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r t83

Nominated Lecture

The Parsons Centenary-a hundred years

of steam turbines
F R Harris, BSc(Eng), ACGI, CEng, FIMechE, Mem ASME
Chief Turbine Engineer, G E C Turbine Generators Limited, Willans Works, Rugby, Warwickshire

The,first practical multi-stage turbine in the form in which we know it today was built by the Hon C . A . Parsons in 1884. After
referring briefly to other pioneers of early turbine development, and outlining the essential diferences between impulse and reaction
turbines, the main part of the lecture is devoted t o a historical survey of steam turbines as applied to the generation of electricity in
central power stations, over the intervening one hundred years. Progress in many areas of interest is described: these include
considerations of blading design, steam conditions, single- and double-reheat, and many mechanical features, as well as condensing and
feed heating plant. Specialized applications of turbines for use with nuclear reactors, for district heating, for use with dry cooling
systems where water is scarce, and for rapid starting are also described. Where possible, significant milestones in development are
identified by year and by builder; progress up to the present day is reported. Some of the problems which sometimes arise with turbine
plant in service are briejy mentioned, and the prospects of developments over the next few years, including the possibility of significant
increases in steam pressure and temperature, are outlined.

1 INTRODUCTION those of size and potential efficiency, over other

contemporary forms of steam plant, and was capable of
The earliest recorded steam turbine is the reaction turb- being built for larger ratings. This was the recognizable
ine of Hero of Alexandria, of 120 BC (Fig. l), ancestor of all modern large steam turbines, which have
regarded at the time as a toy, but used on some later accordingly now reached their centenary year.
occasions for very minor drive applications including
one at a printing works in Edinburgh about 1850. In
1629 Giovanni de Branca, an Italian architect, described
a device in which a jet of steam was projected against a 2 EARLY HISTORY
series of vanes on a rotating wheel (Fig. 2). In the period In 1890 the first of four 75 kW Parsons machines was
from the beginning of records of the British Patent delivered to the Forth Banks station of the Newcastle
office, until 1884, 195 patents relating to turbines were and District Electric Lighting Company; the first
granted (commencing in 1784, a year which included occasion of the use of a steam turbine in a public power
one by James Watt), some of them anticipating in prin- station.
ciple designs which were ultimately to be successful (4).
In France, Tournaire in 1853 proposed a machine very
similar to future steam turbines. In 1883 Carl Gustav
Patrik de Lava1 in Sweden manufactured a form of
Hero’s turbine (British Patent 1655 of 1883) to drive his
cream separators at high speed, although it is reported
that many turbines of such type had already been in use
in USA for several years for similar applications. Credit
for the steam turbine as we now understand it is usually
awarded to the Hon (later Sir) Charles Algernon
Parsons, who in 1884 (British Patent 6735 dated 23
April 1884) (Fig. 3) constructed his first steam turbine
(Fig. 4). Steam entered at the centre of a double-flow
cylinder and expanded axially towards each end
through stages of fixed and rotating blades; the electric
output was about 10 h.p., the speed 18000 r/min, and
the rotor diameter three inches. Each flow had fourteen
stages of flat blades, made by cutting skew slots in rings.
What we are commemorating in 1984 is not simply
the centenary of British Patent 6735; many other
patents preceding it described very similar solutions to
the steam turbine problem. We are commemorating the
construction, in 1884, of Parsons’ first steam turbine,
built in accordance with his patent, and which not only
really worked, but had many advantages, including

This lecture was presented at an Ordinary Meeting held in London on 9 M a y

1984. The M S was received on 6 January 1984 and was accepted for publication
on 6 February 1984. Fig. 1 The reaction turbine of Hero of Alexandria, 120 BC
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Enving now p~rticulnrly described and ascertained the nature of my said

invention and in what manner the same is to be performed, I declare that what
I claim is :-
1. In a motor the use in combination of a hollow cylinder with projecting ria@
of blades and within it a solid or rotary cylinder with projecting rings of blhdcs 35
upon which motive fluid is enused t o act as it travels i n directions parallel or
appmximately pnrallcl to the axis of the Solid or rotary cylinder the arrangeweut
and operation boiug suhstantiallg such an hereinabove described with reference
to the accompanying d r a w i n s
2. In n motor of tbe !&d referred to in claim 1 the combiuation of two similar 40
setr of rotary parts mounted upon one shaft, one net being placed at each side of
the inlet for actuating fluid in such a way that the entering stream shall divide
right and left and the exhaust take plsce at both ends SO 89 to balanca or
approximately balance tbe eud pressures, substantially 89 described.

Fig. 2 The turbine proposed by Giovanni de Branca, 1629 10 Notors according to my invention are applicnble to a vaiicty of purposes and if
such an apparatus Le driveu it becoincs a pump nud can bc used for actiiating a
fluid column or producing pressure in a h i d . Sueb a Ruid pressure producrr can
In 1889 de Laval patented (British Patent 7143) his be combined with a multiple motor ocwrding to my invention tu obrsiu motive
power from fuel or combustible gases of any kind. Bor tbis purpose I employ the
single-stage turbine, where steam was expanded to very 15 premure producer to force air or combustible gasey into a furnace (into which thero
may or may not be introduced other fuel (liquid or solid). From tho furitace the
high speed through a convergent-divergent nozzle, products of combustion can be led in a heated state to the multiplo motor whicb
driving a bladed disc at very high rotational speed. He thcy will actuate. Conveniently the pressure producer and multiple motor can be
mounted on tlie eame shaft, the former to be driveu by the I.itter but I do not
introduced the concept of operation above the critical 20 confine myself to this arrangement of parts-In 8ome WLW I employ water or
other fluid to cool the blades either hy couduction of best through their rook or
speed of the very slender shaft; this fortunately made by other suitable amngemeut to etTect their p r o t e c t i ~ ~
extremely precise balance unnecessary. A 5 h.p. turbine
ran at 30 000 r/min, and drove through a double-helical
reduction gear.
In 1896 Charles Gordon Curtis patented the velocity- Fig. 3 Extracts from British Patent 6735 granted to the Hon
compounded turbine (tried previously by de Laval but C. A. Parsons on 23 April 1884:
not patented) which also enabled high steam speeds to (a) the first two claims, defining the double-flow
be used with low blade speeds, albeit at low efficiency; turbine cylinder,
(b) part of the text, describing application to a (cooled)
his patents were taken up by GE* and the early Curtis gas turbine
turbines used several velocity wheels in series. The first
machine, of 600 h.p., with horizontal shaft, was installed groups of nozzles admitting steam into separate arcs of
in the GE factory at Schenectady in 1901, and included the first stage, with a valve controlling each one; the
two four-row velocity wheels in series. Subsequent valves were operated sequentially by the governor.
machines had vertical shafts, but this feature was aban- Early pioneers of the steam turbine included August
doned about 1905. Curtis turbines employed several Camille Edmond Rateau (first single-stage impulse turb-
* See page 221 for list of abbreviations. ines in 1894-96, followed by multi-stage models in 1901)

Fig. 4 The first Parsons turbine, 1884 (10 h.p., 18000 r/min), at present in the Science Museum
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and Heinrich Zoelly (first impulse turbine in 1903); both

at first built turbines with stages akin to a Pelton wheel,
with steam admitted tangentially at the disc circum-
ference, with an inward radial component. This concept
was quickly abandoned by Rateau, but Zoelly turbines
were built with several of these Pelton stages, where
each blade had a radial cusp in the middle and steam
exits at each side, followed by conventional axial-flow
stages. Zoelly turbines employed high blade speeds, and
the Pelton blades were tapered to reduce stress.
Rateau turbines, after the rejection of the Pelton prin-
ciple, used a large number (twenty to thirty) of axial
stages. Increased nozzle area from one stage to the next
was achieved by increasing the extent of the arc of
admission, keeping the blade height constant, until
eventually full-arc admission was reached; this principle
was also employed by Curtis. Parsons and other reac-
tion turbines for many years employed ‘belts’ of six or
more stages all of the same blade height, increased flow
area being obtained by changing the setting angle of
each stage. Some turbines were in two cylinders, where
alternative or intermittent sources of steam were avail-
able, and reference is made in 1904 to a 500 h.p. Rateau
machine (Huta-Bankowa, Poland) which appears to be
a two-cylinder cross-compound, with two running lines.
At the same date boiler feed pumps were driven by
Rateau turbines. The constant blade height, increasing
arc of admission, principle was soon abandoned, and
replaced by full admission in all stages, with increasing Fig. 5 Ljungstrom’s first contra-rotating radial flow turbine,
blade height. In the same way that modern reaction (700 h.p., 3000 r/min)
turbines derive from the ideas and concepts of Parsons,
modern impulse turbines are generally regarded as cessful and for its Spithead debut in 1897 Turbinia was
deriving from Rateau. propelled by a three-cylinder axial-flow turbine (156 Ibf/
The Zoelly turbine, also after rejection of the Pelton in’, 2000 r/min) (5) with nine propellers on the three
principle, was characterized by fewer stages than the shafts; in modern parlance this is a cross-compound
Rateau, due to its higher blade speeds, permitted by the turbine arrangement. Parsons abandoned radial turb-
use of forged steel discs (Rateau’s discs were of sheet ines when, in 1894, he recovered the rights to his axial-
metal, riveted to a hub). Nominal full admission was flow patents. He had built several Hero turbines,
used in all stages, with throttling control of the main including in 1893 one of 20 h.p. at 5000 r/min, with a
steam supply, but blanks of decreasing length of arc in diameter over the arms of 34i in, followed by units
successive stages were fitted to the fixed blade dia- using up to five Hero arms in series, and later using
phragms. Zoelly also introduced two-cylinder turbines three Hero arms followed by a double-sided radial-flow
with only one bearing between cylinders; vertical Curtis disc. These turbines were inefficient and were not
turbines already had only one bearing between turbine pursued. Radial-flow was revived by SSW (1931-58) for
and generator. H P cylinders.
A different kind of turbine, with radially outward Parsons, Curtis, Rateau and Zoelly all had the same
flow through two sets of contra-rotating blades, was aim, to utilize the energy in steam at relatively high
built by Birger Ljungstrom in 1908 (Fig. 5), and the first pressure without the disadvantage of very high rota-
commercial machine (Willesden, 1000 kW) was installed tional speed; the high-speed de Lava1 turbines were
in 1910. Parsons himself, who had constructed and restricted in application and rating because they were
patented his axial-flow turbine while a partner of Clark, single-stage, and because of the requirement for a
Chapman, and Company, left that company in 1889 reduction gear, but the type still survives for small
and formed his own company to pursue his turbine industrial and refinery drives.
interests, but could not take his patents with him. Frus- As is usually the case in this competitive world,
trated from further development of the axial-flow Parsons’ success led to many other companies embark-
turbine, he turned to radial-flow with alternate rings of ing on the construction of steam turbines, but there is
stationary and rotating blades, and in 1890 introduced little question that in the early years, the Parsons
such machines using, at first, unsuccessfully, inward- designs, made by the parent firm and several licencees,
flow, but later, more successfully, outward-flow. The including BBC and Westinghouse, were pre-eminent.
first condensing turbine (Cambridge, 100 kW, 4800 During these years very many of the detail features of
r/min, CAP, 1891), was a radial outward-flow design; today’s turbines (for instance castellated labyrinth
the largest such turbine constructed (2000 h.p., 3000 glands, gland sealing by steam) were introduced by
r/min, 1894), was for the famous Turbinia, the first Parsons.
steam-turbine-propelled ship. The particular com- Steam turbines have, in the last hundred years, been
bination of turbine and (single) propeller was not suc- used in many different applications : driving ships,
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pumps, fans and compressors, and even a few loco- known at the time as ‘impulse’ and ‘reaction’. The
motives. In none of these applications, however, does impulse turbine converted the whole of the heat drop in
the steam turbine have the field to itself. It is in the each stage into velocity in the fixed blades, with no heat
generation of electricity, particularly in large central drop (or pressure drop) in the moving blades, which
power stations, that the steam turbine at present has no merely imposed a change in direction on to the steam
rival, existing or foreseeable, and it is this area that will emerging from the fixed blades. The reaction turbine
now be considered. (more properly 50 per cent reaction) converted approx-
A by-product of steam turbine development has been imately half of the stage heat drop into velocity in the
the gas turbine, with its own specialized technology, fixed blades; this velocity, together with the remainder
which seems unlikely to supersede the steam turbine for of the stage heat drop, was transformed into mechanical
electricity generation, either by itself or as part of a energy in the moving blades so that there was then a
combined steam-gas cycle, except for the lower ratings. pressure drop across the moving blades. For the same
The first successful commercial continuous combustion blade speeds in both designs, the 50 per cent reaction
gas turbine designed for power production only turbine required, for best efficiency, twice the number of
(Neuchiitel, Switzerland, 4 MW, BBC, 1940, although stages of the impulse type, and to this day reaction
BBC compressor-turbine units for use in chemical turbines contain more stages than impulse turbines.
process plants had already produced electric power) (6) Parsons and his early licencees, including West-
was not built until after Parsons’ death in 1931. He had inghouse and BBC, manufactured reaction turbines,
for many years been considering the problem of this while by about 1920 most other builders made impulse
type of prime mover, of which a clear description is turbines, some retaining reaction-style L P cylinders for
given in the text of his original patent, and he had in many years. Impulse turbines normally comprise blades
1902 built the first of several commercial axial-flow carried on a number of discs, either integral with, or
compressors. Before leaving for the sea voyage on which attached to, a smaller diameter shaft; this has the
he died, he is reported as saying that he thought he had advantage of allowing a relatively small diameter for the
the solution to the gas turbine problem, and would interstage labyrinth leakage seal supported from the
work out the details during the voyage (7). split diaphragm which carries the fixed blades. The
It is therefore very appropriate that, in this one hun- pressure drop across the disc is notionally zero in an
dredth year of the steam turbine as we know it, tribute impulse turbine so that there is no large axial thrust on
be paid in particular to that remarkable engineer, Sir the rotor due to pressure forces across the discs. In a
Charles Parsons, whose contribution to turbine tech- reaction turbine the pressure drops across the discs, if
nology has been so immense. there were any, would result in a large axial thrust on
the rotor; reaction turbines therefore nearly all use
3 TURBINE SPEEDS cylindrical (‘drum-type’) rotors where the surface is
either smooth, or where any ‘discs’ are only vestigial.
Early generation and distribution was by direct current, The argument as to whether impulse turbines or reac-
and d.c. systems remained in some areas for fifty years. tion turbines are superior has many facets, some of
Direct current generators could run at any speed suit- which will be referred to later; there seems little doubt
able for the design of generator (for example, Parsons’ that if either were significantly better overall, it would
first turbine-generator, at 18 000 r/min). The develop- have completely ousted the other, something which has
ment and eventual universal adoption of alternating not happened over the last hundred years. Worldwide,
current generators required that the generators oper- the number of builders of impulse turbines exceeds
ated at a speed related to the system frequency. After a those of reaction turbines, but in many instances this is
great deal of initial variation the world is now sub- as a result of historical background and experience, and
divided into regions where generation is at 50 Hz, and cannot be taken as a demonstration of the superiority of
others at 60 Hz; 40 Hz was common in Britain until the the impulse type.
1920s, but is now abandoned. Japan has some regions The words ‘reaction’ and ‘impulse’ are in any case by
at 50 Hz and some at 60 Hz. The two-pole generator now misnomers. Work in the 1930s by several turbine
requires to run at 3000 r/min for 50 Hz generation or at builders, triggered by Darrieus (CEM, 1929) (8) led to
3600 r/min for 60 Hz (full-speed): no faster speed is the greater understanding of fluid flow, at first in a
possible, but generators can run at half these speeds cylindrical annulus but later in strongly coned channels
with four poles, or at one-third these speeds with six also, and the concept of vortex flow in one or other of
poles (half-speed or one-third speed turbines, and so its variants indicated the natural tendency for reaction,
on). defined as the heat drop in the moving blade as a frac-
One unusual system is operated by the German tion of the stage heat drop, to increase from blade root
Federal State Railways, with generation at 165 Hz, by to tip. In accordance with the changed flow conditions
units whose speed (for a two-pole generator) is 1000 r/ along the blade height, blade inlet and outlet angles
min. required to vary for best efficiency; this resulted in the
well-known twisted blade profiles, used by 1939 by
several builders (9, 10). Modern blade profiles show
little increase in stage losses with changed steam inlet
In the forty or so years following the construction of the angle; because twisted blades are more expensive to
first Parsons turbine, many competitors appeared. The make than those of constant section, they are frequently
1927 edition of Stodola (1) lists thirty-seven varieties of not economic in H P and I P reaction cylinders, where
turbines, many of these carrying their inventor’s name. steam velocities are lower than in the corresponding
From the beginning, two categories of turbine emerged, impulse designs. Current practice is that ‘impulse’ turb-
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ines commonly use reactions at root section which have better sealing; he later adopted end-tightened blading,
sometimes crept up to 20 per cent or so, in order to with close axial clearance to shrouding on both fixed
avoid problems of poor efficiency associated with zero and moving blades, in 1912, but this development was
or possibly negative reaction; ‘reaction’ turbines use not followed by his licencees, who for many years used
reactions at root which have sometimes crept down to unshrouded blades. Nowadays, however, many reaction
30-40 per cent; this is consistent with satisfaction of turbines employ shrouding, for both fixed and moving
radial equilibrium for a stage with 50 per cent reaction blades (in some instances as a suJstitute for lacing,
at mid-height, and also reduces the number of stages. which has associated performance losses), more recently
Because of this convergence, a much more meaningful with shroud integral with the blade.
demarcation of turbine types is into ‘disc-and- Modern turbines use moving blades which for most
diaphragm’ turbines using low-reaction blading, and impulse stages and many reaction stages have twisted
‘drum-rotor’ turbines using high-reaction blading, typi- profiles so that their inlet and outlet angles conform at
cally 50 per cent at mid-height. However, in deference all heights to those required by the calculated three-
to popular terminology, the inaccurate terms impulse dimensional steam flow. The actual blade profile
and reaction will continue to be used hereafter. In the between inlet and outlet, at any height, is designed to
later rows of L P cylinders, where long blades are meet the necessary strength requirements while offering
employed, the two types are almost indistinguishable. least aerodynamic loss ; the design process is normally
A variation from these two broad styles is the radial- one of calculation of flow and pressure distribution
flow turbine introduced by Ljungstrom, having two around the profile, followed by aerodynamic tests on a
contra-rotating rotors with interleaved rings of moving cascade of those profiles showing the best promise, fol-
blades, each driving its own generator. It has no fixed lowed by tests in a multi-stage experimental turbine at
blades, and, since heat drop occurs in every moving reduced scale. For long LP blades such development
blade row, it is a 100 per cent reaction turbine. Initially has to be undertaken for profiles corresponding to
built in small ratings, its scope was later extended by several blade heights, since the variation of flow condi-
the addition of axial-flow L P parts (11). The turbines tions, and of profiles, along these blades is very great.
were masterpieces of painstaking craftsmanship and These long blades pose very difficult problems in
were of high efficiency, but are no longer built except for mechanical design as well as in aerodynamics (13). A
small outputs. last-stage LP blade is severely tapered so that the cross-
Contra-rotating axial-flow steam turbines have not sectional area at the tip is only about 15 per cent of that
been built, but the first ducted-fan (or bypass) jet engine at the root, in order to restrict centrifugal stresses to a
(the MV F3, 1943) incorporated both turbine and com- reasonable level; the area variation is such that the cen-
pressor blading of this type (12). trifugal stress is almost uniform, and at the maximum
Although the analogies are imperfect, the Hero and allowable level, along the inner half of the blade height.
Branca devices can be regarded as the first reaction and The blade cross-section at each height must also be
impulse turbines, respectively ; the Hero device is more such as to limit the bending stress caused by the steady
properly an example of jet propulsion. steam forces. Very importantly, the natural frequencies
of vibration of the blade at speed must not coincide
5 FEATURES OF PROGRESS IN VARIOUS FIELDS with any exciting frequency which may be present in the
turbine; coincidence with these frequencies can result in
There are many areas of interest in the steam turbine resonant blade vibration and fatigue failure. For short
and its closely-associated auxiliaries, and the progress of blades the only relevant exciting frequency arises from
development in some of the more important areas is circumferential non-uniformity in flow in wakes follow-
described in the following sections. In this survey an ing each fixed blade trailing edge, where excitation
attempt has been made to identify each step in develop- frequency = (number of fixed blades) x (speed in revol-
ment to a specific builder wherever possible, and to utions per second). For long blades this nozzle passing
indicate the service date of the plant. frequency is of little relevance, being very high relative
to the moving blade frequencies, but lack of complete
5.1 Blading design circumferential uniformity in the flow path can generate
excitation at one, two, three, four, etc times running
The heart of the turbine design lies in its blading, and speed, and resonance with these potential exciting fre-
particularly in its moving blades. For many years, these quencies must be avoided not only at design speed but
were mostly of uniform cross-section, initially with close also by a margin either side which will, in service,
radial tip clearances (reaction turbines) or fairly close permit small variations in operating speed. It is now
axial clearances to the edge of the shrouding (impulse usual to ensure freedom from resonance with these low-
turbines). Shrouding was adopted right from the start integral multiples of running speed up to at least six
for impulse turbines. It stiffened the bladed assembly, times running speed; at higher multiples the excitation
shared the effect of non-uniform tangential steam force forces are likely to be much reduced, which is just as
between the several blades in a ‘packet’, and obviated well, because at higher-integral excitations it is not pos-
the need for close radial tip clearances; because an sible to keep clear of such resonances except over very
impulse stage had nominally no pressure drop across restricted speed ranges.
the moving blades, always having ‘balance holes’ in the Verification of blade resonant frequencies at speed is
disc, there was no need felt for radial blade tip seals. normally achieved for long blades by running a com-
Shrouding was also tried several times by Parsons on plete, full-size, bladed disc in a vacuum chamber at
his early turbines, but it was concluded after tests that speeds up to about 120 per cent of design, and exciting
the increased skin friction outweighed the benefit due to blade vibration by a.c. or d.c. electromagnets (14). The
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other at speed; although last-stage LP blades usually

