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Central Presbyterian Church

Third Sunday after the Epiphany

January 23, 2022 at 11:00 am
Prelude Phillip Morgan

Welcome Rev. Mark Baridon

Call to Worship
One: Come, let us worship the God who gives light
even in the short days of winter.
All: We come to worship God who gives us courage
to faithfully carry out Christ’s ministry.
One: Come, let us worship God who became as a child.
All: We worship God with joy today!

* Hymn “If We Eat Our Lavish Banquet” Congregation

Prayer of Confession (unison)
Patient God, you know how we listen to episodes
in the life of Jesus with enthusiasm,
then out of fear turn our backs on opportunities of service.
Forgive us when we give lip service to you and follow up with inaction. 
Help us have the faith and courage
to answer your call to advocacy and service. 

Assurance of God’s Promise

One: Jesus has opened the door to ministry for all of us.
We have been freed from our fears and doubts.
Rejoice, friends! In Jesus Christ we are forgiven and transformed.
All: Thanks be to God!

The Journey
Hymn No. 301 “Let Us Build a House” Congregation
(We will sing verse 2.)
Prayer for Illumination

Scripture Luke 4:14-21 NT p. 61

One: The word of God for the people of God.
All: Thanks be to God.

Sermon “What Kind of Good News?” Rev. Dr. Ann Deibert

Rev. Mark Baridon

Prayers of Intercession

Offering (To make a donation please see the options on the back page of the bulletin.)

* Doxology “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” Congregation


* Prayer of Commitment
* Hymn No. 772 “Live into Hope” Congregation

* Benediction
One: And all God’s people said,
All: Amen!

Cover Art:
James Tissot, 1836-1902. Jesus Unrolls the Book in the Synagogue, from Art in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library,
Nashville, TN. [retrieved January 19, 2022]. Original source:

“If We Eat Our Lavish Banquet”

Text: David Bjorlin ©2020 GIA Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission. #A-702037
Music: Thomas J. Williams. Public Domain
Prayers of the People Last Sunday: January 16
Our prayers are gathered from those shared online and in person.

Prayers of Thanksgiving
We join Jo Haas in a prayer of thanksgiving that Elise is home from the hospital; and
with Kathleen Rankin for the life of her nephew, Eric Lisle, and for the family as they
grieve Eric's unexpected death; with Nick Wilkerson for the many prayers, cards and
support following the death of his mother and with Kungu Njuguna who has a new
position as a policy strategist with the ACLU of Kentucky and we pray for him and his
colleagues and volunteers with the ACLU who are very busy during the General
Assembly session of the Kentucky legislature.

Prayers of Healing and Concerns

We offer prayers for medical care and health for Ray Croft who will have another leg
surgery on Thursday; with David Eicher and Joe Smith for their friend, Mark, who has
been diagnosed with kidney cancer and will have surgery to remove the kidney; with Jess
Reese for her friend Ashley, who is having surgery on Thursday for a smooth recovery
and pray for her family and friends as they help out; for David Ashworth who is receiving
chemo and radiation again; for those who have covid and for their caregivers and for
healthcare workers; for school staff, parents, kids, and for everyone struggling with
change and uncertainty. We pray with Katie for continued flexibility and patience for
administrators, teachers, students, and families as NTI became a reality again and support
for families for which this is a significant challenge; for wisdom, peace, and collaboration
for our community leaders as they seek insights and solutions to gun violence among
youth in our city; and with Ginger for friends who are trying to get their relatives out of

Sent during the week

Susan Scott requests our prayers for her friend Angela, who had surgery for breast cancer
yesterday. She has had two blood clots. One was caught during surgery and they did a
second surgery last night when another blood clot formed. Angela is resting safely at the
hospital. Please keep Angela in your prayers.


Youth Group: February 6

The Youth Group will meet at 12:15pm on February 6 on zoom.
Family Faith Formation: February 13 at 12:15pm
We have been hard at work planning a great experience for kids and adults, that will
include a light lunch-ish meal, scripture, stories, art, music and prayer.  We can't wait to
be together for this experience.  

Help Wanted: Ways to Plug In

 Looking for Counters The treasurer, Zack Estes, is looking for two to three
individuals who would be willing to serve as offering counters to add to the
current roster of counters. No previous counting experience required, but
preferred. The counting process is as follows - counters will tally the donations to
be counted, prepare the appropriate paperwork, fill out a bank deposit slip, and
take the deposit to the bank or drop it off in the night deposit box. Due to the
nature of the counting process, strong organization skills and attention to detail is
needed. Because of the pandemic, counters only count twice a month. Counters
have the flexibility to count on their own schedule. Counters divvy up counting by
months, so usually counters will only have to count two months out of the year.
This is a great way to help out the church with a relatively low time commitment.
If you have any questions, contact Zack (

 An Opportunity to Participate: Greeter Have you recently noticed how grateful

you are for worship at Central? Maybe you have been looking for a way you can
be helpful to others? Maybe you really love saying "good morning" to others! If
you related to any of points, please consider volunteering as a greeter on Sunday
mornings. The commitment is once a month (and even that's negotiable!). 
Contact Risa Musto at (

CLCM “Souper” Bowl Drive

“Souper” Bowl Sunday is February 13. Central Louisville Community Ministries will be
collecting cans of soup and all other non-perishable food in the weeks leading up to the
Super Bowl. The food pantry continues to see a very high volume of use, and all your
donations are greatly appreciated. Donations are accepted at Calvary Episcopal Church at
821 S. 4th St. on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 9:30-noon. CLCM supporters
are super!

Your 2021 Donations to Central

Thank you to everyone who has made a pledge of financial support for Central's ministry
and mission for 2022! We are grateful for your generosity. If you need information about
your pledge for 2022 or how much you have given in 2021, email our treasurer, Zack
Estes (
There are several ways to make a donation to Central today:
Donate at
Use the “donate” button on our website:
Download the GivePlus app in the Apple app store or Google play store
A check or cash can be placed in one of the offering boxes near the sanctuary doors


Central Presbyterian Church

318 West Kentucky Street 40203 (502) 587-6935
Our Church

Matthew 25 ( We have committed to building congregational

vitality, dismantling systemic racism, and eradicating systemic poverty.
Peacemaking (
More Light ( We welcome the full participation of LGBTQ+ people of faith
in the life, ministry, and witness of the Presbyterian Church.
Four for Four We support Presbyterian mission around the corner and around the
globe through the four church-wide Special Offerings.

Choice Congregation We support the rights of all people to access the full spectrum of
reproductive healthcare choices without coercion or judgment.

Our Staff
Pastor – Rev. D. Mark Baridon
Pastor – Rev. Dr. Ann J. Deibert
Director of Music – Mr. Phillip Morgan
Administrative Assistant – Ms. Barbara Creasy

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