Multiphase Equilibria Calculation by Direct Minimization of Gibbs Free Energy With A Global Optimization Method

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Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724

Multiphase equilibria calculation by direct minimization of Gibbs free

energy with a global optimization method
Dan Vladimir Nichita a,1,*, Susana Gomez b, Eduardo Luna b,2
PETROM-Institute for Research and Technology (ICPT), Campina, Romania
IIMAS-UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico

Received 23 May 2001; received in revised form 19 June 2002; accepted 1 July 2002


This paper presents a new method for multiphase equilibria calculation by direct minimization of the Gibbs free energy of
multicomponent systems. The methods for multiphase equilibria calculation based on the equality of chemical potentials cannot
guarantee the convergence to the correct solution since the problem is non-convex (with several local minima), and they can find
only one for a given initial guess. The global optimization methods currently available are generally very expensive. A global
optimization method called Tunneling, able to escape from local minima and saddle points is used here, and has shown to be able to
find efficiently the global solution for all the hypothetical and real problems tested. The Tunneling method has two phases. In phase
one, a local bounded optimization method is used to minimize the objective function. In phase two (tunnelization), either global
optimality is ascertained, or a feasible initial estimate for a new minimization is generated. For the minimization step, a limited-
memory quasi-Newton method is used. The calculation of multiphase equilibria is organized in a stepwise manner, combining phase
stability analysis by minimization of the tangent plane distance function with phase splitting calculations. The problems addressed
here are the vapor /liquid and liquid /liquid two-phase equilibria, three-phase vapor /liquid /liquid equilibria, and three-phase
vapor /liquid /solid equilibria, for a variety of representative systems. The examples show the robustness of the proposed method
even in the most difficult situations. The Tunneling method is found to be more efficient than other global optimization methods.
The results showed the efficiency and reliability of the novel method for solving the multiphase equilibria and the global stability
problems. Although we have used here a cubic equation of state model for Gibbs free energy, any other approach can be used, as the
method is model independent.
# 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Phase stability; Tangent plane distance; Multiphase equilibria; Global optimization; Equation of state

B subspace of constraints in Rn defined by inequalities
D tangent plane distance function
/D̄/ dimensionless tangent plane distance function
E defined by Eq. (30)
epsmch machine precision
F mol of feed
f objective function

* Corresponding author. Present address: Div. Chimie et Physico-Chimie Appliquees, Inst. Francais du Petrole, 1 et 4 avenue du Bois-Preau Rucil-
Malmaison, 92852 Cedex, France. Tel.: /33-1-4752-6000; fax: /33-1-4752-7025
E-mail address: (D.V. Nichita).
Currently with IFP.
Currently with University of Manchester.

0098-1354/02/$ - see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 9 8 - 1 3 5 4 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 4 4 - 8
1704 D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724

fji fugacity of component i in phase j

factr tolerance in Eq. (36)
G Gibbs free energy
g function defined by Eq. (25)
H Hessian matrix
h function defined by Eq. (28)
K equilibrium ratios
kij binary interaction coefficients
L , L1, L2 mol fraction of liquid phases
l lower bound on variables
M molecular weight
n number of independent variables
ni mol number of component i in feed
nji mol number of component i in phase j
nc number of components
np number of phases
ns number of components that may precipitate
p pressure
pgtol tolerance for projected gradients
Q objective function given by Eq. (29)
R universal gas constant
T temperature
T Tunneling function
Tp(x ) Tunneling function with a pole
Tc(x ) classical Tunneling function
Te(x ) exponential Tunneling function
u upper bound on variables
V mol fraction of vapor phase
xij mol fractions of component i in phase j
x independent variable (Section 3)
y mol fractions of vapor phase
xG the global minimum
xm stationary points
xs stationary points of the Tunneling function
z feed composition
Greek letters
bj mol of phase j per mol of feed
d the Kronecker delta
o tolerance in Eq. (38)
8 fugacity coefficient
lm strength of the pole at the point xm
ls strength of the pole at the point xs
m chemical potential
n iteration level
v acentric factor
F feed
i, k component index
j phase index
pure pure component
r reduced
S solid
T transposed
0 initial value
* at stationary points
D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724 1705

1. Introduction Trangenstein (1985) formulated the two-phase

equilibria reservoir compositional simulation as a con-
Development of robust and efficient methods for the strained optimization problem. Vickery and Taylor
calculation of phase equilibria has long been a challenge, (1986), DeGance (1993) used path continuation meth-
and still it is. The purpose of this work is to develop an ods. The homotopy continuation method was used by
efficient and reliable tool for various multiphase equili- Sun and Seider (1995), for both phase stability analysis
bria calculations for interest in Chemical Engineering and phase splitting. The approach of Nagarayan, Cullik
and Petroleum Engineering. and Griewank (1991) is based on the thermodynamic
The difficulty of phase equilibrium calculations con- energy analysis, using a modified ‘semi-local’ stability
sists in the highly non-linear and non-convex form of the test and a higher order initialization procedure in
objective function that gives no guarantee that the the two-phase region. A radically different approach
global minimum will be found. Complexity of the (the Integral Area Method), presented by Eubank,
problem increases near critical points and phase bound- Elhassan, Barrufet and Whiting (1992) is based on
aries. the integration of the Gibbs energy surface. Bullard
The theoretical basis of multiphase equilibria has been and Biegler (1993) presents a penalty-based approach,
first stated by Gibbs (1873) pp 382 /404. However, the using a linear programming strategy for solving
spectacular progresses accomplished during the last vapor/liquid equilibria. A version of their method is
decades are strictly related to the development of used by Han and Rangaiah (1997) for vapor/liquid,
thermodynamic models and the increasing performances and liquid /liquid equilibria. Wasylkiewicz, Sridhar,
of computers. Doherty and Malone (1996) uses ideas from differential
The formalism given by Baker, Pierce and Luks geometry and the theory of differential equations
(1982) comprises a set of theorems giving the conditions for solving global stability analysis and LL phase
for phase stability and multiphase equilibria. They splitting. The Interval Newton method was used by
clearly showed why the incorrect number of phases or Hua, Brennecke and Stadtherr (1996, 1998), Hua et al.
phase compositions may be predicted in phase equilibria (1999) for stability analysis.
calculations. The simulated annealing (SA) algorithm (Corana,
The classical approach for phase equilibria calcula- Marchesi, Martini & Ridella, 1987) was used by Pan and
tion is based on the equality of chemical potentials. Firoozabadi (1998) for various kinds of phase equilibria,
Fussel (1979) presents the extension to multiphase Nichita, Goual and Firoozabadi, (2001) for wax pre-
equilibria of the Fussell and Yanosik (1978) Minimum cipitation from hydrocarbon mixtures, and Zhu (2000)
Variable Newton /Raphson (MVNR) for two-phase for phase stability analysis.
calculations. Risnes and Dalen (1984) are using the In a series of papers, McDonald and Floudas
successive substitutions (SSI) method for multiphase solved the phase and chemical equilibrium problem
equilibria. Mehra, Heidemann and Aziz (1982) are using using different models for the Gibbs free energy
accelerated SSI, followed by Newton iterations. Nghiem (McDonald & Floudas, 1995a,b) the phase global
and Li (1984) used Newton /Raphson and Quasi-New- stability problem (McDonald & Floudas, 1995c)
ton successive substitution iterations. and presented the GLOPEQ code (McDonald & Flou-
We should note the remarkable work of Michelsen das, 1997). They used the deterministic branch and
(1982a,b), whose papers represents a milestone in bound method for global optimization. Although
the development of phase equilibria calculations. this method guarantees convergence to the global
Michelsen formulated a method for finding the solution, the computational cost is generally
stationary points of the tangent plane distance (TPD) unaffordable, as the methods used to compute
function (Michelsen, 1982a), and applied second order the lower bound are still inefficient. In many practical
methods for multiphase equilibria calculation (Michel- applications, heuristic stochastic methods based on
sen, 1982b). a space search, that do not need gradient evaluations,
The equality of chemical potential represents only the and that have a probability of convergence, have
stationary point conditions for the minimum of thermo- been successfully used, as genetic algorithms. These
dynamic potentials. Any method based on these condi- algorithms have the property to descend the
tions may fail to find the global minimum, being objective function value very fast at the beginning, but
attracted by local minima. A related feature is the as they loose diversity information of the space, they
fractal behavior of robust algorithms, observed by Lucia tend to be extremely slow to actually get the
et al. (1990), Green, Zhou and Luks (1993). global solution (see Gomez, Gosselin & Barker, 2001).
The modern trend is the treatment of the phase In this paper, we propose the use of the Tunneling
equilibria problem by the direct minimization of Gibbs global optimization method for solving the phase
free energy or of the Gibbs TDP function subject to the stability and multiphase equilibrium problems. This
linear material balance constraints. method has a hybrid nature. It is deterministic in the
1706 D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724