are not shrouded, for stress reasons, this type of shroud
is incorporated in the 47.2 in LMZ titanium last-stage
blade (18).
Circumferential lacing of the conventional kind,
employing wires either loose (which rely on the fric-
tional component of centrifugal force to restrain tangen-
tial blade movement), or silver-soldered to the blades,
has been used for very many years either to damp vibra-
tions, to raise blade frequencies, or to transmit forces to
other blades in a packet. Both varieties of lacing are
now generally recognized not to be completely reliable
in these tasks, and their use is now greatly diminished;
their absence leads to a small improvement in blading
Radial seals at the moving blade tip are important to
efficiency, particularly on short blades, and modern
shrouded impulse and reaction designs both use multi-
baffle labyrinth seals (Fig. 7). Many builders ensure that
all sealing surfaces, including at the tip of the last-stage
LP blades, are cylindrical and not conical, so that differ-
ential axial expansion between moving blade rows and
fixed parts, which becomes large in multi-cylinder turb-
ines, does not lead to any change in radial clearance or
in sealing efficacy, thus avoiding performance loss.
Moving blades are attached to the rotors by a wide
variety of methods, but the longest last-stage LP blades
now very commonly have a side-entry serrated fir-tree
attachment, either straight or curved.
Fixed blade design is far less elaborate than moving
blade design, since the blades are not subjected to
centrifugal effects, and the flow is always being well
accelerated, so that there is usually little likelihood of
flow separation and attendant losses; but in last L P
stages transonic flow (subsonic at inlet, supersonic at
Fig. 6 Last-stage LP blades, with loosely-fitting zig-zag con- outlet) brings aerodynamic problems even in fixed blade
necting rods near the tips (GEC) design. (Early researches into losses in fixed blades were

resulting blade vibration resonances are detected by

strain gauges, the signals being transmitted by slip-rings
or by telemetry. The stiffening effect of centrifugal force
increases the frequencies (in some instances by 100 per
cent or more compared with the stationary values); the
test is necessary to confirm calculations and to demon-
strate freedom from resonance in service.
It may be mentioned in passing that in smaller turb-
ines which have to operate at variable speed, such as for
ship propulsion, it is not possible to avoid all reson-
ances, and the successful policy is to strengthen the
moving blades so that the vibratory stresses induced by
operation at a resonant condition are not high enough
to cause fatigue failure; or to introduce damping.
Some builders employ free-standing last-stage blades
(and in other stages) (15), while others use a variety of
connections between last stage blades in order to
achieve some beneficial control over vibration. Each
blade untwists due to the effect of centrifugal force, and
such connections can either permit the relative move-
ment caused (16) (Fig. 6) or be rigid, restraining such
untwist (17). The torsional forces involved in restraining
the blades against untwist, should a rigid connection be
used, are large, and the connections must be appropri-
ately robust. In some blades the untwisting force is used, Fig. 7 Typical stages of (a) reaction (KWU), and (b) impulse
by the employment of interlocking integral shrouds, to (MAN), turbines, showing blade fastenings and details
lock up all the shrouds into close contact with each of inter-stage seals
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organized and recorded by this Institution in six excessive overspeed following loss of electrical load.
reports, published 1923-30, of the Steam Nozzles These additional complications, together with reluc-
Research Committee) (19). Improvement in performance tance on the part of the boiler-makers, and the failure of
has been claimed, particularly in extreme designs such early British reheat units to meet their expected effi-
as last-stage L P stages, by using humped sidewall prof- ciency, led to the adoption of reheat being very slow. In
iles at the inner diameter (ZO), and by slanting the blade the event, the complications were much less than fore-
outlet edges so as to discharge steam on to the moving cast, particularly when the concept of one boiler per
blades with an inward radial component (21). turbine was successfully introduced in USA in the
Erosion of the moving blades was a problem right 1930s, and by the 1950s reheat had become almost uni-
from the start, as the steam was not always initially versal for large plant. It had by then been realized that
superheated, but erosion of the outer part of the leading the early practice of reheating to a temperature lower
edge of the last-stage L P blades became a severe than the initial temperature was illogical and hindered
problem in the late 1 9 2 0 ~and
~ this for many years acted the reheat cycle from showing its true potential. The
as a restraint against high tip speeds; the first blades to reheat pressure, typically about a quarter of initial
use really high tip speeds, 1788 ft/s, were introduced in steam pressure, is usually a little above the thermo-
1962 (Blyth, 275 MW, EE, 36 in blades), and were ini- dynamic optimum, in order to reduce the cost of the
tially expected to have a relatively limited life of seven steam piping.
years or less. Subsequent appreciation of the mechanism Reheating for turbines had been suggested by various
of droplet erosion, backed up now by extensive experi- engineers. Ferranti's patent of 1903 envisaged virtually
ence, indicates that erosion is currently much less of a continuous reheat, after each stage. Parsons himself had
threat than was once feared. This is largely due to the employed in 1891 a form of reheat, by the steam-
adoption of higher heat drops in the last stage, together jacketing principle, where hollow diaphragms for his
with higher mass-flow loading; the consequent higher radial-flow turbines were supplied with live steam to
pressure at inlet to the moving blades leads to smaller stop condensation on the working surfaces (23). A later
sizes of droplets, whose vectors can more rapidly factory test in 1900 on a 1000 kW axial-flow unit (his
approach that of the entraining steam, resulting in first two-cylinder machine, Fig. 17) with initial condi-
reduction in impact velocity and in erosive effect. tions 134 lbf/in2, about 450"F, was made with the HP
Sophisticated methods of erosion prediction have been exhaust (10.4 lbf/in2 abs 189°F) reheated in a
developed (22), which are continuously calibrated by separately-fired boiler to 261°F. The test showed no
service experience, and it is likely that some modern advantage with this relatively small degree of reheat,
designs of long last-stage blades will last for the full and it was not pursued at that time (23).
machine life of thirty years or so without replacement One of five machines at Carville (1 1 MW, 2400 r/min,
on account of erosion. Last-stage blades have for many 250/650", CAP, 1916-20) although designed for live
years been protected at the leading edge for some dis- steam reheat, was not put into service as a reheat
tance inwards from the tip, by an edge-hardening machine; it was subsequently tested in 1921 when incor-
process, or by the attachment by silver soldering, or, porating reheating by live steam to 406"F, and showed
more recently, by electron-beam welding, of a shield 0.5 per cent improvement in steam consumption. An
made from hard material such as stellite or tool steel. A earlier Parsons machine, Blaydon Burn (3 MW, 190/
construction used by many builders employs hollow 600°), where the steam was raised from waste heat, is
fixed blades in the last few L P stages, where the interior quoted as incorporating flue-gas reheat, 'already put
of each blade is connected to a lower pressure area, and into practice at Carville' (23), so presumably also did
water films which agglomerate on the fixed blade sur- not initially operate with reheat. The precise dates of
faces, particularly near the tip, are sucked away through service for these installations with reheat are not clear,
slots near the outlet edge, and prevented from causing and credit for being the first plant in which reheat was
erosion of the following moving blades. commercially applied is normally given to two units,
each of 20 MW at North Tees (450/650"/500", 2400
r/min, MV, 1920) (Fig. 8), having some dependence on
ideas of Baumann and Ferranti but principally inspired
5.2 Reheat by Merz, with reheating by flue-gas in a reheater section
Reheating steam part-way along the expansion, a prac- of the boiler (24). These two turbines were also the first
tice introduced in compound reciprocating engines, two-cylinder impulse units in the UK. Subsequent
improves the cycle efficiency (a greater fraction of the application in America dates from 1924 (Philo, 40 MW,
heat added is at high temperature), reduces steam flow 550/700"/700", GE).
for equal output, and reduces exhaust wetness. It also For early units, the steam was reheated by either:
improves the turbine efficiency because less of the
expansion is in the wet region, and permits the adoption (a) a separately-fired reheat boiler;
of higher initial pressures, which can further contribute (b) live steam, in a tubed heat exchanger;
to improved cycle efficiency, without the increased (c) a separate section of the boiler, reheating by flue-
exhaust wetness which would be experienced without gas.
reheat. The disadvantages include pressure drop and Method (a) soon lost favour, but was not finally
heat loss in the pipes conveying the partly-expanded abandoned until the 1940s.
steam to and from the reheater, and complication of the Method (b), the method previously employed in
boiler plant; in addition, steam interceptor valves are reciprocating steam engines, produced a small efficiency
necessary at reheat inlet to the turbine, since the large improvement not by cycle improvement but only by
quantity of steam in the reheater would otherwise cause reduction in exhaust wetness; it was a thermodynamic
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Fig. 8 20 MW, 2400 r/min turbine for North Tees, the first commercial
application of reheat; note also the Baumann multi-exhaust (MV)

