
with fans, either in person or online.

new paths 99
“We are in a war for a better tomorrow. Join us. Help us to not take the
easy road, and I promise we’ll fight every fight they can throw at us. Help us
win the hard way — the right way — not with hate, not with retribution,
but with wisdom and hope. Help us become champions.”
— Kamala “Ms. Marvel” Khan, Champions

In 2028, simply being a nova isn’t always enough. Project Utopia

Having quantum powers is great, but to which group
you belong matters just as much, if not more. Talents
and Team Tomorrow
and baselines also band together into organizations Stepping out of the shadow of the Æon Society,
to support or antagonize nova factions. The world is this private organization is dedicated to saving the
a strange and wonderful place, full of people with a world in any way it can. Their most visible project
dizzying collection of amazing powers, but at the end is Team Tomorrow, a group of novas acting as bona
of the day to whom you give your allegiance matters. fide superheroes in a variety of global operations,
The allegiance the characters follow plays a great but Project Utopia’s reach is massive. Play as part of
part in establishing the mood and overall theme of Project Utopia if you want to have a campaign about
their adventures, as each of the major factions in saving the world, particularly as part of a “tradition-
2028 have distinct agendas and philosophies and are al” superhero team.
careful regarding who they admit within their ranks.
This chapter includes the description, history, phi-
The Teragen
losophy, and organization of each of the top players Believed to be nova terrorists and supremacists,
in the world of Aberrant, plus information on how the Teragen is actually a group containing a wide
to set a campaign built around them, together with range of individuals. However, these diverse (and
their corresponding Path. often fractious) novas all agree on one cause: Novas
are the next step in human evolution, and therefore
The Æon Society must not be bound by limits imposed by baseline hu-
A philanthropic organization with deep pock- mans. Play as part of the Teragen if you want to play
ets and a long history, members of the Æon Society self-motivated novas enmeshed in the internal poli-
were the original creators of Project Utopia. Rather tics of similarly individualistic allies.
than let Project Utopia shoulder the entire burden,
these idealists continue to work hard in their own
The Directive
ways to make the world of 2028 a better place. Play While the United Nations have ceded unprecedent-
as part of the Æon Society if you want to tell stories ed responsibility and authority to Project Utopia, the
about ground-level heroes, Talents, and maybe even International Commission on Nova Activities — or
a low-powered nova or two. simply, “the Directive” — is charged with overseeing
the activities of the novas whose duty is saving the
planet. These superspies often see the seedier side


of nova life and fight dirty to get the job done. Play as week, before you fly halfway around the world to
part of the Directive if you’re a Talent or baseline hu- team up with massively powerful novas to stop a mil-
man willing to fight against renegade novas. itary incursion.

The Elites The Daedalus League

Sometimes, it’s all about the money. The Elites Some novas are less interested in saving Earth
are a collection of mercenaries willing to sell their than they are in exploring what lies beyond. The
services, and quantum powers, to whomever is will- Daedalus League is a private organization devoted
ing to pay for them. Some are security specialists, entirely to the exploration of space, but what started
like the novas of DeVries, while others like Novelty as a venture from a group of enthusiasts is struggling
Consulting act as business and technical consultants. to evolve into a more professional agency. Play as
Play as an Elite if you want flexibility. As an elite, you part of the Daedalus League if you’re a nova, Talent,
might be working with a handful of baselines acting or baseline who wants to explore the mysteries and
as a bodyguard — sorry, “security consultant” — one dangers of space travel.

the powers that be 103

Most people who are aware of the Æon Society group of friends and associates, most of whom had
know them as a philanthropic organization with been affected by the Hammersmith Experiment (see
Chapter Ten, p. 274 for more). Among these associ-
deep pockets, fond of funding humanitarian projects
and, most importantly, as the people who created ates were two of Mercer’s closest friends, Whitley
Project Utopia. Styles and Michael Daemon Donighal.
Few are truly aware of the society’s reach and In its infancy, Æon was simply a club of explorers
influence, and fewer still know its long and color-
and adventurers seeking mysteries to solve, wrongs to
ful history. Almost nobody realizes just how muchright, and evil-doers to punch, but as Mercer and his
Æon knows about the new world of super-powered associates became more aware of the world thanks to
individuals. their travels, their focus shifted in the 1930s into an
Members of the Æon Society prefer to be unas- official philanthropist group, funded by the fortunes
their founders had made during their adventures.
suming, offering their help or advice without lever-
aging their affiliation. Only during official eventsJust before World War II started, one of the
do the golden and silver pins with the Æon symbolsociety’s founders betrayed them to one of their
come out. long-standing enemies and was killed as a result.
Shaken by this development, the Society did not
Project Utopia, originally just one of many projects
openly participate in World War II, but secretly
under Æon’s purview, is shouldering most of the bur-
funded several aid programs and initiatives and did
den of making the world a better place along with the
not forbid any of the members from joining the fight
novas, but that doesn’t mean Æon is just sitting back
to help the Allies.
and watching the golden child grow. On the contrary,
given what they know about the Inspired, the Æon Near the end of the War, the remaining members
Council is directing the organization’s resources into
of Æon were forced to fight Michael Donighal under
many areas of the world, trusting Utopia to handle
his nom-de-guerre, Doctor Primoris. Donighal dis-
the most visible and world-changing affairs. appeared, and Mercer became more reclusive.
At its heart, Æon remains a group of idealists, and
The second half of the 20th century saw Æon be-
their ideals to guide humanity to the best possible
come more public in its endeavors while remaining
future for everyone remains sound and firmly at the
secretive in their knowledge. The age of wonders
core of everything the organization does. that gave rise to the society ended with the sobering
display of technology’s capacity for annihilation in
History Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As the world worked to-
The Æon Society for Gentlemen was founded in wards recovering from the war, it also became more
Chicago in 1923 by Maxwell A. Mercer and a close mundane.