sense that it produces a monotonic sequence of im- 2. Statement of the phase equilibria problem
proved local minima (avoiding all the local solutions
above). It also has a stochastic element, as the initial
points to start the search for a point in another valley 2.1. Multiphase equilibria calculation by direct
(Tunneling phase) are taken in random directions, minimization of the Gibbs free energy
allowing the method to perform an intelligent space
search for more promising valleys. The Tunneling Consider that at given pressure and temperature
method is able to escape from local minima and saddle conditions, a mixture of nc, components of composition
points, and has shown to be able to find efficiently the z /(z1, z2, . . ., znc)T, may split into np phases. We
global solution for all the academic and industrial assume that we have np/1 condensed phases, and the
problems tested (Gomez and Romero, 1994; Gomez, np phase is the vapor phase. According to the second
Keeping & Pantelides, 1998; Gomez, Gosselin and law of thermodynamics, at the equilibrium state, the
Barker, 2001; Gomez, Solano, Castellanos & Quintana, system has the lowest possible Gibbs free energy from all
2001). possible states. The Gibbs free energy is expressed as:
The Tunneling method has two phases. In phase one, X
nc X
a local bounded optimization method is used to G(n) nji mji (nj ) (1)
minimize the objective function. In the second i1 j1

phase (tunnelization), either global optimality is ascer- where n/(n1, n2, . . ., nnp)T is a vector of nc /np
tained, or a feasible initial estimate for a new elements, and the nj /(nj 1, nj 2, . . ., nj nc)T; j/1, np
minimization is generated. For the minimization vector contains the component mol fractions in phase j.
step, a limited-memory quasi-Newton method is It is more convenient for EOS calculations to express
used (Zhu, Byrd, Lu & Nocedal, 1994; Byrd, Lu, the Gibbs free energy G in term of fugacities. Eq. (1) can
Nocedal & Zhu, 1995), but any favorite minimizer be rewritten as:
may be used.
The Tunneling method has proved its efficiency and G(n) X
nc X
G(n)  nji ln fji (xj ) (2)
reliability on several highly difficult academic and RT i1 j1
industry. The method proposed here does not require
a priori the number of phases existing at equilibrium. where Ḡ is the reduced Gibbs free energy.
The calculation sequence is organized in a stepwise The constrained optimization problem is:
manner. Results from two-phase flash and stability G(n) 0 min (3)
analysis provide good initial guesses for the three-phase
such that the component material balance constraints:
equilibrium. Phase distribution is obtained by solving a
convex unconstrained optimization problem (Michelsen, X

1994). ni  nji ; i 1; nc (4)

The code Tunneling phase equilibria (TUNPEQ)
incorporates the code TUNNEL for the global optimi- and bounds of independent variables:
zation method, developed at IIMAS-UNAM (Castella-
0 5nji 5ni ; i 1; nc; j 1; np (5)
nos & Gomez, 1998).
A general form of cubic equations of state (EOS), where ni /Fzi are the feed component mol numbers for
(Coats, 1985; Michelsen, 1986), including the Soave/ F mol of feed.
Redlich /Kwong (SRK) EOS (Soave, 1972), and the Fugacities depends on mol numbers by means of mol
Peng /Robinson (PR) EOS (Peng & Robinson, 1976) is fractions xj /(xj 1, xj 2, . . ., xj nc); j/1, np:
currently incorporate in TUNPEQ. However, the
method is general and model independent; although an xji  (6)
EOS formulation is used here for the Gibbs free energy, njk
any other thermodynamic model can be used for various k1
kinds of thermodynamic equilibria.
In Eq. (2), one can eliminate the mol numbers of one
We will present the multiphase equilibrium problem
in Section 2, the description of the Tunneling
global optimization method will be given in Section 3, X

and the results on a set of difficult problems will be n1i ni  nji ; i 1; nc (7)
reported and discussed in Section 4. A comparison
with other global methods will be presented in Section 5 and the optimization problem (3) becomes an uncon-
and some concluding remarks will be given toward the strained one, with only bounds on the remaining
end. nc(np/1) independent variables, n2, . . ., nnp.
D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724 1707

The gradient of the objective function is: The expression of the reduced TPD in terms of
  X nc   fugacities is:
@G f @ ln fjk @ ln f1k
ln ji  njk n1k ; X
@nji f1i @nji @n1i (8) D(x)
k1 D(x)  xi [ln fi (x)ln fi (z)] (14)
j 2; np; i  1; nc RT i1

According to the Gibbs /Duhem equation: If one of the mol fractions is eliminated:

nc X
@ ln fji xnc 1 xi (15)
nji  0; j 1; np (9)
i1 @njk;k"i i1

the sums in Eq. (8) vanish. Note that Eq. (9) is satisfied the optimization problem to be solved is:
for any mol fractions, not only for the equilibrium mol D(x) 0 min (16)
fractions. Therefore, it is not necessary to compute the
fugacity derivatives in order to compute the gradient of for nc/1 mol fractions as independent variables
the Gibbs free energy: bounded by:
  0 5xi 5 1; i 1; nc1 (17)
@G f
ln ji ; j 2; np; i 1; nc (10)
@nji f1i This is an unconstrained optimization problem. The
elements of the gradient vector are:
In this work a Limited Memory Quasi-Newton    
minimization technique is used (the L-BFGS-B routine, @D fi (x) fnc (x)
 ln ln ; i 1; nc1 (18)
Zhu et al., 1994), that requires only the values of the @xi fi (z) fnc (z)
objective function and of the gradients. Any solver may
be used for minimization; if the elements of Hessian and elements of the Hessian matrix are given by:
matrix are required, there are given by: @2D @ ln fi (x) @ ln fnc (x)
Hik    ;
@ G 2
@ ln fji @ ln f1i @xi @xk @xk @xk (19)
Hik  dik  ;
@nji @nlk @nli @n1k (11) i; k 1; nc1
i; k 1; nc(np1)
where d is the Kronecker delta.

2.3. Stepwise organization of multiphase equilibria

2.2. Phase stability analysis by minimization of the calculation
tangent plane distance function
Convergence to the correct solution of the problem
Phase stability testing is not only an important and (global minimum) can be obtained irrespective to initial
intricate problem per se, but the stability analysis guesses, provided a feasible initial estimate is given. This
routine is a key sequence in the stepwise organization is one of the strengths of the Tunneling global optimiza-
of multiphase equilibria calculation program. Stability tion method. However, for computational efficiency,
analysis provides equilibrium phase status and good improved initial estimates are required.
initial estimates for flash calculations. The sequential approach for stability/flash calculation
The TDP function is defined as: has been used by Michelsen (1982b), Nghiem and Li
nc (1984).
D(x)G(x)T(x; z) xi [mi (x)mi (z)] (12) Basically, the idea is that one can take advantage in
i1 the np-phase flash on the results of (np/1)-flash and of
The TPD function is given by the difference between the stability testing for one of the equilibrium phases.
the Gibbs free energy surface in x, and the tangent plane The sequence of calculations is as follows:
to this surface in z, where, x is the composition of a trial
1) stability analysis is tested for a phase with overall
phase, and z is the composition of the phase whose
composition z ;
stability is to be asserted.
2) results of stability testing are used to initiate the
The necessary and sufficient condition for phase
two-phase flash;
stability is given by Theorems 3 and 4 of Baker et al.
(1982). The mixture is stable if and only if the TPD 3) two-phase flash calculations are performed;
4) stability analysis of one of the equilibrium phases
function is nonnegative at all stationary points, or:
(say, the liquid phase) from two-phase flash is
D(x)]0()x (13) tested;
1708 D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724

5) results from step 3 and 4 are used to initiate the zi

xnpi  yi  ;
three-phase flash; X

6) three-phase flash calculations are performed; 1 bj ((1=Kji )  1) (24)