misconception, later revived and applied with advan- ordered after 1954 employed reheat, initially at 1500/
tage to nuclear wet-steam turbines. 975"/950", progressing to 2300/1050"/1000" at 200 MW
Method (c) ultimately became universal, but in and reaching 2300/1050"/1050" when the rating reached
Britain was not fully incorporated until 1938. 275 MW. In continental Europe, adoption of reheat had
The application of reheat in large plant occurred commenced in the late 1920s, but its spread after 1939
gradually; by 1931 four British installations were for units of large rating was delayed. Several smaller
reported, nine in Europe, and nine in USA (25). In 1936 units of 50-100 MW were built; a 50 MW, 3000 r/min,
the most efficient station in the world was Port Wash- unit (Oderwerke, 1565/887"/887", AEG) entered service
ington (85 MW, 1800 r/min, 1230/825"/825", Allis- in 1938 (28).
Chalmers, 1935), with 31.1 per cent annual average Although reheat is now universal for large turbines,
efficiency (26). This was also one of the first plants to there are areas in the world where fuel has been so
have a unit boiler, that is, one boiler for one turbine. cheap that the complication and expense of reheat was
G E reported twenty-six of their condensing reheat turb- for some time not considered worth the savings in fuel
ines in service by 1942, the largest of 208 MW, at 600/ consumption. Such areas included South Africa, and
730"/500" (State Line, 1929) with reheating by live Victoria in Australia, and non-reheat machines of 200
steam; the highest steam conditions were 2300/940"/ MW at up to I500/lO5O0 were supplied by several
900", for a 76 MW unit (Twin Branch, 1941) with builders (AEG, AEI, MAN, CAP).
reheating in the boiler (27). An additional ten non- Between the 1920s and 1940s G E supplied several
condensing reheat machines, the largest of 20 MW, were mercury turbines, superposed on existing steam turbine
also listed. plant, working on a binary fluid cycle, where the heat in
In many instances in USA reheat was introduced by the condensing mercury produced steam for use in a
providing a new 'topping' turbine at high pressure, its steam turbine. This is an ingenious and thermodynami-
exhaust being reheated at a lower pressure, the steam cally efficient cycle, based on the achievement, with
then passing through an existing L P turbine. mercury, of high saturation temperature at relatively
In Britain, the first large reheat units were four 50 low pressure, but is complicated in practice. A 1000 KW
MW turbines at Dunston (600/800"/800", 1500 r/min, unit was operated in GE's own power plant in 1917; the
CAP, 1932). These were the last turbines whose design first turbine in commercial service was a single-stage
was supervised by Sir Charles Parsons himself, and unit of 1.8 MW (Hartford, 35/812", 1923) and one of the
incorporated hollow last-stage moving blades, to reduce largest was a five-stage unit at Kearny (20 MW
stresses in blade and rotor (23). These were followed by mercury, 30 MW steam) using mercury at 140/975",
full-speed cross-compound units (Brimsdown, 52 M W, which showed a thermal efficiency, based on a com-
1900/930"/810", MV, 1938; and 60 MW, 1900/930"/ bined output, of 37.2 per cent (29). The improvement of
940", MV, 1943; each of these units having provision for efficiency of normal steam turbines by increase in steam
both reheating by live steam, not used in practice, and conditions, together with the eventual rapid acceptance
flue-gas reheat); and eventually the first large tandem- of reheat, provided equivalent performance gains with
compound full-speed British reheat machines which less complication and at much less cost, and only a few
employed flue-gas reheat (Littlebrook, 60 MW, 1235/ mercury turbines were ever built.
825"/825", MV, 1949; and Dunston ' B 50 MW, 615/ Extension of the reheat principle led to the intro-
850"/850", CAP, 1949); at these temperatures pipes and duction of double-reheat machines, where the steam is
superheater tubes in mild steel were still possible. They reheated twice, at different pressures, again permitting
in turn were followed chronologically by many non- adoption of higher initial pressures, with a heat rate
reheat units of 60 MW and 100 MW, until finally all improvement over single-reheat units of about 2 per
British fossil-fired machines of 100 MW and above cent. All double-reheat units so far have operated at
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supercritical pressure, indeed in the early applications of

supercritical pressure most of such units were double-
reheat. The first two turbines to employ double-reheat
entered service within a few months of each other. At
Huls Chemical Factory in Germany a 16 MW back
pressure turbine (3000 r/min, 4260/1112") exhausted
partly to a 72 MW single-reheat machine at 1500/1040"/
1040°, and partly to another 16 MW back-pressure
machine at 1500/950". All three turbines were by SSW
and entered service in November 1956. This was the
first turbine plant at supercritical pressure, and the
assembly of machines was in all its essentials a cross-
compound double-reheat unit (30). At Philo a super-
critical double-reheat unit of 125 MW (TC, 3600 r/min,
4500/11 50°/10500/10000, GE) followed closely behind,
entering service in June 1957 (32), followed in 1960 by
the Eddystone unit (325 MW, CC, 5000/1200°/10500/
1050", W) (31).
Subsequent double-reheat units (33) have mostly been
at the lower supercritical gauge pressure of 3500 lbf/in2,
temperatures being commonly 1000°F at main steam
inlet, with first and second reheats at 100(r1050"F in Fig. 9 Combined HP and first IP sections of a large 3600
USA and Japan. Temperatures were usually a little r/min double-reheat turbine (GE)
lower in Europe, where only six such units are in
service, four in Germany (110-220 MW, MAN, AEG, perature, and, in regions of practical interest, in press-
SSW, 1962-67), and two in Italy (La Spezia, 600 MW, ure, although allowance must be made for the
W/Tosi, 1966-7). increasing feed pump power, but increased initial press-
The difficult part of the design of a double-reheat ure leads to increased exhaust wetness unless accompa-
turbine is the second I P cylinder, which has to accept nied by increased initial temperature or by adoption of
large inlet volume flows (because of the relatively low reheat.
pressure) and therefore long inlet blades, at high tem- Increases in steam conditions obviously affect the
perature. The first I P cylinder on the other hand is at boiler as well as the turbine, and it has not been clear in
higher pressure and smaller volume flow relative to a the past which was the laggard; certainly there is more
single-reheat machine, and has shorter inlet blades. The material at high steam conditions in the boiler and its
first reheat pressure is usually 30 per cent or so of initial steam pipes than in the turbine, and the cost implica-
pressure (compared with about 25 per cent for single tions are usually more evident in the boiler plant and
reheat); the second reheat pressure is 10 per cent or less piping.
of initial pressure. For these reasons, and since both H P Creep was first recognized as a factor in design in the
and first IP cylinder heat drops are lower than in single- 1920s, but it was not until the 1930s or even later that
reheat machines, most US double-reheat machines, of the art emerged, pioneered by Bailey (MV) (34), of inter-
which the largest are of 738 MW, use combined HP-IP preting material test data so as to produce economical
cylinders, at ratings where frequently the single-reheat designs for operation at high temperatures. As early as
equivalent uses separate H P and I P cylinders (Fig. 9). 1929 BTH built a 10 MW turbine for Detroit at 1000°F
Most European units retain separate H P and first I P (with an unsplit H P casing), but the pressure, 365 lbf/
cylinders. in2, was relatively low (35). There were also advanced
N o proposals have yet been made for triple-reheat; a units such as at Witkowitz in Czechoslovakia (19 MW,
small benefit in performance would result, but at serious 1704/914"/662", Erste Briinner, 1928; and 36 MW,
cost in large third-reheat pipes, and posing the difficult 1850/932"/680", BBC, 1929) (36); the first of these units
problem of high temperature at the inlet to an L P cylin- had an unsplit H P outer casing while the second unit
der; this is already 700°F or so in double-reheat had its first stage H P blades welded to the disc (37). By
machines. It is very doubtful that such a development 1939 average practice seemed to be settling out at about
would be economic. 950/900" in USA, figures significantly higher than in the
Steam-to-steam reheat, in either one or two stages, is UK.
now universal in saturated-steam nuclear turbines, and In the 1940s live steam and reheat temperatures
is referred to later. increased to what were then regarded as the economic
limits for boilers; 1000°F or sometimes a little less for
oil fuel, limited by corrosion from ash products, and
5.3 Steam conditions
1050°F for coal or gas, limited by the desire to avoid an
Sir Charles Parsons' first steam turbine was supplied increase in material costs due to extended use of austen-
with steam at 80 lbf/in2, saturated. From that date, itic steels. The first 1050°F machines were of 100 MW
there has been a general steady increase in both initial (Sewaren, 3600 r/min, 1500/1050", G E and W, synchro-
temperature (at a surprisingly steady average rate of nized on consecutive days in 1948) (38), and in the early
12°F a year from 1904 to 1960, when 1200°F entered 1950s, reheat machines were built for 2350/1100"/1050"
service), and pressure. The thermodynamic efficiency of (Kearny, 145 MW, GE, 1953; and Burlington, 185 MW,
the cycle always improves with increases in tem- W, 1955) (39, 40). The present position regarding tem-
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perature is that 1000°F appears to be the maximum (reliability, etc.) equal to the less advanced single reheat
almost worldwide, with relatively few coal-fired units units. In USA twenty-four double reheat units were
outside Britain and France now operating at the 1050°F ordered in 1961-68, only two since 1968 (41).
allowable temperature. In USA, where in the 1940s and The steam conditions so far presented are for run-of-
1950s many units with initial steam temperatures of the-mill large units. As is to be expected, isolated units
1050°F or higher were built, in the decade to 1970 only of a prototype nature have occasionally been installed,
five large units at 1050°F were ordered, with 211 at pioneering significant advances in steam conditions.
1000°F (a further thirteen 1000°F units had first or Examples of such units are:
second reheat temperatures of 1050°F); in the decade to
Baudour (Belgium) (EW)
1980 no 1050°F machines were ordered, compared with 115 M W 2400/1112'/lOSW TC 1956 (42)
239 at 1000°F (41). In Japan, of ninety-eight large Philo (USA) (GE)
machines entering service in the fifteen years 196s74, 125 MW 4S00/1150"/1050"/1000" TC 1957 (32)
sixty-two employed initial temperatures of 1050°F. In Hattingen (Germany) (AEG)
the fifteen years 1975-89, of forty-one large machines, 107 MW 3698/1121"/986" TC 1958 (43)
only two will be at 1050°F. Many 300 MW USSR Eddystone (USA) (W)
machines were designed for 1075°F but were subse- 325 MW 5000/1200°/10500/10500 CC 1960 (31)
quently operated at the reduced temperature of 1005°F. Kashira (USSR) (KTGZ)
Pressures rose steadily, and at present are in the 100 M W 4270/1200"/ 1050" Topping 1967 (44)
range 230G2800 Ibf/in2 for subcritical conditions, while
the development of once-through boilers generating Figure 10 shows the H P cylinders of some of these
steam at supercritical conditions has led to many pioneering high-temperature turbines.
installations at 3500 lbf/in2 or more. The first experi- While the boiler-turbine units were not always com-
mental boiler (Benson, 1924) was operated in conjunc- pletely successful, and did not always operate at their
tion with a 360 kW (EE) turbine running at 25000 design steam conditions (at Philo and Eddystone, for
r/min. The steam was pressure-reduced and desuper- example, main steam temperatures had to be reduced
heated (to 1407/842") before admission to the turbine. because of boiler corrosion problems, while the Kashira
Later turbines were similarly operated at reduced con- unit operated at 3990/1 150°), they have provided valu-
ditions from supercritical Benson boilers at Non- able pointers to design solutions for subsequent
nendam, Berlin (experimental, 1320/752", 1000 kW, improved, but somewhat less ambitious, plants.
10 000 r/min, EW, 1926), Gartenfeld, Berlin (2625/788", Although the Philo unit has been retired several years
3200 kW, 6000 r/min, EW, 1927) (36), and Langer- ago, the Eddystone unit is still in service at 470011130"/
brugge, Belgium (2840/824", 4000 kW, 7500 r/min, BBC, 1050"/1050" and in recent years has shown an avail-
1930) (37). The first turbines themselves to enter service ability typical of machines of its rating. Reference is
at supercritical conditions were the double-reheat made later to the possible future adoption of similarly
machines at Hiils (SSW 1956), and Philo (GE, 1957) advanced steam conditions.
already mentioned; such pressure leads to high cycle If high steam conditions are to be adopted, the
efficiency and to smaller H P turbine components. Most necessary advanced materials are always easier to
of the supercritical installations have been in USA, procure in the smaller sizes appropriate to lower
(where their popularity has temporarily declined; 128 ratings; some operating stresses in such turbines are
units were ordered in the fourteen years 1963-76, only also usually low. There have been many small machines
eight in the six years 1977-82) (41), in Japan, and in built in Europe, usually of the back-pressure type for
USSR where units of 300 MW and above are super- chemical plant, for operation at very advanced tem-
critical and where, by 1982, 181 supercritical units were peratures; and these have yielded valuable materials
in service. In the UK there are two 375 MW super- experience for subsequent use at higher ratings (45).
critical units each at 3500/1100"/1050" (Drakelow, EE, Pioneering examples include SSW back-pressure
1966; and AEI, 1967); in Europe there are numerous machines, 11 MW (Leverkusen, 1951) at 2120/1112", a
supercritical units, some of them small back-pressure radial-flow machine; and 14 MW (Leverkusen, 1955) at
installations, and also several double-reheat machines. 21 75/1190", in Germany (46).
The supercritical double-reheat cycle was introduced
into Europe and USA in the late 1950s. This improves
5.4 Cylinder arrangements
the heat consumption by about 3.9 per cent (3500/
l0OO0/l OOOo/lOOOo compared with 2400/1000"/1000") The normal arrangement of steam entering at one end
and also reduces exhaust wetness; a useful feature, par- of a cylinder and leaving at the other (or flowing from
ticularly if pressures should later increase still further. the middle to both ends) has been subject to variants.
Most double-reheat turbines have been built by GE, The practice of bypassing an initial stage or group of
Westinghouse, or their Japanese associates, and all stages, so that live steam was admitted to a stage having
operate at supercritical pressures. Steam temperatures a larger swallowing capacity than the first, was once
for these machines have largely settled out at 1000°/ almost universal; if the boiler (or more commonly the
1025"/1050"F, with an occasional 1050°F first reheat range of boilers) could supply enough steam, loads
temperature (41). The double reheat machines presented above economic could then be carried, providing over-
difficult problems of matching of steam temperatures load capacity. Such a construction, really requiring a
during starting and load changing and were for some range of boilers, exposed parts other than the normal
time disliked by operators for that reason. However, the inlet to high steam conditions; it was abandoned in
shakedown period now appears to be over, and the Britain about 1950, and is now only rarely used else-
machines are showing operating characteristics where.
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Fig. 10 H P cylinders of pioneering high-temperature tur-
(a) Delray, Detroit, 10 MW, 3000 r/min, 365/1000",
BTH, 1929, unsplit shell
(b) Sewaren, 100 MW, 3600 r/min, 1500/1050, GE,
(c) Leverkusen, 11 MW back-pressure, 3000 r/min,
2120/1112", SSW, 1951, unsplit shell, radial flow with
axial first stage
(d) Kearny, 145 MW, 3600 r/min, 2350/1100"/1050",
GE, 1953
(e) Huls, 17 MW back-pressure, 3000 r/min, 4230/
1112", SSW, 1956, the first supercritical turbine
(f) Philo, 125 MW, 3600 r/min, 4500/1150"/1050"/
1050", GE, 1957
(g) Eddystone, 325 MW, 3600/3600 r/min, SOW/
1200"/1050", W, 1960
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Double-shell cylinder construction where the pressure

