Essay-The Alchemist

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THE ALCHEMIST- Search for the Self

We all have a purpose of our life. No matter what we do, until or unless we find the purpose of
our existence. I am a Muslim and I believe in one God and my ALLAH never make anything
useless. If He made humans so all of them must have a vision in their lives and they all have a
purpose in this world.



And according to a poem of Shakespeare “ALL THE WORLD’S A STAGE”. There he said
that we all play a role like a play on stage in this world. And when our role is complete we all
have to go or die. There he says:



But to know our role in this world we have to know our hidden talent, our skills given to us by
God. For that we have to search our inner self. We must spend time with ourselves (soul).

Mola Ali (R.A) said:

“Spent some time in loneliness.”

This will help us to nourish our minds, we will get inner peace and be able to know the
difference in right and wrong. This will ultimately let us to know our purpose on the Earth. It
will lead us to perfection

Here we discuss what is search for the self with the reference to The Alchemist.

It’s a story of a shepherd whose name was Santiago. He saw a dream that he found a treasure in
the pyramids of Egypt. In The Alchemist, dreams helps the Santiago to find out his inner self and
the true purpose of his life. The Alchemist, dreams represent not only an outlet into one’s inner
desires, but also form of communication with the Soul of the World. From this we come to know
that the first step to search the self is to find out the inner desire. Santiago decided to retried his
fortune. In this journey, he met with a dream-reader lady, an unknown person Melchizedick who
said him

“Find your personal legend.”

These words of Melchizedick gave him a direction to find out the personal legend. He also met
up with an English Alchemy, he told him about the 200 years old alchemist. When Santiago meet
up with Alchemist, he assists him to cross the desert and support him to find the soul of the
world and also taught him the language of the world. Santiago become able to talk with the
elements of the universe like sand, wind and the sun. He reached to the Soul of the world.

From this we conclude that, when you really want to do something then every single particle of
this universe help to achieve your goal. Acknowledgement to your inner self gives you real
satisfaction and happiness. And we also recognize the interconnectedness of living and nonliving
things with our Soul and inner self. When you realize your inner self you will be able to perform
miracles. Every person in this world becomes an alchemist if he never lose hope and able to
listen the true voice of his heart.

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