7) one can check the results of three-phase flash by j1

testing the stability of equilibrium phases. There is i 1; nc

no need to test the stability of all phases, because
and the mol fractions of the remaining phases, xji ,
the points representing equilibrium phases must
i/1, nc, j/1, np/1 are obtained from Eq. (23).
have a common tangent plane, according to the
The gj functions are defined:
necessary condition of equilibrium.
The TUNPEQ code is currently developed for three- gj (b) [xji (b)yi (b)]; j 1; np1 (25)
phase; extension to four-phase equilibria VLLL is being i1
Taking into account that:
2.4. Initialization X
xji 1; j 1; np (26)
2.4.1. Initialization of phase splitting calculations
we obtain a set of np/1 equations with the
For the initialization of two-phase flash, the proce-
unknowns b1, b2, . . ., bnp1.
dure of Michelsen (1982b) is used here. Let us discuss
initiation of three-phase flash (Step 5). X
(1=Kji  1)zi
The independent variables are the component mol gj (b) 0;
numbers for np/1 phases. From the stepwise approach 1 bj (1=Kji  1) (27)
we have component mol fractions from flash and j1
stability. We need the molar fractions of phases (mol j  1; np1
of phase j per mol of feed) b/(b1, . . ., bnp)T to calculate
the mol numbers of component i in phase j:
If the vapor phase disappears Eq. (27) cannot be
nji  bj xji ; i 1; nc; j 1; np (20)
applied; in this case, in a similar manner the
The problem is to find the phase distribution. This following set of equations is obtained:
can be achieved either by: (a) solving a non-linear X
system of np/1 equations (the extension of the hj (b) [xji (b)x1i (b)]; j  2; np (28)
Rachford /Rice equation to the multiphase case), or i1
(b) by solving an optimization problem.
and solved for the unknowns b2, . . ., bnp.
a) Extension of Rachford /Rice equation to the multi- The nonlinear systems of Eqs. (27) and (28) can
phase case. be easily solved by a globally convergent Newton
The component material balance, Eq. (4), can be method (Press, Flannery, Teukolski & Vetterling,
written: 1989).
However, some problems may arise with vanish-
ing phases during iterations. Bunz, Dohrn and
bj xji ni ; j 1; np (21) Prausnitz (1991) suggests that a three-phase flash
should be performed only if the outcome of prior
with the overall material balance: single-phase tests and two-phase flashes indicates a
np three-phase distribution.
bj 1 (22) In order to avoid problems of disappearing
i1 phases during iterations for solving Eqs. (27) and
(28), we have chosen to be included in TUNPEQ the
The definition relationship for the equilibrium procedure described next.
constants is: b) The technique suggested by Michelsen (1994) for
calculation of phase distribution. The objective
yi 8 function Q is defined by Michelsen:
Kji   ji ; i 1; nc; j 1; np1 (23)
xji 8 npi
np X
Q(b) bj  ni ln Ei (29)
j1 i1
By combining Eqs. (22) /(24), the mol fraction of
the gas phase can be expressed as: where
D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724 1709

bj 2.5. Convergence criteria
Ei  ; i 1; nc (30)
j1 8 ij
There are two stopping criteria for the minimization
and the fugacity coefficients are calculated using routine. The first is given by:
mol fractions provided by two-phase flash, and the (f n  f n1 )
mol fraction of the trial phase from stability analysis Bfactrepsmch (36)
of two-phase equilibrium liquid. max(½f n1 ½; ½f n ½; 1)
We have to solve an unconstrained optimization where epsmch is the machine precision (automatically
problem: generated by the code), factr is provided by the user to
Q(b) 0 min (31) get desired tolerance; here f denotes the objective
s:t: 05 bj 5 1 ; j 1; np (32) function.
The second criteria checks on the norm of projected
The gradient vector is given by:
maxf½½projgri ½½; i  1; ng 5pgtol (37)
@Q X
1 ; j 1; np (33) We have set a high restrictive value for the tolerance
@bj i1 8 ij Ei pgtol (1.d-8) for all examples.
The Euclidean norm on fugacities is also recorded,
and a third additional criteria is set for flash calculations
The objective function is a convex function only
defined on the convex set b , therefore the minimum
of Q is unique. One can eliminate one variable from X
np X
nc 0:5
Eq. (22) and use np/1 independent variables in Eq. S (fji f1i )2 Bo (38)
(29), but it is more convenient to maintain the full j2 i1

set of equations (Michelsen, 1994).

We use the same solver (L-BFGS-B) to minimize
the objective function Q . Usually, few iterations are
required for convergence.

3. The Tunneling global optimization method

2.4.2. Initialization of stability analysis calculations The aim of the ‘global’ optimization method is to
The initialization procedure for stability analysis, as track down the global minimum skipping every un-
suggested by Michelsen (1982a), and by Sun and Seider wanted local minimum. In this work we test the benefits
(1995), is based on the equations: of using a global optimization method called the
Yi zi Ki (34a) Tunneling method (Barron & Gomez, 1991; Levy &
Gomez, 1985; Levy & Montalvo, 1985) for the calcula-
Yi  (34b) tion of multiphase equilibria, and improving results
Ki obtained using standard local methods.
where estimates for equilibrium constants are obtained This method has been designed to find the global
from the Wilson (1969) empirical relationship: optimum of a general non-convex smooth function f,
and in this work the objective is to find the global
Ki pri exp[5:37(1vi )(1Tri1 )] (35) solution xG of:
A slightly modified initialization is used in this work. min f (x) (39)
The composition of the trial phase is first estimated
from Eqs. (34a) and (34b). The normalized values of mol with B /{x jl 5/x 5/u }, f:Rn 0/R , x  /Rn , f  /C2, n being
fractions are then used to calculate the fugacities, then the number of independent variables.
with K -values from fugacities, corrected values of the In this study the objective function f is either the TDP
mol fractions follows from Eqs. (34a) and (34b). function (for phase stability analysis), or the Gibbs free
Basically, this is equivalent to performing one SSI. energy (for phase splitting calculations).
This initialization procedure brings the equilibrium It is necessary to use a global optimization method,
constants at more realistic (close) values. We designate whose computational cost is affordable. The cost in this
the initialization of being of Type L (for liquid stability context is determined by the number of times the
testing), or type V (for vapor stability testing), whether objective function has to be calculated, including its
Eqs. (34a) and (34b) is used. gradient.
1710 D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724

Fig. 1. The basic idea of the Tunneling method.

3.1. The global optimization method To perform the minimization phase any algorithm
designed to solve local optimization problems with
The code that we are using in this work has recently bounds on the variables can be used. We use a
been developed (Castellanos & Gomez, 1998), and limited-memory Quasi-Newton method (Zhu et al.,
incorporates the numerical experience obtained in recent 1994; Byrd et al., 1995). Any favorite optimizer can
years (Gomez, Levy, & Calderon, 1987; Barron & also be used.
Gomez, 1991; Gomez & Romero, 1994). It has already
proven to be very efficient to solve highly difficult
problems, both academic and real (see for instance
3.2.2. Tunneling phase
Gomez et al., 1998; Gomez et al., 1999; Gomez et al.,
Once a local minimum has been obtained, we want to
find a point in another valley, that is we need to solve
The basic idea of these methods (see Fig. 1) is to
the following inequality problem:
‘tunnel’ from one valley of the objective function to
another, to be able to find a sequence of local minima Find xm  B such that f (x)5
m f (xm ) (42)
with decreasing function values: To accomplish this goal using gradient-type methods
f (x1 )]f (x2 )]. . .]f (xG ) (40) (Newton-like iterative algorithms), it is necessary to
destroy the minimum, placing a pole at the minimum
where xG is the global minimum of f(x ), ignoring all the
point xm, and then to start Tunneling (solving inequality
local minima with larger objective function values than
Eq. (42)), from an initial point near the minimum.
the best already found. This characteristic of ‘ignoring’
As we are trying to find a point xm in another valley
minima makes the algorithm faster and more efficient
with less or equal value than fm , we first create the
than other general purpose methods, like SA, random
Tunneling function Tp(x ), such that, if f(x )5/fm then
search, clustering, and genetic algorithms (see Gomez et
Tp(x )5/0, for x "/xm.
al., 2001). 
Tp (x) (f (x)f (xm ))P(x; lm ; xm ) if ½½xxm ½½51
Tp (x) f (x)f (xm ) if ½½xxm ½½]1
3.2. The Tunneling method
The Tunneling method has two phases. In the where, we have placed a pole P at xm using one of the
minimization phase, starting from an initial point x0, a following alternatives:
local minimum x1 is found with f1 /f (x1), using any
local bounded optimization method. From x1 in phase 2 1) Classical Tunneling function (Levy & Montalvo,
it obtains a feasible point x1 in another valley with 1985),
f(x1 )5/f1, which will be taken as the initial point for the
next minimization phase. P(x; lm ; xm )½½xxm ½½lm (44)
2) Exponential Tunneling function (Barron & Gomez,
3.2.1. Minimization phase 1991),
The problem here is to find a local bounded mini-  
mum: P(x; lm ; xm )exp (45)
½½x  xm ½½
Find xm  arg(min f (x)) (41)
xB where lm is the strength of the pole.
D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724 1711