difference, and usually the temperature gradient as well,
across each shell is reduced compared with a single
shell, was introduced in USA in the late 1930s (47), and
is now universal in one form or another in high tem-
perature machines for H P and most I P cylinders, and is
usual for most L P cylinders. L P cylinders sometimes
have a larger temperature range from inlet to exhaust
than any other cylinder, and the inner casing may itself
be of double-shell construction to reduce thermal
stresses; L P inner shells are also sometimes lagged or
cladded externally for the same purpose, as well as to
avoid heat losses.
All reheat machines in the UK reheated the steam
between the H P and initially the L P (later the IP) cylin-
ders, but many early two-cylinder US machines (GE,
Allis-Chalmers) extracted the cold reheat steam from
part-way along the high-pressure part of the first cylin-
der, and returned it, reheated, a little further along the
same cylinder, the expansion continuing in the same
direction (27, 48). The difference in casing temperatures
over a very short axial length was recognized as a
potential problem, but at the relatively low tem-
peratures then current, there was little trouble.
A development of this type of construction intro-
duced in 1950 (1 00 M W, GE) again used a single cylin-
der to house both the H P and I P elements on a single
rotor, but they were now opposed in flow direction (49).
Live steam entered near the middle of the cylinder and
expanded towards one end, from which it was returned
to the reheater; the reheated steam was admitted near
the middle, and expanded towards the other end from
which it was led to the L P cylinders. The two sets of hot
steam inlets were now in the middle of the cylinder, and
both ends were at lower temperature (Fig. 11). Such
cylinders have been built in large numbers by GE,
Westinghouse, their associates, and others, and are in
service at ratings up to 700 MW or more for steam
conditions up to 3500/1000"/1000"(50). The possibilities
exist of temperature gradients near the middle of the (b)
casing, due to difficulty in matching the two steam tem-
peratures from the boiler; or, where the HP part is Fig. 11 3600 r/min combined HP-IP cylinders, 2400/1000"/
double-shell and the IP part is single-shell (as some- 1000", (a) W, (b) GE
times with GE) to the juxtaposition of spaces at hot
reheat and cold reheat temperatures. Nevertheless, the compound) (47).
construction, which is less costly and saves space, Early impulse turbines were shorter than their reac-
remains popular in USA and Japan. In double-reheat tion counterparts, and although several of the earliest
units, the G E Philo turbine included first-reheat and examples (Rateau) employed two cylinders, single-
second-reheat I P blading similarly combined, and cylinder impulse machines were usual from about 1907,
opposed in direction, on a single rotor, as did a later and eventually ratings up to 85 MW or so were
200 MW SSW unit (Franken 11, 1966) (30). The West- achieved in single cylinders at 1800 r/min. Such turbines
inghouse Eddystone turbine combined on one rotor the relied to some extent on close axial clearances to
first-reheat and reversed-flow second-reheat IP blading, control tip leakage and to maintain efficiency; when
making a total of three sections, on one rotor. eventually multi-cylinder impulse turbines were built,
The 1500 MW nuclear machine being built by close control of axial clearance in a long machine led to
Alsthom (51) also employs a combined HP-IP cylinder the need for one thrust bearing for each cylinder includ-
(Fig. 12) at low inlet temperatures, which in this particu- ing the L P cylinder, the rotors then being connected by
lar application gives significant advantages of efficiency claw couplings which permitted relative axial move-
and plant layout; the KTGZ two-cylinder 500 MW, ment. This arrangement, used also in some reaction
1500 r/min nuclear turbine also has a combined HP-IP turbines, while satisfactory at low ratings of 30 MW or
cylinder, with a single double-flow L P cylinder. so, gave trouble when applied to larger machines where
An unusual cylinder arrangement, met in the 1930s in the torque was so great as to prevent free axial sliding
USA but no longer used, located a 3600 r/min HP of the coupling elements, and thrust bearings failed due
cylinder and its generator on top of the associated L P to overload. In the 1940s radial seals began to replace
cylinder and generator, usually 1800 r/min (steeple- axial seals and all the rotors were then bolted rigidly
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Fig. 12 Combined HP-IP cylinder of 1500 MW, 1500 r/min nuclear turbine

together, with a single thrust bearing. For such designs, flow around the outside of the inner shell to the second
the steam in the HP and IP cylinders flowed in opposite group of HP stages, through which it passed in the
axial directions, and an approximate balance of net opposite direction (45). The pressure and temperature
thrust could be achieved without large balance glands differences across the inner shell were reduced at the
at inlet; but because of large possible variations in net expense of increased pressure and temperature for the
th.-,.nt 77-Ao..
L i a u w c i i L ui
F n n l t ,.,,"A;+:,,..o n e l n q A
iauii L U I I U I L I U I I J , a u w i a a luau " U L b I
fi>lt.=y D llbl,.
UVUVl" UI."III"."-"" 1IV ..
rPvPrw-flnw m n - WV.1

rejection combined with malfunctioning steam valves, it struction was a feature of EE designs from 200 MW
has sometimes been found prudent to balance the thrust (High Marnham, 1959) to 600 MW (Longannet, 1970)
of each single-flow cylinder individually, by suitable (52); it is also used by LMZ over the range 20&1200
choice of the inlet gland diameter. MW (18),by Skoda (53), and in Alsthom 600 MW units
A type of H P cylinder introduced by AEG on a high- (Fig. 13).
temperature back-pressure turbine (Feldmiihle Reisholz, The H P inner shell, exposed to high steam conditions
10.7 MW, 2275/1112", 5500 r/min, 1957), admitted and potential thermal stresses, is likely to distort
steam near the centre of the cylinder, from whence it unevenly, and such thermal distortion is exacerbated by
expanded towards one end; it was then turned round to the presence of heavy joint flanges. Reaction turbines

Fig. 13 HP cylinder of a 600 MW, 3000 r/min impulse turbine showing the
double-flow nozzle-governed first stage, This also illustrates the
reverse-flow HP cylinder construction (Alsthom)
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Fig. 14 HP cylinder of reaction turbine with unsplit outer shell and exter-
nally pressurized inner shell (KWU)

commonly carry interstage and tip seals directly from inally designed to be suitable for higher initial steam
the inner shell (as distinct from impulse turbines which conditions, and employed a triple-shell H P cylinder,
normally carry both types of seal from the relatively where the intermediate casing was unsplit and the inter-
undistorting diaphragm), so that distortion either in space to the inner casing was exposed to almost full
service or when being dismantled is undesirable. Design steam pressure, again reducing the necessary size of
solutions which reduce the flange dimensions of the flange at the inner casing joint because the differential
inner shell to vestigial proportions, thereby reducing pressure acted radially inwards (Fig. 16). A similar con-
distortion, are used by KWU and BBC. The KWU struction had previously been used in Europe for
concept (Fig. 14) uses an unsplit outer shell which is smaller turbines at high steam conditions (e.g. Hat-
exposed to almost full steam pressure, so that in this tingen, Germany, 107 MW, 3698/1121"/986", AEG,
respect its pressure loading is not reduced; however, 1958) (43). In 1956 Allis-Chalmers proposed a design of
since it has no horizontal joint, it suffers no distortion. H P cylinder for 3500/1150", and built and tested a
The split inner shell, pressure sealed to the outer at each prototype at even higher temperatures, where the rotor
end, is subjected along most of its length to a net exter- and diaphragms were contained within two concentric
nal steam pressure and most of its length requires no unsplit shells, inside a conventionally split outer shell
joint flange or bolts at all to withstand the pressure (54). SSW for many years built single-rotation multi-
stresses, only to deal with the thermal forces which may disc radial-flow H P cylinders, using an unsplit outer
arise. The BBC concept (Fig. 15) is to impose net casing; the design resulted in short rotors suitable for
inward radial forces on the inner shell by shrinking on a high temperatures, and for rapid load variation. Some
series of rings; again the shell joint bolts need be only of builders (AEI, GE, GEC), where full-arc admission
nominal size, and the flange is non-existent. nozzle boxes were provided on throttle-controlled
Some of the British 660 MW machines, in service at machines in order to reduce steam conditions at entry
2300/1050" or 1000" (AEI, GEC, CAP, 1970s) were orig- to the inner shell, used unsplit nozzle box assemblies,

Fig. 15 HP cylinder of reaction turbine with rings shrunk on to the inner

shell (BBC)
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1972). This is presumably because of the ability to

achieve adequate rigidity even with a long-span rotor, if
it is drum-type, coupled with the benefit of reduced
blade and rotor stresses, but it is also difficult to achieve
with reaction-type moving blades the strength and
robustness required by a single-flow first stage. The
arduous duty of first-stage H P blades, particularly for
nozzle-controlled machines, sometimes requires a
double-flow first stage on an otherwise single-flow
impulse rotor, but the throttle-controlled Paradise H P
cylinder (1 130 MW, 3600 r/min, GE, 1969) (55) has a
single-flow first stage, as has the LMZ 1200 MW, 3000
r/min, design (1980) (18).
Most nuclear turbines for use with water-cooled reac-
tors have double-flow H P cylinders, but this is by no
means essential, as is shown by the Alsthom 1500 MW,
1500 r/min, units (51) for which the H P and IP blading
are each single-flow (Fig. 12).
In order to preserve the fine radial internal clearances
/ I of rotor glands or tip seals, desirable both for main-
tenance of efficiency and to avoid damaging rubbing
contact, it is necessary to support the diaphragms from
the inner shell, the inner shell from the outer shell, and
Fig. 16 Triple-shell HP cylinder of 660 MW turbine with the outer shell from the bearing pedestals, in a manner
unsplit intermediate sleeve (GEC) such that normal thermal expansion in the radial direc-
tion keeps the stationary seal surfaces concentric with
the rotor. This is traditionally achieved by the kine-
threaded over the end of the rotor. All unsplit casings matic principle of supporting each member from its
entail a degree of end-assembly, and there are many neighbour by radial sliding surfaces, allowing unre-
early examples of their use on small high-temperature stricted but guided radial movement. These guide sur-
naval and other turbines. faces are normally four in number, and are positioned
Sir Charles Parsons' first turbine was of the double- at top and bottom centre-line and at or just below the
flow type, and double-flow has always since been horizontal joint; where H P and I P outer shells are sup-
adopted when the duty required exceeded that achiev- ported from pedestals, it is now universal practice for
able in a single flow, or when there was an ambition to each support to be at exact centre-line height, frequently
avoid a large axial thrust on the rotor. Double-flow LP from the underside of the horizontal joint flange of the
cylinders were introduced at a very early date, the LP top half shell. By these means, each member is con-
duty eventually being extended by using several such strained to remain concentric with its neighbour. The
cylinders in parallel. same kinematic principle is also applied to the support
Transition from single to double flow halves the mass of the housings carrying the gland seals at cylinder ends.
flow to be handled in each flow, and reduces blade Low-pressure inner casings are normally supported
heights and stresses, although it lengthens the rotor, and by their outer casings, which in turn are supported from
makes the desirable high rotor transverse stiffness more the foundation; sometimes even these outer casings are
difficult to achieve for an impulse turbine with its supported at or near the centre-line, particularly where
smaller hub diameter. The double-flow H P or IP cylin- the exhaust temperature is likely to be high, for example
der has the advantage that it does not have one of its at the high condenser pressures encountered in turbines
ends at high temperature with the attendant potential employing dry cooling.
problems of distortion that are not so severe when the Because the LP outer shell is a large component,
high-temperature part is in the middle. It also generates sometimes unduly flexible and prone to deflection either
no axial thrust; when all the other cylinders are also from thermal effects or by changes in condenser press-
double-flow this is an advantage. Additionally, for reac- ure, several builders have supported the inner shell
tion turbines, the large diameter inlet gland, necessary directly from the foundation by means of rigid frames:
for thrust balance, and always an important source of AEG (56) and BBC, (57) have used transverse supports
leakage, is now absent, but the double-flow cylinder, and Alsthom has proposed using longitudinal supports
with its shorter blades, and probably with fewer stages, (51). Flexible seals are provided where the support
has a lower blading efficiency than its single-flow equiv- structure penetrates the outer casing, which is then
alent. merely a vacuum box, whose deflections do not matter.
Double-flow I P cylinders are very common at ratings Other builders concentrate on providing adequate rigid-
of 500 MW or more, although there are many single- ity in the outer casing only where necessary to support
flow examples of 600 MW and over. the inner casing; the rest of the outer casing, including
Double-flow H P cylinders for high temperature turb- the flexible ends, may deflect as it wishes. The sealing
ines are encountered only in reaction turbines (Thorpe glands at the rotor ends are carried from the pedestals
Marsh, 550 MW, 3000 r/min, CAP, 1964; West- so that they remain concentric with the rotor, and a
inghouse, 3600 r/min, most single-reheat units above flexible connection between the gland housing and the
650 MW; Cumberland, 1300 MW, 3600 r/min, BBC, casing end walls completes the vacuum seal.
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Fig. 17 1000 kW, 1500 r/min turbine (150/450") for Elberfeld, Germany,
1900; the first two-cylinder tandem compound unit (CAP); reheat
was employed experimentally, during works test

