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Clinical Biomechanics 23 (2008) 779–786

Effect of foot rotation on knee kinetics and hamstring activation in

older adults with and without signs of knee osteoarthritis
Scott K. Lynn, Patrick A. Costigan *
School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, Queen’s University, PEC, 69 Union St, Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6

Received 25 October 2007; accepted 21 January 2008


Background. To determine the effects of changing the natural foot progression angle during gait (internal and external foot rotation)
on the knee’s adduction moment, lateral–medial shear force, and the ratio of medial–lateral hamstring muscle activation in those with
signs of knee osteoarthritis and a matched healthy control group.
Methods. Twelve subjects with signs of knee osteoarthritis and 12 matched healthy control subjects were evaluated. A 3D gait analysis
system calculated forces and moments at the knee while the subjects walked in three conditions: (1) normal foot position, (2) external foot
rotation, (3) internal foot rotation. Medial and lateral hamstring EMG data was also collected simultaneously and used to calculate the
medial–lateral hamstring activation ratio during the stance phase of the gait cycle. Repeated measures ANOVAs were used to compare
foot rotation conditions within each group; while between group comparisons were performed in the normal rotation condition only
using t-tests.
Findings. Those with knee osteoarthritis (OA) had an increased late stance knee adduction moment and a decreased medial–lateral
hamstring activation ratio as compared to the healthy control group. Also, external foot rotation decreased the late stance knee adduc-
tion moment, lateral–medial shear force, and hamstring activation ratio. However, internal foot rotation did not increase these measures.
Interpretation. Changes in foot position during gait have the ability to alter both the external loading of the knee joint and hamstring
muscle activation patterns during gait. This may have implication in helping to unload the knee’s articular cartilage.
Ó 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: Biomechanics; Locomotion; Adduction moment; Lateral–medial shear force; Medial–lateral hamstring muscle activation

1. Introduction external knee adduction moment. A second knee gait mea-

sure that has been recently implicated in the development
The external knee adduction moment, which can be esti- and progression of knee OA is the lateral–medial shear
mated at the knee while walking, is a factor in the develop- force (Astephen and Deluzio, 2005; Lynn et al., 2007). This
ment and progression of knee osteoarthritis (OA) (Lynn is the joint reaction force calculated using inverse dynamics
et al., 2007; Miyazaki et al., 2002). A large knee adduction that acts along the joint surface to push the femur medially
moment indicates an increased load on the knee’s medial across the tibial plateau. In vitro studies suggest that shear
compartment, while a reduced knee adduction moment stress is detrimental to cartilage health (Radin et al., 1991;
indicates an increased load on the lateral compartment Tomatsu et al., 1992) and those with medial compartment
(Lynn et al., 2007; Weidow et al., 2006). Hence, the gait knee OA have been shown to exhibit large lateral–medial
profile associated with medial compartment OA, the most shear forces (Lynn et al., 2007). Clearly, strategies aimed
common type of knee OA (Felson, 1998), includes a large at reducing the knee adduction moment and lateral–medial
shear forces are warranted.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 613 533 6603; fax: +1 613 533 2009. A simple strategy used by those with medial OA to
E-mail address: (P.A. Costigan). reduce the associated pain is to walk with an externally