The organization grew in scope and complexity and began to diversify and de-
centralize its efforts under the direction of Michael Mercer, a man claiming to be
Maxwell’s son. He funded or outright created different foundations and char-
ities, consolidating its internal efforts. During this time, Æon formalized
the Babel Dossier, cataloging mysteries that remained unsolved, and
moving every trophy of dangerous technology or even supposedly
“occult” artifacts that the aging adventurers had captured.
Every scrap of knowledge the Society garnered to this point
about the Inspired was folded into the archives of the Triton
Foundation. Direct humanitarian and aid efforts fell under the
Neptune Foundation, and Æon kept for itself the diplomatic
and public relations duties.
By the end of the 20th century, the Æon Society appar-
ently divested itself of everything that might mark them
as anything other than a successful NGO and a grant and
donations management organization, but in truth ev-
ery foundation, project, grant, award, and agency Æon
founded remains part of Æon, with the links hidden
from the public.
This is why Æon was quick to act on N-Day. It only
took a few calls from Margaret Mercer, Maxwell’s
granddaughter and current Director of
the Society, for the Æon Council to un-
derstand what was happening, to for-
mulate a plan, leverage their contacts,
and convince the United Nations
that they were the most qualified
to handle the nova situation.
There was no deception there; no-
body but Æon truly understood the incred-
ible potential and terrible dangers the
dawning age held for humanity.

The central organization of the Æon
Society is that of a small non-governmental organi-
zation that works primarily in funneling money into
worthy causes and handling the public’s acceptance of
such. Connecting the various satellite organizations paints
a more complex picture.
This way, Æon operates in a series of cells, leaving its child
organizations to manage themselves until the Council designs
a project that requires the participation of many of its agencies,
assigning the project either to one of them and redirecting per-
sonnel from the rest, or assuming direct control and pulling per-
sonnel as required, creating a new independent organization
if needed.

Æon Society 105

THE ÆON COUNCIL organizations as well as governments and internation-
al agencies. It was Global Liaisons who first contacted
As a privately held organization, Æon is not re-
the UN to offer Æon’s resources to handle the nova
quired to disclose the identities of its board mem-
situation, and its agents continue to travel the world
bers. The Council is shrouded in secrecy, and
mingling with both the powerful and the dispossessed.
only its members and the directors of Æon’s child
organizations know the full membership. PROJECT ODYSSEUS
The Æon Council meets twice a month to dis-
Ever since its founding, the Æon Society has been
cuss the routine operations of the organization
devoted to nurturing humanity’s drive to explore
and its subordinates, with one to three members
and push against all boundaries. Project Odysseus is
assuming oversight over different projects or or-
a small undertaking within Æon in charge of fund-
ganizations. These meetings are scheduled more
ing the adventures of intrepid individuals who ven-
often during times of crisis. In late March of 2018
ture into the less known corners of the world.
the Council met almost daily, for example.
Odysseus provides grants, scholarships, and
Project Management Committee: Composed
support to independent journalists, photogra-
of volunteer members of the Council and their as-
phers, anthropologists, archaeologists, paleontol-
sistants, this Committee oversees designing, eval-
ogists, environmentalists, extreme athletes, art-
uating, and making major decisions regarding the
ists, and anyone else who presents an ambitious
different projects and organizations under Æon’s
project that requires them to travel away from
oversight. The members of this committee are the
well-trodden paths. Nathan Jacobs is a frequent
ones who meet with the directors of child organi-
beneficiary of the project’s funding, as his travels
zations to receive reports and to communicate the
and investigations continuously put him in touch
Council’s rulings; when they do so, they don’t reveal
with the mysteries in the Babel Dossier.
they are members of the Council. Margaret Mercer,
Expeditions with a humanitarian or scientific pur-
granddaughter of Æon’s founder, participates in
pose receive top priority, but it’s not rare for simple
many of the committee’s projects, keeping quiet her
challenges to human limits to receive funding, as well
role as the Æon Society’s acting chairwoman.
as advice on how not to get killed in the process.
This decidedly unglamorous department is
During the course of their escapades, the mem-
nonetheless vital for the Society. Despite the rou-
bers of the early Æon Society assembled a collec-
tine duties of managing the organization’s funds
tion of rare artifacts, ranging from captured tech-
and balancing a budget, the sheer volume of re-
nology and plans from their foes, items whose
sources under Administration’s control makes
nature and operation remain unknown, carcasses
it vital that those in charge are trustworthy. As
of creatures unknown to science, and a record of
a result, the Æon Council handpicks the top of-
rumors, incomplete findings, and other pieces of
ficials for this department, giving preference to
information that Mercer believed might be signif-
long-standing employees for promotion.
icant in the future.
Administration works in tandem with Global
This collection was called “The Babel Dossier”
Liaisons in managing the Society’s many charita-
and was kept in a secure vault in the second base-
ble interests, with their joint crown jewel being
ment of the Society’s headquarters in Chicago.
the Maxwell Mercer Foundation, even though it’s
After the battle with Doctor Primoris in the
nominally managed by the Neptune Foundation.
1940s, the Society decided to move the collection
GLOBAL LIAISONS to a more secure and remote location, keeping
only the catalogs of the archives on site.
This department gathers the Society’s experts in
handling people. A mix between diplomatic corps, Access to the Dossier was always heavily re-
public relations, and marketing, Global Liaisons pro- stricted and kept secret from new members until
motes Æon’s image and influence, attends and organiz- they proved their trustworthiness, but as Æon
es fundraisers, speaks to the media, and advises child grew, the Dossier was mostly forgotten except by


