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Name RA
Age 25
Father’s Name RA
Mother’s Name NB
No.of siblings 06
Birth order 5th
Date of Birth 22, 01,1995
Marital status single
Family Structure nuclear
Socio Economic Status Middle class
Religion Islam
Dates of Assessment March,09,20
Examiner XYZ

Identifying Information:

Miss RA was 25 years young girl,5th born among six siblings. She belong to a Muslim, middle
class, Urdu speaking family with nuclear family set-up. She was enrolled in masters. Her father
was Govt.employee and mother was a house wife. they have a satisfactory relationship.All the
siblings were married and busy in their lives.They met on specific occasions and she enjoyed
their company .General home atmosphere is pleasant and satisfactory.There was no history of
significant mental illness or other cognitive deficits.

Referral Source & Presenting Problems:

Miss RA was referred to the department of psychology, for the purpose of assessment and

Presenting complaints
Her presenting problems as reported includes Headache anger ,body pain,irritability,disturbed
sleep,stomachache,sadness,poor concentration,,mood swings…

Interview Information:

Ms RA was 5th born child and she had a stable relationship with her family.Her birth was normal
and she achieved all her developmental milestones age appropriately. Her childhood was very
impish. she was healthy in her childhood. she had no any serious illness she was not open up to
most of her class mates and teachers at her school. she was an ambient child from the start. she
has excellent communication skills and also participated in co-curriculum activities.

Miss RA further reported that .the problem started first during his college life when she was
shifted in the hostel during intermediate and second time when she joined university.Whole
family as concerned about sudden changes in her behavior.For several weeks she has been
unpredictable.she was totally withdrawn from the friends,colleagues and roommate.she has no
interest in any activity she always had a fight at home, because she wanted to stay at home and
didn’t wanted to go back to hostel. .she also broke things and disturbed the home environment.
In hostel whenever she talk to her family,she started crying always.Her teachers and friends also
reported about atypical behavior.

Diagnosis (provisional)

Adjustment and Behavioral Concerns

Psychological Evaluation

Test administered for psychological assessment as follow…

House Tree Person Test……………………(HTP)

Human Figure Drawing Test………………(HFD)

Thematic Apperception Test------------------(TAT

Tests Administration

Tests were administered on the client on 9th March 2020.Tests were administered in a well lit
and ventilated room.Client was sitting on a comfortable chair and instructions were given as
stated in the manual.Stimulus pictures were placed on the dashboard of the client’s chair and she
took the 50 minutes to complete each test.

House Tree Person (HTP) Test Interpretation

RA’s drawing of the house was usual with the normal size and level of detail.The house was
placed on the center of the page that shows family life that shows family life importance.The
house was normal and close in appearance and this shows interpersonal warmth.Outline of the
house shoes real physical and concrete thinking.The door and windows were open and this
indicates openness and inner and outer self synchronization.Little attention was placed on the
roof that shows the avoidance of fantasies.lastly the pathways indicates the willingness to
interact with others ,ideas about the environment
Drawing of the tree was normal the branches was extending outwards with a separate unit
indicates over striving for achievement and real concrete thinking.Emphasis was placed on the
leaves shows the need for success.Lastly drawing of the fruits indicated the need of nurturance.

Drawing of the person was full face and stick figure that shows social accessibility and and real
concrete thinking.The figure was balanced that shows personality equilibrium.The head was
normal in size and level that shows rationality..Eyelashes were curved that indicates feelings of
superiority.Little emphasis was placed on ear accessories shows sensitivity to criticism.
Gemoteric rendition of hand and feet indicates tendency to rely on abstract,magical signs.Lastly
minimal shading of clothes indicates freedom from anxiety social approval.

Human Figure Drawing Test (HFD) Interpretation

Drawing of the person was full face and stick figure that shows social accessibility and and real
concrete thinking.The figure was balanced that shows personality equilibrium.The head was
normal in size and level that shows rationality..Eyelashes were curved that indicates feelings of
superiority.Little emphasis was placed on ear accessories shows sensitivity to criticism.
Gemoteric rendition of hand and feet indicates tendency to rely on abstract,magical signs.Lastly
minimal shading of clothes indicates freedom from anxiety social approval.

Thematic Apperception Test(TAT) Interpretation

Client’s description and constructed stories in response to typical; TAT’s stimuli cards indicates
several themes clear situations and everyday activities.figures.Dynamic figures used by the
clients were books,pencils,guitar,etc that shows implying need for achievement,need for
In reaction to Conception of environment,parental figures were seen as both both males and
females( farmer,teacher,grandmother,grandfather) that shows client;s ability to deal with the
challenges.Significant conflicts were depress feelings,sadness sometimes Nature of anxieties
were of physical in nature,of being deserted.Main defenses were rationalization and isolation.
Adequacy of superego was appropriate and consistent ,there was no manifestation of punishment
for being crime,or delayed, responses,pauses or stammers reported..Integration of ego, was
appropriate ,normal as the client was manifesting herself as a hero.and outcomes were
happy,realistic and normal.Thought processes as revealed by plotting being were
complete,original and rational.Lastly Intelligence was average.

Behavioral Observation

Miss RA was 25 years young girl of 5.3” height and normal weight and fair complexion.She
was neatly and appropriately dressed.Rapport building was easy with the client.She had listened
and followed the instructions carefully.She showed her interest in the test. she was friendly,
cooperative and active during the whole testing procedure.
Client’s voice and tone was normal.her mood was good and by the times she started sharing
things and began to talk.

Ms RA’s assessment protocols and history are indicative of moderate behavioral and adjustment
concerns (anxiousness,sadness,anger ,shifting,new people etc.) causing problems and impairment
in multiple areas of her life including academic family relationships, social relationships, and
physical (medical symptoms and conditions). Thus it is speculated that if she is provided with
proper support,guidance, training and management she may no longer have the level of
disturbance and impairment that she is having at present and hence, she would be better in her
daily life functioning.

Following interventions are recommended to help improve his academic and social functioning:

 Detoxification also called (Detox or Withdrawal therapy) is highly recommended to

enable him to stop taking the addicting drug as quickly and safely as possible.

 As part of a drug treatment program, behavior therapy should be given in order to help
and deal with the drug craving, Suggest strategies to avoid drugs and prevent relapse,
Talk about issues regarding your job, legal problems, and relationships with family and

 Include family members to help them develop better communication skills and be
supportive and address other mental health conditions

 Should located in self help support groups can decrease the sense of shame and isolation
that can lead to relapse.


Dr.Syeda Razia Bukhari

Assistant Professor

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