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Please make a copy of this application and submit your application electronically to by January 10th, 2021. This year’s Harvard WorldMUN Conference will be
held from March 13th - March 17th in a virtual format. Assistant Chairs are expected to collaboratively
write a brief Update Paper on the topic of their assigned committee and assist Chairs throughout the
entirety of the conference. Feel free to reach out ( should you have any
questions regarding this application process.


Name: Tejaswini Satheesh
School: Vibgyor High
Email Address:
Phone Number: +918494972683
Hamsalatha Muthu School Principal
Preethi Durga Internship Reporting Head
Surendran MK Founder of Volunteer For A Cause

If your application is not accepted, are you willing to be added to the waitlist?
Yes, I am a strong believer of the concept of attaining greater things with the required patience, which
is also an apt skill for the position of an assistant chair.

Please list past experience with Model United Nations (delegate and/or staff experience),
Speech & Debate, working with large groups, or other relevant experience in the position you
are applying for:
YMUN- 2022 (Best Delegate)
PMUNCE – 2021 (Best Position Paper)
CMUNCE – 2022 (Verbal Commendation)
General Assembly
___ Disarmament & International Security Committee: The Destabilizing Effect of
Foreign Military Bases in Sovereign States
5 Economic and Financial Affairs Council: Government Investment Strategies into
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
1 Social, Humanitarian, and Cultural Committee: An International Push for the Ending of
Human Trafficking
2 United Nations Special Summit on Technology: Privacy and Security in the Age of
Economic and Social Council & Regional Bodies
6 United Nations Human Rights Council: Protecting Religious Freedom and Freedom of
Speech in the Age of Digital Media
4 Commission on the Status of Women: Building Global Gender-Sensitive Infrastructure
for Water and Sanitation
3 Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific: Improving Sustainability &
Access to Energy Sources in Asia & the Pacific
___ Arab League: Safeguarding the Provision of Healthcare in Conflict Zones
Crisis and Historical Committees
___ Cosa Nostra
___ Pirate Confederation of Ching Shih
___ Council of Ministers of the State of Palestine


(Please limit your responses to 300 words for each question. Be clear and concise, but make sure you
respond to each answer fully.)
1. What qualifications do you believe you possess to be an Assistant Chair, specifically for
the organ(s) that you ranked?

An assistant chair is an honorary position solely obtained by the adequate knowledge and
conduct of the MUN procedures accompanied by an unbiased perspective towards all
diversities of situations the chair is confronted with. The overall presentation and the niche
skill of having to drive the committee in the right direction while delicately balancing the
pace of the committee as per the headcount and the committee objectives is quintessential.
Moreover, taking responsibility of providing a forum to all the delegates to express their
views but also to aid in keeping it within the bounds of the policies of the conference is in
the hands of the assistant chair. Being the trust-fall to the chair, having to give them the
reassurance to rely on the assistant chair and being able to conduct the committee in the
absence of the chair are the must-haves of an assistant chair. Knowledge, niche in public
speech, teamwork, an unbiased attitude and moreover the intent to provide a serene
experience for the delegates in coordination with the chair are the skills that would make
one qualify for this post.

2. WorldMUN values collaboration amongst delegates. How do you plan on carrying over
this value when deciding diplomacy awards? What do you look for in a delegate when
deciding diplomacy awards?
A diplomacy award is generally decided through the progress and development of the
delegate throughout the conference and their incorporation of feedbacks into improving
themselves. While spectrums like WorldMUN encompasses international delegates, each
from different cultures and diversities, in order to gain a diplomacy award they must not
only stand out but also be able to work in groups when necessary. A great leader is what we
look for, displaying mastery in speeches, resolution drafting and working with groups. The
delegate’s knowledge of being able to comprehend and point out the procedures can earn
them brownie points into entering the spectrum of earning a diplomacy award. Overall, a
delegate aware about how they present themselves and is of a great influence in the
functioning of a committee is surely deserving of a diplomacy award.

3. Please name and explain the reasoning behind your two top committee choices. What
previous experience (i.e., academic, professional, volunteer) do you have that would
allow you to contribute substantive knowledge to the running of your ranked

The committees that I have chosen represents the quantum of knowledge I possess in those
areas due to the experiences I have been exposed to since a long time. Having spent a
significant time into pursuing law, I am fully aware of the similar parliamentary procedures,
conduct and the skill for writing. My larger extent od student life being engrossed into social
service and volunteering has also made me aware of the broad spectrum of third-world as
well as problems existing in the society. This has made be enlightened toward the basics in
the drawing board of every issue that usually never catches the eye. However, my past
experiences at other MUN’s have also been based on similar topics which gave me a
greater insight into fully comprehending the issue. I believe in the position of an assistant-
chair, regardless of previous experience there must always be a thirst to learn and face the
defense of the new, henceforth I will put my knowledge to the best use but also be open to
learning more and understanding the given topics for the committees.


Please attach a writing sample to your application email titled “LastName_FirstName_
ACWritingSample”. This can be writing for any MUN conference you have been a part of in the past
or it can be unrelated to MUN. Regardless, it should be at least a 5-7-page academic piece of work that
you have already written previously that we will use to assess your writing style.

Please save your document as LastName_FirstName_1stPreference in PDF format.

Please title the email subject line as Last Name, First Name-1st Committee Preference.
Mislabeled applications will not be considered.

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