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DNA barcoding of fungi: A case study using ITS sequences for identifying
aquatic hyphomycete species

Article  in  Fungal Diversity · October 2010

DOI: 10.1007/s13225-010-0056-y


54 578

4 authors, including:

Seena Sahadevan Cláudia Pascoal

University of Coimbra University of Minho


Fernanda Cassio
University of Minho


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Molecular biodiversity and phylogeny of aquatic hyphomycetes View project

Stoichiometry of stream aquatic fungi: implications for the detrital food web View project

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Fungal Diversity
DOI 10.1007/s13225-010-0056-y

DNA barcoding of fungi: a case study using ITS sequences

for identifying aquatic hyphomycete species
Sahadevan Seena & Cláudia Pascoal &
Ludmila Marvanová & Fernanda Cássio

Received: 24 May 2010 / Accepted: 3 August 2010

# Kevin D. Hyde 2010

Abstract Aquatic hyphomycetes are a polyphyletic group not group within the Tricladium genus. Cohesiveness was
of fungi that play a crucial role in organic matter turnover in not observed between isolates with respect to location,
streams. They have been traditionally identified based on condition of stream or date of collection. Evolutionary
the morphology of conidia collected in stream water or divergences (ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences; Kimura 2-
obtained from leaves colonized in nature upon aeration in parameter distance) between con-specific isolates were
the laboratory. Therefore, species identification is limited shallow and a deep divergence between species was
by our ability to induce conidium production and to generally observed. The NJ trees based on ITS1 or ITS2
establish pure cultures. Conidial shapes are believed to be rRNA gene sequences had lower statistical support for
the result of convergent evolution, so similar conidia may some internal nodes, we therefore propose ITS1-5.8S-ITS2
be produced by different conidiogenesis processes, which rRNA gene as barcode for identifying species of aquatic
may prevent unambiguous identification. Currently, a great hyphomycetes.
effort in fungal taxonomy is being made at introducing a set
of criteria based on comparisons of selected nucleotide Keywords Aquatic hyphomycetes . ITS . Barcode .
sequences instead of or in addition to phenotypic charac- Evolutionary divergence
ters. We examined the suitability of ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rRNA
gene region or its subregions (ITS1 and ITS2) to identify
aquatic hyphomycetes, by sequencing and comparing these Introduction
regions in 94 fungal isolates belonging to 19 species
collected in Portuguese streams with different environmen- Aquatic hyphomycetes were first reported by Ingold in
tal conditions during 8 years. Sequences of ITS1, ITS2 and 1942, but it was over 30 years ago that stream ecologists
ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rRNA genes of the Portuguese isolates of realized their importance (Bärlocher and Kendrick 1974;
aquatic hyphomycetes and those from the GenBank Suberkropp and Klug 1976). This polyphyletic group of
exhibited taxonomic cohesiveness, the isolates grouped fungi play a crucial role in organic matter turnover in
with their respective species but all Tricladium species did streams, acting as intermediaries between plant litter and
invertebrate shredders and thereby contributing to the
S. Seena (*) : C. Pascoal : F. Cássio functioning of freshwater ecosystems (Bärlocher 2005;
CBMA (Centre of Molecular and Environmental Biology), Gessner et al. 2007). More than 300 species of aquatic
Department of Biology, University of Minho, hyphomycetes are currently known with a worldwide
Campus de Gualtar,
distribution (Descals 1997; Shearer et al. 2007), mainly in
4710-057 Braga, Portugal
e-mail: lotic habitats from the equator to the Arctic (Shearer et al.
2007) and to the Tierra del Fuego (Godeas 1985), although
L. Marvanová some species are likely to be limited to certain latitudes and
Czech Collection of Microorganisms, Faculty of Science,
altitudes (Bärlocher 2007). Meiospores may be more apt
Masaryk University,
Tvrdého 14, than the asexual spores (conidia) for ensuring the cosmo-
602 00 Brno, Czech Republic politan distribution of aquatic hyphomycetes (Bärlocher
Fungal Diversity