0268-0033/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

780 S.K. Lynn, P.A. Costigan / Clinical Biomechanics 23 (2008) 779–786

rotated foot (Wang et al., 1990). Walking with the foot groups did not differ in age or height but the OA group
rotated reduces the pain and also decreases the measured was heavier and had a higher BMI (P < 0.05).
knee adduction moment (Guo et al., 2007; Lynn et al., All subjects signed a letter of informed consent
2008; Wada et al., 1998) and lateral–medial shear force approved by the Queen’s University Health Sciences and
(Lynn et al., 2008). This foot rotation strategy is believed Affiliated Teaching Hospitals Research Ethics Board prior
to be effective as those who walk with an increased toe- to their participation in the study. All subjects also com-
out angle during gait were less likely to have their medial pleted the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities
compartment knee OA progress, as compared to those Osteoarthritis Index (WOMACÒ) to assess their OA symp-
who walked with less of a toe-out angle (Chang et al., toms (Bellamy et al., 1988).
2007). Another strategy is to increase the activity of the lat-
eral hamstrings and decrease the activity of the medial 2.2. Knee alignment and radiographic evaluation
hamstrings during gait (Hubley-Kozey et al., 2006). This
change in muscle activity may produce an internal muscu- Each participant also had an anterior–posterior X-ray
lar abduction (valgus) moment at the knee to counteract taken of their knee. These were used to quantify the radio-
the external gait adduction (varus) moment (Hubley-Kozey graphic signs of OA and to measure the frontal plane align-
et al., 2006). The rapid application of a valgus or varus ment of the test limb. In the OA group, the test limb was
load to the knee is known to produce an increase in medial the most arthritic limb; while for the control group, it
and lateral hamstring activity, respectively (Buchanan was the same limb as was tested in their matched OA sub-
et al., 1996), which demonstrates the potential role of the ject. From the X-rays, the radiographic signs of OA were
hamstrings in absorbing frontal plane loads. The mecha- quantified using a modified version of the Scott OA score
nism by which those with knee OA alter the activation of (Scott et al., 1993). This version scores only the most
their medial/lateral hamstrings during gait is not clear, affected tibiofemoral compartment on a scale from 0 (no
but foot rotation may play a role. signs of OA) to 13 (extreme OA) (Cooke et al., 1999).
It may be that the two compensations strategies dis- Frontal plane knee alignment was also measured from
cussed above (the rotation of the foot and alterations in the X-rays. Since the X-rays did not include the full limb,
medial–lateral hamstring muscle activation) are connected. alignment was measured as the angle between the femoral
Along with knee flexion, the medial and lateral hamstrings and tibial anatomic axes at the knee. This angle, the femo-
can also produce internal and external rotations of the tibia ral shaft-tibial shaft (FSTS) angle, is calculated by drawing
(Kendal et al., 2005). Tibial rotation has been shown to a line that bisects the distal femur and another that bisects
affect the activation of the medial and lateral hamstrings the proximal tibia. Normative data suggests that an ideal
during maximum isometric knee flexion (Mohamed et al., FSTS angle is 5 degrees (i.e. 5 degrees of valgus) (Nguyen
2003); however, to our knowledge, the connection between et al., 1989).
foot rotation and hamstrings activation has not been inves-
tigated during gait. Understanding this connection might 2.3. Gait analysis
help us understand why foot rotation is a common com-
pensation for those suffering from knee OA. The gait analysis system that was used consisted of an
Therefore, this study will examine the changes in ham- optoelectronic motion tracking system (NDI, Waterloo,
string muscle activation and knee loads during gait with Ontario, Canada), and force plates (AMTI, Newton, Mass,
changes in foot rotation in a knee OA and a healthy control USA) embedded in the walkway to collect kinematic
group. It is hypothesized that as the foot rotates externally, (100 Hz) and ground reaction force (2000 Hz) data. These
the knee gait kinetics and hamstring activation ratios will data were used to calculate the net moments and joint reac-
indicate an unloading of the knee’s medial compartment. tion forces at the knee, and the angle of the foot during
gait. Participants were fit with marker arrays containing
2. Methods infra-red light emitting diodes (LEDs). These marker
arrays were secured to the foot, shank, thigh, pelvis (at
2.1. Participants the sacrum) and thoracic spine (just below the cervical
spine) with Velcro bands and tape to prevent them from
Twelve participants with knee OA (six males) were age changing position on the legs and trunk during testing.
and sex matched to a healthy control group with no previ- A Delsys Bagnoli-8 (Delsys Inc., Boston, MA, USA)
ous or current activity restricting condition of the lower eight channel EMG system was used to collect all EMG
extremities or low back. The average age of the OA sub- data (differentially amplified with a gain of 1000, bandpass
jects was 67.4 years (SD 10.0), while the control subjects 20–450 Hz, CMRR > 80 dB, input impedance > 1015). Fol-
had an average age of 68.7 years (SD 8.4). The OA subjects lowing standard skin preparation, single differential surface
had an average height of 1.73 m (SD 0.11), mass of 81.3 kg electrodes (DE 2.1 silver surface, inter-electrode distance of
(11.8), and BMI of 27.3 (SD 3.8); while the control subjects 1.0 cm, Delsys Inc., Boston, MA, USA) were applied in
had an average height of 1.71 m (SD 0.08), mass of 67.8 kg line with the muscles fibers over the muscle bellies of the
(SD 8.6), and BMI of 23.2 (SD 2.8). The OA and control biceps femoris (lateral hamstrings) and semimembranosus/
S.K. Lynn, P.A. Costigan / Clinical Biomechanics 23 (2008) 779–786 781

