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Learning Activity Template Life DiscoveryEd Digital Library Portal

Vocabulary & Definitions

Name: Jai Pandia

Chapter: 1.1

Instructions: Develop a list of vocabulary terms for the chapter. Use both your textbook and notes from
lecture. After you define the term, create a diagram to help visualize the concept. This can be a diagram
from lecture/textbook or you can create your own.

Term Definition Draw a Figure/Relate to Other Terms

 Earth became
extremely hot so
which caused iron
to sink to the
bottom of earth’s
 Iron catastrophe lava and form the
molten core. The
core creates the
magnetic poles such
as the north and
south pole.

 Stanley Miller
recreated the
conditions for life by
Stanley Miller
using H2, cH4, nH3,
water vapor and
heat which created
amino acids

membrane for each
cell that regulates
 Phospholipid bilayer what comes in and  
out. Made up of
phospholipids with
hydrophobic tail
Packets adapted from literature circle worksheets created by Harvey Daniels.
Learning Activity Template Life DiscoveryEd Digital Library Portal

(doesn’t interact
with water) and a
hydrophilic head
(does interact with
water, dissolves)

First type of cell/life.

Those with higher
Proto cell rna contents are
more likely to

Packets adapted from literature circle worksheets created by Harvey Daniels.

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