Solving problem Eq. (44) now consists of finding xm information. Then from this point, the local minimiza-
such that: tion code will generate descent directions and step
Tp (x)50 (46) lengths to force descend of the Tunneling function, until
it finds a point where inequality Eq. (46) is satisfied. It is
The role of lm is crucial for the algorithm. In the important to recall, that the random direction is only
classical method its value is an integer that depends on used to produce the initial point in the neighborhood of
the multiplicity of the minimum. In the exponential the local minimum xm, to be able to start from there, the
method a small real value is enough to place a pole local descent method.
destroying the minimum. However, if the minimum was If Tunneling is not successful from there, we generate
not computed exactly, for both methods in the direction a new initial point, until 2n (n being the dimension of
towards the exact minimum, a small value would not the problem) initial points have been tried. We then
create a pole, and a larger lm has to be used. Also, generate initial points at random in the entire feasible
increasing lm has the effect of smoothing the Tunneling region, until the maximum number of function evalua-
function, as it inherits the multimodality of the original tions (FE) given by the user, has been used. The
function f. Although in principle, it would be desirable Tunneling search is not successful when:
to take a large lm so that T does not have stationary
points, a large lm gives larger values of the Tunneling . A corner of admissible region has been reached.
function T further away from the solution to problem . The strength of the pole is greater than a maximum
Eq. (46). Thus, in practice, lm is computed just to value given, without having obtained a descent
destroy the minimum, that is the strength of the pole lm direction.
is computed so that a descent direction can be gener- . No further precision for x is possible.
ated, and mobile poles are used whenever a stationary . The maximum number of FE allowed for this phase
point of T is encountered, as will be described in Section has been reached.
3.4. The code TUNEL manages poles and mobile poles
automatically. For further details in the actual imple- 3.4. Stationary points of T (x )
mentation, the reader is referred to Castellanos and
Gomez (1998). The Tunneling function T inherits the non-convex
We need to take descent directions to solve the nature of the original objective function f. It is then
inequality Eq. (46), and thus we use the same algorithm possible that during Tunneling phase we reach station-
used to solve Eq. (41), with appropriate stopping ary points xs of the Tunneling function T (x ), that is
conditions to check convergence for Eq. (46). points where the gradient of T with respect to x is zero
As the original objective function f is a general (up to a tolerance). As we use a gradient type method to
nonlinear function only assumed to belong to C2 for find xm that satisfies Tp(xm)5/0, to be able to continue
x  /B , it could have many local and global minima and the search we place mobile poles that we turn on and off,
convergence to minima at the same level is possible, that and the Tunneling function is modified multiplying by
is f (x1m*) /f(x2m*) /. . ./f (xtm*) as xtm* would be ac- the mobile pole:
ceptable solutions of Eq. (46). In order to avoid cycling
Tp (x) (f (x)
and going back to these minima at the same level
already found, it is important to preserve the poles used lm ls
f (xm ))exp exp (48)
to destroy them, until a better minimum xt1 m * with ½½x  xm ½½ ½½x  xs ½½
lower value of the objective function is found. To
achieve this goal it is necessary to modify the definition These poles are placed where the stationary point is
of the Tunneling function: detected and while needed and we turn it off when the
  iterand is out of the zone of attraction of the stationary
Y t
lt point (making ls /0).
Te (x)(f (x)f (xm )) exp (47)
i1 ½½x  xt
m ½½

and making t/1 as soon as an xm is found with smaller 3.5. General stopping conditions
value than fm.
To check for global optimality, either a lower bound
for the objective function is known and has been
3.3. Initial point for the Tunneling phase attained or the search for the solution T (x )5/0 has to
be exhaustive.
Once a local minimum xm has been found, we In general the value of the objective function at the
generate an initial point x0m to start the Tunneling global solution is not known, but when the global
process. This point is generated along a random solution has been found, there is not a point xm in
direction in a neighborhood of xm, to preserve local another valley with f(xm)5/f(xm). Consequently, the
1712 D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724

algorithm has to spend some time checking for global nication allows the user even to save every iteration
optimality, by performing unsuccessful Tunneling points within the local minimization (if the local
searches, starting from all the initial points allowed. minimizer has also reverse communication).
The user decides then, how much computer effort he
wants to spend to check for global optimality through
the maximum number of initial points to start the 4. Results
Tunneling phase, or through the maximum number of
FE. This section presents the results of phase stability
The algorithm stops when any of the following global analysis and multiphase equilibria calculation for sev-
criteria is satisfied: eral representative systems. The problems addressed
here are vapor /liquid, liquid/liquid, vapor /liquid/
. In the Tunneling phase the given maximum number liquid, vapor /solid, liquid/solid, and vapor /liquid/
of initial points to start the search for xm has been solid calculations.
reached. The last minimum found is the putative
global minimum. 4.1. Stability analysis
. The given maximum number of FE has been reached.
. The lower bound of the objective function given by The reliability of the phase stability testing module of
the user has been attained. The last minimum found TUNPEQ is first investigated separately. We have
is the putative global minimum. chosen a set of five examples from the literature, for
. All the global minima at the same level required by binary and ternary mixtures. These simple mixtures
the user have been found. exhibit several stationary points of the TPD function,
among them local minima and saddle points that may
3.6. Features of the code attract the minimizer. TUNPEQ finds the global
minima of the TPD for all examples.
We have developed an in-house FORTRAN prototype For all examples considered, both kinds of initial
to perform the minimization iteration with calls to the estimates (V and L) are used. For some cases, initial
TUNPEQ code providing gradient information, calls to guesses other than those given by V or L initialization
the local optimizer and to the Tunneling module, in a are provided, in order to test the ability of our approach
way giving to the user flexibility to design the numerical to escape certain local minima that are not found with
experiments. Some of the options are: the V or L initializations.
The following test examples (Eqs. (1) /(5)) are ad-
1) The user can incorporate the local optimization dressed by Hua, Brennecke and Stadtherr (1998). For all
method more suitable for his problem. However, if cases results are consistent with their results. The
not decided otherwise, the Tunneling code uses a problem of stability testing will be also addressed in
Limited Memory Quasi-Newton Method. the next sections in a multiphase context.
2) The number of cycles min /tun /min, and/or the
maximum number of FE the user wants to spend in 4.1.1. Problem 1. Hydrogen sulfide /methane binary
the process. mixture
3) The tolerances to control: This is a mixture of methane and hydrogen sulfide at
. The precision for the local optimization (see Eqs. T /190 K and p /40.53 bar. Calculations are per-
(36) /(38)). formed using the SRK EOS, with the BIC 0.08. This
. the desired decrease in the objective function example is taken from Michelsen (1982a), and it
imposed to the Tunneling phase. This can help represents a very difficult problem. Sun and Seider
the user to force the code to search for another (1995); Hua, Brennecke and Stadtherr (1998) have also
valley with sufficiently lower objective function. tested their proposed methods for stability analysis on
. The precision to find minima at the same level. this example.
This can be interesting if a sufficiently good value The TPD function is plotted in Fig. 2a versus the trial
of the objective function has already been phase composition for an equimolar mixture. Fig. 2b
attained, and the user is interested in finding provide a detail of the region between z1 /0.9 and 1. A
alternative solutions within certain range (/ or third branch corresponding to the intermediate Z -factor
/) of this objective value. root of the EOS, with a local minimum at z1 /0.968 is
4) The number of tries from different initial points in disregarded here.
the Tunneling phase. There are four stationary points, three minima and a
5) The code is programmed to save all the files maximum corresponding to the trivial solution. The
containing partial results at every local minimum global minimum corresponds to 0.9254 methane, and
the method finds along the way. Reverse commu- has a negative value, indicating instability.
D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724 1713