It’s not easy growing up in the shad-
ow of the Man Who Saves the World.
Margaret is like her grandfather in
many ways but works hard to forge
her own path. When Maggie gradu-
ated college, Max told her he needed
to be absent from the coming age and
he was counting on her to reshape the
world in her own way. He smiled as he
hugged her, but Maggie could feel the
sadness within him. Her keen intellect
and friendly personality — and presti-
gious family connections — have seen
Maggie become a respected member
of Æon Society leadership who has a
keen interest in many of its current proj-
ects, including Utopia.
Maggie keeps two secrets very close to
her chest: The first is that she is what the
Æon Society calls a “psychomorph.”
She knows that there are others like her
in the world and wants to know who and
where these so-called “dark stars” are. Novas don’t feel quite right to Maggie’s senses.
Novas are too valuable to the world to dismiss, but her premonitions and turbulent dreams
give her reason to be concerned. Her second secret is that she doesn’t believe her grand-
father is as absent from world affairs as he wanted her to believe. He avoids the topic
during their infrequent meetings, but she is very close to pushing him hard for answers.

the Æon Council and select few members from returned to their previous positions in Æon and
other branches. its affiliates. However, they are still considered
Margaret Mercer was the latest custodian “archivists” and alert Margaret Mercer of any-
and curator of the Dossier until she became thing that might be of interest to the Dossier.
Chairwoman of the greater Æon Society. N-Day
brought the Æon Council together with the di- The Neptune Foundation
rectors of their major foundations and invest- While the Æon Society itself
ments, and together they decided to reopen the continues to work and invest
Dossier for both study and further archiving of in humanitarian projects, they
the developments in the nova age. delegate field duties and more
Margaret Mercer pulled together a team to up- “grounded” operations to the
date and upgrade the vault’s security, digitize and Neptune Foundation.
organize all the information in secure and lasting From its headquarters in Belize
media, and to keep tabs on new developments in Central America, Neptune’s
both for inclusion and to check for flags in case mission is to help organize vol-
anything in the Dossier contains useful informa- unteers with training, resourc-
tion for the present day, or if current events and es, and their own professionals in initiatives that
discoveries can shed light on old enigmas. seek to improve the daily lives of people on the
Half of the archivists that updated the Dossier ground. They work closely with the International
remain employed in its upkeep, while the rest Red Cross as well as the Red Crescent and Red

Æon Society 107

Shield of David, Doctors Without Borders, and the Tomorrow’s cleaners, as they often step in to fix
United Nations. anything that T2M’s actions might have disturbed.
Neptune Foundation’s CEO, Dr. Naiara Dantas, Many former Babel archivists work in Incident
does not talk publicly about how she wasn’t pleased Management and do their best to abscond with
when Project Utopia was transferred to her portfo- potential new additions to the Dossier. After a
lio from its original home in the Triton Foundation. series of awkward encounters with Directive of-
Indeed, she was relieved when Margaret Mercer ficials over nova-related evidence, Neptune op-
gave Justin Laragione the project’s reins and he eratives have requested Æon to lobby for either
took it in a more autonomous direction. clearer jurisdiction, or to dispatch Utopia agents
Dr. Dantas works well with Laragione, which directly and leave Neptune to do what it does
provides seamless cooperation between both or- best: Help people rebuild their lives.
ganizations. Neptune provides the groundwork
for Utopia’s efforts in fostering good relations be-
tween novas and the rest of humanity, minimiz- Where Field Operations and Incident
ing and remedying the collateral damage of nova Management follow reactive procedures, the
activities. Maxwell Mercer Foundation prefers to be
EMERGENCY FIELD OPERATIONS The Foundation used to be the principal backer
This Neptune division oversees all sorts of of Æon members’ adventures, but as the Society
search-and-rescue operations. They maintain expanded in size and scope, the Maxwell Mercer
a core group of full-time members stationed in Foundation also grew into an organization that
Neptune’s headquarters, ready to deploy any- participated more closely with society, in addi-
where in the Americas to assist in disaster relief. tion to holding galas and fundraisers.
They also employ a great number of reservists The Maxwell Mercer Foundation helps people
embedded in local emergency services to act both with social development. They employ sociolo-
as liaisons and expert advisors, able to call in for gists, journalists, social activists, attorneys, edu-
help if needed, and coordinate with local volun- cators, and people with experience in community
teers registered with Neptune. development. They provide legal aid to immi-
Classified as first responders, EFO teams work grants, help isolated communities secure a wa-
often with Team Tomorrow to respond to natu- ter supply, fund and implement literacy and art
ral disasters, but also to help protect bystanders programs, and other activities meant not to repair
in extended nova conflicts. Local operatives are damaged livelihoods, but to enrich them.
authorized to act spontaneously in sudden situ-
ations but are advised to call for support as soon The Triton Foundation
as possible so that Neptune can coordinate with The Triton Foundation
local authorities and, if necessary, leverage its re- did not exist as such un-
lationship with Project Utopia. til 1986, when the Æon
Society consolidated all
INCIDENT MANAGEMENT its interests in medical
When the dust settles and everyone who needs and biological research
rescuing is safe, Neptune continues to work in under the singular direc-
what they call “incident management,” which tion of Dr. Dragan Kuzlev
is an elegant term for “clean-up duty.” While as CEO. The Triton
Field Operations recruits emergency personnel, Foundation manages its
Incident Management deploys civil engineers, projects from its central offices in Boston, but its
mobile kitchens, medical personnel and, above operations are spread around the world in its as-
all, logistics experts. sociated research laboratories.
Within Neptune, incident managers get a Triton became prominent when Drs. Mazarin
somewhat deserved reputation of being Team and Rashoud took the first steps towards