5.5 Rating Since full-speed machines are limited in exhaust area

per flow, one solution is to run at half-speed with a
The earliest turbines were of the singIe-cylinder type. It four-pole generator. In principle, linear dimensions can
soon became necessary, particularly with reaction tur- then be doubled, leading to a quadrupling of the
bines having a very large number of stages-a 1908 annulus area. Up to about 1929, nearly all turbines
Parsons 5 MW, 750 r/min turbine had 109 stages in a larger than 25 MW, both impulse and reaction, ran at
single cylinder-to divide the expansion into a H P half-speed or one-third or even one-quarter speed, but
cylinder, and a L P cylinder sometimes of a single-flow as soon as adequate exhaust area could be provided at
design, sometimes of double-flow. (Elberfeld, Germany, full-speed, the more expensive half-speed machines were
1000 KW, CAP, 1900, was, after Turbinia one of the abandoned. As a point of interest, 25 MW 60 Hz gener-
earliest examples, Fig. 17.) Impulse turbines, with their ators at 3600 r/min became available only in 1935. The
fewer stages, remained generally of single-cylinder con- larger exhaust areas achievable at half-speed required
struction till a much later date. that at least the L P rotors ran at half-speed; in USA
Larger ratings were, and still are, seen as offering early designs were tandem-compound, with the H P
advantages in efficiency and in capital cost per kilowatt, rotors coupled to the L P rotors and also running at
and ratings increased steadily until about a decade ago. half-speed, but eventually the cross-compound principle
Increased ratings require increased steam flows, and for was used, with an H P cylinder driving one generator
good efficiency also require increased total exhaust and a completely independent LP cylinder driving
annulus area. This can be provided by increasing the another generator, at slower speed, the steam passing in
number of flows of last-stage blades, or by increasing series through both cylinders. Several early large US
the annulus area of each flow. Last-stage blades have cross-compounds used H P lines at 1800 r/min and LP
steadily increased in length, the longest in service today lines at 1200 r/min, 900 r/min, or even 720 r/min, and in
at 3000 r/min being 47.2 in, in titanium (LMZ); BBC some instances (State Line, 208 MW, GE, 1929) three
have made blades of similar length in steel (13). The lines were used. Cross-compound machines never
annulus areas for such blades are 122 and 132 ft2 achieved very widespread use in Europe, but were very
respectively; areas in the 85-105 ft2 range are made by common in USA, where examples up to 1130 MW
most builders. At 3600 r/min, the largest areas in (Paradise, G E 1969) (55) and 1145 MW (Belews Creek,
service, all of about 66 ft2, are achieved with blade W, 1974) have been built, with full-speed H P and I P
lengths of 34.5 in (KWU), 34.25 in (Rateau/MAN), 33.5 cylinders, the L P cylinders being half-speed. Since 50
in (GE), and 31 in (W) (58). Increases to these sizes have Hz annulus areas can be designed to be 1.44 times the
required steady development not only of blade designs, size of 60 Hz annulus areas having the same stresses
but also of the materials for both blades and rotor. and blade speeds (and aerodynamics), the necessity of
Titanium, with its high strength-to-density ratio, is an using half-speed machines to provide large exhaust
obvious contender for these blades, but its high cost is a areas is obviously more pressing in 60 Hz countries.
disadvantage; its erosion resistance is, however, better Cross-compound designs result in two shorter lines of
than stainless steel. Its great resistance to stress corro- shaft than a single long tandem-compound design, and
sion has led to its use, particularly in USA (BBC, W), in the ratings of the twin generators are approximately,
penultimate L P stages where at changing loads the and conveniently, halved. Such considerations led to
steam can alternate between wet and dry, leading to cross-compound designs where both shafts ran at full-
concentration of possibly corrodent material from the speed, usually with one shaft having an H P cylinder, the
steam (59). other an IP cylinder, each shaft with one or more L P
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1000") (BBC)

cylinders, and each driving a half-size generator. An Hitachi, 1977; Mitsubishi, 1979; and many at 600 MW,
early Parsons example (Bankfoot, 4000 kW, CC, 200/ 3000/3000 r/min) but apparently not at 60 Hz (63).
538", 2400/2400 r/min, 1910) had the H P cylinder The number of L P flows on one shaft has gradually
driving one generator, the L P cylinder driving the increased. Double-flow L P cylinders were introduced
other; this was probably the first 'equal-speed' cross- very early for reaction turbines, and in 1931 BBC
compound generating unit; the second set of Turbinia employed three flows on one shaft at 3000 r/min (37).
machinery was, of course, cross-compound (1897). Such Four flows at full speed were first introduced in 1934
equal-speed machines were the first to employ six (Schelle, Belgium, 60 MW, SSW) (64) and later became
exhaust flows, three on each shaft (GE, 3600 r/min, common both in USA and Europe. Six flows were
1960); similar units in the UK employed eight flows, introduced in USA on 3600/3600 r/min cross-
four on each shaft (Thorpe Marsh, 550 MW, 3000 compound units in the 1960s with three flows on each
r/min, CAP, 1964 (60); Longannet, 600 MW, 3000 line; in Britain, where post-war ratings of reheat
r/min, EE, 1970), and the largest high-temperature tur- machines increased rapidly, 500 MW six-flow tandem-
bines at present in service, of 1300 MW, also employing compound units, by all four British builders, entered
eight exhaust flows, are of this type (Cumberland, USA, service from 1966 (60, 65). These were the world's
3600 r/min, BBC, 1972)(Fig. 18) (61). largest tandem-compound units at the time, all larger 60
Full speed tandem-compound machines have for Hz units being cross-compound. Further six-flow
many years been able to meet most fossil-fired ratings tandem-compound units followed in France (600 MW,
required at 50 Hz, where the largest machine in service Rateau/CEM, 1968) (66), Germany (525 MW, MAN,
is 1200 MW (Kostroma, USSR, LMZ, 1980) (Fig. 19) 1974) (67) and, later in Britain, 660 MW units (AEI,
(62); Western European machines do not yet exceed GEC, CAP, from 1974). The first US six-flow tandem
about 75&800 MW. At 60 Hz, tandem-compound compound machine was of 590 MW (Cardinal, 1967,
machines in the 850-900 MW bracket are in service in GE); only relatively few US six-flow high-speed tandem
USA (GE, MAN, W); until the 1960s most of the very turbines have been built, four flows being considered
large US machines were cross-compound 3600/1800 adequate for most units.
r/min designs, but no such cross-compounds have been Means of increasing the exhaust area without dupli-
ordered there since 1968 (41). Large cross-compound cating the whole of an L P flow include the Baumann
machines are also common in Japan, at 50 Hz (1000 multi-exhaust (MV, 1919) (68) (Fig. 8) where the flow
MW, Sodegaura, 3000/1500 r/min; Toshiba, 1974; through an inner annular portion of the penultimate
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Fig, 19 1200 MW, 3000 r/min tandem-compound turbine (3500/1000"/1000"), the largest 3000 r/min unit in service (LMZ)


Fig. 20 One of two LP cylinders of a 600 MW, 3000 r/min turbine, showing
the division of steam between four exhaust flows (Alsthom)

stage proceeded through the last stage to the condenser; therefore higher condenser pressure, to provide the least
that through the outer annular portion proceeded expensive and most compact turbine. This development
directly to the condenser, the outer part of the penulti- has been very marked in USA, where both G E and
mate stage employing a much higher heat drop than the Westinghouse have many units in service of 400 MW
inner. This was eventually used in machines up to 375 and over with only one double-flow L P cylinder. At
MW with four LP flows, and was also adopted and 3000 r/min, KWU have built a 525 MW unit (Trombay,
refined in LMZ designs, up to their 200 MW unit with India, 2.6 in Hg condenser pressure) with only one L P
three flows. cylinder. The L P blading to handle such large mass
The idea of dividing the LP steam flow into two parts flows must be specifically designed for great strength
at some point along its expansion allowing one half to and rigidity.
continue downstream through the remaining L P stages In the field of saturated-steam turbines for use with
to the condenser while diverting the other half to water-cooled reactors, the steam flow per unit output is
another group of similar L P stages elsewhere on the greater (1.5 or more times) than for fossil-fired turbines.
same rotor, was used on early reaction turbines where This, combined with the unusually great cost advan-
steam was sometimes passed to the second L P partial tages of scale for the reactor, has led to the requirement
flow through the inside of the hollow drum rotor. A for very large exhaust areas. At 60 Hz, with only
development of this idea, where steam was led by ducts restricted full-speed areas available, turbines are now
around the outside of one group of exhaust stages to a exclusively half-speed, but at 50 Hz, where larger full-
second group on the same rotor, has been used by BBC speed exhaust areas already exist, there is an economic
(69), Alsthom (66), and others. The Alsthom 600 MW choice to be made between full-speed and the more
machines (Le Havre, 1969) (66) include two L P rotors costly half-speed turbines, certainly up to about 1200
each with four such L P exhaust flows, although each MW, depending on cooling water temperature and
rotor has only two flows of the earlier stages of blading; other factors (70). The largest nuclear turbines in service
these are the only tandem-compound fossil-fired at present are, at 3000 r/min Gosgen, Switzerland, 970
machines to use eight exhaust flows (Fig. 20). All of MW, KWU, 1979, with Leibstadt, Switzerland, 1000
these concepts result in longer and more flexible rotors MW, BBC, just entered service in 1984; at 1500 r/min,
than the conventional double-flow rotors which they Biblis ‘B’, Germany, 1300 MW, KWU, 1977, with
replace, and are now not often used. Kruemmel, Germany, 1316 MW, KWU, and Paluel,
Besides the endeavour to provide as much exhaust France, 1347 MW, CEM, to enter service in 1984; and
area as possible there is also the aim in some plants, at 1800 r/m McGuire, USA, 1220 MW, W, 1981, with
usually for operation with warm cooling water and Grand Gulf, USA, 1306 MW, KWU, and Palo Verde,
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I l i
Fig. 21 1041 MW, 3000 r/min nuclear turbine; Trillo, Spain (KWU)

USA, 1359 MW, GE, to enter service in 1984. relatively small diameter, shrunk on to shaft ends or on
Larger full-speed 50 Hz nuclear machines are being to complete shafts, with separately made blades. The
built by BBC (Graben, Switzerland 1200 MW) (71); feature of almost smooth cylindrical or conical rotor
KWU (Trillo, Spain, 1041 MW, Fig. 21) (36); 1000 MW surfaces remains to this day, but the use of castings was
units are also being built by Skoda (Temelin, discontinued over the period 1910-15; they were
Czechoslovakia), and in the USSR (72). The first three replaced by solid or hollow forgings.
of these machines have six exhaust flows, but the USSR Impulse turbines, generally using larger pitch diam-
units have two double-flow L P cylinders at each end of eters for the blading, used individual discs shrunk on
a double-flow H P cylinder. Two BBC 660 MW units at and keyed to a central shaft. For some years such discs
Olkiluoto (Finland, 1978-80) have four L P cylinders in were made of boiler plate, sometimes riveted to a hub
tandem, while the STAL 460 MW unit at Oskarshamn (75), and in some instances were even made in halves
(Sweden, 1972) includes a radial-flow central H P (MV, 1922) (76) and attached to the central shaft by a
element, with five L P flows on each side. N o cross- multi-fork pinned construction, as is still used for blade
compound nuclear units have yet been proposed. fastenings. By the 1930s, single-piece forgings for small
At 1500 r/min, 1500 MW nuclear machines, with rotors became available, which obviated any disc
three double-flow L P cylinders, are being built by attachment problem, and all H P and I P rotors, impulse
Alsthom (51). KTGZ have published several alternative and reaction, have now for many years been obtainable
design proposals for a 2000 MW 1500 r/min nuclear as monobloc forgings; some reaction builders have used
turbine, consisting of a double-flow HP cylinder and a hollow centre-piece with one or both ends bolted on
either four double-flow LP cylinders of existing design (CAP). Many designs have the characteristic that as
or three of new design (73). One of the new L P designs rating increases, the number of stages on each rotor
embodies a derivative of the Baumann multi-exhaust, decreases, and the diameter increases, the bladed length
with 57 in blades; a second uses conventional blades 71 remaining about the same.
in long. It was not until the 1960s that forgings suitable for
Tandem-compound fossil-fired machines at half-speed the largest 3000 r/min LP rotors (which are of course
or one-third speed were common for many years; a 50 larger than those for 3600 r/min) became reliably avail-
Hz example was at Battersea (105 MW, 570/800", MV, able, and the long-established built-up shrunk-on disc
1935), and half-speed units were still being built in construction is now obsolete for nearly all full-speed
Britain in the 1950s, for relatively modest steam condi- rotors. One intermediate step had been to make an LP
tions. With the advent of 1000°F steam temperatures, rotor by bolting together at the centre two half-size
such machines were discontinued, but it has recently solid forgings (Meaford, 60 MW, BTH, 1956). Shrunk-
been suggested that half-speed tandem high- on discs are still used, however, for the LP rotors of
temperature reheat machines of 1600-1800 MW are some half-speed machines, principally for nuclear appli-
feasible and attractive, in spite of their greater metal cations, although single-piece forgings of a quality and
thicknesses and possibly slower starting and loading size suitable for 1800 r/min use have recently become
rates (74). The largest high-temperature tandem- available, at a somewhat high cost. In the 1970s there
compound half-speed machines in service are in Canada was trouble when major problems, worldwide, were
(Lakeview, 300 MW, 2300/1000"/1000", CAP, 1968). revealed in built-up rotors of both fossil-fired and
The radial-flow turbine reached the limits of its devel- nuclear units due to stress-corrosion cracking in discs,
opment with two STAL machines, a four-exhaust four- principally at the bore (77). Such cracking was predomi-
shaft cross-compound machine at Stennungsund, nantly associated with the presence of keyways and
Sweden (275 MW, 2000/1000"/1000", 1966), and the their stress concentrations and was found mainly in
in-line nuclear ten-exhaust two-shaft machine of 460 those discs where, in service, the steam just became wet.
MW at Oskarshamn mentioned above. In such locations variation in load leads to the intro-
duction and subsequent evaporation of water, and
5.6 Rotor design deposition of impurities. Improvements in steel quality,
and the elimination of keyways, has greatly reduced the
The first Parsons rotors were built up by shrinking possibility of future trouble from this cause.
discs, with blades integral with the rim, on a central The way in which larger and larger exhaust areas
shaft. In 1893 the construction was changed, and drum- have been introduced for full-speed 50 Hz and 60 Hz
type rotors were used, made from hollow castings of turbines, leading for most fossil-fired units to the obso-
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lescence of half-speed L P cylinders, is a good example Throughout the history of the steam turbine, rotor
of the development of mechanical, aerodynamic, and critical speeds have been sometimes below, sometimes
materials technology. It has resulted in more economic above, running speed. De Laval’s pioneer work showed
turbines; although the total available exhaust areas at that stable operation above critical speed is possible,
half-speed can usually exceed those available at full- and to this day many rotors, including most L P rotors,
speed, thereby achieving better efficiency, the signifi- have critical speeds below running speed. H P and IP
cantly lower cost of the full-speed unit is frequently rotors have critical speeds above or below running
sufficient to outweigh the difference in efficiency, and to speeds, depending on the builder; there are advantages,
make it the preferred choice. referred to later, in having these critical speeds as high
Rotors welded together from small individual forged as possible. Modern calculation methods, dealing with
pieces offer many attractions, and BBC have since 1932 several coupled rotors, and allowing for flexibility and
employed this construction for HP, IP and L P rotors damping in the bearing oil films and support structures,
(78). It has also been adopted more recently by KTGZ, are needed to predict the response of the rotors at any
LMZ, and Alsthom (51) (and projected by Skoda) (79), speed to a specified mass unbalance at a specified axial
and is therefore now applied to both impulse and reac- position (SO). Confusion existed for many years because
tion applications, at full-speed and half-speed. KTGZ calculations ignored support flexibility and forecast
proposals for 2000 MW half-speed nuclear units envis- critical speeds of anything up to twice that at which the
age L P rotors where the centre portion consists of eight rotor actually resonated in service.
forgings welded together, with separate shaft ends Parsons introduced in 1890 his ‘concentric bearing’
bolted on at site, to ease problems of transport and where the journal ran in three concentric tubes, the
handling. intervening lubricating oil films forming cushions which
A construction used by many builders for many allowed some degree of misalignment and damped out
years, for example for combined IP-LP rotors, carrying vibration; modern forms of such bearings are used
the I P blading and one of three LP flows, was to shrink today in high-speed gas turbines and compressors. This
L P discs on to a shaft forged integrally with the I P part bearing was adopted when his original bearing design,
of the rotor. This was necessary because the material of consisting of a stack of stationary discs, with small
the solid IP part was chosen for its high-temperature radial clearances alternately to shaft and to bearing
strength and was not suitable for the high stresses housing, gave trouble because some of the discs cut into
encountered in the last LP stages. This construction, the shaft; this design also was highly damped by friction
formerly used also in single-cylinder turbines, is rarely between the discs. Use of these highly damped bearings
used in modern designs. probably concealed stability problems due to oil whip
A method used by Westinghouse for many years for in some of his early turbines, particularly the radial-flow
L P rotors employs a monobloc forging with separate versions, whose shafts were very slender.
last-stage discs bolted on or shrunk on at each end,
making use of the better material properties obtainable
in the discs than could be obtained in the large rotor 5.7 Steam admission and control
forging. Early turbines, including those of de Laval, used several
Most early turbines supported each turbine and gen- separate nozzles through which steam was supplied to
erator rotor on two bearings but the re-adoption of the rotating blades. Steam admission to these nozzles
solidly-coupled rotors led in many turbines in the 1940s was controlled by valves operated by hand to regulate
to the omission of some bearings, so that pedestals the load. The concept of automatic sequential opening
between rotors contained only one bearing. This prac- of valves, where each valve supplies steam to one arc of
tice, used in early Curtis vertical turbines, had been the first stage, containing a group of fixed blades, was
introduced in horizontal turbines in 1906 by Rateau introduced by GE (81). This sequential nozzle-control
and others. Many builders have used this single-bearing where the steam supply is dictated by the number of
concept for large turbines, but at present BBC (Fig. 18) control valves open, differs from throttle-control, where
and KWU (Fig. 21), both building reaction turbines, are admission is normally over the complete circumference
its main adherents. The advantages and disadvantages of the first stage, and control is by throttling the whole
of the omission of bearings are always topics for lively of the main steam supply.
discussion among designers; its advantage lies in Nozzle-control results in efficiencies at partial load
freedom from problems of misalignment between two superior to those of throttle-controlled machines; the
bearings in one pedestal, as sometimes happens due to full-load efficiency is a little worse, because of inter-
thermal or mechanical distortion of pedestal or founda- ruptions to the circumferential uniformity of steam flow
tion, and a consequent change in critical speed leading to the first stage by the partitions between the various
to rough running; disadvantages include problems of arcs of admission, and because of wider and less efficient
bearing loading, and balance of rotors with only one moving blades in the first stage. This increase in blade
journal (or sometimes none), particularly regarding width, compared with a throttle-controlled machine, is
retention of factory balance after site assembly. The necessary in order to achieve the rigidity and strength
two-bearing design provides additional damping, and to withstand not only the perpetually repeated impact
facilitates achievement of high transverse rotor stiffness loading at entry to and exit from the steam flow from
(and so is advantageous for disc-and-diaphragm rotors, the various arcs of admission, but also the increased
where the diameter of the hub is smaller than that of the steam forces at part-load, when there is a greatly
drum-type reaction rotor), but at expense of ambiguity increased pressure drop across the first stage. These
of load-sharing between adjacent bearings, and of blades have, in the past, been very susceptible to failure,
power loss in the extra bearings. and nowadays usually have shrouding integral with the
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blade form, rather than using any less secure method of

