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Jayawant public school

Class: VIII
Subject -Computer

Q.1 Fill in the blanks.

1. HR tag displays a horizontal line across the web page.
2. <B> tag displays the text in bold form.
3. The width of an image is specified by the number of pixels.
4. UI list displays a bulleted list.
5. The border attribute of the TABLE tag accepts only positive
6. TH tag represents the heading of the table.
7. Pixels is the default unit of the width and height of a new file of
8. The Option Bar panel displays options for currently.
9. Magic Wand Tool is used to select similarly colored areas..
10. The default extension of a Photoshop file is .psd
Q.2 State whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The SRC attribute of the IMG tag tells the browser about the
location of the image. True.
2. The WIDTH attribute defines the thickness of the horizontal rule.
3. The TITLE tag should be used in the BODY tag. False
4. The number of columns in a table depends on the number of TR
tags.. False
5. TABLE tag denotes the start of the table.. True
6. For the attribute TYPE of the UL tag, DISC specifies a hollow
bullet. False
7. An image can have multiple background layers.. False
8.The Clone Stamp tool is used to duplicate a portion of an image
9.Spot Healing Tool is a Selection Tool of Photoshop CS6.. False
10. The Brush Preset Picker is located in the Options Bar of Photoshop
CS6. True
Q.3 Match the following.

A Answer
i) Clone Tool Duplicate an Image
ii)Magic Wand Tool Selects an area based on its color

iii)Lasso Tool Selects irregular shapes

iv)Zoom Tool Magnifies an image

V) Spot Healing Removes Imperfections
Brush Tool
vi) Crop Tool Removes a part of the image

Tags Attribute

i)TR Row of a table

ii)OL Numbered list

iii)TABLE Organized data

iv)LI Items in a list

V) TH Heading

Tags Attribute

i)FONT Face
ii)MARQUEE Direction

iii)IMG Border

iv)BODY Background
Q.4 Tick the correct option.

1. The attribute of font tag are.

Ans: - All of these(Face, Size, Color)
2. b.The empty tag among the following is
3. This tag is used to link one page to another
Ans:- A
4. The types of lists available with HTML are
Ans:- All of the above(Order list, Unordered lists, Definition lists
5. Main container for<TR>, <TD> and<TH> is
Ans:- <TABLE>

6. This tool lets you paint roughly over an area of an image

Ans: -Colur Replacement Tool
7. This bar shows the various parameters for the currently selected tool.
Ans:- Options Bar

8. The two Viewing Tools are

Ans:- Zoom and Hand Tool
9. The shape(s) offered by the Shape Tool is/are
Ans:- All of the above (Ellipse, Rounded Rectangle, polygon)
10. The two Viewing Tools are
Ans:- Zoom and Hand Tool
Q.5. Answer the following.
1.Define container tags. Give suitable examples?
Ans:- The container is the area enclosed by the beginning and ending

2.Briefly state the function of the TITLE tag?

Ans:-This is a container tag that starts with the <Title>
tag and ends with </Title> tag. How is the Paragraph tag
different from the Break tag.
3.How is the paragraph tag different from the Break tag?
Ans:- Break tag is just same as pressing the enter key.It
changes the line....whereas paragraph tag is used incase
while we are writing a paragraph
4.What is the significance of the TH tag?
Ans:- This is container element and is used for table
5.Mention the attributes of the TABLE tag?
Ans:- Attributes of the TABLE tad are BGCOLUR and
6. How is the unordered list different from the ordered list?
Ans:- In an unordered list, each item is displayed with a
bullet. In an ordered list, each item is displayed along with
the numbers or letters instead of bullets.

7.Give the importance of the LI tag?

Ans:- The LI ( list item) tag is an empty tag used inside the
<OL> and <UL> tag to define list items. Each list item has to
be preceded by <LI> tag. This tag displays items in a
bulleted list form.
Q.6 Answer the following.
1.. Which are the text formatting tags? Explain each.
Ans:-Following are the Text Formatting tags :- Bodlface (B)
Underline(U), Italics (I)
Ans:- Boldface (B):- This is a container tag starting with <B> tag and ending with
</B> tag. This tag is used to display the text enclosed within the tags in bold form.
Underline (U) :- This is a container tag starting with <U> tag and ending with </U>
tag. This tag is used to underline the text enclosed within the tags .
Italics (I) :- This is a container tag starting with <I> tag and ending with </I> tag.
This tag is used to display the text enclosed within the tags in italics form.
2. Which tag is used to display a horizontal line? State its attributes
and their functions.
This is an empty tag that displays a horizontal line across the web page. We can
use a horizontal line to visually split the information into different sections.
Syntax: <HR>

Attributes of HR tag:

This sets the colour of the horizontal rule.
Syntax: COLOR="colour name"
This specifies how the horizontal rule should be aligned. The alignment can
be left, right, or center.

This attribute defines the thickness of the horizontal rule. This thickness is
specified in the number of pixels. A pixel is equal to dividing an inch into 72
Syntax: SIZE = "n"

This defines the horizontal width of the line. The default is the width of the
page. The measurement value can be the number of pixels, for example, "50", or
percentage of the page
3. Explain the TR and TD tags.
<TR> Table Row: - This is container tag that denotes a row of the table. It
starts worth <TR> and ends with</TR>.
The TR tag is used inside the TABLE tag. The number of rows in a table
are consistent with the occurrence of the TR tag within the table element .

<TD> Table Data:- This is a container element used to specify the text in a
cell of the table. The TD tag is used inside the TR tag, which is further
inside the table tag. The number of columns in a table depends of the
number of the TD tags within the TR tag.
4. How are the attributes of the OL tag useful?
Ans:- It is useful for creating lists that are either numbered or
alphabetical. This list is used where the items are to be displayed in a
specific order.
5. How are lists and tables different from each other?
➢ Lists are arranged in a normal manner but tables are arranged in
an understanding manner.
➢ A list can be used for cited works, numbered tutorial steps, and
other many things.
➢ A table can be used for arranging data in rows and columns.
➢ Tables have other benefits like color’s, length, spacing, width etc.

6. Explain Layers.
Ans:- Layers are one of the Photoshop’s most powerful features. Layers
can help to arrange each element of the image at different levels. We
can work with one element without disturbing other elements.
Q.7 Identify the following pictures.

1. 2. 3. 4.
Hand Tool Eyedropper Clone Stamp Lasso Tool

5. 6. 7.

Brush Tool Eraser Tool Marquee Tool

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