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CIVIL DATA 2020-21 : Page-10

Standard Data Ref CFMS code SoR Ref Description Quantity Rate (Rs.) Unit
Plain Cement Concrete (1:4:8) (cement: fine aggregate: Coarse aggregate) for foundations using coarse aggregate 40mm size hard ,
machine crushed granite from approved quarry using concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8 cum) capacity including cost and conveyance of all
materials like cement, sand, coarse aggregate, water etc. to site including all charges for machine mixing and hire charges of concrete mixer,
laying concrete in foundations and under flooring bed, ramming in 15 cm layers finishing top surface to the required level curing etc.,and
overheads & contractors profit complete for finished item of work. (APSS No. 402)

Unit : 1 cum
Cement 162.00 Kgs 3680.00 1000 Kgs 596.16
MAT-00220 CSoR M - 055 Coarse aggregate 40mm 0.90 Cum 1133.35 1 Cum 1020.02
MAT-00027 CSoR 27(a) Fine aggregate ( Sand ) 0.45 Cum 927.37 1 Cum 417.32

MAT-00333 M - 189(a),(b) Water(including for curing) 1.20 kl 116.00 1 kl 139.20
HIR-00016& Concrete Mixer 10 / 7 cft (0.2 / 0.8
LAB-00329 CSoR 16 cum)capacity 1.00 hour 177.10 1 hour 177.10
HIR-00150 CSoR 16 Crew charges 1.00 hour 286.00 1 hour 286.00
Add MA on crew charges 0.25 286.00 71.50
LAB-00011 CSoR I -11 1st class mason 0.10 Nos. 585.00 1 Each 58.50
LAB-00121 CSoR III - 3,4 Mazdoor (unskilled) 1.39 Nos. 490.00 1 Each 681.10
Add for MAA @ 25% 0.25 739.60 184.90
Rate per 1 cum 3631.79
Overheads&Contractors Profit @13.615% 0.13615 3631.79 494.47
Rate per 1 cum 4126.26
Say 4126

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