For any initial guess comprised between z1 /0.5 and

0.954, and between z1 /0.982 and 1, the global mini-
mum is found by the first minimization step. This is true
for the minimizer we use; for example, the Newton/
Raphson algorithm will find the local minimum for
initial guesses z1 /0.98. The local minimum at 0.98 is
first found by the minimizer only for initial guesses
falling between z1 /0.954 and 0.982. For z1 B/0.5, the
local minimum at z1 /0.118 is first found. This is an
illustration of the fractal behavior of solution techniques
for solving the stationary point problem observed by
Green et al. (1993); Lucia et al. (1990). For the latter two
cases, after a tunnelization phase the second minimiza-
tion leads to the global minimum.
Two-phase VL split gives y1 /0.98 and x1 /0.11.
Stability analysis of these two feeds indicates again
instability. A liquid/liquid phase split gives the correct
equilibrium state, consisting in two liquid phases with
x11 /0.92 and x21 /0.11, respectively. Stability analysis
of these two feeds gives positive or zero values of
minimum TPD.
Table 1 provides for different feed compositions: the
stationary points of the TPD function found by the
minimizer, the corresponding values of the objective
function, the number of FE, norms of projected
gradients at the solution, number of minimization
phases, and initial guesses. Note that in column 4
from Tables 1/6 the number of FE required in the
minimization step is given in parenthesis. Type of
initialization is also given in the last column.
Fig. 2. (a) TDP function for the methane /hydrogen sulfide binary For this binary mixture, for all feeds considered, the
mixture. (b) TPD function for the methane /hydrogen sulfide binary number of FE is less than half than the number of root
mixture (detail). inclusion tests for FCSM, and one order of magnitude
less than F versions of the interval analysis method of
Hua et al. (1998).

Table 1
Problem 1: C1/H2S SRK-EOS at p 40.53 bar and T  190 K

Feed composition Stationary points of the TPD function Objective function FE NT Initial guess

(0.50, 0.50) (0.925382, 0.074618) 8.2521e2 696 (38) 1 L(0.982223, 0.017777)

/ (0.118133, 0.881867) 5.6893e2 647 (87) 2 V(0.070334, 0.929666)
/ (0.925382, 0.074618) 8.2521e2 / / /
/ (0.981559, 0.018441) 7.9352e2 853 (832) 2 *(0.955, 0.045)
/ (0.925382, 0.074618) 8.2521e2 / / /
(0.9885, 0.0115) (0.9885, 0.0115) 0 512 (6) 1 L(0.988860, 0.011140)
/ (0.9885, 0.0115) 0 581 (17) 1 V(0.432088, 0.567912)
(0.9813, 0.0187) (0.923314, 0.076686) 3.9565e3 645 (8) 1 L(0.982297, 0.017703)
/ (0.115208, 0.884792) 1.09098e2 693 (237) 2 V(0.214960, 0.785040)
/ (0.923314, 0.076686) 3.9565e3 / / /
/ (0.9813, 0.0187) 0 690 (4755) 2 *(0.97, 0.03)
/ (0.923314, 0.076686) 3.9565e3 / / /
(0.112, 0.888) (0.920821, 0.079179) 2.4623e3 630 (7) 1 L(0.937174, 0.062826)
/ (0.112, 0.888) 0 632 (85) 2 V(0.066633, 0.933367)
/ (0.920821, 0.079179) 2.4623e3 / / /
(0.11, 0.89) (0.919132, 0.080868) 5.6076e3 681 (76) 2 L(0.936020, 0.063980)
/ (0.11, 0.89) 0 / /
/ (0.11, 0.89) 0 667 (8) 1 V(0.066010, 0.933990)
1714 D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724

Table 2
Problem 2: C1/C3 SRKEOS at p 50 bar and T  277.6 K

Feed composition Stationary points of the TPD function Objective function FE NT Initial guess

(0.10, 0.90) (0.10, 0.90) 0 692 (9) 1 L(0.606896, 0.393104)

/ / 0 637 (6) 1 V(0.093568, 0.996106)
(0.40, 0.60) (0.865478, 0.134522) 0.152987 864 (6) 1 L(0.879067, 0.120933)
/ / / 987 (13) 1 V(0.294238, 0.705762)
(0.60, 0.40) (0.192783, 0.807217) 0.2226 2369 (9) 1 L(0.784372, 0.215628)
/ / / 2417 (6) 1 V(0.171736, 0.828264)
(0.90, 0.10) (0.90, 0.10) 0 1060 (6) 1 L(0.909399, 0.090601)
/ / 0 1023 (13) 1 V(0.387085, 0.612915)

4.1.2. Problem 2. Methane/propane binary mixture For z1 /0.80, the mixture is stable and close to the
This is a mixture of methane and propane at T / dewpoint locus. The minimizer avoids the trivial solu-
277.6 K. Calculations are performed with the SRK tion for both initial estimates. For z1 /0.57 the mixture
EOS at p/50 bar (Table 2) and p /100 bar (Table 3). is unstable and near the bubble point locus. For one of
The BIC is set at 0.029. initial estimates, two minimization phases are required.
Feeds 2 and 3 at 100 bar are difficult problems
because of the near-criticality. Note the low absolute 4.1.5. Problem 5. Methane, ethane, and nitrogen ternary
values of the TPD function at the global minimum. The mixture
method correctly predicts instability in both cases. This is a mixture of methane, ethane, and nitrogen at
T /270 K and p /76 bar. The PR EOS is used, with
4.1.3. Problem 3. Ethane /nitrogen binary mixture k12 /0.021, k13 /0.038, k23 /0.08. Four feeds are
This is a mixture of ethane and nitrogen at p /76 bar considered. Results are given in Table 6.
and T /270 K. The PR EOS with k12 /0.08 is used. Feed 1 is unstable, and close to the dewpoint locus.
Results are given in Table 4 for four feeds. Feed 2 is near With V initialization the method converge to global
the bubble point locus and feed 3 is near the dewpoint minimum. With L initialization it converge first to a
locus. With both L and V initial estimates, convergence stationary point (close to the trivial solution), then the
to the global minimum is observed. For the feed with second minimization converge to the global minimum.
z1 /0.56, an extra initial guess is provided; for this case, Feed 2 is in the two-phase region and close to the critical
two minimization steps are required (the first finds the point. The correct answer is given by the method for
trivial solution; after tunnelization, the second one both initial estimates. Feed 3 is at near-critical condi-
converge to the global minimum). tions, in the single-phase vapor region. Convergence of
the method to the trivial solution indicates stability.
4.1.4. Problem 4. Carbon dioxide/methane binary Feed 4 is also stable; convergence to the trivial solution
mixture is obtained.
This is a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide at For most of the problems considered in this section,
T /220 K and p/60.8 bar. The PR EOS is used with the number of FE is less then the number of root
k12 /0.095. Calculations are performed for five feeds. inclusion tests (Hua et al., 1998) for the constrained
For z1 /0.90 and 0.40 (see Table 5), the mixture is stable space plus monotonic interval extensions case (FCSM),
vapor and liquid, respectively. and up to one order of magnitude less than their F case.

Table 3
Problem 2: C1/C3 SRKEOS at p 100 bar and T  277.6 K

Feed composition Stationary points of the TPD function Objective function FE NT Initial guess

(0.40, 0.60) (0.40, 0.60) 0 592 (6) 1 L(0.426354, 0.573646)

/ (0.40, 0.60) 0 586 (6) 1 V(0.093997, 0.906003)
(0.68, 0.32) (0.68, 0.32) 0 1196 (137) 2 L(0.881459, 0.118541)
/ (0.772465, 0.227535) 3.346e4 / / /
/ (0.772465, 0.227535) / 1113 (7) 1 V(0.410751, 0.589249)
(0.73, 0.27) (0.650287, 0.349713) 2.948e4 1539 (9) 1 L(0.881402, 0.118598)
/ (0.757048, 0.242952) 2.081e5 1473 (915) 2 V(0.411153, 0.588847)
/ (0.650287, 0.349713) 2.948e4 / / /
(0.90, 0.10) (0.90, 0.10) 0 1214 (7) 1 L(0.921832, 0.078168)
/ (0.90, 0.10) 0 1259 (11) 1 V(0.530911, 0.469089)
D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724 1715

Table 4
Problem 3: C2/N2 PREOS at P 76 bar and T  270 K

Feed composition Stationary points of the TPD function Objective function FE NT Initial guess

(0.90, 0.10) (0.90, 0.10) 0 1033 (7) 1 L(0.505716, 0.494284)