attachment. Such first-stage blades made from the solid, Steam conditions 2400 Ibf/in2 gauge 1000"F/I00OaF
1600\\\Condenser pressure 2.5 in Hg abs
including shrouding, in groups of three, have been used
(W); BBC have welded them to the disc rim.
Large utilities such as CEGB in Britain have so many \

interconnected units in service that each can be kept in

efficient operation at high load, system load reduction
being achieved by shutting down complete units, so that Full arc admission
there is no benefit from the adoption of nozzle control Constant pressure operation
for individual units. Many other utilities require to run
units at low load (for example, overnight) and nozzle-
control is still commonly used on such machines. With
increasing unit sizes and high inlet conditions, the -Constant pressure operation
design of the very wide first stage blades becomes diffi-
cult; some large units therefore employ two half- Hybrid operation
capacity first stages in parallel, with a double-flow
steam admission nozzle-box between them, discharging
half the steam flow in each direction into the two rows. 400-
Steam from one of the flows finds it way around the
nozzle box to the single-flow second stage inlet (Fig. 13). 200-
A major disadvantage of nozzle-control is that the
change in steam temperature after the first stage for a
given change in output is very much greater than in a
throttle-controlled machine (82), and this reduces the is i0 is 160
rate at which load can be changed without inducing Turbine-generator output, per cent
high thermal stresses. Rapid starting and loading are
essential requirements for modern units and are achiev- Fig. 22 Variation of turbine specific heat consumption with
able more securely with throttle control. load, for different modes of operation and control
It is possible to operate a turbine, with full-arc admis- (KWU)
sion to the first stage, with its governing valves always
wide open, load being changed by changing the boiler lowest loads by operation with the last group (usually
firing rate and hence the steam flow and the boiler two) arcs of admission, with their valves kept fully open,
pressure (83). This sliding-pressure operation leads to load reduction from that point being achieved by
improved partial-load performance, compared with reduction in boiler pressure (84). The way in which these
throttle-control at constant boiler pressure; part of the different control methods affect the partial-load heat
gain is because the feed pump power is reduced in line consumption is shown in Fig. 22.
with the reduced pressure in the boiler. Such an A feature introduced by Westinghouse and Sulzer in
arrangement results in almost no change of steam tem- about 1904 (81), later embodied in many reaction
peratures with load, provided that the temperature from machines, particularly by BBC, and still used in small
the boiler is kept constant; and hence in very small turbines, employs an impulse first stage, or sometimes a
thermal stresses in the turbine. The disadvantage is that Curtis velocity wheel, followed by reaction stages at a
it is impossible to increase load at a faster rate than that much smaller diameter. The impulse stage, and even
resulting from increased firing to the boiler, a situation more so the velocity wheel, absorbs a large heat drop,
that is not normally tolerable. To overcome this corresponding to a large number of reaction stages, and
problem without surrendering too much of the advan- ensures that the bulk of the casing, except for the
tage of the method, it is usual to reduce power from 100 nozzle-box, is subjected only to the relatively low exit
per cent to about 85 per cent simply by throttling the pressure and temperature from the first stage. These
steam supply, with constant boiler pressure; further turbines were frequently nozzle-controlled, and the first,
reduction in output is achieved by lowering the boiler large diameter, stage became known as the control
pressure while maintaining the governing valves in this stage. This is still the classic design of European indus-
partly closed position. A limited instantaneous load trial machines.
pick-up is then possible by opening the governing Steam inlet pipes to cylinders have traditionally been
valves fully. It is possible, with a turbine used for district radial, or nearly so, with the steam flow then spreading
heating, to operate with fully open valves, instantaneous around the circumference of the inlet belt, or nozzle-
load pick-up being achieved when required, by tempo- box, before entering the passages between the fixed
rarily restricting steam flow to the district water heaters. blades of the first stage. A different arrangement allows
Boiler pressure cannot of course be reduced indefinitely steam to enter a spiral scroll casing, contoured so as to
and there is a cut-off point (30 per cent or so of full accelerate the steam to the necessary high tangential
pressure, depending on the boiler design) below which velocity, from which it enters the moving blades without
sliding-pressure operation is not practical. having passed through any fixed blades with their
A further, hybrid, method of control, suitable for associated flow losses. Such a vaneless scroll casing was
nozzle-controlled machines, reduces load by sequential employed, not very successfully, by Whittle on his first
closing of valves and isolation of their associated arcs of jet engine (85), and a modified version which included
admission while maintaining full boiler pressure, in the some uncambered steadying vanes at scroll exit was
normal nozzle-controlled manner, followed at the used, successfully, on the pioneering gas turbine for the
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merchant ship Auris (5500 h.p., BTH, 1958) (86). KWU power, in a steam turbine designed for 200 kW at 4051
proposed in 1975 the introduction of this unobstructed 429". This was the first production of nuclear electrical
vortex admission system to H P cylinders of large steam power.
turbines, also suggesting that turbines so equipped had Because some varieties of nuclear turbines differ sig-
better partial-load performance than with nozzle- nificantly from turbines supplied with steam from fossil-
control (87). BBC on some of their full-speed and half- fired sources, and in some instances put the clock back
speed LP cylinders for nuclear machines use a sixty years or more in respect of steam conditions, they
double-spiral scroll inlet (57), with two tangential inlet are dealt with briefly in this section.
pipes, one at each side of the cylinder, with steadying The first British Magnox nuclear reactors (91), which
vanes at outlet with their length parallel to the turbine were gas-cooled graphite-moderated, as were early
axis; the steam issues from these vanes in a radially French reactors (92), produced steam at relatively low
inward direction with a considerable circumferential conditions. The first commercial stations in service were
velocity component, and is then turned axially into each Berkeley (4 x 83 MW, AEI, 1962), and Bradwell (6 x 52
flow of the first stage moving blades. Such an arrange- MW, CAP, 1962), although the first power reactor at
ment can reduce losses and shorten the rotor. Calder Hall plutonium plant (8 x 30 MW, 185/590",
Turbine speed control, where speed was sensed for CAP) had commenced generating in 1956. The largest
many years by a fly-ball governor (basically of the turbines built were of 30G330 MW, mostly at full-speed
James Watt type, as modified by Hartnell and others a (Sizewell, 1966; Wylfa, 1971, EE) but some at half-speed
hundred years ago to incorporate springs) or by the (Oldbury, 1967, AEI). In several instances the gas circu-
discharge pressure of an oil pump driven from the lators were turbine-driven, their turbines being inte-
turbine shaft, has in the last twenty years changed grated into the thermodynamic cycle. Typical steam
almost totally for large units. These now use elec- conditions at the main turbine were 640/735", and in
tronically based systems, where speed is measured by some units water separation and steam reheating were
counting the passage of the teeth in a disc on the incorporated.
turbine rotor, and the signals are processed elec- In the late 1960s, the advanced gas-cooled reactor
tronically to position the steam valves. Such systems (AGR) was adopted in Britain, with steam conditions of
give great precision of control, with very rapid response, 2300/1000", with reheat, in the reactor, also to 1000"F,
and allow ready integration into more complex control superseding the Magnox reactor (93). With these steam
systems such as automatic unit load scheduling, com- conditions, turbine plant was the same as that for fossil-
bined boiler/turbine unit control, or automatically con- fired stations except that, for reasons associated with
trolled run-up and loading (88). An auto run-up system the steam and gas cycle of the reactor, the required
ensures that starting and load-changing are executed feedwater temperature was lower and no H P heaters
consistently and at the fastest rate which does not result were employed. Fourteen of these turbines, each of 660
in any of the many operational parameters such as MW, are in service (the first since 1976) or under con-
vibration, differential expansion, metal temperature, or struction (AEI, GEC, CAP), and there is at present no
metal temperature gradient, exceeding permitted levels. indication of any significant change either in steam con-
It is also commonly extended to ensure that thermal ditions or rating for possible future AGR plant.
stresses in major components, measured by metal tem- The first major power-producing water-cooled reac-
perature differences, which can be arranged to give tors were for US submarine propulsion, and produced
good simulations of thermal stress, do not exceed speci- saturated steam at about 300 lbf/in2. The shore-based
fied limits, thereby safeguarding against the possibility prototype generated power in 1953, and USS Nautilus,
of eventual thermal fatigue cracking (39). the first nuclear-powered submarine, was commissioned
Steam stop valves have always relied on springs for in 1954. The first commercial generating unit to
closing, sometimes with hydraulic assistance; opening produce power from such a (pressurized water) reactor
the valves against the spring force was by hydraulic was the Westinghouse plant at Shippingport (100 MW,
cylinders with lubricating oil as the servo medium. Gov- 1800 r/min, 545 lbf/in2, 1957, non-reheat with water
erning valves were frequently closed, as well as opened, separation between H P and L P cylinders, Fig. 23) (94).
by hydraulic means, or sometimes by steam, but most Subsequent development of several varieties of water-
are nowadays closed by springs and opened by hydrau- cooled reactor (for example the boiling water reactor,
lic cylinders. Valve operating gear for large turbines is the first experimental version of which produced power
itself large, and must be fast-operating to give rapid in 1955), has led to the need for turbines, up to the
response. This is now achieved by using much higher largest sizes, for operation with saturated steam, nowa-
servo pressures, 1800 Ibf/in2 or so, where the possible days typically at 80&1000 lbf/in2, 0.25 per cent wet (95).
fire risk due to fluid leakage at high pressures has led to Steam expanded from these conditions directly to con-
the use of a separate servo fluid system using synthetic denser pressure would reach a wetness fraction of about
fire-resistant fluid. The use dates from the 1930s but has 23 per cent, leading to poor efficiency and severe erosive
become widespread only in the last twenty years. Some attack. In order to avoid this problem, thebteam is, at
USSR turbines use water, containing anti-corrosion some intermediate point in the expansion, dried by
inhibitors, as a servo fluid, with special component removal of water, and is usually reheated as well (96).
material selection (90). The steam is expanded in an H P cylinder, completely
within the wet region, to a pressure of 10-15 per cent of
the initial pressure, at which its wetness reaches about
1&14 per cent; the steam then passes through an exter-
On 20 December 1951, Experimental Breeder Reactor, nal moisture separator, where the water droplets are
EBR-1, in Idaho, USA, generated 100 W of electrical removed by mechanical means, and the then nearly dry
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Fig. 23 100 MW, 1800 r/min turbine, (545 lbf/in2, saturated, with external
separator). the first commercial nuclear generating unit, at Shipping-
Port (W)