2009). However, to date, the sexual state has been reported pathogenic ascomycetes (Rossman 2007). The fungal
in only ca 10% of the aquatic hyphomycetes (Bärlocher kingdom is estimated to comprise 1.5 million species out
2007; Marvanová 2007), and the majority of anamorph/ of which only less than 1% is sequenced for the ITS region
teleomorph associations are still a mystery. Undoubtedly, (Hawksworth 2001; Nilsson et al. 2006). Nilsson et al.
various kinds of vegetative resting structures (chlamydo- (2008) have shown that on average the variability of ITS1
spores, microsclerotia), known to be part of the life cycle in region exceeds that of ITS2; however, they found greater
many species, contribute to the long-distance dispersal. variability in ITS2 than ITS1 in 34% of the studied fungal
The traditional aquatic hyphomycete classification is species. It was also concluded that these two spacer regions
based on morphology of conidia, i.e. their shape and are not subjected to independent evolution because the
ontogeny (Alexopoulos et al. 1996; Marvanová 1997). variation of both regions are highly correlated. The 5.8S
However, practicing identification based on these criteria is rRNA gene region is well conserved within all fungal
often limited by our ability to induce conidium production species (Nilsson et al. 2008).
from colonized plant debris and to establish pure cultures. The problem of misidentification of aquatic hyphomy-
The common approach in stream ecology is to identify cetes when relying on conidial shape could be overcome by
aquatic hyphomycetes on the basis of detached conidia barcodes. Bärlocher et al. (2010) successfully extracted
collected in water or obtained from leaves colonized in DNA from single conidia and amplified partial ITS region.
nature through aeration methods in laboratory (Descals Recently, it has been demonstrated that ITS sequences of
2005). Both approaches have some pitfalls: the most aquatic hyphomycetes provided the most appealing clado-
common conidium morphologies include sigmoid (worm gram along with optimal threshold factor of 10 between the
shaped, scolecoform) and multiradiate (stauroform, often interspecific and intraspecific variability for the Tetracla-
tetraradiate) forms that are believed to have evolved dium spp. (Letourneau et al. 2010). In January 2010,
convergently as independent adaptations to similar envi- species level records on Barcode of Life Data Systems
ronmental pressures. Hence, similar conidia may be (BOLD) based on cytochrome c oxidase I (CO1) gene
produced by different conidiogenous processes and ignor- sequences were 759,950 and those of ITS rRNA gene
ing this may lead to false identification. Conidium sequences were very few; so most queries with ITS
production induced by aeration may be more advantageous sequence data are not likely to yield a successful match
for rheophilic species adapted to quick conidium release ( The other major hurdle is
than for those that sporulate later or prefer slowly moving that there are a low number of ITS sequences of aquatic
water. Thus, some species may remain undetected, when hyphomycetes in the GenBank, so there is a demand to
the laboratory conditions for sporulation do not meet their scale up sequencing of aquatic hyphomycete isolates and
requirements in nature. Moreover, the few published keys thereby enhance data for generating barcodes. Inopportune-
comprise mainly the most common species and the ly, the type strains of many aquatic hyphomycetes do not
dispersion of formal taxonomic descriptions make reliable exist in any registered culture collection (http://wdcm.nig.
species identification difficult. In such cases, the isolates whose
Currently, a great effort in fungal taxonomy is being identity has been guaranteed by a specialist would serve as
made at introducing a set of criteria based on comparisons a reference material for generating barcodes (Letourneau et
of nucleotide sequences of selected genes instead of or in al. 2010;
addition to phenotypic characters (Webster and Weber In an attempt to examine the suitability of ITS sequences to
2007). The relevance of DNA sequence information in identify aquatic hyphomycetes, this rRNA gene region was
contemporary mycology is exemplified by the recent sequenced and compared in 94 isolates belonging to 19
concept of fungal barcoding, which seeks species identifi- species. We used the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2, ITS1 and ITS2
cation through the use of standardized DNA sequences rRNA gene sequences to assess the feasibility of using the
from annotated reference specimens (Hebert et al. 2003; whole ITS region or one of these subregions as DNA
Hajibabaei et al. 2006, Seifert et al. 2007; Nilsson et al. barcodes in aquatic hyphomycetes. The fungi employed in
2008). In the All Fungi Barcoding meeting held in 2007 the this study were isolated from Portuguese streams with
internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of nuclear rRNA different environmental conditions between the years of
gene was proposed as the most appropriate candidate for 1999 and 2007, and include cosmopolitan and rare species
barcoding fungi (Rossman 2007). Certain merits of this of aquatic hyphomycetes (Marvanová et al. 2003; Pascoal
region are that it is very easy to sequence with specific et al. 2005). Conidium morphology of the selected species
primers and it also has high capacity to evolve rapidly. is well documented elsewhere (novel and rare species from
However, it was admitted that this region does not provide Portugal: Collembolispora barbata, Flagellospora penicil-
precise species recognition for some fungal groups, such as lioides originally identified as F. curta, Geniculospora
for yeasts, members of the Glomeromycota and plant grandis, Heliscus submersus, Tricladium terrestre—
Fungal Diversity

