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Woodmans Hill Secondary College

Student Report
2021 - 2021 Semester 2 Reports


Year 11

Included Subjects:
Chemistry 1

English 1

Food Studies 1

General Maths 1

Instrumental Lessons

VET Music Industry

Please take the time to read the information outlined below.

This report contains a summary of your son/daughter's academic results during Semester One.

Attendance data for Semester One 2017 can be found on the Compass/Parent Portal.

Reported in numerical value - Number of classes attended, Number of classes not present, Number of classes not present (unexplained), Accounted for Attendance (%) (Year
7-10 reports) - data accounts for all absences that have been followed up and provided a reason for the student absence.

Victorian Curriculum Achievement Standards (for year 7-10 reports) assume that a study is undertaken over a full school year. If a study runs only in one semester, then the
recording of Victorian Curriculum levels may be affected.

Reported by levels: Foundation to 11.0.

The following options may also be selected:

NT - Not Taught
DNP-EX - where the EX represents 'Exemption from a Curriculum Area'
DNP-LP - Low Participation
DNP-LE - Late Enrolment
DNP-SI - Serious Illness
DNP-UN - Unapproved Family Holiday

Unit Result

S - Satisfactory unit result. Student has satisfactorily demonstrated all expected learning outcomes of the semester/unit.
N - Not Satisfactory unit result. Student has not demonstrated all learning outcomes at the expected level.
N due to absences - Student has not met the attendance requirement (above 80% Year 7-10 and above 85% VCE/VCAL) which may have also impacted on their ability to
satisfactorily demonstrate all learning outcomes.

Individual Learning Plans (ILPs)

Individual Learning Plan are issued to students who are working on a personalised curriculum tailored to their individual learning needs. An ILP reports on the adjustments
made for a student who may be unable to access the regular school curriculum or who needs modifications made to it. An ILP may also be issued for a student who
demonstrates significant strengths and weaknesses in their learning profile. Although students sit the written examination, it is not scored or reported on in the ILP report.


Very High - Excellent demonstration of the outcome.
High - Confident demonstration of the outcome.
Medium - Competent Demonstration of the outcome.
Low - Basic/minimal demonstration of the outcome, just satisfactory.
Ungraded - VCE outcome demonstrated but not within the time-frame or in
accordance with the SAC/SAT completion requirements AND/OR did not meet
outcomes to a satisfactory standard.
Not Assessed - the school-based assessment was not submitted or the examination
was not undertaken. Student has never submitted the SAC/SAT AND/OR never
presented for the assessment.
Not Submitted - student may have completed work but is not given to teacher for
Absent - student was not present in class during the time of assessment.


Very High: 90-100%
High: 80-89%
Medium: 50-79%
Low : 20-49%
Ungraded - <20%

Stephan Fields
Woodmans Hill Secondary College - 2021 - 2021 Semester 2 Reports

Chemistry 1 David SPENCER

Class Attendance

Classes Attended 116 Classes Not 22 Classes Not 2 Accounted for 99

Present Present Attendance (%)

Semester Result Overall Result S

Effort and Application Satisfactory

Learning Tasks Percentage Outcome
WMH VCE (subject) Unit# (Formative/SAC) Assessment Task# 50% S
A practical report and problem solving task relating to how substances in water are measured
and analysed.

Zac focused on the use of analytical techniques, both in the laboratory and in the field, to
measure the solubility and concentrations of solutes in water, and to analyse water samples
for various solutes including chemical contaminants. He was able to measure the solubility
of substances in water, explore the relationship between solubility and temperature using
solubility curves and learnt to predict when a solute will dissolve or crystallise out of
solution. The concept of molarity was introduced and Zac was shown how to calculate
concentrations of solutions using a variety of commonly used units. He was also shown how
to apply principles of stoichiometry to gravimetric and volumetric analyses of aqueous
solutions and water samples. Zac will need to complete further problems relating to these
areas in order to improve his competance and accuracy.

