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Woodmans Hill Secondary College

Student Report
2021 - 2021 Semester 1 Reports


Year 11

Included Subjects:
Chemistry 1

English 1

Food Studies 1

Instrumental Lessons

Math Methods 1

Physics 4
Please take the time to read the information outlined below.

This report contains a summary of your son/daughter's academic results during Semester One.

Attendance data for Semester One 2017 can be found on the Compass/Parent Portal.

Reported in numerical value - Number of classes attended, Number of classes not present, Number of classes not present (unexplained), Accounted for Attendance (%) (Year
7-10 reports) - data accounts for all absences that have been followed up and provided a reason for the student absence.

Victorian Curriculum Achievement Standards (for year 7-10 reports) assume that a study is undertaken over a full school year. If a study runs only in one semester, then the
recording of Victorian Curriculum levels may be affected.

Reported by levels: Foundation to 11.0.

The following options may also be selected:

NT - Not Taught
DNP-EX - where the EX represents 'Exemption from a Curriculum Area'
DNP-LP - Low Participation
DNP-LE - Late Enrolment
DNP-SI - Serious Illness
DNP-UN - Unapproved Family Holiday

Unit Result

S - Satisfactory unit result. Student has satisfactorily demonstrated all expected learning outcomes of the semester/unit.
N - Not Satisfactory unit result. Student has not demonstrated all learning outcomes at the expected level.
N due to absences - Student has not met the attendance requirement (above 80% Year 7-10 and above 85% VCE/VCAL) which may have also impacted on their ability to
satisfactorily demonstrate all learning outcomes.

Individual Learning Plans (ILPs)

Individual Learning Plan are issued to students who are working on a personalised curriculum tailored to their individual learning needs. An ILP reports on the adjustments
made for a student who may be unable to access the regular school curriculum or who needs modifications made to it. An ILP may also be issued for a student who
demonstrates significant strengths and weaknesses in their learning profile. Although students sit the written examination, it is not scored or reported on in the ILP report.


Very High - Excellent demonstration of the outcome.
High - Confident demonstration of the outcome.
Medium - Competent Demonstration of the outcome.
Low - Basic/minimal demonstration of the outcome, just satisfactory.
Ungraded - VCE outcome demonstrated but not within the time-frame or in
accordance with the SAC/SAT completion requirements AND/OR did not meet
outcomes to a satisfactory standard.
Not Assessed - the school-based assessment was not submitted or the examination
was not undertaken. Student has never submitted the SAC/SAT AND/OR never
presented for the assessment.
Not Submitted - student may have completed work but is not given to teacher for
Absent - student was not present in class during the time of assessment.


Very High: 90-100%
High: 80-89%
Medium: 50-79%
Low : 20-49%
Ungraded - <20%

Stephan Fields
Woodmans Hill Secondary College - 2021 - 2021 Semester 1 Reports

Chemistry 1 David SPENCER

Class Attendance

Classes Attended 80 Classes Not 23 Classes Not 0 Accounted for 100

Present Present Attendance (%)

Semester Result Overall Result S

Effort and Application Good

Learning Tasks Percentage Outcome
WMH VCE Chemistry Unit 1 SAC Assessment Task 1 50% S

Zac has demonstrated a basic understanding of most of the concepts covered in area of
study one. He has developed knowledge in relating the position of elements in the periodic
table to their properties. Zac has investigated the structures and properties of metals and
ionic compounds and has demonstrated a basic ability to calculate mole quantities,
percentage compositions and empirical formulas. He can further develop his understanding
of the concepts and ideas introduced, by working harder to make sure all of the chapter
questions and worksheets have been completed.

WMH VCE Chemistry Unit 1 SAC Assessment Task 2 67% S

Zac has studied carbon compounds and can usually explain the various properties of the
different allotropes with reference to their structure. He can outline the types of bonding in
molecular substances and how this relates to their observed properties. Zac can use rules
for systematic nomenclature to name some organic compounds, as well as calculating
percentage composition and determining empirical formulas. He has developed his
laboratory skills in the completion of practical tasks and the interpretation of data. Zac can
further develop his understanding of the concepts and ideas introduced, by working harder
to make sure all of the chapter questions and worksheets have been completed fully. He
also needs to revise his work regularly to improve his exam results.

WMH VCE Chemistry Unit 1 SAC Assessment Task 3 70% S

Zac completed a research task relating to the concept and creation of black fire. He was
able to explain the chemistry behind the emission spectrum of elements and relate this to
the phenomena of black fire.. He was able to demonstrate effective science communication
by clearly explaining the chemical concepts, ideas and the method used as well as
including a data sheet to highlight the relationship between metal elements and flame
colour. Zac could have improved his assignment with the addition of some photographs
demonstrating this phenomena.
English 1 Gary DOMASCHENZ

Class Attendance

Classes Attended 81 Classes Not 17 Classes Not 0 Accounted for 100

Present Present Attendance (%)

Semester Result Overall Result S

Effort and Application Good

Learning Tasks
WMH VCE ENGLISH UNIT 1 EXAM (Analytical Response FA) 38%
Students are demonstrating an analytical interpretation of Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel, identifying and analysing explicit
and implied ideas and values, discussing how features of the text create meaning and using textual evidence to support their responses.

-clear expression
-some knowledge of the text

Next steps:
-ensure each paragraph has a clear focus
-discuss and explain how selected evidence supports the idea

Learning Tasks Percentage Outcome
WMH VCE ENGLISH UNIT 1 SAC 1 - Creative Response to Text 70% S
Students are responding creatively to the short story collection Runaway by Alice Munro and
explaining the choices they make throughout the writing process.
Students are drawing inspiration from the themes, ideas, and issues presented in Munro's
work, as well as the literary features of her writing.

