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Unit 9 Assignment: Final Project

Kesa Copps

Purdue University Global

HW410 Models of Health & Wellness

Dorette Nysewander, EdD

September 7, 2021

Unit 9 Assignment: Final Project

Stress is defined as anything that may cause tension on our mind, body, and spirit in a

physical, emotional, or psychological manner. Stress can be acute, chronic, episodic acute, or

eustress. Acute stress can be good or bad and is the most typical day to day stress. Chronic

stress can occur from traumatic experiences and seems to last extended periods of time. Episodic

acute stress is considered a chaotic way of life. Eustress is known as the good stress that keeps

things exciting. (Scott) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is a population that is highly

affected by constant stressors in their profession. EMS is a declining population of individuals

that is required to respond 24/7, make life and death decisions in critical incidents, and are paid

lower wages than other emergency responders. They require more extensive training and to be

licensed by a medical board that is continuously changing the scope of practice. This means

there is a constant need for training and learning for these individuals. (The stress in EMS:

Effects of stress on the unsung heroes of the Ems Profession 2020)

Explained Stressors

EMS responds to the scene of an incident, providing life-saving skills, and getting the

patient to the hospital. This creates a huge list of stressors for these professionals daily. These

individuals work long shifts that usually last 24 hours at a time causing a lack of sleep. During

these 24-hour shifts, the EMS providers experience a significant number of calls that they

respond to adding to sleep deprivation. If the EMS providers get to eat a meal it is usually fast

food, or something unhealthy. (EMS responders - The stress is killing us 2020) Being exposed to

traumatic scenes is also a major stressor in EMS, by seeing people in their most critical states.

Each time a call comes in to respond to, it produces the fight-or-flight response which causes

stress on the body. EMS budgets are being cut due to a lack of administrative support and

understanding of what is needed to successfully care for each patient. Death is something these

individuals deal with in this profession, which puts stress on an individual. (Coping with stress a

critical EMS survival skill) EMS is the lowest paid provider in healthcare especially when

relating to the skills and knowledge required to practice. They are required to maintain a license

that is mandated by the state to provide quality medical services to all types of patients from

medical conditions to trauma. There is always a need for more EMS providers causing staff

shortages which means the providers are working extra shifts. (EMS responders - The stress is

killing us 2020)

Stressor Importance

Working long shifts with the high call volumes creates sleep deprivation. Sleep

deprivation causes issues with memory, concentration, thinking, low immunity, increases cardiac

issues, causes weight gain, and has the potential to cause accidents. (Watson, 2020) EMS eating

habits increases the risk of heart disease. (EMS responders - The stress is killing us 2020) )

When exposed to traumatic events over and over again, as well as experiencing the fight-or-flight

response multiple times a shift, changes the chemicals in the brain to respond properly along

with increasing our blood pressure and heart rate. (Taggart, 2016) Budget cuts will add to the

staffing shortages, appropriately trained personnel, and reduced medical supplies adding to the

stress of all providers. (Ems & Fire budget cuts may put public at risk, National Survey

finds 2009) The constant stressors EMS providers face is putting excessive amounts of stress on

their minds, bodies, and spirits that needs to be dealt with to keep them strong and healthy.

Program Descriptions

Meditation is a great way to manage and deal with stress. There are so many different

types of meditations that can be utilized in today’s world that picking one such as mindfulness

meditation would be great start. This practice is something the EMS providers can do as a group

or individually to produce the wanted results. (Bertone, 2020) Diaphragmatic breathing is

another technique that can be utilized to help with stress. This breathing can be done just about

anywhere to help relax and restore oneself. This type of stress relief is one of the simplest and

easily accessible forms of relaxation. Just by focusing your complete attention on breathing

deeply and visualizing your breath moving in through the airway to the lungs and breathing out

the bad feelings and emotions. (Seaward, 2017) Music therapy has become a popular way to

calm and relax a person. Listening to certain music such as instrumental or acoustic music that is

slower in rhythm, helps stimulate the senses through hearing and creates a reaction in the

nervous system. Music has been known to affect a person’s mood. (Seaward, 2017)