semitendinosus (medial hamstrings) and the motor point trials for each condition to give one representative curve for
was avoided. A National Instruments 12-bit A/D (National each subject from which variables were extracted for analy-
Instruments, Austin, TX, USA) card was used to convert sis. While all curves used in the ensemble average had sim-
data from analog to digital form. Specially designed Lab- ilar profiles, peak values extracted from the ensemble
View 6.1 (National Instruments, Austin, TX, USA) soft- average curve may have been slightly reduced if the peaks
ware was used to collect EMG data at 2000 Hz and to for the individual curves did not occur at the same time
emit a synch pulse when collection was started and stopped. point. For the knee adduction moment and lateral–medial
Once outfitted with all markers and EMG electrodes, shear force, the early and late stance peaks were used as out-
participants walked along the walkway in three conditions: come measures if they were evident. In some curves these
(1) their natural foot rotation position (NFP), (2) with the peaks were not present. For these curves, the value at the
test leg foot externally rotated (EXT) as much as possible same point in time as the vertical ground reaction force
(to where it felt abnormal but not uncomfortable), (3) with peak was used, as has been done previously (Guo et al.,
the test leg foot internally rotated (INT) as much as possi- 2007; Lynn et al., 2008). To determine the foot progression
ble (to where it felt abnormal but not uncomfortable). The angle, the angle of the long axis of the foot segment in the
order of the foot conditions were randomized and five good global (lab) coordinate system, relative to the walking direc-
walking trials were collected for each of the three foot rota- tions axis, was computed and averaged across the entire
tion conditions. stance phase. The EMG activation across the entire stance
Following all gait trials the participant stood in view of phase for both hamstring muscles was averaged and then
the cameras and a series of one second reference position the medial activation level was divided by the lateral to pro-
trials were collected. A specially designed probe was used duce the medial:lateral (M:L) hamstring activation ratio.
to locate bone landmarks on the segment so that joint cen-
tres could be approximated during processing. Also, a sub- 2.5. Statistical analysis
ject bias and resting EMG trial was collected with the
subject completely relaxed. Key outcome measures were the early and late stance
Once gait trials were completed the participant per- knee adduction moment and lateral–medial shear force val-
formed three repetitions of isokinetic maximum voluntary ues as well as the M:L hamstring activation ratio. Other
hamstring contractions on a Biodex System 3 isokinetic variables that were measured included gait speed, foot
dynamometer (Biodex Medical Systems Inc., Shirley, NY, rotation angle, frontal plane knee alignment (FSTS angle),
USA) while medial and lateral hamstring EMG data was radiographic OA score, and the WOMAC scores.
collected. These repetitions were performed at 60°/s as this
speed approximates the angular velocities at the knee dur- 2.5.1. OA vs. control
ing gait. The EMG data collected during the maximum vol- Comparisons between the OA and control groups were
untary contractions were used to normalize gait EMG performed using independent samples Student t-tests on
activation to percent maximum voluntary contraction the frontal plane knee alignment (FSTS angle), radio-
(%MVC) in order to provide a physiological basis for graphic OA scores, and WOMAC scores. Additional t-tests
EMG amplitude comparisons between muscles, as has been compared the OA and control groups on the gait measures
done previously (Hubley-Kozey et al., 2006). (gait speed, M:L hamstring activation ratio, early and late
stance knee adduction moment and lateral–medial shear
2.4. Data processing force) in the normal foot rotation condition only.