WMH VCE (subject) Unit# (Formative/SAC) Assessment Task# 50% S

A report on an independent investigation relating to the water quality of a lake, dam or creek.

Zac developed a research question relating to the water quality associated with a lake in
Victoria Park. He completed an investigation by collecting water samples and analysing
them for various chemical and physical parameters. Zac was able to interpret the data and
draw some conclusions as to the health of the water in the lake.
Unfortunately his research, produced in the form of a poster, was not forthcoming.

WMH VCE Chemistry Unit 2 SAC Assessment Task 1 60% S

A test comprising multiple choice and short answers relating to how substances interact with
This task covers area of study 1.

Zac investigated the properties of water and the reactions that take place in water including
acid-base and redox reactions. He was able to relate the properties of water to the water
molecule's structure, polarity and bonding. Zac also explored the significance of waters high
specific heat capacity and latent heat of vaporisation for living systems and water supplies.
He investigated issues associated with the solubility of substances in water. Zac developed
skills in writing balanced equations and was able to distinguish between acid strength and
acid concentration. He was able to calculate the expected pH of strong acids and strong
bases of known concentration.
English 1 Gary DOMASCHENZ

Class Attendance

Classes Attended 127 Classes Not 22 Classes Not 1 Accounted for 99

Present Present Attendance (%)

Semester Result Overall Result S

Effort and Application Good

Learning Tasks Percentage Outcome
WMH VCE ENGLISH UNIT 1 SAC 4 - Oral Presentation of Opinion 73% S
Students are expressing a viewpoint through arguments and persuasive language selected
specifically to position an audience in an oral presentation.

- Knowledge and understanding of the issue
- Fluent and clear expression
Next steps to improve:
- Revise structure to ensure clarity and coherence
- Include more evidence to justify choices in the written explanation

WMH VCE ENGLISH UNIT 2 SAC 2 - Comparative Response 37% S

Students are comparing Robin Davidson's Tracks and Rolf de Heer's film Charlie's Country,
discussing important similarities and differences and exploring how the texts deal with similar
or related ideas, issues or themes from different perspectives to reflect particular values.

- Ideas reflect the themes within the topic
- Evidence is well-selected to justify analysis

Next steps to improve:

- Ensure structure balances focus on both texts
- Identify areas for comparisons to explore

WMH VCE ENGLISH Unit 2 SAC 2 - Presentation of Opinion 60% S

Students are expressing a viewpoint through arguments and persuasive language selected
specifically to position an audience in a written piece.

- Knowledge and understanding of the issue
- Clear discussion of overall purpose
Next steps to improve:
- Acknowledge source material
- Include more persuasive language techniques
Food Studies 1 Steven SIRRALS

Class Attendance

Classes Attended 129 Classes Not 12 Classes Not 0 Accounted for 100
Present Present Attendance (%)

Semester Result Overall Result S

Effort and Application Satisfactory

General Maths 1 Shaedyn CLIFFORD

Class Attendance

Classes Attended 42 Classes Not 6 Classes Not 0 Accounted for 100

Present Present Attendance (%)

Semester Result Overall Result S

Effort and Application Excellent

Learning Tasks Performance Percentage

WMH VCE General Math Unit 2 Assessment Task 1 High 81%

Zac completed a financial modelling task. He was required to recall on prior knowledge
learnt throughout the unit of work. Zac was able to identify the principal, interest rate and
time for his selected financial institutions to a high standard. He was able to determine how
to find the total amount of money invested over a period of time in years, however struggled
to convert to monthly and fortnightly payments. Zac was able to create a graph, where it
displayed how much money and interest was invested over a long-term period that showed
some success. Zac attempted to calculate a percentage increase of a specific scenario,
showing some success at times. He was able to calculate GST to a high level, where Zac
was able to further his knowledge by calculating flat rate and effective rate of interest. Zac
displayed his calculation skills when asked to find how much interest you would pay on
given credit cards. Zac is encouraged to maintain a consistent work ethic to challenge his
learning abilities.
Learning Tasks Percentage Outcome
WMH VCE General Mathematics Unit 2 Assessment Task 2 64% S