Marvanová et al. 2003; common species in temperate PCR products were run on a 1.3% agarose gel at 90 V to
regions: Articulospora tetracladia, Anguillospora filifor- check the presence of the desired band. The PCR products
mis, Clavariopsis aquatica, Dimorphospora foliicola, were then cleaned using GenElute™ PCR Clean-Up Kit
Fontanospora fusiramosa, Heliscus lugdunensis, Lunulo- (Sigma) according to manufacturer’s protocols and its
spora curvula, Tetracladium marchalianum Tricladium concentration was confirmed using nanodrop (Spectropho-
chaetocladium, T. splendens, Varicosporium elodeae and tometer ND-1000). The amplicons were sequenced using
Ypsilina graminea—Gulis et al. 2005; and other species, ITS1, ITS2 and ITS3 primers (White et al. 1990). Cycle
namely Tetracladium breve—Letourneau et al. 2010, and sequencing was performed using Big Dye Terminator V3.1
Tricladium indicum—Sati and Tiwari 1992). We also Kit (Applied Biosystems) according to the manufacturer.
attempted to visualize the phylogenetic clustering of these Excess dyes were removed using NucleoSEQ kit
species using published ITS sequences at the National (Macherey-Nagel). Purified sample was denaturated with
Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) (http:// formamide during 5 min at 95°C and then run on an ABI This study is expected to lead to 310 Genetic analyzer (Applied Biosystems) using POP4
an assembly of reference libraries of barcode sequences polymer.
for aquatic hyphomycete species in order to develop an Consensus sequences of ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region were
identification tool for biodiversity assessment with direct obtained using CodonCode Aligner 2.0.6 (CodonCode Co.,
applications in ecological studies. USA) and aligned using MEGA 4 (Tamura et al. 2007), the
alignment was further refined with BioEdit 7.0.9 (Hall
1999). Sequence divergence was analyzed by using Kimura
Materials and methods 2-parameter (K2P) distance (Kimura 1980) and the dendro-
grams for ITS1- 5.8S-ITS2, ITS1 and ITS2 regions were
The fungal isolates used in this study are monoconidial and generated with neighbour-joining (NJ) method (Saitou and
are maintained in the culture collection of the Centre of Nei 1987) using MEGA 4 (Tamura et al. 2007), after testing
Molecular and Environmental Biology (CBMA), Depart- the suitability of data for estimating NJ trees by analyzing
ment of Biology of the University of Minho. A total of 19 the average Jukes-Cantor (JC) distance (Hall 2008). All
species were used, namely, Articulospora tetracladia (10 positions containing alignment gaps and missing data were
isolates), Anguillospora filiformis (5 isolates), Clavariopsis eliminated only in pairwise sequence comparisons. Branch
aquatica (4 isolates), Collembolispora barbata (2 isolates), support was assessed with bootstrap analysis (1000 repli-
Dimorphospora foliicola (5 isolates), Flagellospora pen- cates, Felsenstein 1985). The sequence of Cudonia lutea
icillioides (4 isolates), Fontanospora fusiramosa (4 iso- (AF433151) from GenBank was used to root the trees.
lates), Geniculospora grandis (2 isolates), Heliscus Sequence data obtained from the Portuguese isolates were
lugdunensis (11 isolates), H. submersus (2 isolates), deposited in GenBank (Table 1) and alignments in
Lunulospora curvula (3 isolates), Tetracladium breve (1 TreeBASE (
isolate) T. marchalianum (5 isolates), Tricladium chaeto- TB2:S10536). Sequences of the same gene regions of
cladium (4 isolates), T. cf. indicum (2 isolates), T. splendens anamorph/teleomorph when available from GenBank were
(7 isolates), T. terrestre (4 isolates), Varicosporium elodeae included in this study (Table 2). The known anamorph/
(16 isolates), Ypsilina graminea (3 isolates). The origin of teleomorph connections are outlined in Table 3.
fungal isolates and the substrate sampled (stream water,
foam, leaves or twigs) are outlined in Table 1. All cultures
were grown at room temperature on 1.5% malt extract agar. Results
After 2 weeks, the fungal DNA was extracted using MoBio
Ultraclean Soil DNA Isolation Kit according to manufac- All 19 aquatic hyphomycete species had different ITS1-
turer’s instruction to obtain maximum yield and stored at 5.8S-ITS2, ITS1 and ITS2 sequences. The average se-
−20°C. Fungal DNA (2 μl) was mixed with 2 μl of ITS1 quence divergence employing JC distance was < 1 for
and 2 μl of ITS4 primers (White et al. 1990), 14 μl of ITS1-5.8S-ITS2, ITS1 and ITS2 sequences and hence these
GoTaq® Green Master Mix (Promega) and 5 μl water were used to construct NJ trees with K2P distances. The
supplied with the GoTaq® Green Master Mix in 0.2 ml strip ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of all species consisted of 436–
tubes. The DNA amplification was done in a BIO RAD 583 bp. The 5.8S rDNA sequences were 158 bp long and
MyCycler™ Thermal Cycler as follows: 1. initial denatur- were similar among isolates of the same species.
ation (94°C, 2 min); 2. denaturation (94°C, 45 sec); 3. The ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences of the Portuguese iso-
annealing (55°C, 45 sec); 4. extension (73°C, 1.30 min); 5. lates and those from the GenBank exhibited taxonomic
repeat steps 1 to 4 (38 cycles); 6. final extension (70°C, cohesiveness and all the isolates grouped within their
10 min); 7. pause and incubation until retrieved at 4°C. The respective species, but Tricladium species appeared in two
Fungal Diversity