Visual 3D (C-Motion Inc., Rockville, MD, USA) was 2.5.2. Foot rotation
used to process the walking trial data and estimate the The effect of foot rotation on the M:L hamstring activa-
net external moments and joint reaction forces at the knee. tion ratio, as well as the early and late stance KAM and
The EMG data were full wave rectified and filtered using LMF variables were tested using repeated measures ANO-
a 2nd order, low-pass, double-pass Butterworth filter with VAs with appropriate Bonferroni corrections to adjust the
a 3 Hz cut-off frequency (Winter, 1990). The peak activa- critical significance level. If there was a main effect for foot
tion value achieved during all MVC trials was then identi- rotation, all simple comparisons were also tested to deter-
fied for both the medial and lateral hamstrings. Gait EMG mine the individual differences between foot rotation
data then had the subject bias/resting EMG levels sub- conditions.
tracted off and was then divided by the peak activation dur- Repeated measures ANOVAs were also used to test for
ing MVC trials to give gait EMG waveforms in %MVC differences in gait speed and foot rotation angles across the
units. three foot rotation conditions. It is known that gait speed
Once all the data was processed, the synchronization has an effect on knee kinetics (Kirtley et al., 1985) and mus-
pulse (that defined the start and the end of EMG data col- cular activity (Hof et al., 2002) so it was important to deter-
lection) was used to align the gait and EMG data in time mine if there were any differences in speed across foot
and then normalize the data to 100% of the gait cycle. rotation conditions and to ensure that our foot rotation
For each participant, the data were averaged across the five angles were statistically different.
782 S.K. Lynn, P.A. Costigan / Clinical Biomechanics 23 (2008) 779–786

3. Results The average gait curves (knee adduction moment and

lateral–medial shear force) and EMG profiles (medial ham-
Average radiographic OA scores, frontal plane knee string and lateral hamstring) during the stance phase for
alignment (FSTS angle), and WOMAC scores are shown both the OA and control groups across all three foot rota-
in Table 1 for both the OA and control groups. It should tion conditions are presented in Figs. 1 and 2, respectively.
be noted that the OA group had larger radiographic OA, Outcome measures taken from these curves, along with foot
and WOMAC scores (P < 0.05) than the control group, rotation angles and gait speeds, are presented in Table 2.
but there were no differences between groups for frontal The foot progression angle was different across all foot
plane knee alignment. Also, for comparison, the reported rotation conditions for both groups; but there were also
modified Scott radiographic score of 4.4 for our OA group differences in gait speed between conditions. For the OA
(Table 1) would correspond to Kellgren–Lawrence score of group, the internal and external foot rotation conditions
approximately II or III (mild to moderate). produced slower gait speeds than the normal foot rotation
condition; while, for the control group, the gait speed for
the internal rotation condition was slower than the normal
Table 1 foot position condition.
Radiographic and questionnaire scores for OA (n = 12) and control The late stance peak knee adduction moment revealed a
(n = 12) groups main effect for foot rotation in both the OA and control
OA group Control group groups as all subjects were able to reduce the net moment
Radiographic OA scorea,* 4.4 (2.4) 0.3 (0.9) with external rotation. However, the internal foot rotation
Knee alignmentb 0.6 (4.9) 3.1 (2.6) and normal foot rotation condition were inconsistent
WOMACc,* 29.7 (14.0) 3.9 (6.3) across subjects, and hence not different for the late stance
Numbers presented at mean (SD). knee adduction moment peak in either group. The early
Significant difference between OA and control group at P < 0.05. stance peak knee adduction moment also did not display
Grading of signs of radiographic OA. No OA score = 0, maximum a main effect for foot rotation in the OA group; but the
score = 13.
Frontal plane femoral shaft-tibial shaft (FSTS) angle; negative val-
early stance peak knee adduction moment for the internal
ues = varus, positive values = valgus. Normal = 5 degrees valgus. rotation condition was different from both the straight
Knee pain, stiffness, physical function questionnaire. No OA symp- and external rotation conditions in the control group. Knee
toms score = 0, and maximum score = 96. adduction moment comparisons between the OA and con-

Fig. 1. Average gait parameters for the OA (A; n = 12) and control (B; n = 12) groups across the stance phase of the gait cycle. Note: KAM = knee
adduction moment; LMF = lateral–medial shear force.
S.K. Lynn, P.A. Costigan / Clinical Biomechanics 23 (2008) 779–786 783

Fig. 2. Average hamstring EMG activation curves for the OA (A; n = 12) and control (B; n = 12) groups across the stance phase of the gait cycle. Note:
Med. Ham. EMG = medial hamstring muscle activation; Lat. Ham. EMG = lateral hamstring muscle activation.