/ / 0 1167 (7) 1 V(0.920178, 0.079822)
(0.82, 0.18) (0.505590, 0.494410) 9.746e3 1048 (10) 1 L(0.381899, 0.618101)
/ / / 1092 (8) 1 V(0.884377, 0.115623)
(0.70, 0.30) (0.510582, 0.489418) 1.379e2 1247 (12) 1 L(0.370731, 0.629269)
/ / / 1282 (8) 1 V(0.883679, 0.116321)
(0.56, 0.44) (0.845281, 0.154719) 1.553e2 1502 (7) 1 L(0.381497, 0.618503)
/ / / 1318 (7) 1 V(0.888463, 0.111537)
/ (0.56, 0.44) 0 1329 (86) 2 *(0.5, 0.5)
/ (0.845281, 0.154719) 1.553e2 / / /
(0.40, 0.60) (0.40, 0.60) 0 1469 (6) 1 L(0.305497, 0.694503)
/ / 0 1524 (9) 1 V(0.845406, 0.154594)

The number of initial points in the Tunneling phase was using PX iterations for dewpoints, and PY iterations
set to 20 for all examples; same results would be for bubblepoints (Fussell & Yanosik, 1978). The critical
obtained with much less computer time for less initial point temperature (293.78 K) and pressure (210.668 bar)
points. Note that for Eqs. (2) /(5) results are also were calculated based on Heidemann and Khalil (1980)
consistent with results from Prausnitz, Lichtenthaler criteria, using a different solution procedure (Nichita,
and Gomez de Azevedo (1986). Minescu, & Cretu, 1996; Nichita, 1996).
To decide whether one or two phases exists at
4.2. Two-phase vapor /liquid equilibria equilibrium, one can perform stability analysis. If
TPD B/0 results from stability are used to initiate flash.
Two-phase vapor/liquid equilibria calculations were If flash calculations are carried out in the single-phase
carried out for two hydrocarbon mixtures, with empha- region, the two-phase code returns the trivial solution.
sis to the near-critical region. Intensive testing has shown that both approaches give
the correct answer, even for the most difficult points.
4.2.1. The Yarborough 8 mixture Equilibrium constants obtained from flash calcula-
Two-phase vapor/liquid equilibria calculation were tions on the critical isotherm are presented in Fig. 4. In
performed with the Tunneling method for a synthetic the immediate vicinity of the critical point (for pressures
mixture of six normal-alkanes (feed mol fractions: between about 210.66 bar and the critical pressure), our
0.8097 C1, 0.0566 C2, 0.0306 C3, 0.0457 nC5, 0.033 method has no problems in finding the correct solution.
nC7, 0.0244 nC10), referred in the literature as the Y8 For these conditions, the convergence radius of the
mixture (Yarborough, 1972). The Peng /Robinson EOS classical MVNR method is extremely small, therefore,
is used, with all BIC’s zero. the switch from SSI to MVNR iterations has to be
The phase envelope is given in Fig. 3. Saturation performed at very small values of the Euclidean norm of
pressures were calculated with the MVNR method, the error vector, otherwise divergence occurs.

Table 5
Problem 4: C1/CO2 PREOS at p 60.8 bar and T  220 K

Feed composition Stationary points of the TPD function Objective function FE NT Initial guess

(0.90, 0.10) (0.90, 0.10) 0 1063 (6) 1 L(0.908073, 0.091927)

/ / 0 1125 (10) 1 V(0.541701, 0.458299)
(0.80, 0.20) (0.502644, 0.497356) 7.427e3 1739 (8) 1 L(0.838722, 0.161278)
/ / / 1831 (6) 1 V(0.270924, 0.729076)
(0.70, 0.30) (0.642304, 0.357696) 1.876e4 1353 (85) 2 V(0.237605, 0.762395)
/ (0.815263, 0.184737) 7.003e3 / / /
/ (0.815263, 0.184737) 7.003e3 1301 (7) 1 L(0.845278, 0.154722)
(0.57, 0.43) (0.57, 0.43) 0 1284 (75) 2 V(0.205001, 0.794999)
/ (0.808873, 0.191127) 1.3098e3 / / /
/ (0.808873, 0.191127) 1364 (7) 1 L(0.839429, 0.160571)
(0.40, 0.60) (0.40, 0.60) 0 1836 (9) 1 V(0.171840, 0.828160)
/ (0.40, 0.60) 0 1711 (8) 1 L(0.819257, 0.180743)
1716 D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724

Table 6
Problem 5 C1/C2/N2 PREOS at p 76 bar and T 270 K

Feed composition Stationary points of the TPD functiona Objective function FE NT Initial guessa

(0.10, 0.60, 0.30) (0.101617, 0.586727) 5.88659e6 3079 (1814) 2 L(0.118613, 0.380627)
/ (0.067797, 0.799168) 1.48288e2 / / /
/ / / 3474 (12) 1 V(0.055818, 0.853433)
(0.30, 0.55, 0.15) (0.245094, 0.658130) 0.011746 4831 (16) 1 L(0.373190, 0.360265)
/ / / 4779 (13) 1 V(0.181211, 0.766340)
(0.38, 0.54, 0.08) (0.38, 0.54) 0 2929 (18) 1 L(0.491972, 0.356744)
/ / 0 3006 (39) 1 V(0.242737, 0.725904)
(0.05, 0.90, 0.05) (0.05, 0.90) 0 4717 (19) 1 L(0.121698, 0.611101)
/ / 0 4727 (11) 1 V(0.045620, 0.912190)
x1, x2.

unstable for these conditions (TPD //6.914e/5).

Using L initialization, only one minimization is re-
quired. For V initialization, a local minimum with
TPD //4.008e/5 is first found. A second minimiza-
tion finds the global solution. Compositions for the two
minima are close to the equilibrium liquid and vapor
phases. The two-phase flash gives L /0.534; the solu-
tion (Euclidean norm on fugacities of 4.3e/7) is found
with only 43 FE. The results are consistent with those
obtained for this mixture by Nagarajan et al. (1991);
Sun and Seider (1995). PR EOS has been used in
calculations, with BIC’s and properties of the two heavy
pseudocomponents as given by Nagarajan et al. (1991).

Fig. 3. Phase envelope of Y8 system. 4.3. Three-phase vapor/liquid /liquid equilibria

4.3.1. Ternary mixture CO2/C1/n C16

The first example for VLL calculations is for a ternary
mixture containing carbon dioxide, with methane and
normal-hexadecane in equimolar participation. At low
temperatures this mixture presents three-phase VLL
equilibria, and exhibit a Type II phase behavior
according to Orr, Yu and Lien (1980).
The PR EOS is used with BIC’s: kC1  C16 /0.078, kC1 
/ /

CO2 /0.100, and kCO2  C16 /0.125 (from Pan & Firoo-

zabadi, 1998). Fig. 5 depicts the calculated amount of

phases versus pressure for a 90% carbon dioxide mixture
at T /294.3 K. A three-phase region exists at this
temperature between a lower consolute pressure of 64.07
bar and an upper consolute pressure of 69.45 bar.
Fig. 4. Equilibrium constants for the Y8 system on the critical Results are in excellent agreement with results presented
by Risnes and Dalen (1984), using SSI and by Pan and
Firoozabadi (1998), using SA.
4.2.2. Eight-component mixture Table 8 presents the results (mol fractions) of VLLE
Calculations have been performed for the eight- calculations for these conditions. Results of stability of
component mixture of Nagarayan, Cullik and Griewank the feed (TPD//0.1663), two-phase flash, and stabi-
(1991) at near critical conditions (T /353 K, p /385 lity of the equilibrium liquid from two-phase flash
bar). Results are given in Table 7. (TPD//0.0097) are also given in Table 8. One can
For phase stability analysis of the feed, using both notice that good initial estimates were available for the
initial estimates, the method finds the mixture to be VLL flash.
D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724 1717

Table 7
Stability testing and two-phase flash for the eight component mixture

Component Feed composition Stability Two-phase flash

Mol fractions of trial phase Vapor mol fraction Liquid mol fraction
Type V initialization Type L initialization

C1 0.6883 0.6532 0.7298 0.7177 0.6628

C2 0.0914 0.0902 0.0917 0.0920 0.0909
C3 0.0460 0.0471 0.0438 0.0447 0.0471
n C4 0.0333 0.0351 0.0304 0.0315 0.0349
n C5 0.0139 0.0150 0.0123 0.0128 0.0148
n C6 0.0152 0.0170 0.0131 0.0138 0.0164
C7-16 0.0896 0.1077 0.0677 0.0741 0.1032
C17 0.0222 0.0349 0.0112 0.0133 0.0299
Local minimum found by first minimization.