understanding novas and their powers; they con- of the flora and fauna (Cyclops) as well as exotic
tinue to collaborate with Triton researchers from locations (Argonaut) that Æon members encoun-
their positions within Project Utopia. tered during their adventures, but as it was trans-
Other companies in the field complain that ferred to the Triton Foundation, they expanded
Triton has an unfair advantage thanks to its ac- to cover research on plants, animals, geology, and
cess to Utopia research. In truth, Triton is also ecology that might yield valuable data for phar-
subject to Utopia’s oversight regarding dangerous maceutical research.
research, and both Utopia-derived results and
the oversight reports are available upon request. PROJECTS PANDORA
A deeper connection between Triton and
Utopia remains unproven, but one does exist: These two projects are the only initiatives that
Æon is the bridge that ensures that Triton scien- Triton keeps under strict secrecy; their subjects of
tists are the first to know of any breakthroughs study are the Inspired. Triton is happy that Utopia’s
before Utopia releases them, and in return Triton Science & Technology division focuses on novas
provides everyone under the Æon umbrella the and their quantum abilities, so it can keep its se-
medical tools they need to perform their duties to cret resources dedicated to unraveling the secrets
make the world a better place. around the other sources of power unleashed by the
The Triton Foundation operates as a typical Hammersmith Experiment over a century ago.
health research company, with administrative, Pandora studies people codenamed “psiads” and
legal, and other departments necessary to man- their subtle psychic powers, while Tantalus studies
age operations smoothly. Rather than have large Talents, people with uncanny luck or superlative
divisions organized by medical field, each of the skill that allows for almost superhuman feats of dar-
different laboratories is free to conduct their own ing. While Pandora researchers have made some
research but, much like Æon, pulls resources to- headway, their Tantalus colleagues hit dead end af-
gether from its affiliates. Triton also coordinates ter dead end, starting with a lack of definitive criteria
joint projects from its different facilities. Such that would qualify an individual as a Talent. The Æon
projects have resulted in the cure for cancer and Society grants select researchers from both projects
the HIV vaccine, which are then assigned to labs access to the Babel Dossier to help them with new
as the different investigators return to their orig- lines of research based on old information.
inal offices.
Project Proteus
OPERATION CORNUCOPIA Every light casts a shadow,
Utopia’s Operation Eden made sure that the and few understand this bet-
Earth’s resources recovered after centuries of ex- ter than the operatives of
ploitation. Triton is following up with Operation Project Proteus. Ultimate
Cornucopia, with the objective to research and pragmatists, the agents of
develop new kinds of sustainable crops and other Proteus know that sometimes
food technology that have minimal impact on the unsavory means are the only
environment and maximum nutritional yield. way to avoid greater harm but
The Æon Society works hard to support this also know that such means
endeavor by making the research as transparent should always be the last re-
as possible and avoid the negative publicity that sort and conducted with as much mercy as can
genetically modified organisms have carried for be afforded.
the good part of the 21st century. Unlike other Æon affiliates, Project Proteus
has no headquarters, and no infrastructure of
PROJECTS CYCLOPS its own. Like parasitic shadows, Proteus agents
AND ARGONAUT hold official positions in every other Æon affiliate
These initiatives started back with the original and use the resources within reach to carry out
Æon Society for Gentlemen as a simple catalog Proteus’ objectives.

Æon Society 109

Thetis feels like she carries the weight of
the world on her shoulders. She has an-
other name she’s known by within Project
Utopia, but that’s as false as her code-
name. It’s simply a placeholder to keep
her on the payroll. No one in Project Uto-
pia has any idea who Thetis is, and that’s
exactly how the Æon Society wants it.
Thetis knows she’s not the first person to
carry the codename and the role. She
knows better than to ask questions and
expect answers, but also that her employ-
ers would be disappointed if she didn’t
do some digging. She’s figured out that
beneath the disguises, the previous Thetis
was slightly younger than she is, naturally
left-handed (though she used her right)
and was Western-European even though
her American accent was flawless. Thetis
has duplicated all these traits for role con-
sistency and has the goal of leaving even
fewer clues to her successor.
Thetis is absolutely dedicated to Proteus’ goals and hopes their contingency plans
are never needed. She is ruthless and encourages loyalty to the mission even beyond
loyalty to herself. Privately, Thetis is concerned that she faces a darker time than her
predecessor. Proteus’ projections indicate that at the current state of development,
novas will be unstoppable by any contingency short of global destruction, and she
doesn’t know quite what to do about that.

Proteus was created at the behest of Thetis, the While the Proteus modus operandi includes
current director, as its own sub-agency within sabotage, theft, violence, manipulation, and the
days after Project Utopia became public knowl- destruction of a career or two, assassination is not
edge, but agents rumor that Proteus existed in on the menu. Thetis imparts on all her agents the
one way or another since the end of World War idea that death is impractical and creates more
II, and only after N-Day did it become necessary trouble in the skein of events and should only be
to expand its scope. reserved for Medusa Infrared threats, as per the
The stated mission of Project Proteus is to pre- protocols (see below) every Proteus agent follows.
dict the worst scenario and take measures to pre- To protect its secretiveness, Proteus avoids
vent it, or if it’s inevitable, to mitigate it. Armed leaving a paper trail or records of any sort, and
with Æon’s knowledge of how unstable and dan- thus their organization is loose, almost chaotic,
gerous novas can become, the agents of Proteus but it’s built on networks of relationships be-
rose to be those who watch the watchmen. tween agents, and a common language that in-
Like every other member of Æon, Proteus agents cludes nicknames and code phrases that meld
want humanity to advance in peace and prosperity, perfectly within common parlance.
but the very nature of Proteus means that they are Thetis reports directly to the Æon Council,
not naive enough to believe that building a utopia and has equal standing with every other affili-
does not involve getting their hands dirty. ate director, so even if she occupies a dead-end