Table 2
Gait parameters for the OA (n = 12) and control (n = 12) Groups in all three foot rotation positions
OA Control
Foot progression angle (deg) 17.1 7.5 4.4 22.5 11.5 2.5C
(8.0) (5.9) (6.4) (5.0) (4.7) (6.4)
Gait speed (m/s) 0.95A 1.04B 0.96A 1.09A,B 1.11A 1.05B
(0.27) (0.28) (0.29) (0.15) (0.13) (0.14)
KAM early stance (Nm/kg) 0.46A 0.45A 0.43A 0.36A 0.37A 0.32B
(0.13) (0.15) (0.15) (0.13) (0.11) (0.12)
KAM late stance (Nm/kg)a 0.31A 0.40B 0.39B 0.19A 0.27B 0.26B
(0.13) (0.14) (0.14) (0.14) (0.12) (0.09)
LMF early stance (N/kg) 0.77A 0.89B 0.84A,B 1.10A 1.10A 1.06A
(0.48) (0.49) (0.47) (0.22) (0.23) (0.30)
LMF late stance (N/kg) 0.62A 0.76B 0.77B 0.90A 1.00A 0.99A
(0.41) (0.45) (0.47) (0.36) (0.33) (0.38)
M:L hamstring activation ratioa 0.51A 0.66B 0.88A,B 0.94A 1.19A 1.87B
(0.34) (0.42) (0.67) (0.41) (0.75) (1.39)
Numbers presented as mean (SD).
For each variable in each population, similar superscripts (A, B, C) indicate no differences (P > 0.05) in simple comparisons between foot rotation
conditions with appropriate Bonferroni corrections.
EXT = external foot rotation position, NFP = normal foot rotation position, INT = internal foot rotation position.
KAM = knee adduction moment, LMF = lateral–medial shear force, M:L = medial:lateral.
Significant difference between the OA and control groups for the normal foot rotation (NFP) position (P < 0.05).

trol group for the normal foot rotation position revealed an were similar to those seen in the late stance knee adduction
increased (P < 0.05) late stance peak for the OA groups but moment as the magnitude of this curve decreased in the
the early stance peak was not different between groups external rotation condition for all subjects, but the internal
(Table 2). and straight foot rotation conditions were not different
There were differences due to foot rotation in the late (Table 2). The same decrease in magnitude of the late
stance lateral–medial shear force for the OA group that stance lateral–medial shear force with external rotation
784 S.K. Lynn, P.A. Costigan / Clinical Biomechanics 23 (2008) 779–786