Fig. 5. Phase distribution of the ternary system CO2/C1/n C16 at T / Fig. 6. Detail of the p /z phase diagram of the ternary system CO2/C1/
294.3 K. n C16 at T/294.3 K.

Three-phase distribution calculated with Michelsen polation of TPD (for stability testing of liquid phase
(1994) procedure, using fugacities calculated for mol resulting from two-phase flash) from three-phase region
fractions from stability, is: V /0.2466, L1 /0.6105, gives a good approximation, then the exact pressure is
L2 /0.1429. Phase distribution from three-phase VLL refined to the desired accuracy.
flash is: V /0.2962, L1 /0.5645, L2 /0.1393.
A detail of the p /z phase envelope at T /294.3 K is 4.3.2. A sour gas system
presented in Fig. 6, showing lower and upper consolute The second example for VLLE is for the six compo-
pressures and critical points. Critical points are located nent synthetic mixture of Robinson et al. (1978), which
at 73.5 and 99.5% CO2. Construction of Fig. 6 does not exhibits a three-phase region at T /178.8 K for a wide
require three-phase VLLE calculations. For a given CO2 pressure range. Feed composition is given in Table 9.
mol fraction, once a phase boundary is located, extra- Peng /Robinson EOS is used, with BIC’s from Pan and

Table 8
Results for CO2/C1/n C16 system at p 67 bar and T 294.3 K

Component Feed stability Two-phase flash stability Three-phase flash

a a
Z x y x x y x1 x2

C1 0.05 0.040511 0.050832 0.044778 0.099791 0.078112 0.036181 0.038707

n C16 0.05 0.466839 0.004166 0.337496 0.000048 0.000069 0.340224 0.004609
CO2 0.90 0.492650 0.945002 0.617726 0.900161 0.921819 0.623595 0.956683
Trial phase composition.
1718 D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724

Table 9 Firoozabadi (1998) shown in Table 10. This is a difficult

Calculated mol fractions for the sour gas system at T  178.8 K, problem due to the very small amounts in the hydrogen
p 21.9 bar
sulfide-rich phase.
Component Feed composi- Phase mol fractions Calculated phase mol fractions at p /21.9 bar are
tion given in Table 9. The mol percent of different phases
HC-rich li- Vapor H2S-rich li- versus pressure are plotted in Fig. 7.
quid quid For most of the points, the global minimum is found
C1 0.70592 0.5282 0.8577 0.0666 by the first minimization. However, local minima are
C2 0.06860 0.1598 0.0113 0.0261 found for both stability and flash calculations. For flash
C3 0.02967 0.0760 0.0006 0.0075 calculations, local mimima are found only in the
H2S 0.10559 0.1879 0.0094 0.8688 immediate vicinity of the consolute pressures.
CO2 0.01996 0.0371 0.0082 0.0304
N2 0.07026 0.0110 0.1129 0.0006
For example, stability of the liquid phase from two-
phase flash at p /30 bar: there are two local minima,
one nontrivial with positive TPD, and one trivial (both
wrongly indicating a stable phase). The convergence to
Table 10 the global minimum corresponding to a negative value
BIC for the sour gas system of TPD is achieved by the third minimization phase, and
Component C2 C3 H2S CO2 N2
then the system is correctly asserted as being in three-
phase VLL state (third tunnelization).
kC j 0.000 0.000 0.100 0.125 0.031 Calculation results at p/35 bar are given in Table 11.
kC j / 0.000 0.080 0.135 0.042 The TPD for two-phase flash liquid composition is /
kC j / / 0.080 0.150 0.091
kH Sj / / / 0.120 0.200
0.0185, indicating a three-phase state. The phase dis-
KCO j / / / / 0.020 tribution resulting from three-phase VLLE flash is V /
0.0407, L1 /0.9447, and L2 /0.0146.

4.3.3. Quaternary mixture C1/n C6/H2S/CO2

The third example for VLLE presents the results for
the quaternary mixture studied by Kohse and Heide-
mann (1992). Same input data and version of the SRK
EOS (Graboski & Daubert, 1978) were used. BIC’s are
given in Table 12. Three-phase flash calculations were
performed at T /175 K and p /15 bar (Table 13). For
these conditions, our results correspond to the global

Table 12
BIC for the quaternary system

Component C6 H2S CO2

kC1-j 0.036 0.080 0.093

kC6-j / 0.050 0.118
kH2S-j / / 0.099
Fig. 7. Phase distribution for the sour-gas system at T /178.8 K.

Table 11
Results for the sour gas system at p 35 bar and T 178.8 K

Component Feed Stability Two-phase flash Stability Three-phase flash

z x
y x x y x1 x2

C1 0.70592 0.060303 0.715787 0.064426 0.705964 0.726129 0.714973 0.065262

C2 0.06860 0.011263 0.069469 0.012099 0.006233 0.006352 0.072154 0.012393
C3 0.02967 0.003438 0.030069 0.003697 0.000489 0.000466 0.031333 0.003738
H2S 0.10559 0.904991 0.093383 0.899205 0.008382 0.008596 0.097494 0.897742
CO2 0.01996 0.018229 0.019979 0.018734 0.004765 0.004933 0.020621 0.019166
N2 0.07026 0.001776 0.071312 0.001839 0.274167 0.253524 0.063425 0.001699
D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724 1719

Table 13
Results for the quaternary system at p 15 bar and T  175 K

Component Feed Stability Two-phase flash Stability Three-phase flash

z x
y x x y x1 x2

C1 0.50000 0.082317 0.979116 0.118005 0.286047 0.977599 0.308646 0.068425

n C6 0.02627 0.001380 0.000001 0.047214 0.349603 0.000001 0.227252 0.007764
H2S 0.41633 0.878809 0.007984 0.741901 0.293955 0.007900 0.363484 0.833419
CO2 0.05740 0.037836 0.012899 0.092880 0.070395 0.014499 0.100618 0.090391

minimum found by Sun and Seider (1995), with the al. (1999) is used. BIC’s used with the PR EOS are given
phase distribution: V /0.4482, L1 /0.1002, L2 / in Table 15.
0.4516. The p /T phase diagram of this mixture is given in
At T /200 K and p/42.5 bar the system splits into Fig. 8, showing the vapor /liquid and vapor /solid phase
two phases, with L /0.6741. Stability analysis of the boundaries as well as the vapor/liquid /solid/vapor/
liquid phase finds TPD /0. Same results were obtained solid and vapor /liquid/solid/vapor/liquid phase
by Sun and Seider (1995). At slightly different condi- boundaries. Results are identical with the results ob-
tions (T/199 K and the same pressure), the equilibrium tained with the SA method (Nichita et al., 2001).
state is three-phase VLL. These are particularly difficult Construction of the phase envelope does not require
conditions for this system, in the vicinity of a two-phase carrying out three-phase VLS calculations.
liquid/liquid critical point located on the three-phase For a multisolid model, the condition of solid stability
boundary. The results are presented in Table 14. The as a pure phase is obtained from Eq. (12) (Firoozabadi,
extent of the three-phase region for p /42.5 bar is about 1998):
5 K.
fi (p; T; z)fpure; i ]0; i 1; ns (49)
4.4. Three-phase vapor /liquid /solid equilibria
where ns is the number of components that may
Wax precipitation from hydrocarbon mixtures is an precipitate.
important problem for the oil industry, which implies This relationship is used to locate the V/VS phase
vapor/liquid /solid equilibria calculations. Two exam- boundary (cloud point locus); it is also used to locate the
ples, including vapor/liquid /solid equilibria, vapor/ VL/VLS phase boundary, for z/x, where, x is the
solid, and liquid /solid equilibria for wax precipitation liquid mol fraction resulted from the two-phase VL
are presented, one for a synthetic gas-condensate, the flash.
other for a North Sea crude oil (at Stock-Tank and For several conditions, local minima are observed
reservoir conditions). near the VL/VLS and V/VS phase boundaries. Table 16
gives the results obtained with the Tunneling method for
some of the points considered for the construction of the
4.4.1. The SHF4 mixture phase diagram by Nichita, Goual and Firoozabadi,
The first example is a synthetic gas condensate fluid of 2001. The total number of FE is reported, including
Ungerer et al. (1995), designated by the acronym SHF4 those required by the tunnelization phases. The number
(Synthetic Hyperbaric Fluid), containing seven compo- of FE for the minimization step(s) is given in parenth-
nents. The thermodynamic multisolid model for wax esis. The computational effort required by the SA
precipitation from hydrocarbon mixtures of Nichita et algorithm is also given for comparison. For all points,

Table 14
Results for the quaternary system at p 42.5 bar and T  199 K

Component Feed Stability Two-phase flash Stability Three-phase flash

z x y x x y x1 x2

C1 0.50000 0.961720 0.956278 0.289556 0.244579 0.956229 0.331272 0.250611

n C6 0.02627 0.000023 0.000021 0.038376 0.029114 0.000021 0.046211 0.030348
H2S 0.41633 0.024470 0.025186 0.596733 0.653089 0.025179 0.545958 0.645240
CO2 0.05740 0.013787 0.018515 0.075334 0.073218 0.018571 0.076560 0.073801
1720 D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724

Table 15
BIC for the SHF4 mixture

Component C2 C3 C7H8 n C8 n C16 n C36

kC j 0.0000 0.0384 0.0439 0.0475 0.0658 0.0960

kC j / 0.0417 0.0000 0.0358 0.0242 0.0050
kC j / / 0.0000 0.0221 0.0104 0.0188
kC H8j / / / 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
Kn C j / / / / 0.0002 0.0294
Kn C j / / / / / 0.0172

Fig. 9. Phase compositions of SHF4 fluid at p/400 bar.

