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Complete the sentence or question with the correct option.

1. In some countries, _______ early for a meeting. 11. When I was a child, I _____ long distances.
A) you’re not allowed to be B) you’re not expected to A) used to walk B) had walked C) was walking
be C) it’s the habit to be
12. Which sentence is correct?
2. One thing _____is the food.
A) Who would you write to first after arriving?
A) I’d worried about B) I’d be worried about B) Who you’d write first to after arriving?
C) I’d be worried of
C) Who you write first after you’d arrived?
3. We don’t use it to talk about expectations.
13. ___ divers _____, they discovered something.
A) be supposed to B) be expected to be
A) When – diving B) Because – were dived
C) be allowed to. C) While – were diving
4. By the time I was 5, my parents ____ I’d be a 14. I’d be definitely excited _____ a new job.
A) by B) about C) of
A) decided B) had decided C) would decide
15. ___ he was crossing the street, a car hit him.
5. What ____ you ____ yesterday by 7:00 pm?
A) Where B) As C) For
A) did - doing B) had - done C) were - doing
16. In 2005, she _____ from elementary school.
6. Later on, he _______ from college.
A) graduated B) was graduating C) had graduated
A) has graduated B) had graduated C) graduated
17. The person I ______ about is my father.
7. ____ to visit someone if you were not invited.
A) ‘d be worry B) ‘ll worried C) ‘d be worried
A) You’re not acceptable B) It’s not acceptable
18. Which sentence is correct?
C) You’re not accepted
A) He had teached before. B) He hadn’t teached.
8. ___ in my country to give presents on a birthday.
C) He had taught before.
A) People B) It’s the custom C) You’re expect
19. Something I’d really miss ___ is the food.
9. This is NOT a past participle:
A) about B) --- C) of
A) drunk B) known C) broke
20. Japan is a country ________.
10. The first time I ___, I ____ depressed.
A) where I’d like to live in B) that I’d like to live in
A) traveled to Italy - felt B) travel to Italy – feel
C) that I’d like to live
C) had traveled to Italy – felt


Choose the correct option.

1. Trying new food is something I’d be ______ about.
A) curious B) calm C) missing
2. People sometimes feel _____ when they are away from home.
A) sure of themselves B) embarrassed C) homesick
3. My sister’s jokes ______________.
A) would be the thing I’d most miss B) are the things I’d miss the most C) is the thing I’d miss most
4. It’s the ______ to _____a small gift.
A) custom - bring B) tradition – transport C) use – go with
5. It’s the one who invites guests.
A) a performer B) a receptionist C) a host
6. People sometimes ____ in a restaurant when the service is good.
A) complain B) are satisfied C) leave a tip
7. If you keep something in mind, you ______.
A) think it is true B) remember it C) think in it
8. People don’t mind doing something when they _____.
A) are not worried or bothered by it B) feel fascinated by it C) hate doing it.
9. To be ______ means that you are certain that it will happen in the way you want it to.
A) confident B) trusty C) calm
10. One thing I’d feel _____ is my friends and family.
A) homesick B) homesick for C) homesick about
11. You’re _____ to say “thank you.”
A) acceptable B) expected C) believed
12. A person who you work with is your _____.
A) coworker B) boss C) employee
13. A piece of paper that shows how much you owe for services or goods.
A) an account B) a bill C) a voucher

14. To understand or become aware of a particular situation.

A) gain B) acquire C) realize
15. You feel this way when you are not confident about yourself or your abilities.
A) insecure B) apprehensive C) concerned.
16. A _____ person is famous for having achieved something.
A) regarded B) acclaimed C) renowned
17. If people treat you to something, then ______.
A) they pay for it B) you pay for it C) both of you share expenses
18. When you go on a first date, you are expected to ______.
A) arrive 10 minutes late B) must share expenses C) dress appropriately
19. In Japan, people usually_____ when they meet someone.
A) bow their heads B) kiss on the cheek C) shake hands
20. When Rick was in Egypt, he was ________ its culture.
A) fascinated for B) fascinated about C) fascinated by
Answer the questions according to the reading:
The Sit-Com
A “sit-com” is a popular type of comedy television show. The term “sit-com” is an abbreviation for “situation
comedy.” In each episode a regular cast of characters experience funny situations and events within a
continuing storyline – the larger story continues from one episode to the next. The characters on the sit -com
share some common experience, such as being members of a family, co-workers in an office or other
workplace, students in a classroom, roommates, neighbors, or friends.
Usually the dialog is funny, and can include jokes, sarcasm, and irony. Some lines characters say on situations
they find themselves in are repeated in numerous episodes for a humorous effect. The actors contribute to the
comedy with their delivery of lines and jokes, and acting. Some sitcoms include physical comedy, which
involves movement and actors exaggerate this as appropriate to the situation.
Sit-coms are popular in English speaking countries, including Australia, Canada, Great Britain, New Zealand,
and the United States. They are also popular in Europe and in China. One very popular Chines e sit-com about
family life, called Home With Kids, filmed 350 episodes! And in Turkey a sit-com called Mothers-in-law, about
typical Turkish family life, was on TV for 30 years. Like China and Turkey, some countries produce their own
sit-coms. Many countries also broadcast ones from other countries .
Several comedians from the U.S. have starred in sit-coms after they have become famous as stand-up
comedians. The best known comedian who has done this is probably Jerry Seinfeld. His sit-com was called
Seinfeld and it ran for nine years. The sitcom’s characters were Seinfeld and his three close friends.
Comedian Billy Cosby starred in the family sit-com The Cosby Show. The show was developed from Cosby’s
stand-up routines in which he talked a lot about the humorous situations of family life. The show’s c haracter’s
included Cosby, a wife, and five children. The sit-com was successful and ran for eight years.
Sit-coms are often filmed in a studio with a live audience. Viewers are watching the show on TV often hear the
laughter, called a “laugh track.” Many sit-coms in the U.S. include laughter, whether it is recorded live or is
from a laugh track. Around the world, the inclusion of laughter in sit -coms varies.
With slight differences across countries, the sit-com continues to be a popular form of television entertainment
in many parts of the world.

1. The abbreviations sit-com means____.

A) physical comedy B) situation comedy C) silent comedy
2. Sit-coms have regular characters and a continuing ____ .
A) storyline. B) episode. C) running joke.
3. The ___ on a sit-com may be a family, co-workers, or neighbors.
A) actors B) comedians C) characters
4. Characters may repeat certain lines over a number of episodes for ____ effect.
A) dramatic B) laugh track C) humorous
5. One ____ sit-com about family life filmed 350 episodes
A) Turkish B) Chinese C) Canadian
6. A Turkish sit-com about family life was on television for 30 ____.
A) years B) episodes C) weeks
7. Several comedians in the U.S. starred in sit-coms ____ they were famous as stand-up comedians.
A) before B) when C) after
8. Comedian Bill Cosby’s sit-com was about humorous situations in ____ .
A) city life B) family life C) a doctor’s office.
9. Not all sit-coms include recorded____.
A) jokes B) music C) laughter
10. Some sit-coms are filmed in a studio with
A) a live audience. B) television critics. C) comedians.

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