Program Implementation

To allow our team of EMS personnel to understand and learn mindfulness meditation, I

would bring in a specialized coach for a month. This instructor will educate the providers on the

benefits the meditation will provide each of them mentally, physically, emotionally, and

spiritually. Music therapy will be implemented in the base as well with specialized music picked

just for this practice. The music will be strictly instrumental or acoustic and will produce a

relaxing and calming effect. The music is specially chosen to create the soothing goals of the

therapy. A quiet room will be set up at the base that is calming, with dim lighting. There will be

meditation floor pillows to utilize for the meditation, as well as specialized seating for music

therapy that allow for comfortable seating with good posture. Each seat will have a set of

headphones available to block out any noises for the meditation or to be able to play the specially

picked music for the music therapy. The headphones will allow the providers to listen to guided

mindfulness meditation once the coach is finished. The instructor will be available at the

beginning and end of each shift Monday- Friday for one month. The providers will attend these

sessions each shift they work. As they become more comfortable with the practice on their own,

they can utilize the room anytime they choose. The diaphragmatic breathing will be instructed

by a recording played through the headphones in the beginning for everyone to learn the method.

People can use the quiet room to perform this breathing technique but will be taught that it can

be done just about anywhere they are.

Program Obstacles

The obstacles that could arise will getting the providers to even try the stress management

method and finding time. These individuals have a lot of pride and getting them to admit they

need to utilize these methods to relieve stress and prevent health risks is important. There may

be egos that prevent some individuals from benefitting from these relaxation techniques. The

obstacle of time will be an issue without any relief because of the chance of providers being on a

call. Emergencies are not scheduled and there is no way to estimate when they may occur. So,

making sure the providers are available during the training times will be a challenge some days.

To overcome these obstacles, It will be mandatory to participate at least once a shift in the

training sessions. If a provider is out on a call at the beginning of their shift but can make it to

the session at the end of their shift they must attend. If they happen to be out on calls for both

sessions, they will be required to stay and participate with the next shifts session. This will get

everyone to at least try the relaxation techniques being offered. This will help with both

obstacles that may be faced with this program.

Health Professionals

For the first month we will have a certified meditation coach come to the base Monday

thru Friday from 6:00am to 8:00am. This will allow for an hour at the end of one shift and an

hour at the beginning of the next shift. In the beginning we will have the medical director come

in once a week and educate the providers on the health risks they are posing and how the

program can decrease their risks and help with over all health.

Program Measurements

The program success will be measured by the active participants after the meditation

coach is no longer with the team. Other ways to measure success will be employees with fewer

health issues that need to be treated such as high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Their

attitudes will be overall better, and they will enjoy their days off even more. There will be less

turnover as well as absences from work.


Stress management programs for EMS providers is a critical program that needs to be

provided and initiate. These providers see, feel, hear, smell, and deal with some of the most

gruesome scenes and high tense situations around. They deal with sleep deprivation, lack of

good nutrition, little administrative support, death, long shifts with high call volumes, and low

wages. EMS providers have one of the highest heart disease diagnoses in professionals. (EMS

responders - The stress is killing us 2020) They spend their days taking care of the sick and

injured and forget to take care of themselves. Implementing a stress management program that is

initially mandatory will help get the employees engaged. The idea is to show them the benefits

and stress relief provided through the training and education so they will want to continue

utilizing the program. With a successful implementation of a stress management program, EMS

providers will have reduced health issues, and create not only a happier, healthier employee, but

also a happier life for them outside of the EMS world. These individuals are a critical part of the

healthcare world, and we need to keep them safe, health, and happy to continue to serve those in



Bertone, H. J. (2020, October 2). Which type of meditation is right for you? Healthline.


Coping with stress a critical EMS survival skill. Coping with Stress a Critical EMS Survival

Skill | Public Safety Degrees. (n.d.).

Ems & Fire budget cuts may put public at risk, National Survey finds. EMS1. (2009,

January 9).


EMS responders - The stress is killing us. American Addiction Centers. (2020, February 4).

Scott, E. (n.d.). How is stress affecting my health? Verywell Mind.

Seaward, B. (2018). Managing stress: Principles and strategies for health and well-being (9th

ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning

The stress in EMS: Effects of stress on the unsung heroes of the Ems Profession. JEMS. (2020,

December 10).


Taggart, C. (2016, March 17). The effects of trauma: Fight, flight or freeze. Sunrise Residential

Treatment Center.

Watson, S. (2020, May 15). 11 effects of sleep deprivation on your body. Healthline.

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