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B. Arch ( Semester 3 )
Fundamentals of Structure-II
Date :16/11/2021 Time :9:30AM- 12:30PM
Max. Marks:75
Instructions :
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Write each section in a separate answer book.
3. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
4. Draw diagrams/figures whenever necessary.
5. Figures to the right indicate full marks allocated to that question.
6. Follow usual meaning of notations/abbreviations.
Q 1 Answer the following. (Any 2) [30]
I) Find Moment of inertia for an I section having top and bottom flange 100 x 10 mm, web 280 x 10 mm

II) Find out M.I. for an L section 75x75x8mm about its outer corner.
III) Draw shear force diagram for frame shown in fig

Q 2 Draw Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram for the beam shown in fig. [10]

Q 3 Draw Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagram for the beam shown in fig [10]

Q 4 Answer the following. (Any Two) [20]

I) Find centre of gravity of an I-section having bottom flange 75 x 25 mm, top flange 75 x 25 mm & web of
100 x 25 mm.

II) Find the centre of gravity of T-section having flange of 90 mm x 6 mm, and web of 6 x 60 mm

III) Find centre of gravity of an C-section having bottom flange 100 x 25 mm, top flange 100 x 25 mm & web
of 75 x 25 mm.

Q 5 Answer the following in detail.(Any 1) [5]

I) Write Short note on Stress & Strain

II) Write short note on Hooke’s law

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