was not present for the control group as subjects were makes the ability of the individual hamstring muscles to
inconsistent. There were also no differences between the exert a moment on the knee joint extremely important.
OA and control groups in the magnitude of either the early Differences in the torque producing capacities of the
or late stance lateral–medial shear force for the normal foot medial and lateral hamstrings have, to our knowledge,
rotation condition. not been previously examined in the literature. It may very
External foot rotation decreased the M:L hamstring well be the case that there is an inherent imbalance in the
activation ratio while internal rotation increased it, torque producing capacity of the hamstrings that favours
although not all comparisons between foot rotation condi- the medial side. This is supported by data examining two
tions reached significance. In the OA group, only the exter- factors that are known to affect the torque producing
nal and normal foot rotation conditions were significantly capacity of a muscle, the physiological cross sectional area
different; while for the control group, the internal condition (PCSA) and the moment arm distance (MAD). It has been
was significantly different than the external and normal determined that the MAD (Spoor and Vanleeuwen, 1992)
foot rotation conditions, but the external and normal con- and PCSA (Woodley and Mercer, 2005) of the lateral ham-
ditions were not statistically different. Also, the comparison strings are approximately half that of the medial ham-
between the OA and control groups revealed that the M:L strings. This suggests that, all other things being equal,
hamstring activation ratio was lower for the OA group; with every hamstring contraction throughout a person’s
therefore, the OA group favors the activation of the lateral life, a net muscular varus moment is produced at the knee
hamstrings over the medial. joint. This inherent imbalance could be a reason why med-
ial compartment knee OA is much more common than lat-
eral compartment disease in Western cultures (Felson,
4. Discussion 1998), and the increased lateral hamstring activation seen
in those with knee OA could be a compensation strategy
The main findings of this study are: (1) those with med- attempting to overcome this imbalance to relieve the stress
ial knee OA have a decreased M:L hamstring activation on the diseased compartment of the knee. Since it appears
ratio and increased late stance knee adduction moment that the hamstrings play a role in the frontal plane loading
during gait as compared to healthy controls; (2) the relative of the knee, and the inherent M–L hamstring imbalance
activation of the medial and lateral hamstrings during gait would suggest increased stress on the joint’s soft tissues,
was altered with foot rotation; (3) external foot rotation interventions aimed at decreasing this imbalance could help
decreased the late stance knee adduction moment and lat- in balancing the loads better between the knee’s medial and
eral–medial shear force in both groups, but internal rota- lateral compartments.
tion did not increase these two measures. The current data also suggests that foot rotation during
These results support the theory that the activation of gait could help in decreasing the effects of the proposed M–
the medial and lateral hamstrings plays a role in the atten- L hamstring imbalance on OA progression. In both the OA
uation of frontal plane loading at the knee during gait; as and control groups, it appears that foot rotation was able
the OA group had a smaller M:L hamstring activation to modify the relative activation of the medial and lateral
ratio and larger late stance peak knee adduction moment hamstrings, as the general trend was a decreased ratio
than the control group during the normal foot rotation (favouring the activation of the lateral hamstrings) with
condition (Table 2). This smaller M:L hamstring activation external rotation and an increased ratio (favouring the acti-
ratio in the OA group indicates that they have an activa- vation of the medial hamstrings) with internal rotation,
tion pattern that favours the activation of the lateral over although not all comparisons reached statistical signifi-
the medial hamstrings; although this ratio is not an indica- cance. This lack of significance may be due to several fac-
tor absolute magnitudes of muscle activity, the EMG mag- tors such as the small sample size, the differences in gait
nitudes (Fig. 2) also support this theory (i.e. increased speed noted between foot rotation conditions (Table 2),
lateral and decreased medial hamstring muscle activity). and the heterogeneity of both subject populations. The
Our results agree with previous work where medial OA mechanism by which foot rotation alters the activation of
subjects were found to have increased lateral hamstring the medial and lateral hamstrings may have to do with
activity and decreased medial hamstring activity as com- the hamstrings role in the internal and external rotation
pared to a healthy control group (Hubley-Kozey et al., of the tibia (Kendal et al., 2005). External rotation of the
2006). Therefore, it appears those with medial OA attempt tibia may pre-activate the lateral hamstrings and create
to produce an internal valgus moment at the knee in an increased tension that may enhance its responsiveness to
attempt to balance the increased external varus moment external loads during the stance phase, while relaxing the
created during the stance phase of the gait cycle. This medial hamstrings; and, internal rotation of the tibia would
appears to be most useful during early stance, when ham- trigger the opposite response by pre-activating the medial
string activity is the greatest (Fig. 2) and the position of and relaxing the lateral hamstrings. Therefore, this simple
the foot does not have an effect on external knee gait kinet- intervention may help in both decreasing external loads
ics (Guo et al., 2007; Lynn et al., 2008). The role of the on the joint’s soft tissues and decreasing the effects of the
hamstrings in attenuating frontal plane loads at the knee proposed M–L hamstring muscular imbalance.
S.K. Lynn, P.A. Costigan / Clinical Biomechanics 23 (2008) 779–786 785

