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Name: Azalia sasta ayuardyta

Class: 10A

Palu city
Palu City is a city and at the same time the capital of the province of Central Sulawesi, Indonesia. Palu is
a city located in Central Sulawesi, with Donggala Regency in the west and north, Sigi Regency in the
south, and Parigi Regency in the east.

Besides weaving, the city of Palu is also famous for ebony crafts. The various shapes and distinctive
colors make this craft an alternative choice for typical Palu souvenirs. Starting from statues, wall clocks,
to key chains.

The main crop production achievements for the people of Central Sulawesi are rice, corn, peanuts,
green beans, and sweet potatoes which come from their own production. While the superior potential
of plantations is Cocoa.There are also some very interesting tourist attractions in Palu

1. Palu Bridge

2. Talise Beach

3. Tanjung Karang Beach

4. Lutungan Island

5. Pasoso Island

6. Pusentasi

7. Nosarara Nosabatutu Monument

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