Zac completed his number patterns and recursions assessment task. Zac was able to
define and provide examples of key definitions and concepts. He demonstrated how to
show linear and non-linear growth through the use of tables and graphs. Zac sometimes
struggled to create an arithmetic or geometric recurrence relation rule that displayed all the
required information to receive full marks. He attempted to further his knowledge when
asked to predict future nth terms, showing some success. Zac showed high success when
he needed to calculate the first fifteen Fibonacci numbers. Zac is encouraged to ask
questions to ensure he knows how to generate a recurrence relation so that he is able to
attempt all modelling application questions.

WMH VCE General Mathematics Unit 2 Assessment Task 4 50% S

Zac completed a Bivariate Data assessment task. He was required to investigate the
relationship between numerical variables to an appropriate level. Zac was able to define
explanatory and response variable to a satisfactory level. He was able to describe the
direction, strength and relationship of numerical data when required. He attempted to find
the relevant intercept and slope of a regression line, showing some success. Zac
demonstrated his calculation skills in constructing scatterplots, to then find the correlation
coefficient prior to interpreting the relevant data that is being displayed. Zac is encouraged
to read each question carefully to ensure he receives the marks he deserves.

WMH VCE General Mathematics Unit 2 Assessment Task 5 73% S

Zac completed an assessment task on linear inequalities. Zac was required to recall on his
knowledge and skills that have been learnt throughout the unit. Zac was able to identify key
terminology, where he was able to explain each inequality symbol. Zac was able to simplify
inequalities prior to construction on either a number line or graph. He was able to identify
the feasible region from relevant constraints when required. Zac used his calculator to find
the corner-points to calculate the minimum and maximum values within the required
feasible region most of the time. Zac was able to apply his skills to application questions
when he was required to source out relevant information to create linear inequalities to then
plot and analyse. Zac is encouraged to read each question carefully to ensure he reads
each question carefully to receive the marks he deserves.

WMH VCE General Mathematics Unit 2 SAC Assessment Task 3 50% S

Zac completed an assessment task on Trigonometry. Zac was able to identify the ratios that
are associated to sine, consine and tangent. He was able to identify and label to
appropriate side lengths of a right angled triangle. Through the use of his calculator, Zac
was able to calculate the missing unknown side or angle to a very high standard. Zac
struggled to further his knowledge when required to analyse application questions to solve.
Zac is encouraged to show his calculations when solving application questions, so he is
able to reflect upon where his miscalculations occurred.

WMH VCE General Mathematics Unit 2 Semester 2 Examination 35% N

Zac completed his end of year semester exam. The units that Zac needed to demonstrate
his skills and knowledge were financial arithmetic, number patterns and recursions,
trigonometry, numerical relationships between two variables and linear inequalities. Zac
struggled at times to define key words to be able to interpret and analyse. Zac
demonstrated some of his technology skills when he was required to calculate financial
interest, the unknown side or angle of a triangle, as well as a variation of scatterplots and
feasible regions. Zac struggled to apply his application knowledge to solve multi-step
questions within the examination period. For future growth, Zac is encouraged to read over
each answer carefully to ensure he has answered each question correctly to receive full
Instrumental Lessons Alistair Lethlean

Class Attendance

Classes Attended 12 Classes Not 10 Classes Not 0 Accounted for 100

Present Present Attendance (%)

Semester Result Overall Result N due to absences

Effort and Application Needs Improvement

VET Music Industry Elizabeth FOWKES

Class Attendance

Classes Attended 118 Classes Not 17 Classes Not 0 Accounted for 100
Present Present Attendance (%)

Semester Result Overall Result S

Effort and Application Excellent

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