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Last updated 4/20/18

Quick Reference
Approximate order of importance and implementation
2-3 hours sunrise watching and Earthing in the morning
Wear blue blockers (two types) at night and especially around artificial light sources
Watch sunset, Earthing at sunset/dusk
Allow sleep pressure (caffeine abstinence), rebuild circadian rhythms
Cold adapt (outside, with exercise, cold bucket, cold showers, ice baths)
Rebuild redox (additional grounding, understand redox)
Deplete deuterium (seasonal ketogenic diet, high fats, seafood (also for dha), dietary
management, likely alcohol abstinence, deuterium depleted water including reverse osmosis
Remove unhealthy home and environmental light and emf pollution (airplane mode, Faraday
case, breaker off to bedroom, no coil springs, remove or turn off wifi and wireless devices)
Healthy passive (incandescent clear/red/yellow) and supplemental ambient light and therapeutic
“light hacking” (uva/uvb/ir/daylight bulbs)
Always more sun when possible.
Social interaction and networking (last but not least). Friends.

Useful Snippets
Sulphoraphane from cruciferous veggies
Can use inexpensive measures to block and lower household EMFs. Consider Faraday cloth
over coil spring mattress to block emf concentrations,or paint extra latex onto waterproof
mattress cover.
Cover skin under unhealthy artificial light.
Don't wear sunglasses in the sun…THE WATER EXERCISE Rx for VAGUS NERVE (also has many good product and
practical recommendations, including a quartz or crystal bowl)
Eliminate coil spring mattresses and frames
Balance/enough DHA. This should probably be in the core protocols above. Fish in diet
preferred for this over all supplements! (see:
red-wine/ read Kruse in comments for his take on fish oil supplements vs real fish)
While not Kruse per se techniques work very nicely with these (co2
buildup/air hunger, controlled pause test)
Morning and evening (sunrise/sunset) dim light is important. Light as a nutrient.
Mind emf on flights.
“Live in the sun, sleep in the dark, heal in the red.”
Ideally, largest meal at sunrise. Less as day goes on.
Uv/ir together for healing, including at night or during cold showers or ice baths. Does not
interfere with circadian rhythms either.
Junk light note: LED and CFL have flicker, pwm based computer monitors do too (can use Iris
software dimmer instead)
4 issues with LED and CFL. Environmentally unfriendly, EMF, flicker, and bad peaks.
Seafood/shellfish, dha, omega 3 all crucial
Purple angel wine (example) is a wine lower in deuterium because it is from a high altitude far
from equator.
Fast in the sun for autophagy and mitophagy
Be extremely sparing with medication and supplements as most likely contain high deuterium
because of warm water used in manufacturing, and other reasons.
Reverse osmosis water is lower in deuterium. Other water (brand name ddw like Qlarivia,
Preventa) is even lower but more expensive. Most “healthy” people who use them drink 1-2L
per day.
Fats can help while fasting.
Avoid Bluetooth
Phone in Airplane mode, Faraday case, don't put to skull, don't carry on body
Microwave, glass stove top elements emit a lot of EMF.
Low redox symptoms - note and monitor (
F.lux/Twilight are good but not enough.
Intranasal red light therapy, LLLT.
Light hacks
Ambient lighting
After adapting to cold showers (50-54f) ice bath in cold water, 45min with 20lb ice on
face/abdomen, begin with gloves hat and socks. Pro/fat meal and 32oz (ice) water first,also
before cold showers. (
Lemon water helps deplete 2H (deuterium)
Sun on all fours in morning on ground
No screen before first light
Epistemology is more important than content.
Incandescent, red, and yellow are “ambient” or “passive” lighting for household use at various
times. Uva/uvb/ir can be used therapeutically (individually or in combination) at almost any time,
or can be combined with the solar glo bulb to create an ambient personal sunlight imitation for
indoor workplaces.
Prevent dehydration.
When possible only use phone face up on a surface (not body).
Bone broth and vortexing
Warburg metabolism and its relevance to cancer.
Food entrainment of circadian rhythms (mainly early eating in day and early cutoff in evening).
Calorie restriction, paired with cold thermogenesis.
“cancer is not genetic disease
it is metabolic disease,
it is deuterium driven disease
carbohydrates and sugar have higher level of deuterium
fat is always deuterium depleted comparing to carbohydrates
after all said and done
measure your deuterium level with goal of being under 130ppm”
Question: can L-carn Stephens protocol assist in 2H depletion?
Some people drink Pellegrino for sulfate and CO2 content (which can be depleted by talking a
lot; see also Buyenko breathing method


Deuterium gets into your body via the things you eat and drink and also via the humidity in the
air you breath. You can’t do much about what you breathe. But here are some facts about the
food you eat that can help you consume less deuterium.

● Green plants deplete deuterium – vegetables are deuterium depleted.