Table 1 Aquatic hyphomycete taxa, isolate reference, stream loca- River sites (E1, E5), Laja Stream (La), Lamas (Lm), Maceira River
tion, sampled substrate and GenBank accession number of sequenced (Ma), Patanha Stream (Pa), Pelhe River (Pe), Peliteira Stream (Pi),
isolates. The sampling sites are: Alhões Stream (Al), Ave River sites Preguiça Stream (Pr), São João do Campo Stream (Sj) and Tinhela
(L1, L2, L6 and L7), Botão Stream (Bo), Cávado River (Ca), Este Stream (Ti)

Taxon Isolate Stream location Sampled GenBank accession

reference substrate number

Articulospora tetracladia Ingold UMB-014.00 L6 (41°21′N 8°25′W) SW GQ411288

UMB-087.01 Ma (41°46'N 8º08'W) F GQ411289
UMB-122.01 Sj (41°45′N 8°11′W) F GQ411284
UMB-320.07 Al (40º30'N 7º52'W) L GQ411292
UMB-323.07 Pa (40º59'N 8º00'W) L GQ411286
UMB-328.07 Pa (40º59'N 8º00'W) L GQ411287
UMB-332.07 Al (40º30'N 7º52'W) L GQ411291
UMB-333.07 Al (40º30'N 7º52'W) L GQ411290
UMB-343.07 Pa (40º59'N 8º00'W) L GQ411293
UMB-376.07 Pi (41°26′N 7°33′W) L GQ411285
Anguillospora filiformis Greath. UMB-015.00 L7 (41°20′N 8°31′W) SW GQ411263
UMB-102.01 Pe (41°24′N 8°30′W) L GQ411261
UMB-117.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411262
UMB-148.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411260
UMB-232.02 E1 (41°34′N 8°19′W) L GQ411259
Clavariopsis aquatica De Wild. UMB-019.99 L2 (41°32′N 8°15′W) L GQ411316
UMB-110.01 Pe (41°24′N 8°30′W) L GQ411318
UMB-156.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411319
UMB-195.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411317
Collembolispora barbata Marvanová, UMB-048.01 Sj (41°45′N 8°11′W) F GQ411302
Pascoal and Cássio UMB-088.01 Sj (41°45′N 8°11′W) F GQ411303
Dimorphospora foliicola Tubaki UMB-030.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411314
UMB-031.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411311
UMB-034.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411313
UMB-172.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411312
UMB-218.00 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411315
Flagellospora penicillioides Ingold UMB-300.05 E1 (41°34′N 8°19′W) SW GQ411324
UMB-302.05 E1 (41°34′N 8°19′W) SW GQ411326
UMB-304.05 E1 (41°34′N 8°19′W) SW GQ411325
UMB-350.07 Bo (40°18′N 8°23′W) L GQ411323
Fontanospora fusiramosa Marvanová, P.J. UMB-075.01 Ma (41°46'N 8º08'W) F GQ411267
Fisher, Descals and Bärlocher UMB-085.01 Ma (41°46'N 8º08'W) F GQ411264
UMB-167.01 La (41°44′N 8°09′W) T GQ411265
UMB-208.01 Sj (41°45′N 8°11′W) F GQ411266
Geniculospora grandis (Greath.) Nolan UMB-176.01 Lm (41°30′N 8°25′W) F GQ411354
UMB-198.01 E1 (41°34′N 8°19′W) F GQ411353
Heliscus lugdunensis Sacc. and Thérry UMB-003.00 L6 (41°21′N 8°25′W) SW GQ411335
UMB-044.01 Sj (41°45′N 8°11′W) F GQ411329
UMB-079.01 La (41°44′N 8°09′W) T GQ411338
UMB-160.01 La (41°44′N 8°09′W) T GQ411333
UMB-164.01 Ma (41°46'N 8º08'W) F GQ411334
UMB-311.06 Ca (41°38′N 8°19′W) F GQ411336
UMB-362.07 Ti (41°26′N 7°32′W) F GQ411331
UMB-364.07 Pi (41°26′N 7°33′W) L GQ411330
UMB-369.07 Ti (41°26′N 7°32′W) T GQ411332
UMB-378.07 Pi (41°26′N 7°33′W) T GQ411337
UMB-385.07 Pi (41°26′N 7°33′W) T GQ411339
Fungal Diversity

Table 1 (continued)