Fig. 8. Phase diagram of the SHF4 fluid.
the global minimum. Results are identical with the
TUNPEQ is at least one order of magnitude faster than results obtained with SA.
SA. As expected, only the heavy hydrocarbon component
These minima are not a problem for the SA algorithm (normal-hexatriacontane) precipitates. The variation of
if some code parameters are properly set (Pan & the amount of precipitated solid and the molar fraction
Firoozabadi, 1998), but a local minimizer can be of the liquid and vapor phases at p/400 bar are
attracted (this is the case of L-BFGS-B as shown in illustrated in Fig. 9. A narrow three-phase region from
Table 16). TUNPEQ is able to escape and finally finds 328 to 333 K exists at this pressure.

Table 16
VLS equilibria for SHF4 mixture

T (K), p (bar) conditions Equilibrium state Gibbs free energy function FE SA FE TUNPEQ Tunneling phases

332, 600 VS 9.220000 130 201 4869 (15) 1

335, 400 / 8.683763 / / /
/ VL 8.677826 270 201 20 181 (7916) 2
333, 400 VL 8.659164 268 801 20 178 (62) 1
332, 400 VLS 8.649628 268 801 21 024 (67) 1
331, 400 VLS 8.645886 / / /
/ / 8.639555 273 001 28 527 (7223) 2
330, 400 8.635533 / / /
/ VLS 8.629042 266 001 26 333 (6613) 2
329.5, 400 VLS 8.623662 463 401 25 895 (92) 1
329, 400 8.624830 / / /
/ VLS 8.618213 378 001 13 196 (130103) 2
328.5, 400 VS 8.612708 263 201 14 596 (63) 1
328, 400 VS 8.607162 267 401 12 613 (53) 1
326, 400 VS 8.584619 263 201 13 821 (50) 1
325, 400 8.580098 / / /
/ VS 8.573146 266 001 12 265 (4358) 2
320, 400 VS 8.513939 / 11 945 (58) 1
D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724 1721

Fig. 10. Retrograde solid behavior and liquid dropout at T/330 K

for SHF4 fluid.

Table 17
Composition of crude oil 2

Component Stock-Tank oil Reservoir fluid

N2 / 0.00225
CO2 / 0.01365
C1 / 0.51283
C2 0.00087 0.07344
C3 0.00536 0.04430
i C4 0.00301 0.00755
n C4 0.01240 0.02037
i C5 0.01008 0.00772
n C5 0.01730 0.01097 Fig. 11. (a) Wax precipitation from Oil 2 at Stock-Tank conditions.
C6 0.03701 0.01967 (b) Wax precipitation from Oil 2 at reservoir conditions.
C7 0.08213 0.02524
C8 0.10623 0.03456
C9 0.06672 0.02101 bar, respectively. Results are given for both the multi-
C10 0.65888 0.20644 solid (MS) and ideal solid solution (SS) models.
The number of FE for TUNPEQ (including the
Tunneling phase for checking global optimality) is one
The retrograde solid behavior (reported by Nichita et order of magnitude less than for SA. The conditions for
al., 2001) may imply the increase in the amount of the this example are not difficult conditions, but what
precipitated solids with decreasing pressure at constant makes it interesting is that the mixture is described
temperature. Fig. 10 shows the calculated isothermal with a large components number (37). If only the
expansion of fluid SHF4. At T /330 K the amount of minimization step is used, only 15/47 FE were required
the precipitated solid decreases from about 13% (at the by L-BFGS-B to find the solution.
three-phase dewpoint) to 3% (at p /185 bar). With Wax precipitation is a major problem for the oil
further pressure decrease the precipitation increases at industry, because wax deposition may plug the flow
an increasing rate to over 15 wt.% at atmospheric lines. We believe such a code would be extremely
pressure. valuable for the industry. For wax precipitation from
crude oils, it is very important that the heavy fractions
distribution between species (paraffins, naphthenes, and
4.4.2. Wax precipitation from a north sea crude oil aromatics) is taken into account; this may lead to very
The second example deals with wax precipitation large number of components. The code has proved to be
from a crude oil. The composition of the Oil 2 (Stock- able to handle such problems.
Tank and reservoir fluid, see Table 17) as well as the
characterization of the plus fraction is given by Pan,
Firoozabadi and Fotland (1997). Again, the thermo- 5. Some considerations on computational efficiency
dynamic model, component properties, and BIC’s from
Nichita et al. (2001) are used. Whenever data were available in the literature or
Fig. 11a and b show the calculated amount of software was available for other methods, comparison is
precipitated wax versus temperature at p /1 and 120 given in terms of the number of FE. Some authors
1722 D.V. Nichita et al. / Computers and Chemical Engineering 26 (2002) 1703 /1724

reports CPU time, but a comparison cannot be made . The global optimization Tunneling method used here
because one should have the same hardware support. has shown to be a robust and efficient tool to solve
For the limited data we had, the Tunneling method has phase equilibrium problems even for extremely diffi-
shown to be faster than other global optimization cult cases, like calculations at critical points and in
methods reported in the literature, for similar test the vicinity of the phase boundaries.
problems. . The method checks global optimality, to be sure that
TUNPEQ is definitely more efficient than SA. For there is not a better solution and this checking is the
phase stability analysis, it is more efficient than the most expensive part of the algorithm. However, the
Enhanced-Newton-Interval method. It is expected to be user can decide on the CPU effort spent for this
more efficient than branch and bound and homotopy globality check.
continuation methods. It would be very useful to test . If only local optimization is performed, the results
TUNPEQ against MULPEQ, HOMPEQ, GLOPEQ, show that the efficiency is comparable with classical
etc. Further investigation of TUNPEQ efficiency is methods based on the equality of chemical potentials.
needed. . The method has shown to be faster than other global
A feature of our code is that the user may decide how optimization methods reported in the literature, for
much computer time is to be spent on checking similar test problems.
globality. This depends on the particular problem to . Our approach can be used as a powerful diagnostic
be solved, mainly on how far we are from difficult tool for reservoir compositional simulation and
regions of the phase envelope. More initial points for the process design models.
Tunneling phase means more confidence, but also more . The method is general and model independent
computer time. It is, however, essential to keep relia- although an EOS formulation is used here for the
bility by making meanwhile a particular run as efficient Gibbs free energy, any other thermodynamic model
as possible. can be used for various kinds of thermodynamic
We have already embarked, or intend to embark on equilibria.
the following directions:

i) a systematic comparison of the efficiency of TUN- Acknowledgements

PEQ with other global optimization methods used
for multiphase equilibria calculations; Partial support for this work was provided by IIMAS,
ii) development of the code to be able to handle more Intercambio Academico, and project PAPIIT No.
than two liquid phases; IN11299, UNAM. Partial support from SNP Petrom
iii) since the approach is model independent, the use of SA and the permission to publish this paper are greatly
different thermodynamic models will be investi- appreciated. We thanks Dr Bruce Kohse of CMG for
gated; providing the same input data as used by Kohse and
iv) testing the behavior of the method for a wider set of Heidemann (1992) for the quaternary system in example
phase equilibria problems. Section 4.3.3.
The major feature of the method is its reliability.
There is no guarantee that a method would work for
every problem without failure, but so far we have not References
experienced any failures with TUNPEQ. Therefore, our
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