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Renzo Rafael M.

Camacho English
10-Aquino January 11, 2021

7 Delivering a Prepared or Impromptu Talk

In using social media, manners also matter

Social media is a collective term for websites and applications that focus on
communication, community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and
collaboration.With this in mind you’ll clearly see why in using social media, manners
also matter. With the sheer amount of people in social media and most of the time
people share posts in “public” meaning everyone can react or comment on whatever
you have posted.This is the reason why the term “Online etiquette” exists and why
governments enable Laws to be upheld for social media.

Social media etiquette refers to both the spoken and unspoken set of social
conventional rules of personal and business behavior online. It dictates how people
conduct themselves on social media so they remain respectful and respectable.
A result of one survey conducted in 2018 states that communication through social
media gives an impact on students to be more eager to communicate with anyone.
However, their communication politeness has decreased, as the survey shows that the
ethics of communicating through social media are neither good nor polite.

Social media is a place where everyone can say what they want. This is the reason you
need manners,” manners matters' .There is a lot of Toxicity in social media platforms;
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram Reddit Tiktok any platform let’s have an
example, twitter. With 6,000 tweets being post per second,so that’s 350,000 per hour
you might think” Well with so many tweets/replies why would mine matter I only get like
5 likes maximum” well you also need to factor in the effects of what you say to a person
(singular) doesn’t matter how little what you say can impact others.Remember words
are free it’s how you use them ,that may cost you.

With a lot of people spending time on social media it can be a place where one can get
a job.But always remember that whatever you say on social media can cost you this job.
An example of this is the Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn was previously
fired because some of his old social media touched on areas like pedophilia and rape,
Disney had no choice but to They can have their imagine ruined for being aligated that
they support such behavior they had no choice.Always be polite especially when
everything you say can be recorded and be seen by everyone.
Act confident,be knowledgeable to the fact that everyone that talks to you in social
media aren’t also polite but also give them the benefit of the doubt.Every one deserves
a chance and if their a bot,scammer or just a jerk block them. Never think that people
that talk to you are in control but also remember to not control them. Works both ways.
respect them and hope that they respect you back and if they don’t ignore it if you know
them cut them off your feed.Just always remember that not everyone in the internet are
their to cause you harm but always remember that their not their sugarcoat their word to
you either.Just keep in mind In Social Media manners,matter.

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