Taxon Isolate Stream location Sampled GenBank accession

reference substrate number

Heliscus submersus H.J. Huds. UMB-001.99 L1 (41°33′N 8°14′W) L GQ411327

UMB-135.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411328
Lunulospora curvula Ingold UMB-108.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411321
UMB-115.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411322
UMB-305.05 E1 (41°34′N 8°19′W) SW GQ411320
Tetracladium breve A. Roldán UMB-046.01 Sj (41°45′N 8°11′W) F GQ411301
Tetracladium marchalianum De Wild. UMB-064.01 Pe (41°24′N 8°30′W) L GQ411294
UMB-094.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411298
UMB-095.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411296
UMB-118.01 E1 (41°34′N 8°19′W) F GQ411295
UMB-239.02 Pe (41°24′N 8°30′W) L GQ411299
Tricladium chaetocladium Ingold UMB-013.99 L1 (41°33′N 8°14′W) L GQ411309
UMB-035.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411310
UMB-062.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411308
UMB-065.01 Pe (41°24′N 8°30′W) L GQ411307
Tricladium indicum Sati and N. Tiwari UMB-026.01 Lm (41°30′N 8°25′W) F GQ411341
UMB-241.02 E1 (41°34′N 8°19′W) F GQ411340
Tricladium splendens Ingold UMB-068.01 Sj (41°45′N 8°11′W) F GQ411349
UMB-100.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) L GQ411347
UMB-330.07 Pa (40º59'N 8º00'W) L GQ411348
UMB-347.07 Al (40º30'N 7º52'W) L GQ411346
UMB-352.07 Pa (40º59'N 8º00'W) L GQ411351
UMB-356.07 Pa (40º59'N 8º00'W) L GQ411352
UMB-372.07 Pi (41°26′N 7°33′W) L GQ411350
Tricladium terrestre D. Park UMB-179.01 E1 (41°34′N 8°19′W) F GQ411344
UMB-181.01 E1 (41°34′N 8°19′W) F GQ411345
UMB-083.01 Lm (41°30′N 8°25′W) F GQ411342
UMB-089.01 Lm (41°30′N 8°25′W) F GQ411343
Varicosporium elodeae W. Kegel UMB-005.00 Ca (41°38′N 8°19′W) F GQ411279
UMB-055.01 E1 (41°34′N 8°19′W) F GQ411272
UMB-096.01 Ma (41°46'N 8º08'W) F GQ411274
UMB-101.01 Sj (41°45′N 8°11′W) F GQ411275
UMB-171.01 E1 (41°34′N 8°19′W) F GQ411276
UMB-213.02 Sj (41°45′N 8°11′W) F GQ411282
UMB-249.02 E1 (41°34′N 8°19′W) F GQ411270
UMB-310.06 Ca (41°38′N 8°19′W) L GQ411283
UMB-314.06 Pi (41°26′N 7°33′W) F GQ411273
UMB-319.06 Pi (41°26′N 7°33′W) F GQ411281
UMB-331.07 Pa (40º59'N 8º00'W) L GQ411277
UMB-340.07 Al (40º30'N 7º52'W) F GQ411269
UMB-345.07 Al (40º30'N 7º52'W) F GQ411271
UMB-366.07 Pi (41°26′N 7°33′W) L GQ411278
UMB-382.07 Pi (41°26′N 7°33′W) L GQ411268
UMB-384.07 Pi (41°26′N 7°33′W) L GQ411280
Ypsilina graminea (Ingold, P.J. McDougall UMB-098.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) F GQ411304
and Dann) Descals, J. Webster and Marvanová UMB-111.01 E5 (41°30′N 8°27′W) F GQ411306
UMB-354.07 Al (40º30'N 7º52'W) L GQ411305

L leaves; F foam; SW stream water; T twigs

Fungal Diversity

Table 2 GenBank accession number for ITS region sequences for Table 3 Teleomorph/anamorph connections in aquatic hyphomycete
aquatic hyphomycetes species used in this study