● Plants get rid of their deuterium by putting it in their sugar storage – fruits, potatoes,
grains, etc. are high in deuterium.
● Nuts are full of fat and protein and not sugar – nuts are deuterium depleted.
● Grass-fed animals are deuterium depleted – grain-fed animals are not.
● Old food is higher in deuterium than young food because it, like us, lose their ability to
deplete deuterium with age – young food is healthier to eat.
● The water you drink – rivers, lakes, streams – is high in deuterium – people drink water
according to what they eat.
● Fat from plants and grass fed animals is the most deuterium depleted food source. The
cell’s of people who eat fat make deuterium depleted water and actually drink much less
water than people who don’t eat fat.
● The body makes 1.1 kg of deuterium depleted water for every kg of fat consumed –
ancient man likely derived most of his water from fat as many animals still do– camels
don’t need to drink because they make water from the fat on their backs.

Product lists and links (many from Kruse direct recommendations)

Essentia RO water
Aquafina 139.5ppm
Glacial water is low in Deuterium
Vetera-25 can be diluted with RO water 1:4 to ~117ppm and drunk daily

Blue blocking glasses:

Daytime pick: Swannies ($50)

Nighttime pick: Dewalt dw0714 ($8) or Skyper sct
orange (second pick)

Another option: custom tints bpi 450 (daytime indoor artificial light
and screen)...550 (evening) ...600 (night)

Suggested Lighting:

Ambient: clear, yellow, or red incandescent for “normal” indoor usage.

Therapeutic: UV and IR for intensive healing usage and during cold therapy, etc.
Supplemental: for indoor offices, etc, an attempt to recreate some benefits of the sun.

Bayco 10.5 Ballast/reflector (large)

Large IR, solar glo.

Simple deluxe 8.5 Ballast/reflector (smaller)

Small IR, probably UVA LED and UVB CFL.

Simple deluxe hanging socket cord and switch (20ft)
Mainly for yellow or red ambient lighting (assuming clear incandescent in most regular
household light fixtures).

Upright floor multi lamp

Ambient lighting

Small flex desk lamp

Ambient lighting

Lixada Led UVA 375nm

Exo Terra Repti-Glo 10.0 Compact Fluorescent Desert Terrarium Lamp, 26-Watt UVB
recommended with small ballast
For supplemental and therapy.

Exo Terra Solar Glo 160 daylight bulb needs large ballast

Philips heat lamp 250w IR (large) needs large ballast
For therapy.

Evergreen 75w IR (small) 2 pack needs small ballast
For supplemental or therapy.

incandescent clear (large) Aero-Tech ULA-98 20,000 Hour 100-Watt A-19 Clear Rough Service
Incandescent Bulb, 6-Pack
incandescent clear (small) Pack Of 8 60A19/CL 560 Lumens 60 Watt Standard Household A19
E26 (Medium) Base Crystal Clear Incandescent Rough Service Light Bulb
For daytime ambient lighting.

Yellow 100w (Pack Of 4) 100 Watt A19 Yellow Bug Light 130V E26 Base- 100A/YB - 100A19/Y

Yellow (large) Bug Bulb,60w Lamp 2/Pk

Yellow (small) 4 Qty. Halco 40W A19 YEL BUG 130V 2M Halco A19BG40 40w 130v
Incandescent Yellow Bug Lamp Bulb
For evening ambient lighting.

Red (large) Bulbrite 60A/CR 60-Watt Incandescent Standard A19, Medium Base, Ceramic Red
[4 Pack]
Red (small) Pack Of 4 40 Watt A19 Ceramic Red Medium Base Standered Household
Incandescent Red Colored Light Bulb
For night time ambient lighting.

Candelabra: these are called E12, example:25w incandescent flame tip frosted

Fridge and fan bulbs: these are called a15, example: 60w incandescent clear

Other interesting accessories:

Quantlet (wrist device)

Testing and Related Information

% Heterochromy
Dha test?
Telomere tests?
Deuterium tests ( (under 130ppm is goal)
Emf meters (3 types of measurements)
Light spectrum measurement device

Jack Kruse patreon (pay for content, most highly recommended)
Jack Kruse Facebook (free)
Jack Kruse LinkedIn (free)
Many podcasts and YouTube videos (free)
Forum posts and more on (free or membership)
Deuterium partial liquid/food list:
Table 4 The oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon isotope ratios of various edible oils from
different locations.
EVOO -130 to -160 d2 H = 130ppm to 125ppm
Coconut oil -220 d2 H = 117ppm
All oils listed range from -130 to -220 d2 H. EVOO has the most
deuterium, coconut oil the least.

Applies to Freeman
Deuterium=hives, histamine release, sensitization, possibly reduced diamine oxidase activity
(many studies back these up)
How does delayed pressure urticaria relate?
Referenced below:

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