position in Utopia’s Administration division, methods. Unlike Stalks, Nemesis agents see ac-
she sees eye-to-eye with Director Laragione. tion often, and it’s not rare for an entire squad-
Under her direction, “Directors” Ozaki and ron in a police force to be entirely under Proteus
Iktome keep the tangled web of sleeper agents control.
working with astounding efficiency, transfer-
ring operatives between Æon affiliates and ex- ACHILLES TEAMS
ternal agencies where they can best contribute The closest Proteus has to a dedicated paramil-
to Proteus’ mission. itary force, Achilles members hold jobs and po-
Proteus has no real hierarchy, but agents have sitions completely unrelated to their role within
nicknamed themselves into general categories the Project and take “vacations” or suffer “acci-
based on the nature of their work. dents” when activated.
Achilles teams are assembled on a per-mission
THE STALKS basis and are the ones that handle dangerous and
The spies and analysts of Proteus have day jobs direct missions such as sabotage and extraction,
that put them in direct contact with the flow of as well as exploration and reconnaissance too
information and creation of knowledge. Their dangerous for sleeper agents. Also, Achilles teams
current nickname arose from a joke between ana- are the most likely part of Proteus to employ no-
lysts referencing a fictional monster with dozens vas, identified as likely candidates during the as-
of eyes mounted on stalks, which can observe ev- sessment process in Rashoud Centers.
erything, replacing the statelier “Panoptikons,”
and just on the brink of devolving into simply THE MEDUSA PROTOCOLS
“stalkers.” A special team of analysts under Director
Stalks in the field work in organizations and Iktome collates information received from all
agencies external to Æon, including deep under- branches of Proteus with the purpose of devis-
cover agents within the Directive itself. Analysts ing plans and countermeasures in case novas go
and archivists operate mostly inside Utopia and rogue. In a way, the Medusa Protocols are the
Triton, but there are agents hidden in the ranks of heart of Proteus’ mission, and Thetis uses her in-
Interpol and the World Trade Organization, pass- fluence to make sure that Proteus has whatever
ing on interesting bits of knowledge that high- tools the Medusa Protocols require, be it a coun-
er-ranked analysts in Æon can piece together. try’s national policy on novas, a tailored virus, or
The Cassandra Initiative: Harnessing devel- a prototype weapon.
opments in artificial intelligence and machine With the sheer variety of nova abilities and
learning, the Stalks put together a system that physiologies, Proteus has hundreds of Medusa
spews out event models that attempt to predict Protocols, some of them customized for spe-
the results of current events. The system is lim- cific novas, others dealing with certain power
ited and yields mostly nonsense, but Thetis en- sets, and classified by purpose. What all Medusa
courages the agents in charge of the initiative to Protocols have in common is that they are in on-
interpret the readouts using their own intuition. going development.
Margaret Mercer has shown interest in the pro-
• Medusa Green: These protocols diffuse a
gram, much to Thetis’ curiosity.
nova without harm. They include research-
PROJECT NEMESIS ing the backgrounds of specific novas with a
psychological profiler and tailoring a seda-
The agents of Nemesis are embedded in law tive to tone down a nova’s mood.
enforcement and security agencies around the
world, including Utopia’s Peacekeeping Corps, • Medusa Yellow: These protocols are de-
and one particularly daring agent in DeVries. signed to stop a nova cold and restrain them
Their goal is to monitor and gently nudge the and include measures to cancel, counteract,
development of legislation in relation to no- or withstand some nova powers. Proteus
vas, as well as studying nova criminals and their keeps tabs on Utopia’s Science & Technology

Æon Society 111

Although they share a philosophy of pragmatism and both undertake missions best
described as black ops, Proteus does not run nor is involved with Team Tonight. In
fact, the members of Team Tonight have the most comprehensive Medusa Protocols.
Thetis prefers not to take chances when it comes to Sophia Rousseau and keeps Achil-
les operatives well away from Team Tonight operations, although Proteus has man-
aged to maneuver and dictate some of T2N’s missions simply by filtering information
through Utopia’s channels.

division for hints that someone, somewhere, by Project Odysseus, and a couple of “hired” body-
is making an effective quantum attenuator. guards who are actually an Achilles team from
Project Proteus interested in the information that
• Medusa Red: These protocols cripple novas
could be salvaged from the satellite.
permanently, or at least in the long-term.
Tracking down a gang poisoning the streets
They include such extreme measures as
of Portland with a nova derived drug could re-
breaking a fast-running nova’s legs, destroy-
quire an investigator from Neptune’s Incident
ing a relationship to trigger a nova’s depres-
Management with the help of Æon’s Global
sion, or exploiting some other weakness.
Liaisons to cooperate with local police, while
• Medusa Infrared: Plain and simple, infra- a Triton scientist works to develop an antidote,
red protocols are strategies and measures to with aid from a curiously helpful FBI agent who
kill novas in full use of their powers. is a member of Project Nemesis.
Tracking down the bizarre mysteries of the
Running an Æon Society Babel Dossier can make for a long campaign
Campaign where Babel archivists travel the world, recov-
ering one piece of forbidden knowledge every
An Æon Society campaign is perfect for telling
week through sheer ingenuity, or they could find
stories about ground-level heroes; normal yet ex-
themselves in conflict against organizations like
traordinary people who pull together to make life
the Megasyndicate or the Directive, who have a
better for others using skill and wits in a world
very different idea of what progress in the world
where superpowers exist. The Æon Society is
spread wide in its interests and activities, which
Also, given its history and nature, Æon employs
offers an equally wide array of choices for stories
hundreds of Talents and, if everyone agrees, an
with characters from very different backgrounds.
Æon team can even include a low-powered nova
The Æon Society has been putting together
or two.
multidisciplinary projects for nearly a centu-
An Æon Society campaign offers flexibility to
ry, and they are very good at matching people
both the players and the Storyguide, with the
together for specific tasks. The characters can
chance to change the tone and goals of the sto-
belong to a task force under one of Æon’s affili-
ry as it progresses with Æon assigning the char-
ates, but with plenty of “loaned” members from
acters to missions that require their growing
other parts of the vast Æon family. If they work
effectively as a team, Æon might decide to keep
them together, and they could eventually begin
their own branch, either a Project, Operation, or
The Æon Society Path
a Foundation of their own. (Society)
Recovering a lost satellite that fell in Germany’s Your character belongs to one of the most
Black Forest can involve rangers from the respected and established organizations in
Neptune Foundation, an intrepid reporter funded the world, with access to vast resources, both


material and intangible. Æon only accepts peo- ready give up their morality as long as others can
ple who want to make the world a better place, remain idealistic.
whether they are baseline humans, Talents, or Example Connections: Æon Council, Project
novas. The Society offers a variety of fields from Utopia, Team Tomorrow, international relief
the adventurous humanitarians of The Æon agencies, allies in government positions, grateful
Society core organization who lend their talent citizens
and resources, the first responders and devel- Skills: Humanities, Persuasion, Science,
opers of The Neptune Foundation who lay their Larceny
lives on the line of duty, the scientists and schol- Edges: Followers, Library, Wealth; Alternate
ars from The Triton Foundation who abandon Identity (required for Proteus), Skilled Liar
everything in the pursuit of knowledge, or the (Proteus)
pragmatic agents of Project Proteus who are