Species Accession Origin of isolate Anamorph Order Teleomorph

Articulospora tetracladia Helotiales Ombrophila tetracladia
Articulospora tetracladia EU998929 CCM F-11101 Anguillospora filiformis Unknown Unknown
Anguillospora filiformis AY148104 CCM F-20687 Clavariopsis aquatica Pleosporales Massarina sp.
Clavariopsis aquatica GQ152143 Unknown Collembolispora barbata Unknown Unknown
Cudoniella indica DQ202513 CBS 430.94 = CCM Dimorphospora foliicola Helotiales Hymenoscyphus
F-100 93a foliicola
Cudonia lutea AF433151 Unknown Fontanospora fusiramosa Unknown Unknown
Dimorphospora foliicola DQ202518 Unknown Flagellospora Hypocreales Nectria penicillioides
Hymenoscyphus DQ202514 CBS 651.66 = IFO penicillioides
varicosporoides 8268a Geniculospora grandis Helotiales Hymenoscyphus
Nectria lugdunensis DQ247778 CCM F-245 africanus
Tetracladium breve FJ000405 CCM F-12505 Heliscus lugdunensis Hypocreales Nectria lugdunensis
Tetracladium marchalianum FJ000370 CCM F-19399 Heliscus submersus Unknown Unknown
Tricladium chaetocladium DQ202515 CBS 249.90 = HME Lunulospora curvula Sordariales Unknown
4375a Tricladium Helotiales Hydrocina chaetocladia
Tricladium splendens DQ202510 SS 2274 chaetocladium
Tricladium indicum Helotiales Cudoniella indica
Tricladium terrestre DQ202519 CBS 697.73a
Tricladium splendens Helotiales Hymenoscyphus
Varicosporium elodeae DQ202517 CBS 541.92 = CCM
Tricladium terrestre Helotiales Unknown
ex-type or ex-isotype Tetracladium breve Unknown Unknown
Tetracladium Unknown Unknown
rather distant groups (Fig. 1). The average overall evolu- Varicosporium elodeae Helotiales Unknown
tionary divergence (i.e., number of base substitutions per Ypsilina graminea Unknown Unknown
site from averaging over all sequence pairs) for ITS1-5.8S-
ITS2 sequences was 23%. The maximum evolutionary
divergence was observed within T. indicum, Varicosporium sequences of isolates of the same species exhibited very
elodeae, Articulospora tetracladia, Anguillospora filiformis shallow divergences.
and Ypsilina graminea but never exceeded 2%. All the The evolutionary divergences among species based on
Portuguese A. tetracladia isolates diverged by 1.7–1.9% ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences are given in Table 4. The
from EU998929 (sequence originating from CCM sequences exhibited deep divergences between the species
F-11101). One of the isolates of T. cf. indicum (UMB- with some exceptions. The T. chaetocladium diverged by
026.01) differed by 1.0–1.2% from Hymenoscyphus vari- 23.8–24.8% from the other Tricladium species (T. terrestre,
cosporoides IFO 8268, Cudoniella indica DQ202513 T. splendens and T. indicum); however, the evolutionary
(sequence from CCM F-10093, the ex-type culture of T. divergence among T. terrestre, T. splendens and T. indicum
indicum) and T. cf. indicum UMB 241.02. The 16 isolates was only 2.9–3.4%. Geniculospora grandis diverged from
of V. elodeae from Portugal formed two groups each T. indicum by only 5% and Heliscus submersus diverged
consisting of 9 and 7 isolates (Fig. 1) diverging by 1.8%. only by 2.2% from Flagellospora penicillioides but by
The colonies of isolates included in the same group of V. 7.4% from H. lugdunensis. Among the other species,
elodeae DQ202517 (sequence from CCM F-04276, a namely V. elodeae, A. tetracladia, A. filiformis and
typical V. elodeae isolate producing green pigment) were Fontanospora fusiramosa, an evolutionary divergence of
pigmented (green or yellow) while the others were not. The 2.6–7.4% was found. For instance, F. fusiramosa showed
Portuguese isolates of A. filiformis diverged by 1.5% from an evolutionary divergence from V. elodeae, A. tetracladia
the Canadian isolate of A. filiformis AY148104 (sequences and A. filiformis by 2.6, 3.6 and 6.2%, respectively. In
from CCM F-20687). Ypsilina graminea UMB-098.01 addition, Y. graminea diverged from Collembolispora
differed from the two other Portuguese isolates of this barbata by 8.7%. The divergence rate between other
species by 1%. Dimorphospora foliicola DQ202518 species ranged between 16.3–46.5%.
exhibited 0.9% divergence from the five Portuguese The ITS1 and ITS2 regions of the fungal isolates used in
isolates. All the other taxa or groups included in this study this work consisted of 132–252 bp and 146–173 bp,
did not exhibit any internal divergence. On an overall basis, respectively. The ITS1 sequences varied in length among
Fungal Diversity

ƒFig. 1 Neighbour joining tree based on ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences

using Kimura 2-parameter distances. Bootstrap values above 95%,
calculated from 1000 full heuristic replicates are shown at the nodes.
Scale bar indicates one base change per 100 nucleotide positions

the species by 120 bp, whereas ITS2 only by 27 bp. The

average overall divergence for ITS1 and ITS2 region in all
sequences was found to be 42% and 38%, respectively;
however, for some sequence pairs of ITS1 the evolutionary
divergence was >100% (not shown). The NJ trees based on
ITS1 and ITS2 sequences exhibited taxonomic cohesive-
ness, grouped the anamorphs with their respective tele-
omorphs and T. chaetocladium formed a separate clade
from other Tricladium species (Figs. 2 and 3), similar to NJ
tree based on ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences (Fig. 1). However,
V. elodeae isolates formed two clear separate groups only in
NJ tree based on ITS2 sequences with a bootstrap support
of 98 and 100% (Fig. 3). The NJ trees obtained with the
ITS1, ITS2 and ITS-5.8S-ITS2 sequences did not share
similar topology and the bootstrap support was higher for
ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rRNA gene sequences followed by ITS2
and ITS1 rRNA gene sequences (Figs. 1, 2 and 3).