steam is superheated in a tubed steam-to-steam reheater live steam in a tubed reheater in the receiver, but the
using live steam, sometimes with a preceding stage of aim was more to reduce erosion than to improve effi-
reheat using steam bled from part-way along the H P ciency; eventually reheat in the boiler became
cylinder as well, before proceeding to the L P cylinders. universal.) There is however great difficulty in a water-
Steam conditions and general stress levels are not high cooled reactor in arranging to reheat steam inside the
in the H P cylinder, but special material selection is reactor vessel, and this, coupled to the desire to avoid
necessary and extensive material protection of various additional penetrations in the reactor containment, such
areas has to be provided, particularly at joint contact as would be necessary for the cold and hot reheat steam
faces, against the very severe erosive attack of wet steam pipes if reheat were in the reactor, leads to the conse-
at high pressure. Fortunately, erosive attack on the quence that in all modern water-cooled nuclear reheat
blading and rotor is virtually absent, on account of the plants reheating is carried out in steam-to-steam
very small size of water droplets in the H P steam. Most
makers aim to extract water droplets from the steam
during expansion in the HP cylinder; the droplets flung
off the moving blades can be captured and prevented
from falling back into the flow (Fig. 24). The most
rewarding method takes advantage of the extraction of
a relatively large amount of steam, to a feedheater or to
a bled steam reheater; this steam carries with it a good
deal of the water present.
The earlier machines, including units up to 1100 MW
at 1800 r/min (Browns Ferry, BWR, GE, 1973) (97),
employed moisture separation without reheat; one such
machine (Wurgassen, 670 MW, 1500 r/min, BWR,
AEG, 1972) reduced wetness by separation twice, at two
different pressures, and such a cycle arrangement is still
being considered for large units (51). However, for
current designs of large turbines reheat, in either one
stage or in two stages at the same pressure, is now
universal. It provides a useful improvement in efficiency,
but also significantly reduces L P wetness and problems
of erosion. (Some early fossil-fired machines incorpo-
rated water separation, by settling in an intermediate Fig. 24 Latter stages of HP cylinder blading in a nuclear
receiver, and some additionally incorporated reheat by turbine, showing provision for water removal (BBC)
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reheaters, which do not require additional containment more, the more efficient, but the more complicated) and
penetrations. AGRs, however, are able to reheat the condensing it in a corresponding series of water heaters.
steam inside the reactor vessel. The requirement is usually for a variable supply of hot
Reheat by live steam was first used at Trino Vercel- water at a specified constant temperature, which implies
lese, Italy (187 MW, 1500 r/min, PWR, Tosi, 1964) (98). for good efficiency that the steam extracted to the final
Reheat by bled steam only was incorporated in a 100 water heater has to be at a suitable level of pressure,
MW turbine at Winfrith Heath (3000 r/min, SGHWR, preferably without having to be throttled. Economic
AEI, 1967) (99). Bled steam reheat followed by live provision of this feature over a wide load range requires
steam reheat was used at Sizewell ‘A’ (325 MW, 3000 a pressure-maintaining control valve in the main flow
r/min, 646/729”, Magnox, EE, 1966), but this machine through the steam turbine, and a 1000 h.p. turbine SO
operates on steam with initial superheat. Two-stage equipped was described by Zoelly in 1911. Nowadays
reheat was first used in wet-steam turbines at Oyster this is conveniently executed by the provision of a
Creek (641 MW), and Nine Mile Point (620 MW) (both butterfly valve in the crossover connection between I P
1800 r/min, BWR, GE, 1969). and L P cylinders, with steam extraction for water
Because of the large quantity of steam entrained in heating upstream of the valve. (Alternatively, a slotted
the separator-reheater vessels, valves, frequently of rotating disc type of valve is incorporated into one of
butterfly type for low pressure loss, are provided after the turbine diaphragms, forming a control device within
the reheater. They close on sudden loss of load, in the the cylinder) (100). For large turbine ratings, if two
same way as intercept valves in fossil-fired machines, stages of heating are used, improved economy may
and for the same purpose of limiting transient speed result from duplication of this arrangement in a parallel
rise. Some early machines did not have such valves, and flow at another pressure, and an elegant solution is to
were designed to withstand the consequent speed rise of have an asymmetric double-flow I P cylinder with differ-
about 30 per cent. In non-reheat machines the speed ent pressures at the two ends, exhausting either to two
rise was higher than that calculated, because the films of separate (different) L P cylinders or to two separated
water covering the whole of the turbine internal surfaces (different) flows of a single L P cylinder (Fig. 25), each
flashed into steam when the pressure decayed following crossover pipe having its own separately controlled
shut-off of the steam supply, this extra steam thereby butterfly valve with upstream extraction to one of the
contributing to the speed rise. two water heaters. This principle, of using district
For modern wet-steam turbines, the steam conditions heating steam from two separate controlled extractions,
, I t inlet to the L P cylinders, after reheat, can be was first used on a 165 MW unit (Vaasa, Finland, CAP,
arranged by suitable choice of the pressure at which 1972). By such means, the temperature rise of the water
separation and reheating is carried out, to accord in the two heaters can be made approximately equal,
closely with those encountered in L P cylinders of with thermodynamic advantage. As electrical load
normal fossil-fired units. The reheat pressure so chosen reduces, the valves close and maintain the steam press-
is usually close to that which results in maximum effi- ures to the heaters near to the full-load values, the
ciency of the cycle. No special material choices or pro- steam flow through the L P cylinder eventually being
tective measures are therefore necessary in these L P reduced only to that essential to prevent overheating.
components, except that alloys containing cobalt, such Greater economy over a wide range of thermal and
as the stellite of erosion shields, are sometimes prohibi- electrical outputs can be achieved at the expense of
ted, usually in direct-cycle plants such as BWR, because greater complication of the system; where a boiler feed
of the long-term radiation hazards of a cobalt isotope pump turbine is used, its exhaust steam can also advan-
which can be produced by irradiation in the reactor. tageously be integrated into the water heating process
Copper is also sometimes disliked. (101).
The ratings so far achieved for turbines for water- Such a plant has of course, the very minimum heat
cooled reactors have already been listed. rejection to waste, this being capable of reduction to
little more than chimney losses plus that due to con-
densing the LP ventilating steam, together with aux-
iliary power such as for feed pumps, extraction pumps,
and boiler auxiliaries, and in these days of fuel conser-
The apparent inability to make economic use of the vation it is increasingly attractive, since the total ‘efi-
large amount of low-grade energy rejected in cooling ciency’ or utilization of heat in the fuel, can be over 80
water has always been regarded as unfortunate, and the per cent. In countries with cold winters and where many
advantages of using this energy, or most of it, to supply city-dwellers live in large apartment blocks (northern
slightly higher-grade heat to domestic and other users and central Europe, USSR), district heating systems
has always been recognized, leading to many district supplied from turbines are widely used, transmitting hot
heating applications. water up to 20 km from the station. In the UK, however,
The medium of heat supply is usually hot water, at a where winters are not so severe and where large apart-
temperature in the range 175-260°F. The water, which ment blocks are not quite so widespread, many investi-
circulates in a closed distribution system, can be heated gations over the years have declared such schemes to be
by condensing steam at the corresponding pressure uneconomic unless some artificially high cost advantage
(7-35 lbf/in2 abs). Such steam could be condensed from is put on conservation of energy; a small scheme
the exhaust of a back-pressure turbine, and this is some- entered service in London in 1947, using two back-
times done, but a more flexible scheme uses steam pressure turbines (Pimlico, 2 x 1350 kW, MV).
extracted from a condensing turbine at one or more District heating turbines have been built having
suitable points (normally not more than two points; the maximum electrical power ratings up to 375 MW at
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Fig. 25 3000 r/min reheat turbine for district heating, with two stages of
controlled-pressure steam extraction, one from each end of the
asymmetric double-flow IP cylinder (270 MW electrical output, 320
MW heat output, BBC)

Studstrup, Denmark (3500/995"/1004", 257°F water 950"/950", GE, 1968) to 690 MW (105), most of the
outlet temperature, BBC, 1983, with a maximum heat smaller units having combined HP-IP cylinders. In
output of 488 MW); also 377 MW at Vienna (2840/ Europe, a 230 MW non-reheat machine (Altbach,
995"/995", 264°F water outlet temperature, KWU, 1979, Germany, AEG, 1973) (Fig. 26) consisting of a single
maximum heat output 279 MW) (102). cylinder, double-flow with nozzle-box and with triple
Nuclear turbines, which have lower efficiency and shell construction, at 1877/995" has been built; times to
proportionately higher heat rejection than fossil-fired full-load from steam admission are six minutes for a hot
plant, are beginning to be adapted for district heating start and sixty minutes from cold (56); the starts are
purposes. Skoda 220 MW units in Czechoslovakia and controlled by a wall-temperature measuring device.
in East Germany will shortly enter such service, and 500 Two similar machines have been built by BBC
MW units specifically designed for district heating are (Kyndby, Denmark, 280 MW, 1145/932", 1974) (106),
under construction in USSR (103, 104). probably the largest existing single-cylinder turbines.
A two-cylinder I50 MW unit (Hafen, Hamburg, 1 136/
RAPID STARTING 896", MAN, 1971) (107) claims starting times, to full-
load, of thirteen minutes after a ten hour shut-down and
In the 1960s the projected increase in proportion of seventeen minutes from cold.
nuclear plant, with the obvious preference that it should For all these quick-start turbines, correspondingly
always run at base load because of its low operating rapid-response boiler plant is obviously necessary.
cost, combined with the reduced operational flexibility
of some of the high-efficiency high-condition boiler-
turbine units being brought into service, led to a need
for plant designed especially for cyclic duty. Some util- In areas where water is not plentiful, air can be used for
ities required very fast starting times: for very low load cooling, either in a direct system where the steam is
factors gas turbines, with their high fuel costs, were condensed in an air-cooled condenser, or in an indirect
used, but for intermediate load factors special two-shift system where cooling water is cooled in an air-cooled
boiler-turbine steam plants were designed in the late heat exchanger and then used in a conventional con-
1960s. Steam turbines in Britain have for over twenty- denser. Unfortunately such arid areas sometimes have
five years been required to restart, after a six to eight very large variations in air temperature, resulting not
hour shut-down, to full load in thirty minutes from only in the turbine back-pressure being high anyway
steam admission; units of 660 MW, with design features because of the use of air, but also in very large seasonal
permitting flexible operation, operate very successfully or diurnal variations in the back-pressure. The volume
in this two-shifting mode, so that in Britain there has flow at turbine exhaust is greatly reduced, so that
been no call for special plant for quick-starting. exhaust annulus areas are smaller for a given output,
The compromise between efficiency and rapid start- but care has to be taken to ensure that the last-stage
ing capability led, in USA, to the choice of steam condi- blades in particular are strong enough both to deal with
tions in the region of 1800/950"/950" for quick-start the undiminished mass flow, and are able to operate
reheat machines. Flexibility was further enhanced by satisfactorily over a wide range of aerodynamic condi-
the use of throttle-control with full arc admission, which tions which may be far removed from design.
reduces thermal stresses during load changes, and larger Early large units employing dry-cooling were at
internal clearances; the feed heating train was less Rugeley (120 MW, EE, 1961) (IOS), Ibbenburen
extensive than usual. These choices led to a slightly (Germany, 150 MW, SSW,:1967), both using the indi-
lower efficiency than that of base-load plant. rect system, and Utrillas (Spain, 160 MW, SSW, 1971)
Many such turbines have been built over a wide (109), using the direct system. The largest such turbine
range of ratings in USA, from 265 MW (Benning, 1800/ in service at present is of 330 MW rating (Wyodak,
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Fig. 26 230 MW, 3000 r/min non-reheat single-cylinder turbine for very
rapid starting (AEG)

USA, direct system, GE, 1978, design condenser press- dynamic advantages of turbine drive were recognized as
ure 3 Ibf/in2 abs, maximum 7.4 lbf/in2 abs, maximum being important. For a short time it was popular, prin-
air temperature 104"F, minimum -40°F) (110), but for cipally in the USA, but to a small extent in Europe, to
South Africa, where 200 MW units (Grootvlei, MAN) drive the pump from the main turbine shaft through a
(lll),have been in service since 1971, using indirect dry speed-controlling fluid coupling (for example Blyth, 275
cooling, a further eighteen units, each of about 650 MW MW, EE, 1962), but this arrangement has many draw-
rating, are currently being built (GEC, KWU, MAN). backs, and is not now used.
Some of these will use the direct system, some the indi-
Units using the direct system frequently locate the
air-cooled condenser on the roof of the station, where
its plan area can greatly exceed that of the turbine hall
(Fig. 27). Fans circulating the air may consume up to
about 1.5-2 per cent of generated power, and can be
reduced in speed or sequentially switched off on cold
days or at partial-load.
The indirect system usually employs natural draught
cooling towers to provide the necessary air flow; freez-
ing can be a problem when air temperatures are very