Æon Society 113

Saving the world is a great responsibility, but study quantum-based abilities, and it took a week
Project Utopia stepped up to the task, and has of intense work for the Æon Council to move it to
been doing just that for the last decade. the Neptune Foundation and tailor it as an initiative
People often forget that Project Utopia is a pri- that studied the possible applications of parahuman
vate organization, especially because all the work abilities for the betterment of the world. Æon then
they do to improve the lives of people around presented the draft proposal to the United Nations
the world is expected more from the actual gov- with a clear mission statement: to create a brighter
ernments. Utopia flies against everything people tomorrow, with the power of today.
think a private organization is about, proving ev- After the UN accepted the plan, Project Utopia
ery day that greed need not be part of an operat- grew with the backing — and the money — of the
ing procedure, and government oversight is not Æon Society, but its successes and breakthroughs
required because you can trust Project Utopia to pushed it towards self-sufficiency within months,
always do the right thing. allowing it to become semi-autonomous and to
Grown from a simple idea the Æon Society be regarded by the public as its own organization.
brought before the UN during the Galatea cri- The Æon Council granted Utopia what it needed
sis and its aftermath, Project Utopia massive- from all Æon’s family of projects and foundations,
ly expanded in size, responsibilities and scope. such as Drs. Mazarin and Rashoud, who original-
Harnessing the powers of novas to improve every ly worked for The Triton Foundation where they
aspect of life on Earth, helped coin the term “nova.”
Projects such as Operation Clean Sweep, Team
History Tomorrow, the London Peace Accord, cleaning the
The recent history of Project Utopia is the his- oceans and restoring the ozone layer, the World
tory of the world during the years after N-Day, Crime Task Force, the OpNet global upgrade,
but it was not an idea that was born spontaneous- Caribbean reconstruction, Operation Eden, the
ly. The Æon Society has known about quantum Kepler Orbital Telescope, hyperfusion technology,
powers for almost a century, although they didn’t and hundreds of less public small-scope contri-
quite understand their nature, nor were they so butions have convinced most of the world to take
world-changing back then. Project Utopia at face value, even against setbacks
When the Galatea exploded, the Æon Council like the Equatorial Wars and doubts arising from
paid attention, and when The Fireman erupted in its advisory seat on the UN Security Council.
front of the world, they acted. A “Project Utopia” Utopia’s history is an open book, easily avail-
already existed within the Triton Foundation to able in its own public records, news archives,


OpNet clips and the terabytes
worth of user-created content
that chronicle and reinterpret the
inspiring deeds of its members.

The Æon Society set up Project
Utopia with an eye on its growth
and its future, and under the
leadership of its Directors it
has expanded and stream-
lined its operations. Currently,
there are nine
each with its
own Director
and its own staff and
varying number of depart-
ments. The Board of Directors
meets every Friday to discuss the sta-
tus and direction of all of Utopia’s initiatives, presided
over by Director Justin J. Laragione, who also heads the
Administration Division.
Some divisions cooperate on projects, with the stron-
gest ties existing between Nova Affairs and Science &
Technology; these projects are assigned to one division on
paper, but in practice all the divisions with a stake in a project
have some degree of pull. This has caused problems in the past but
nothing that Laragione’s leadership couldn’t resolve.
Project Utopia operates from its main headquarters in Addis Ababa and its secondary
offices in the Century Garden campus in Chicago. Some divisions, like the Diplomacy Corps, moved
out to locations better aligned with their areas of expertise, and others have major branch offices to
coordinate Utopia’s different task forces, like the Project Eden offices in the middle of the Ethiopian
Highlands or their offices in the UN building in New York.
Of these facilities, the only one surrounded by necessary secrecy is the Advanced Contention & Rehabilitation
Site (“Green Acres” for Utopia personnel, “Quantanamo” in the OpNet) where Utopia incarcerates nova crim-
inals that their home governments agree to extradite. The exact location of the ACReS is information reserved
for law enforcement and military agencies, for security reasons, but rumors abound placing it in Bahrain,
Guantanamo, somewhere off the coast of San Francisco, the North Pole, and even outer space.
Otherwise, there is very little that Project Utopia does behind the general public’s back, and most of
that is related to internal affairs. Like its parent organization, Project Utopia is a private entity with no
legal obligation to disclose many of its inner workings, but Project Utopia nonetheless issues annual
and monthly reports to the UN, which are freely available online or upon request. Some information is
redacted to protect the confidentiality and privacy of Utopia employees, but inquiries will find no fault
on how Utopia manages its resources.

Project Utopia 115

A man accustomed to fighting for what
he believes in, the Director of Project
Utopia is a product of America’s tur-
bulent years around N-Day. Justin was
born in Los Angeles to Italian Ameri-
can and African American parents.
His father left when he was an infant
and never came back. His mother
raised Justin to be true to himself no
matter what. Despite his keen intellect
and worth as a human being, Justin
experienced the everyday prejudice
that led people to call the cops when
a black man was nearby, or the ex-
cessive way in which those police en-
forced unnecessary stops and search-
es. He believed that America could be
more than this, but it needed leaders to
set an example to follow.
Justin joined the Coast Guard — partly
to stay close to the beaches he loved
— where his commanding officer rec-
ognized Justin’s talent. Buoyed by the support of his new mentor, Justin studied law
and public relations, and the military agreed to sponsor him through Harvard. He
joined the State Department after completing his tours and excelled through postings
to the United Nations and the White House. The experience left the brilliant young
diplomat somewhat disillusioned with the system, but throughout Justin’s stellar career,
the Æon Trinity was watching. When they needed someone to head their newly rec-
ognized Project Utopia, they knew just who to ask.

