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Problem-Solving Leadership Skills

Cragan, Kasch and Wright (2009) stated that communication behaviours are vital for
groups to achieve their goals (functional concept). “These leadership behaviours that
communication scholars have isolated occur in any good discussion, but the initiator
of them is not necessarily the appointed or natural leader of the group (p.196) “.
These authors have classified communication behaviour into three categories – task,
procedural and interpersonal leadership skills. Adams & Galanes (2018) have also
classified the behaviours group members look forward their leaders to perform into
three – performing administrative duties, leading group discussion and developing
the group. In this section, we will focus on communication behaviours as suggested
by Cragan, Kasch and Wright (2009). The tables below summarises the three
categories of communication behaviours with examples of phrase or sentences that
can be used in performing the behaviours.

Task Leadership Skills.

Leader or active members are expected to initiate task related leadership skills in
order to brainstorm and evaluate ideas and move the group towards achieving the
goals. There are six vital skills in this area.

Task Leadership Skills Phrases/Sentences

Contributing ideas
- It is an essential part of any task.  From my point of view,.....
- Ideas are presented for the first  I’d like to point out that.....
time by the group members.  Personally, I think .....
- High level of task knowledge  As far as I am concerned, .....
enhances the contribution of  George, in my opinion, one of the
ideas. best ways to overcome food
- Brainstorming is used as a wastage is by giving tax incentive
technique to generate ideas. for food donation.
- This leadership skill increases the
opportunity to generate more
ideas (quantity over quality)
Seeking ideas  What do you think about this idea
- It is an important part of any group Daniel?
discussion to seek for ideas from  Shiela, what is your opinion in this
group members. matter?
- It is especially useful if the  Can you explain this matter
members are silent or reluctant to further?
share their ideas.  Zen, could you please share your
- It is wise to seek for ideas without thoughts on the solution proposed
disrupting the positive group by Alie?
atmosphere (members should not
feel threatened).

Evaluating ideas  Let’s go through all the points that

- It is one of the difficult skills to we have discussed, by
perform. considering the advantages and
- Ideas generated by the group disadvantages.
members need to be eliminated  Alice, this idea is generally good
through this process. but I think it won’t be of much help
- This process has to be done with in solving the problem at hand
a concern for the sensitivity of the because ........
person who has contributed the  This solution requires financial
idea. assistance from the board of
directors and involves many
procedures. We should focus on
solutions which have less
complicated regulations.

Seeking idea evaluation  Guys, we need to examine the

- It requires active participations of solutions we have listed.
all group members to assess/  Cheah, what do you think about
determine the relevance and George’s point?
quality of brainstormed ideas.  Well, I don’t quite agree with you
- A difference in opinion or because .....
disagreement is encouraged and  Well, I see things rather
accepted as to identify the best differently.....
idea.  I have to side with you on this

Visualising abstract ideas  One of the factors which caused

- It is vital to use some specific
examples related to the idea being food wastage is preparation of too
discussed. much food. For an example,
- Specific examples help to clarify wedding. Shortage of food is
the idea and eventually allow never tolerated and therefore too
members to understand the idea. much of food is prepared and
wasted (Specific example to
describe the point).
 Can you give us an example so
that we could understand better?

Generalising from specific ideas  All in all, these examples are

- It is a process of generalising important for us to understand the
specific examples to promote root cause of food wastage (main
general understanding of the main idea).
idea being discussed.  That’s excellent Brandon. Your
examples pointed out the impacts
of food wastage in our society
(main idea).
 Could you please explain how
these examples are relevant to
our discussion?

Procedural Leadership Skills.

These leadership skills are concerned with how the group accomplishes its task. A
designated leader or experienced members are normally expected to perform these
functions. There are 7 skills in this area.

Procedural Leadership Skills Phrases/ Sentences

Goal setting
- It is a significant skill that helps us  The goals that our team have to
to decide the purpose of forming achieve are .....
the group.  The aim of forming this discussion
- The purpose or the goal is always group is to .......
open for discussion and
modification as continual
evaluation regulates the ideas in
terms of its fixed purposes.

Agenda making
- It is a skill that helps the group to  We are going to organise a
achieve the goals in orderly campaign to achieve our sales’
manner (how to achieve). target.
- It is also referred as” map-  The solution has to be
making”. implemented by following the
procedures that we have agreed.

