Linkden Post 01 Jun 2021 1 Bio Energy

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Bio-Energy: The Future Fuel for India (The next big thing in the Energy Sector).

Most of the process & manufacturing industry across the county are utilizing low grade
Indian coal / Indonesian coal / Furnace Oil which has got drastic repercussion on the
environment, mankind & air quality specially in the proximity of metro cities where
there is a dense population and energy consumption on the higher side.
Air pollution from coal-fired /Furnace Oil fired boilers & manufacturing industry
includes emission of Carbon dioxide , sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate
matter (PM), and heavy metals, leading to smog, acid rain, toxins in the
environment, and numerous respiratory, cardiovascular, and cerebrovascular
effects for the human health leading to long term environmental destruction &
climate change.
India has abundant capacity to produce reliable, price competitive and ecologically
sustainable bioenergy to meet the energy demand of domestic and commercial
sector, which intern will replace fossil fuel & generate employment for the rural India.
Another incredible highlight is the resource, and the finance would remain within
the country & there would be large number of jobs availability & a cleaner future India.
The consequence for which would be development and progress of the nation. Energy
saving can act as a big contributor for the progress and development for Indian
Biomass (Agri-Waste) is the cost-effective future fuel with least pollutant & can be
used in the various industry either in a loose form or briquette/pellets as per the
industrial requirement. The success rate of implementation of biomass is very high
and this has found and studies in last 2 decades in India.
I hope you all liked my research and finding in the biomass domain. I would be grateful
to receive your comments and opinion on the information.
Thanking you,
Best Regards,

Sunil Rai
Biomass Supply Chian Specialist (India)
Bio-Energy: The Future Fuel for India (The next big thing in the Energy Sector).
Air pollution from coal-fired /Furnace Oil fired boilers & manufacturing industry
includes emission of Carbon dioxide , sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate
matter (PM), and heavy metals, leading to smog, acid rain, toxins in the
environment, and numerous respiratory, cardiovascular, and cerebrovascular
effects for the human health leading to long term environmental destruction &
climate change.
India has abundant capacity to produce reliable, price competitive and ecologically
sustainable bioenergy to meet the energy demand of domestic and commercial
sector, which intern will replace fossil fuel & generate employment for the rural India.
Another incredible highlight is the resource, and the finance would remain within
the country & there would be large number of jobs availability & a cleaner future India.
Biomass (Agri-Waste) is the cost-effective future fuel with least pollutant & can be
used in the various industry either in a loose form or briquette/pellets as per the
industrial requirement.
I hope you all liked my research and finding in the biomass domain. I would be grateful
to receive your comments and opinion on the information.
Thanking you,
Best Regards,

Sunil Rai
Biomass Supply Chian Specialist (India)

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