ADMINISTRATION watchful and meticulous eye of Chief Juliana

Waters, Finance receives, processes, and assigns
The Admin division performs the very unglam-
vast amounts of money, and cooperates closely
orous and routine work that keeps Utopia function-
with all sources of revenue, including the subsidi-
ing. Balancing budgets, human resources, keeping
ary companies that report to Legal, the Diplomacy
track of supplies great and small, routine tech sup-
Corps who organize fundraisers, and Æon Council
port, sanitation, landscaping, and other basic office
members who approve additional grants and
work. Nevertheless, any random person would sell
a kidney to work for Project Utopia in any capaci-
ty. Leon Hidaki, Chief of Human Resources, makes LEGAL
sure that Utopia hires the best person for any posi-
An organization with global reach must also navi-
tion, going the extra mile to do background checks
gate a vast labyrinth of legislation, and the attorneys,
and personal interviews, while quietly reporting to
counselors, paralegals, and local consultants of the
his true superiors in Project Proteus. Project Utopia
Legal Division relish the challenge. They handle the
does not outsource any job at Administration, but
necessary proceedings to hire people from around
it does hire and help with the relocation and work
the world, protect the interests of employees, in-
permits of anyone in the world who is accepted.
cluding novas in both Utopia and Team Tomorrow,
Finance Department: The responsibilities of
and get their people out of general trouble.
Finance are as large as its personnel. Under the


This project is under the nominal purview of the Legal Division but includes person-
nel from all over Utopia and Team Tomorrow. Laragione has received proposals to
promote the task force into a full sub-division, but he’s waiting to see how the mix of
downward trends in global criminal activity and the rise of larger organized crime
organizations plays out during the coming months.
Group leader Melanie Brock from Legal reports to Justin Laragione, but she lets Da-
vid Vidulić from Social Development assign mission priorities and ex-Interpol Haajid
Kalhoro from Security to run actual investigations and coordinate with Peacekeeping
and Team Tomorrow. Task force agents refer to their leaders jokingly as “the Trinity,”
but there is a lot of respect for the results their seamless cooperation has delivered.

Director Stewart Long cooperates with • Quiet Volcano Studio: This gaming stu-
Administration’s Finance department to manage dio produces T2M-themed videogames for
external business relations, providing investment all gaming platforms, including interactive
capital for promising start-ups, and handling the novels and graphic adventure games, as well
licenses for Utopia’s technological developments as top-notch VR titles.
as well as other business interests.
• Year-Long Entertainment: An animation
The largest subsidiaries provide much needed
studio and comics publisher, this company
revenues that pay for Utopia’s other operations in
produces licensed cartoons and animat-
addition to donations. Utopia avoids publicizing
ed films, as well as different comics nar-
their stakes in other businesses, but do not hide
rating the mostly real adventures of Team
them either. Some of the most profitable Utopia
subsidiaries are:
• QuanTech Corporation: Makes law en- SECURITY
forcement and security products and equip- The Security Division grew out of Administration
ment other than weapons. as Utopia’s needs to protect its assets began to in-
• Nova Services International, Inc.: A talent clude infiltration by world governments — the
agency that puts novas in touch with poten- United States’ in particular. Director Moses Miller
tial employers. It both helps Utopian no- and his assistant, Josephine O’Reardon, run Security
vas find one-time jobs to occupy their free Division as a mix between a private security firm, a
time, and novas who leave a Rashoud Center law enforcement organization, and an intelligence
without joining Project Utopia. The agency agency, with Inspection Chief (and secret nova)
has the authority to flag certain employment Athena Boyd making people nervous across the en-
requests as priority charity projects with a tire Project Utopia. It investigates and deals with
minimal fee for the client, but it does not both internal and external threats that go from stolen
force any nova to accept such requests. office supplies to industrial espionage from a private
• Merced Farmacéutica S.A. de C.V.: This phar-
maceutical company produces mostly over- DIPLOMACY CORPS
the-counter products based on more advanced According to the career diplomats in this di-
research, selling them at low costs. It makes vision, bringing people together is a tougher job
proprietary and generic drugs and high-quality than cleaning the oceans. The Diplomacy Corps
health care supplies and home care equipment. are an anomaly in the hierarchical order of
• inNovaToys: This is a toy manufacturer that Project Utopia, moving frantically from one cor-
licenses the likeness of Team Tomorrow novas. ner of the world to the next trying to put out fires
before they spread.