There is an ever increasing amount of pure cultures and

environmental sequences being accumulated, especially
from ecological surveys, waiting for a rapid and reliable
method of identification. To date there are very few DNA
sequences, including those for ITS-5.8S-ITS2 region, of
aquatic hyphomycetes available in the NCBI for compar-
ison. Moreover, the anamorph-teleomorph connections and
order classifications of aquatic hyphomycetes included in
our study are scanty (Table 3). Although there are many
methods for estimating the base pair distances between
DNA sequences, the K2P distance was used in our study as
it is the most widely employed in barcoding studies (Ward
2009). The ITS1-5.8S-ITS2, ITS1 and ITS2 sequences
generated were species/genus specific, but the NJ trees
obtained with these sequences did not share similar
topology (Figs. 1, 2 and 3). Moreover, the ITS1-5.8S-
ITS2 sequences of Lunulospora curvula available in the
NCBI (FJ000404 and AY729938) did not exhibit taxonom-
ic cohesiveness and formed two separate sister taxa with
Collembolispora barbata and Ypsilina graminea (not
shown), and hence were not used further in our analyses.
However, all the Portuguese isolates of L. curvula formed a
single group. Our current knowledge about the L. curvula is
scarce and further studies are yet to be conducted with
regard to its phylogeny.
Since the divergence rate of ITS1 region was 4% higher
than that of ITS2, there are chances that the evolution of
most of the aquatic hyphomycetes in our study may result
Table 4 Evolutionary divergence (%) between aquatic hyphomycete species based on ITS-5.8S-ITS2 sequences. The number of base substitutions per site from averaging overall sequence pairs
between the species is shown. Analyses were done with Kimura 2-parameter method

Aquatic hyphomycetes 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Tricladium chaetocladium (1) 0

Tricladium splendens (2) 23.9
Tricladium terrestre (3) 24.8 3.0
Tricladium indicum (4) 23.8 2.9 3.4
Geniculospora grandis (5) 25.6 6.3 6.2 5.0
Varicosporium elodeae (6) 23.3 22.2 23.0 20.9 20.7
Articulospora tetracladia (7) 23.2 23.0 22.5 20.9 22.3 4.7
Anguillospora filiformis (8) 24.7 22.8 23.7 21.4 21.0 6.8 7.4
Fontanospora fusiramosa (9) 22.5 20.4 20.5 18.9 19.9 2.6 3.6 6.2
Tetracladium marchalianum (10) 25.0 24.3 23.7 23.7 23.4 17.3 17.4 21.5 16.9
Tetracladium breve (11) 25.4 25.6 24.1 24.2 22.5 17.4 17.1 20.3 16.3 2.6
Dimorphospora foliicola (12) 27.5 22.4 22.4 22.7 22.5 22.0 23.8 23.5 21.9 25.1 25.4
Collembolispora barbata (13) 30.2 25.5 25.2 25.1 24.2 22.2 20.9 23.6 22.3 24.8 24.8 36.7
Ypsilina graminea (14) 29.0 23.9 23.6 23.9 23.9 21.9 20.1 24.0 21.2 24.2 24.2 36.0 8.7
Clavariopsis aquatica (15) 37.8 35.7 35.2 34.3 35.3 37.1 34.6 36.1 35.8 38.7 39.1 42.4 33.2 33.1
Lunulospora curvula (16) 38.0 37.7 37.9 39.4 38.7 36.2 35.6 38.7 34.2 37.8 36.5 40.4 35.2 34.2 46.5
Flagellospora penicillioides (17) 31.1 32.1 33.8 32.4 32.7 28.6 29.6 30.0 28.4 31.2 30.8 33.1 28.4 30.2 42.5
Heliscus submersus (18) 31.5 32.3 34.0 32.6 33.2 30.0 31.0 31.4 29.8 33.0 32.6 34.3 29.0 30.7 43.7 26.0 2.2
Heliscus lugdunensis (19) 30.7 31.8 33.1 32.9 33.9 29.1 30.8 30.5 28.9 31.0 30.3 33.6 27.0 28.5 41.7 23.0 8.0 7.4 0

