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Daniel Rolph

Version 5
Title Screen in style of 1950s Educational Film:


Title is replaced by a blank screen


We all know that it’s no fun being ill. However,

scientists have discovered the culprits: Germs!

Two “Wanted” Posters appear showing different bacteria.

Whenever your bodies defences are breached, these
germs seize their opportunity and invade!

A drawing of a Human with a cut on their finger appears.

A magnifying glass zooms in on the cut, showing
individual red blood cells, with bacteria. The camera
tracks them into a blood vessel.


Once inside you, these germs immediately begin to

multiply, stealing food and oxygen from your body.

Initially there are only a few Bacteria which begin to


- Continued -

Unless they are stopped, these insidious invaders

could do serious damage to your body.

The Bacteria begin to outnumber the red blood cells


However, your body is not defenceless. Throughout

the bloodstream, countless White blood cells patrol,
looking for any sign of germs.

Several White Blood Cells enters the screen.


To do this, they take advantage of germs greatest

weakness. Science has discovered that every germ is
covered with tiny chemical markers that scientists
call “Antigens”. In addition, each different type
of germ has its own unique Antigen.

A magnifying glass zooms in on the surface of two

different bacteria, revealing the different antigens on


Whenever a White Blood Cell encounters a germ, it

analyses these antigens and begins to produce
special proteins called “Antibodies”
One of the magnified bacterium bumps into a white blood
cell, leaving several antigens stuck in the cell
membrane. Antigens then begin to grow from the cell


Released into the bloodstream, antibodies are

specifically designed to lock onto a particular type
of antigen.

The Antigens are released into the bloodstream, some of

them sticking to the antigens on the correct bacteria.
When they lock on, the free end begins to flash.


Once attached to an antigen, the antibodies signal

another type of white blood cell to destroy the

The camera zooms out to show bacteria surrounded by

little flashing lights; a larger white blood cell enters
the frame and moves towards the tagged bacteria. It
quickly engulf and digests them.


And once the threat has been destroyed, there is

good news! Your body is now ready to destroy these
germs on sight, whenever they try to invade.

The last of the bacteria are mopped up, and the screen
fades to black.

Yes, thanks to Antibodies, you’ll never suffer from

the same illness again!

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