Project Utopia 117

Also, this division does not share office space • Donations and Charity: Seeks and manages
with others but operates from the Utopian Center donations from private individuals as well as
for Peace in Geneva, Switzerland under its work- corporate and state actors, in coordination
aholic leader, Director Ilsa Mortensen. To facili- with Legal and Finance. These are the social
tate their work, the Diplomacy Corps are divided butterflies with a plan and a mission, often
in regional sections, tending to whatever crises acting in unison with Æon’s Global Liaisons.
arise within their jurisdiction. These sections and
• Social Media: Handles Project Utopia’s and
their chief diplomats are: Middle East Section
Team Tomorrow’s online presence, manag-
(Darton Fitzwalter), Europe Section (Irena
ing official accounts and advising Directors
Calpeggio), Africa Section (Martin Zeleny),
and novas on online behavior. They are
Indian Sub-Continent Section (Roger Crosby),
long-suffering community managers and fo-
and Americas Section (Leticia Sandoval).
rum moderators. They regard Slider as their
PEACEKEEPING patron goddess thanks to her natural online
savvy and her “Where2Now” streamcast, and
The Peacekeeping Division is basically a pri-
Junior Community Manager Sadeta Bajric is
vate army with a force of 3,000 fighting troops
a rising star in this department thanks to her
plus support personnel, all under the command
masterful handling of online trolls.
of General Broughton Kiser, the Division Director
and a long-time agent of Project Proteus. What • Media Relations: Spokespersons who talk
separates Peacekeeping from a regular merce- to the media on behalf of other Divisions
nary outfit is that its services are only available and novas, preparing press releases, holding
to the United Nations. Before Utopia can deploy press conferences, monitoring public opin-
its troops, the mission must be approved by both ion, and producing their own promotional
the Board of Directors and the Æon Council, but materials to share with media companies
the process is usually swift. Peacekeeping troops and platforms.
cooperate often with Team Tomorrow, providing
ground and tactical support. • Coaching: Advisors and consultants who
prepare other Utopians to handle social
Kerberos Company: Led by Major Rhea
events and teach them how to talk to the
Sorenson, this company is composed of grizzled
press and government officials.
veterans from militaries around the world. Highly
professional and effective, Kerberos’ soldiers and • Community Outreach: The boots on the
officers are all members of Achilles Teams from ground, joining other Utopia teams to help
Project Proteus. them present a good image for Utopia with as
little interference on the actual mission as pos-
PUBLIC RELATIONS sible, as well as to gauge local public opinion.
Notable Spanish socialite Maria Villarreal leads
some of the most capable employees in Utopia • Damage Control: Not a department but a
outside the Diplomacy Corps, making sure that multidisciplinary task force that convenes
the public has a good disposition towards the when something happens that may harm
organization. While PR work certainly involves Utopia’s image. They might become a per-
some manipulation and social engineering, manent department as their work is diver-
Villarreal set forth a strict code of ethics that pro- sifying into countering conspiracy theories,
hibits actual dishonesty and spin-doctoring, and dispelling rumors and misconceptions, and
recommends adhering to Utopia’s ideals of trans- otherwise engaging in anti-propaganda
parency, arguing that it’s much better to apolo- campaigns and psyops operations.
gize, remedy, and learn than to dig new holes to
cover an old one. The Public Relations Division is NOVA AFFAIRS
composed of the following departments: This division represents Utopia’s original rea-
son for existing: Handle the nova situation, help


them understand their powers, and find a place them all, making sure they have everything
in the world to uplift humanity. With a more sci- necessary to help novas master their pow-
entific than administrative approach, Director ers. Rashoud Centers have personnel from
Dr. Nigel Carstens applies the knowledge gleaned all other sections in the Nova Affairs Division
from the research of the Science & Technology so they can provide complete service to
Division and grants almost total autonomy to his both fledging and experienced novas who
department chiefs to handle administrative tasks seek their services. This section also man-
for nova employees, relieving Administration so ages the prison-like Advanced Contention
they can focus on baseline personnel. Because of & Rehabilitation Site, with the help of the
its strategic access to novas, this division has the Security and Peacekeeping sections and the
highest rate of infiltrated Proteus agents of any di- unflinching vigilance of Chief of Security
vision in Utopia, providing the information neces- Zareck Cigielski, who is also a nova.
sary to prepare the Medusa Protocols. Nova Affairs
Division includes the following departments. SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
• Nova Relations: This is the Human As Nova Affairs is Utopia’s raison d’etre,
Resources department for Utopian novas, Science & Technology is the means by which
whether they work for any Utopia division Utopia works towards a brighter future. S&T is
or Team Tomorrow. As part of its services, the largest division, commanding vast resources
Nova Relations conducts regular psycholog- in pursuit both of scientific understanding and
ical reviews of nova employees, along with technological advancement. It’s also the division
counseling. with the most far-reaching and influential de-
partments. Dr. Evard Burghalter leads this divi-
• Nova Health: More than a glorified infirma- sion with a loose hand and an open disposition,
ry, Nova Health takes care of novas thanks but an ironclad adherence to ethical standards.
to its close collaboration with the Science &
Technology Division, developing and apply- • Biological Sciences: This department is
ing treatments for people with wildly differ- responsible for most of Utopia’s revenues,
ent physiologies which include resistance to studying novas and deriving new medical
normal medication. Nova Health offers its knowledge from their findings. They share
physicians the choice of working in comfort- information with the Triton Foundation un-
able and fully equipped offices for treating der the table. Drs. Henri Mazarin and Farah
novas, or in the field, joining Team Tomorrow Rashoud work in this department but do not
missions acting as a combat medic. care to lead it, so they are free to conduct their
research, which is currently trying to under-
• Recruitment: Because of the risk and ex- stand the mechanics of quantum eruption.
pertise required in detecting, finding, and
approaching new novas, the Recruitment de- • Chemistry & Pharmaceutics: Once part of
partment was separated from Nova Relations Biological Sciences, C&P is now focused on
so it could train its “Intervention Teams” developing new drugs from the research of
to be both bold and discreet, with the chief nova physiology, both for use on baselines
mission to help the nova come to terms with and novas. They work closely with Nova
their new abilities, with full freedom of Affairs’ Nova Health department.
choice, and protection against more dishon- • Environmental Development: Led by Dr.
est actors who might want to approach them. Spenser “Antaeus” Balmer himself, this de-
The Intervention Teams operate almost like partment oversees the most spectacular
a black ops team, thanks to their coordinator, and telegenic contributions to the world:
Paul Bleeker, an ex-military Proteus agent. Operations Clean Sweep and Eden. They re-
• Rashoud Centers: There is at least one search environmental protection and recov-
Rashoud Center in every country on the plan- ery, as well as terraforming technology for
et, and this department oversees managing use on the Moon and Mars.

Project Utopia 119

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