Profed 8 - Engaging Act 1 - Module 2

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna



PROF ED 8. Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education

Engaging Activity:
1. Draw a poster about inclusive education. Then write a reflective analysis about it.
(Submit it via Google Classroom or hardcopy).

Base on my poster about inclusive education, for as we can see it’s all about the
positivity and advantages of inclusive education which is it say the equal education that
students need to feel in their atmosphere. The most thing that students want to provide them a
teachers can ready to accept and understand their differences, teachers can help to grow and
develop their different skills, teachers can stand as their mother or father to embrace their
weaknesses and strength in all the time. Students like them, needs a school and teachers that
give them a special attention and they need a equal treat, equal education just like a normal,
because for as we can see even they are not normal like their other classmate, they have a
skills that they do not wanted to show because of their insecurities. But because of a hero
teacher this ability can already prove to all people, they raise it in all the time because they
grow as normal, they normally participate in all activities provided of teacher. They can play
together with their classmate as a normal, of course sometimes they are the reason why the
whole class is a happy environment because of their talents, intelligence and their soft heart.
As a future educator we can basically affect, the attitudes of our students and model
inspiring points of view towards enduring differentiation. It is seen that to accomplish this we
should think about the current mindsets of our students in the classrooms. By making an
welcoming, accepting and supportive environment, it is acknowledged that students will
mirror a comparative air. I believed it is in like manner fundamental that teachers developed
the arrangement that the diversity of students can beneficially give learning opportunities and
experiences that may for no situation be basic for the instructive program. Also as a future
educator we should consistently show our students that qualification should be regarded,
offer events to all students to succeed, accomplish and fully developed relationships an
understanding of how to accept differences of every people.
Every person normal or not have a right to learn and to be an educated person,
teachers should provided most effective strategy to help students, teachers always doing their
part as a facilitator and second parents for them, they always think the sake of students, they
are everyday wondering if their strategy is effective for her/his class. Yes! I think teachers in
inclusive school is not totally easy to say you’re a great and best teacher in your students,
teachers is not a teacher only we say, because teachers always sacrifices their needs, they
always ready to give them their time to gain a knowledge their all students. More strategy
more knowledge spread out because in inclusive school more strategy is most important
things that should have a teacher because of this she/he know the differences of his students if
where they doing best, with that you already know what you are going to do next time to
enhanced and boost their best just like a normal students.
Students need a fair education with or without disability to feel they’re important.

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