- It is a needed skill to ensure all  I don’t quite get you. Could you
group members understand what please explain?
is being said or discussed.  The idea seems vague. Would
- It is common to have an you mind explaining?
unorganised discussion as  Let me restate your point in my
everyone will put forth their own words to see if I understand
opinions. Lack of clarity may it.
cause misunderstandings.  What do you mean by that?
- Therefore, group discussion
requires clarification to be effective
and successful.

- It is internal summaries that help  In short, .....
to establish the idea of discussion  In brief,.....
in the minds of the group  To summarize, .....
- Internal summary reminds the  As discussed, domestic violence
group members about the idea has physical, emotional and
that has been discussed before psychological consequences on
moving to a new idea. the victim.
- It is necessary that each point in
the agenda to be presented,
discussed and summarised.

Verbalising consensus
- Getting consensus from group  I would like to know your stand on
members on an agenda item is this matter before we proceed to
necessary before continuing with a the next issue.
new item.  Everyone seems to agree with the
- This process occurs frequently idea proposed by Sam.
throughout the discussion.  If there is no objection, we shall
- Decision making or getting proceed to the next item in our
agreement from every member of agenda.
the group does not have to wait
until the end of the discussion.
- This skill effectively enhances the
decision making process.

Establishing norms governing work

- It is a standard practice that needs
to be followed by every group
members (good work behaviour)
- There are two important patterns
that are required to be followed:
1)”No work is beneath any group
member”: all members are equally
responsible for achieving the goals
and no one person is appointed or
required to perform work such as
preparing coffee and so on.
2)”Group members should work
outside of group time to compile
information”: productivity of a
group depends on the ability of
group members to work outside
discussion/meeting hours.
- Meeting or discussion is primarily
to incorporate, manage, organise
and assign tasks.

Coordinating and performing group

- Before a meeting takes place,
three types of protocol need to be
- 1)Social: informing group
members of the time, topic, venue,
duration of meeting, agenda
- 2)Environmental: providing
comfortable meeting room that will
not distract the members from task
(e.g. temperature, lighting,
restroom, availability of
- 3) Conference- determining
agenda and format of discussion
and preparing handouts and
equipments required for meeting

Interpersonal Leadership Skills

There are six leadership skills outlined in this area and they have two functions

which are addressing the social-emotional needs of the group members (the first
four skills) and dealing with ideational and interpersonal obstacles.

Interpersonal Leadership Skills Phrases/ Sentences

Regulating participation
- This skill involves regulation that  Arun, you have not said a word.
limits a member’s speaking time. What do you think about this
- It is essential that each member is proposal?
given the opportunity to speak.  You have given us brilliant ideas.
- Leaders should ask questions to Let’s listen to what others have to
elicit response from silent group say.
- Leaders should carefully reduce
one member’s contribution and
give opportunity to other members.
- It is also wise for a leader not to
monopolise nor disengage in the

Climate making
- Leader should furnish and
maintain a positive group
atmosphere which allows
members to have a sense of
psychological safety.
- When the atmosphere is perceived
as safe, group members tend to
exchange ideas and feelings and
vice versa.
- Conflicts and disagreements are
bound to happen but this positive
atmosphere gives an assurance
that rules governing the
functioning of group will not be

Maintaining mutual respect

- Individual member’s ideas  Your ideas sound good. We
/opinions /feelings should be should look deeper into these
respected because group work ideas.
depends on communication,  We don’t seem to be in complete
collaboration and collective agreement but I appreciate your
intelligence. good thoughts.
- Psychological well-being of group
members is important in moving
towards achieving group goals.
Instigating group self-monitoring
- Group self-monitoring is essential
to preserve the health of the
- Group reflects on their discussion
when they face obstacles
- It is important to deal with
backstage issues if it impedes the
group progress

Resolving and managing conflict  I suggest we discuss this matter

- Conflict occurs due to ideas or some other time.
personalities within the group.  I’m sorry. I may be wrong.
- Conflicts should either be
managed or resolved as it affects
group’s survival.

Instigating good conflict  Let me play the devil’s advocate

- This skill is needed when for a moment.
members are afraid of hurting one  I think some of Arshard’s points
another during idea evaluation are irrelevant. What do you say?
phase especially.
- Any of the members should play
the devil’s advocate role to
provoke beneficial conflicts during
the discussion.
- Positive conflicts maximises the
collective intelligence of a group.

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