Differences in external knee gait kinetics with foot rota- femoris (lateral hamstrings). It is unclear how differences
tion also provided some interesting results. As expected, in gait speed would affect the ratio of medial and lateral
external rotation of the foot decreased the late stance knee hamstrings activation.
adduction moment in both the OA and Control popula- The effect of gait speed on the frontal plane knee gait
tion; and this agrees with the literature (Guo et al., 2007; kinetics is also unclear. Studies investigating the relation-
Lynn et al., 2008). However, this peak was not different ship between gait speed and the peak knee adduction
between the internal and normal foot rotation conditions moment range from finding a weak/poor relationship
for either group. This contradicts the literature as internal (Kirtley et al., 1985) to a positive correlation that changes
foot rotation has been shown to increase the knee adduc- depending on the severity of OA in the population tested
tion moment during late stance (Lynn et al., 2008); how- (Mundermann et al., 2004); yet these studies did not per-
ever, this was determined in healthy young subjects. It form separate analyses for the early and late stance peaks.
has been suggested that internal rotation shifts the loads Those that did perform separate analyses for the early and
more onto the knee’s medial compartment (Lynn et al., late stance peaks have also presented some conflicting
2008), which may create and uncomfortable environment results (Thorp et al., 2006; Oakley, 2000). Future work
for older adults and cause them to make further compensa- should attempt to clarify this relationship and also deter-
tions in their gait patterns. This is supported by the fact mine the combined effects of foot rotation and changes in
that both the OA and control groups walked at a slower gait speed on external frontal plane knee gait kinetics and
velocity with their foot internally rotated then they did in hamstring muscle activation. Some of the aberrant finding
their normal foot rotation condition (Table 2). Also, the in this work may be due to the differences in gait speed
fact that the early stance knee adduction moment peak between conditions and therefore, it is essential that this
was not different between the OA and control groups in relationship be clarified.
the normal foot rotation condition can be explained by The results of this current work suggest that the ratio of
the fact that the knee alignments were not different between medial–lateral hamstring muscle activity may play a role in
the groups either (Table 1), as this peak is best predicted by the attenuation of frontal plane loading at the knee and
the static alignment of the joint (Hurwitz et al., 2002). that the position of the foot during the stance phase of
Foot rotation had a similar effect on the lateral–medial the gait cycle also has the potential to alter both the mus-
shear force as it did for the knee adduction moment in the cular and external loads applied to the knee joint. This may
OA group; as the external rotation decreased the magnitude have implications in the development of simple, non-inva-
of the force in late stance as compared to the normal foot sive interventions aimed at shifting the loads off of over-
position condition, but there was no change with internal loaded or diseased knee compartments.
rotation. This decrease in the magnitude of the lateral–med-
ial shear force at the knee with external foot rotation may
help in taking the stress off the medial compartment articu-
lar cartilage (Lynn et al., 2007, 2008) and hence, be a mech-
The authors would like to thank Queen’s University for
anism that may help to explain why those who walk with the
their financial support and the Motor Performance Lab in
foot externally rotated have a decreased likelihood of OA
the School of Rehabilitation Therapy at Queen’s for use of
progression (Chang et al., 2007). A similar pattern was pres-
their lab and equipment for data collection. We would also
ent in the Control group yet there was no main effect of foot
like to thank Elizabeth Sled for her help in subject recruit-
rotation in this group. The reason foot rotation did not
ment and data collection.
affect the lateral–medial shear force in the control group
should be examined further as it may be a function of sev-
eral factors that such as muscle strength and balance, gait References
speed, static and dynamic knee alignment, and knee laxity
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in the frontal plane. It is known that shear forces are detri-
and the loading response phase of the gait cycle are characteristic of
mental to cartilage health (Radin et al., 1991; Tomatsu severe knee osteoarthritis application of a multidimensional analysis
et al., 1992) yet this lateral–medial shear force during gait technique. Clin. Biomech. 20, 209–217.
has not been studied as extensively as the knee adduction Bellamy, N., Buchanan, W.W., Goldsmith, C.H., Campbell, J., et al.,
moment to date; therefore, its role in the development 1988. Validation-study of Womac – a health-status instrument for
measuring clinically important patient relevant outcomes to antirheu-
and progression of knee OA is not well understood.
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