- Descriptive and well-expressed portrayal of setting and character, demonstrates a
connection to the text
Next steps:
- Keep developing written explanation, creating and substantiating multiple links between
the response and the original text with evidence to support

WMH VCE ENGLISH UNIT 1 SAC 2 - Argument Analysis 44% S

Students are demonstrating an understanding of how texts are constructed for specific
persuasive effects by identifying and discussing the impact of argument and persuasive
language used to influence an audience.

- references specific target audiences and how they are impacted
- identifies persuasive techniques and features of the text
Next steps:
- re-structure each paragraph to logically guide readers through analysis
- identify the arguments of the text more clearly
Food Studies 1 Steven SIRRALS

Class Attendance

Classes Attended 83 Classes Not 12 Classes Not 0 Accounted for 100

Present Present Attendance (%)

Semester Result Overall Result S

Effort and Application Satisfactory

Learning Tasks Percentage Outcome
WMH VCE Food Studies Unit 1 Assessment Task 1 73% S
Students complete short response questions.

Zac has demonstrated satisfactory understanding of the key topics learnt in Outcome 1,
however, he needs to put more detail into his responses, such as those on macronutrients.
He also needs to revise her learning of indigenous food habits in comparison to setters food
habits and todays food habits. His understanding of the Australian Dietary Guidelines and
the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating could be improved, through use higher level
vocabulary in his responses.

WMH VCE Food Studies Unit 1 Assessment Task 2 50% S

Students complete an end of Semester exam for their SAC.

Zac's SAC result was lower than expected, compared to how he verbally communicates his
understanding in class. In discussion with Zac after this SAC, he was able to clearly identify
why this was the case and plan to improve this. Also, Zac could further his results by
increasing his study and revision outside of class.

Instrumental Lessons Alistair Lethlean

Learning Tasks
WMH LT 1 Technical Work Satisfactory
Technical Work - the scales and exercises developed and practised through the semester.

Zac completed a small amount of material this semester. Minimal class time would be a contributor to this.

WMH LT 2 Musical Pieces Very High

Musical Pieces - songs and pieces given in lessons and rehearsed though the semester.

Zac has the capacity to play along to recordings with reasonable awareness and skill.
Math Methods 1 Jacinta PAUL

Class Attendance

Classes Attended 73 Classes Not 21 Classes Not 0 Accounted for 100

Present Present Attendance (%)

Semester Result Overall Result S

Effort and Application Satisfactory

Learning Tasks Percentage Outcome
WMH VCE Methods Unit 1 SAC Assessment Task 2 28% S

During this assessment Zac was able to perform scalar multiplication with matrices, but
struggled to perform other basic mathematical operations. He was able to identify the range
of a graph, and could find the inverse of a given equation. Zac was also able to
demonstrate the calculation of probabilities in various scenarios and could produce a
probability table to help him visualise different probabilities. In order to improve his skills
moving forward, Zac should ensure that he maintains a strong work ethic outside of class
time, and continues to practice concepts he has learned in class.

WMH VCE Methods Unit 1 SAC Assessment Task 1 42% S

Written SAC based on linear equations, linear graphs, quadratics and function notation.
Students are required to demonstrate knowledge based on solving equations, graphing
equations and solving worded problems using different skills.

Zac could demonstrate that he has an understanding of some of the concepts assessed in
this SAC. He was able to show that he could solve equations, find the gradient of a linear
graph, and factorise expressions. Zac demonstrated that he could interpret worded
problems, and could show the correct shape for the graph of a quadratic function. In order
to achieve his best score, Zac needs to ensure that he uses the relevant formulas, follows
all instructions given in problems, such as labelling coordinates and represents coordinates
in the correct manner. Zac completed a resit after the initial assessment date, meaning he
has achieved a successful outcome for this SAC.
Physics 4 Timothy ROSS

Class Attendance

Classes Attended 82 Classes Not 13 Classes Not 0 Accounted for 100

Present Present Attendance (%)

Semester Result Overall Result S

Effort and Application Good

Learning Tasks Percentage Outcome
WMH VCE Physics Unit 3 Assessment Task SAC 1 53% S

This assessment Zac has demonstrated that he can use 5 constant acceleration formulae
to calculate velocity, acceleration, time and displacement and describe motion using
Newtons Laws. He is able to calculate momentum and use this in collisions and impulse
calculations. He can solve questions in both horizontal and vertical circular motion. Zac can
improve by working on solving problems with the application of newton’s second law. He
needs to revise how to calculate energy transfer and springs and keep working on
calculating projectile motion launched horizontally and at an angle.

WMH VCE Physics Unit 3 Assessment Task SAC2 61% S

Zac can calculate and explain how objects with mass are affected by gravitational fields.
He can calculate the force on charged objects as they move through electrical fields and
can use this to explain how a DC motor works.
To improve Zac should focus on linking gravitational fields with circular motion to calculate
objects in orbit. Zac needs to be able to find the electrical force between two charged
objects and the electrical field strength created by a single charge.

WMH VCE Physics Unit 3 Assessment Task SAC3 50% S

Zac can calculate magnetic flux and EMF. He is able to partially explain how a changing
magnetic flux can produce an EMF. He is able to calculate voltage and current as they step
up and down in transformers.
To improve Zac needs to calculate power loss in power transmission situations and explain
how current affects this. As well as work on drawing flux and EMF graphs from descriptions
and diagrams.

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