Numbers in parentheses denote each aquatic hyphomycete species

Fungal Diversity
Fungal Diversity

ƒFig. 2 Neighbour joining tree based on ITS1 sequences using Kimura

2-parameter distances. Bootstrap values above 95%, calculated from
1000 full heuristic replicates are shown at the nodes. Scale bar
indicates one base change per 100 nucleotide positions

from variations in the ITS1 region. However, our results

suggest that the vulnerability of ITS1 region to variations is
not specific because the ITS2 region in Fontanospora
fusiramosa, Varicosporium elodeae, Articulospora tetracla-
dia and Anguillospora filiformis appears to be more
diverged than ITS1 region (not shown). These findings
agree with those of Nilsson et al. (2006) pointing to a
greater variability in the ITS1 region than in the ITS2
region (see above). Since the evolutionary distances for the
overall divergence rate of ITS1 and ITS2 almost doubled
compared to ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 sequences (not shown) and
divergence was > 100% for some pairs of ITS1 sequences
(probably due to large standard errors of distances and
sequence alignment difficulties), the NJ tree based on ITS1
sequences cannot be considered reliable. However, we were
able to employ 132 to 252 bp (ITS1 and ITS2) to
successfully group the strains to the respective species. A
minimalist DNA barcodes finds its use in identifying a
partially degraded specimen (Hajibabaei et al. 2006). From
our study, it is evident that very short sequences of ITS1 or
ITS2 can become handy when the DNA template is
degraded or often when encountering difficulties with the
DNA polymerase reaction.
The aquatic hyphomycetes are known to be polyphy-
letic. Sixteen species of Tricladium were placed into 6
clades rather distant from each other (Campbell et al.
2009). Three Tricladium species are associated with
Cudoniella, Hydrocina and Hymenoscyphus belonging to
Helotiales (Table 3), but the relationships differ at the
family level: Cudoniella and Hymenoscyphus are members
of Helotiaceae, whereas Hydrocina is classified in Hyme-
noscyphaceae. This may probably explain the evolution-
ary distance of Tricladium chaetocladium from T. indicum,
T. splendens and T. terrestre. The interspecific differences
of an ideal barcode are expected to exceed intraspecific
distances (Hebert et al. 2003). In our study, the majority of
sequences exhibited deep evolutionary divergences be-
tween the species but the differences in rate of divergence
between some species assigned to Tricladium genus were
huge. So it becomes difficult to assign a reliable threshold
factor to define species due to the polyphyletic nature of
most aquatic hyphomycetes. The assignment of a thresh-
old value to differentiate species may also lead to some
erroneous results due to the presence of young taxa (Ward
2009). In monophyletic species like those of Tetracladium
genus, the ITS sequences exhibited a threshold factor of
10 in sequence variations between and within species
(Letourneau et al. 2010).
Fungal Diversity

ƒFig. 3 Neighbour joining tree based on ITS2 sequences using Kimura

2-parameter distances. Bootstrap values above 95%, calculated from
1000 full heuristic replicates are shown at the nodes. Scale bar
indicates one base change per 100 nucleotide positions

Articulospora tetracladia teleomorph was classified in

Ombrophila (Baral and Krieglsteiner 1985). In our study,
the divergence rate between A. tetracladia, V. elodeae, A.
filiformis and F. fusiramosa were only ≤ 7.4% (Table 4);
hybridization may be a possible explanation for sequence
sharing between these species. In the NJ tree based on SSU
rDNA, A. tetracladia is a sister taxon of A. filiformis
(Belliveau and Bärlocher 2005) and these two species are
sister taxa of V. elodeae (Baschien et al. 2006). Anguillo-
spora filiformis is not closely associated with A. longissima,
A. crassa and A. furtiva (Baschien et al. 2006), however the
teleomorphs of A. filiformis and V. elodeae are unknown
making it difficult to clarify the phylogenetic relationships
between these species.
There are controversies associated with the usage of ITS
region as barcodes. Studies on Fusarium suggest that ITS
region is not an universal species level marker (Lieckfeldt
and Seifert 2000), however Baschien et al. (2006) were able
to successfully separate Tetracladium spp., Alatospora
acuminata, Tricladium spp. and Anguillospora spp. based
on ITS sequences. In our study, we could successfully
distinguish 19 species and we were able to group the
conspecific strains using ITS1, ITS2 and ITS1-5.8S-ITS2
sequences (Figs.1, 2 and 3). Cohesiveness was not
observed between isolates with respect to location, condi-
tion of stream or date of collection. For instance, between
the two groups of V. elodeae only São João do Campo
appears to be the common location (41°45′N 8°11′W).
Further studies have to be undertaken to better understand
the cohesiveness of strains with respect to geographic
Although our study has included 19 species of aquatic
hyphomycetes, representing 6.3% of the total described
species in this group of fungi, it was confined to Portuguese
isolates except for sequences retrieved from NCBI that are
likely to be from different geographic regions. Thus, further
studies conducted with isolates spanning various parts of
the world are expected to improve our knowledge on
aquatic hyphomycete classification, but this requires
experts in taxonomy and it is constrained by the establish-
ment of pure cultures, which is a time consuming task.
The DNA barcoding is reported to be cost effective in
bioinventory and biomonitoring studies. It is estimated that
a DNA barcode could be generated with $5 when compared
to $50 to $100 per specimen if a team of experts is targeting
a huge number of species in a specific geographic area
(Smith 2005; Hebert and Gregory 2005). In this study,
taxonomic cohesiveness of most aquatic hyphomycete
Fungal Diversity

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