Centrifugal boiler feed pumps were driven by turbines
as far back as 1904 or earlier, but electric motor drive
later became more popular. Increase in pump rating, to Fig. 27 160 MW plant at Utrillas, Spain, employing an air-
10 MW or more, eventually made motor procurement cooled condenser located on top of the turbine hall
and operation difficult; at the same time the thermo- WWU)
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There are many possible variations in drive of large Typical pumping powers are 34 per cent of unit output
boiler feed pumps, but nowadays the choice is usually for 3500 lbf/in2 boilers, 2 i per cent for 2300 lbf/in2
one of three variants: boilers, and 13 per cent for nuclear units.
(a) Variable-speed back-pressure turbine (fossil-fired
units only) taking steam from cold reheat and
exhausting to L P inlet or to a feed heater. 11 CONDENSING PLANT
(b) Variable-speed condensing turbine, taking steam Early condensers were of the jet type, where water was
usually from the I P cylinder (for fossil-fired units) or
sprayed into the exhaust steam to condense it. This con-
from hot reheat (nuclear units) and exhausting to its densate was of poor purity, so that where suitably pure
own condenser (or sometimes into the main feedwater was strictly limited in quantity, the surface
condenser). type condenser was employed, although it was some
(c) Electric drive, usually by constant-speed induction time before back-pressures as low as with the jet con-
motor through an increasing gear, speed variation denser could be reached. Surface condensers are now
of the pump being obtained, if required, by an inter- almost universally used, although they have changed
posed fluid coupling. little in principle since their introduction, apart from the
development of air-cooled condensers already men-
Alternative (a) was originally used in USA, and has tioned; but there have been continuous improvements
been widely used in Britain for machines from 300 to in devices for removing air, from the coldest part of the
660 M W. It is thermodynamically efficient, particularly condenser (by steam ejectors or motor-driven air
if the complication of extracting steam for feed heating pumps), and in reduction of the degree of under-cooling
is accepted, but the requirement to provide the necess- (the amount by which the condensate at outlet is colder
ary alternative exhaust route to the condenser leads to than the steam saturation temperature), as well as sig-
further complication. It is not widely favoured. nificant advances in tubenest design, using more efi-
Alternative (b) is widely used worldwide, although it cient tubeplate layouts.
has the highest initial cost of all. It occupies a good deal An early improvement introduced by Parsons (in his
of space, but is particularly beneficial thermodynami- ‘vacuum augmentor’) used a steam-jet ejector to extract
cally when the main turbine exhaust is highly loaded, air and vapour from the condenser, and to pass the
since, in effect, it adds its own turbine exhaust area to compressed mixture through a small augmentor con-
that of the main turbine. denser to condense as much steam as possible, before
At partial load, the feed pump power does not the air and the remaining vapour entered the air pump
decrease as quickly as the main turbine power, and at which exhausted them to atmosphere. The improved air
some point (typically below about 40 per cent main removal so achieved enhanced the vacuum in the con-
turbine load) auxiliary steam from a higher pressure denser to an extent which far more than compensated
source (frequently live steam) has to be supplied to keep for the extra steam consumption in the ejector.
a turbine-driven pump in service. Alternatively, one of Surface condensers are normally located beneath the
the motor-driven standby units can be brought in at L P cylinders, although condensers mounted at one side
these low loads. of the cylinder had been used by Parsons and others in
Motor-driven pumps (c) are the cheapest solution, 1900. Condensers mounted at each side of the turbine
but are a little less efficient than the turbine-driven became popular in USA, culminating in their applica-
alternatives. The required reduction in pump speed at tion to the 900 MW unit at Bull Run (GE, 1966) (112).
partial load is readily achieved without loss for a G E also introduced the concept in several large
turbine drive, but an induction motor drives through an machines having a single-flow half-speed L P cylinder, of
increasing gear, and possibly a hydraulic coupling, with exhausting axially into a condenser at the end of the
power losses which are significant at full speed and even unit, reducing pressure losses and basement depth (113)
more so at partial speeds. Motor drives are nevertheless In Britain during the 1960s and 1970s many 500 MW
increasingly preferred, both for nuclear units (where and 660 MW units were built (AEI, EE, GEC, CAP)
powers are smaller because of lower pump pressures) with different arrangements of side-mounted condensers
and for fossil-fired units, because of their simplicity of with axial tubes (114), and some large USSR units also
layout and operation. There is in prospect the intro- have such condensers (115). The KTGZ proposals for
duction of high-speed variable-speed motors, which will 2000 M W nuclear turbines include one alternative with
eliminate both the increasing gear and the hydraulic side-mounted condensers consisting of several vertical
coupling, and render motor drive more attractive. tubenests, thereby permitting modular nest construction
Where pumps are turbine-driven, they are usually of and saving lateral tube withdrawal space; this construc-
100 per cent capacity for fossil-fired units; large nuclear tion was also used by Westinghouse in the 1920s.
units usually have two such pumps of rating varying A small thermodynamic advantage can be gained
from 50 to 70 per cent of full duty. Additional motor- cheaply by connecting the water flow to the condensers
driven standby pumps are usually provided for fossil- for individual LP cylinders in series, either by external
fired units, but some nuclear units do not have such piping when the condensers have transverse tubes, or by
standby capacity. Motor-driven pumps when used alone using one large condenser with axial tubes, partitioned
are normally 3 x 50 per cent (which includes one between cylinders. These are ‘multi-pressure’ condensers
standby) for both fossil-fired and nuclear units. Typical where the different parts are at different pressures; the
pump speeds are in the range 5000-7000 r/min or more average pressure is lower than if the condensers were
for fossil-fired plant, and somewhat less (350&5000 arranged in parallel (116). One example in USA (Big
r/min) for the lower heads required in nuclear plant. Sandy, 738 MW, GE, 1969) has four-part twin side-
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mounted axial condensers, one part for each of the four There are small but worthwhile improvements to unit
exhaust flows (50). efficiency which can be made by adopting slight com-
Leakage of cooling water into the condensate can be plications in disposal of the water condensed in heaters,
a very serious problem, both for fossil-fired and nuclear for instance by pumping it back into the feedwater
plants, and the selection of tube material for high integ- system instead of draining it to the condenser.
rity with specific water conditions is of major impor- The feed pump is interposed at some point in the feed
tance, For inland sites, stainless steel or one of the many train; previous heaters are low pressure on the water
copper alloys are used. Double tubeplates, with a small side, the subsequent heaters being subject to high water
axial gap, are now common in order to prevent any pressure. Because H P heaters are much more expensive
in-leakage at the tube fastening. The interspace is press- than L P heaters, the position of the pump is as far
urized by condensate so that any leakage (which can be towards the H P end of the train as possible; limiting
monitored) is outward. For sea-water cooling there is features include the net positive suction head available
an increasing trend towards titanium tubes, which are at pump inlet, which is influenced by the pump suction
very expensive but which are very secure against leaks temperature and the vertical height of the deaerator
caused by corrosion. There is also a trend to weld such above the pump.
tubes to the tubeplates. The temperature of the feedwater leaving a heater
Slime, marine growth, or corrosion products inside approximates to the saturation temperature of the
the tubes can reduce heat transfer significantly, and tapped steam, so that it is thermodynamically beneficial
many condensers now clean their tubes while in service for the tapped steam to have as little superheat as pos-
by the continuous circulation of rubber balls through sible; this is an advantage of tapping steam, which has
the tubes. Such cleaning also protects the tubes from not been reheated, from a back-pressure feed pump
corrosive attack which can occur beneath deposits. The turbine. The final heater is usually supplied by steam
balls are captured at outlet and recirculated. tapped from the exhaust of the H P cylinder (in a fossil-
fired reheat machine); a gain in turbine heat rate can be
obtained by an additional tapping point part way along
the H P expansion, and the slight mechanical com-
Regenerative feedwater heating, that is heating with plication of such an extraction is sometimes accepted.
steam extracted after it has partially expanded in the Heaters normally consist of hairpin tubes, through
engine, was patented in 1876 by Weir and was used in which the feedwater passes, expanded or welded to a
marine engines to improve efficiency; in 1894 it was tubeplate (119), or of tubes welded to headers, but some
shown that a cycle using saturated steam, combined examples exist of low pressure heaters where the feed-
with regenerative feed heating, could theoretically be water is heated by direct contact with steam from the
thermally as efficient as the Carnot cycle (117). turbine (120). In order to avoid condensate pumps
Feed heating in an economizer using boiler flue gas between individual heaters, they are mounted in vertical
was frequently employed, and it was thought that if assemblies, the manometric water leg between pairs of
regenerative feed heating by steam were used, which heaters corresponding to the difference in steam press-
would reduce or eliminate the heating duty required ure at the tapping points. Some condensate transfer
from the flue gas, the overall plant efficiency would not pumps are, however, needed. Such heaters are cheaper
be improved because of the increased stack temperature. and more efficient than tubed heaters, but since there is
Baumann demonstrated that this was not so, and no physical barrier between the condensate in the
patented such a scheme in 1915 (118). Ferranti had pre- heaters and the inside of the turbine, there always exists
viously (1906) patented regenerative heating, using the the possibility, by way of some malfunction or mal-
flue gas to heat boiler inlet air instead, thereby keeping operation, that a larger quantity of water could find its
the stack temperature down, and some of his proposals way into the turbine than if tubed heaters had been
had been tested before 1914. used, and where great damage could be caused by such
A type of feed heating was used in a 25 MW unit ingress. Such heaters were introduced in USA in the late
(Chicago, CAP, 1912) (23) where the condensate passed 1920s and were in the 1960s employed on 500 MW and
through tubes in the exhaust space. This was hardly 660 MW British units; in the last fifteen years at least
regenerative, and heating took place only because of three such ingress incidents have been experienced on
excessive under-cooling of the condensate. large units, with severe turbine damage, and direct-
The first steam turbine to employ regenerative feed contact heaters are no longer so popular, but they are
heating was at Blaydon Burn (3000 kW, CAP) in 1916, still used in USSR.
using the Ferranti system with two stages of heating
(23). 11 MW units at Carville (CAP), first run in 1916-
18, were in 1918 altered to incorporate one stage of
regenerative feed heating. North Tees, with three stages The steam turbine would not have reached its present
of feed heating, and boiler air heaters, as well as reheat, position without materials development, in two prin-
(20 MW, MV) (24) followed in 1920, and nowadays all cipal respects: firstly in the devefopment of alloys with
large turbine plant employs regenerative feed heating, in properties which give good creep resistance at high tem-
up to nine stages. Deaerators are normally provided; perature and of other alloys with good mechanical
they allow the removal of some absorbed gases from the properties and toughness for low temperature use; and
feedwater, and also incorporate a storage tank which is secondly, of the ability to produce components for use
desirable as a reserve of hot and purified water (equal to both at high temperature and low temperature, which
up to ten minutes’ feed flow) in case of system dis- have large physical size, and acceptably uniform proper-
turbance or unusual operating conditions. ties which meet increasingly stringent requirements of
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freedom from defects. The first development is essen- today most moving and fixed blades contain 11-13 per
tially metallurgical, while the second is one of steel- cent chromium (Cr), with additional molybdenum (Mo)
making technique. and vanadium (V) for creep resistance in the high-
The first commercially successful steam engine was temperature blades, and with various additional ele-
built at Dudley in 1712 by Thomas Newcomen. His ments to enhance strength and ductility particularly in
cylinder was made from brass, the only suitable the last-stage L P blades, where centrifugal stresses may
material available, and the bore was rubbed circular be 50 per cent or more of the material proof stress of 60
with abrasives, for lack of boring machines. However, ton/in2 or so. Interest is currently being shown in tita-
Abraham Darby had in 1709 achieved the smelting of nium as a blade material, for last-stage L P blades, and
iron by using coke instead of charcoal; the iron produc- also, because of its admirable resistance to stress-
ed was brittle and of uncertain quality, but could be corrosion, for penultimate LP blades.
cast in any required shape. In 1784 Henry Cort devel- The gas turbine industry has pioneered the intro-
oped a method of producing wrought iron from coke- duction of several blading alloys, obtainable in sizes
smelted pig; this produced a much more ductile suitable for high-temperature steam turbine blades,
material, initially for horseshoes and chains, but ultima- which have creep properties high enough to satisfy most
tely for steel plates for ships and boilers. Henry foreseen requirements, and some of these alloys have
Bessemer in 1856 and William Siemens in 1862 intro- been employed in the high-temperature turbines pre-
duced their steel-making processes which greatly cheap- viously mentioned. Many are nickel-based or cobalt-
ened the product, which could be either forged or cast. based, as opposed to the more common iron-based
In 1884 therefore, cast iron, and cast and forged steel, materials.
were available in Britain to engineers such as Parsons. The use of carbon steel, for stationary (cast) and
In the early days of steam turbines, the principal rotating (forged) components, became widespread. The
materials used were cast iron for pedestals, L P cylin- problem of creep had been pointed out in 1922 by Dick-
ders, and many diaphragms; cast carbon steel for reac- enson (121), and suitably creep-resistant alloys had then
tion rotors and ‘high-temperature’ casings and valves; to be developed for high-temperature applications. The
steel forgings, usually confined to rotor shafts for either first was 3 per cent Mo steel, widely used and succeeded
impulse or reaction turbines; and rolled steel boiler later by 9 per cent M o d per cent V, and currently by
plate, used for impulse turbine discs. It was soon found several variants of Mo-V steels with additions of Cr to
that cast iron at high temperature suffered from internal stabilize the carbides; typically 1 C r d M o a V for rotors,
oxidation, leading to a growth in dimensions, and even- i C r 4 M o d V for casings and pipes up to 1050°F where
tually it was not employed above about 450°F.Moving weldability is important. 2dCr-lM0, with almost as
blades were originally in carbon steel and suffered good creep strength but better weldability, is frequently
greatly both from corrosion and from erosion by steam used at 1000°F. For some years rotor forgings were
which often was saturated at inlet; some de Lava1 plagued with hair-line cracks, sometimes appearing
blades were integral with the rotor discs and after several months of incubation, and work in
occasionally eroded through, producing a violently Germany eventually showed that these were caused by
unbalanced rotor. Brass or Monel blades soon became hydrogen in solution; the problem was overcome by
popular. vacuum degassing.
Present-day materials for major turbine components Low-pressure rotors are key elements in turbine con-
can be classified into several categories: struction and economics. The higher their strength and
1. Stainless steels, for high temperature and low tem- the bigger their diameter, the larger the last-stage blades
perature blading. that they can carry, the larger the exhaust areas avail-
2. Creep-resisting low alloy steels, for high temperature able, and thereby either the better the efficiency or the
rotors, casings, valve chests, pipes, etc. fewer the number of L P cylinders necessary. Early reac-
3. High-strength low-alloy steels for low-temperature tion turbines used cast steel barrels, shrunk-on or bolted
rotors. to forged ends, but these soon became inadequate and
4. Low-temperature materials with no great strength reaction turbines adopted the then traditional impulse
requirements, for such components as pedestals, LP practice of rotors with a central shaft with individual
casings, etc. shrunk-on discs. The discs, being smaller forgings, could
be procured with higher properties and more reliably
Moving blades remained for some years in brass, established soundness than monobloc forgings, illustrat-
Delta metal, copper, or Monel since corrosion and ing a principle followed in welded rotors by BBC. The
erosion resistance were important, but nickel steel, with current position, however, is that nearly all full-speed
higher strength, and sometimes chromium plated for LP rotors, at 3000 or 3600 r/min, are either monobloc
corrosion and erosion resistance, was introduced for or welded, and that monobloc L P rotors for 1800 r/min
temperatures up to 700°F; per cent molybdenum steel machines are now being obtained; the bigger and
was used at higher temperatures. Stainless steel, dis- heavier 1500 r/min monobloc L P rotors are not yet
covered by Brearley in 1913, initially achieved a bad available. The rotor material must have high tensile
reputation as a blading material, suffering from crack- properties and ductility, through-hardening capability
ing and fatigue failures; it was originally a cutlery steel, which ensures internal properties almost as high as
with high carbon content. It was the tendency of these those at the surface, and high toughness to safeguard
blades to develop cracks that led to the introduction of against brittle fracture. In order to achieve these proper-
magnetic particle crack detection (MV, 1923). Reintro- ties, the steel is exceptionally pure and free from
duced with a much lower carbon content under the unwanted elements, and great care is required during
name of stainless iron, it rapidly became popular, and the steel-making process to achieve this. Common com-
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positions for current LP rotor forgings are 33 per cent All these improvements in material quality, uni-
NiCrMoV for monobloc rotors, or 2 per cent CrNiMo formity and soundness have resulted from immense
for welded discs. efforts on the part of the steel-makers, and turbine
Components such as LP inner and outer casings were designers owe them a debt of gratitude.
for many years made from cast iron, but in the 1920s Fabrication of alloy steel components by welding is
welded steel fabrications started to take over and, now an integral and essential part of steam turbine con-
although a few large LP outer casings have been made struction. Most steam pipe joints are welded, and
in cast mild steel, fabricated mild steel is now the usual occasionally small castings are welded together to form
material. L P inner casings also are now usually mild large casings or steam chest assemblies; impulse dia-
steel fabrications. In some non-reheat nuclear units phragms are often of welded construction. The assess-
where exhaust wetness was high, corrosion resistance ment of the soundness of the completed welds is entirely
for LP casings was enhanced by the addition of alloying dependent on the techniques of non-destructive testing
elements such as copper. such as ultrasonic inspection.
Pedestals, which house the bearings and frequently Materials mentioned so far are typical of those used
carry the weight of the cylinders, are now usually cast in in turbines for steam temperatures up to 1050°F or so.
spheroidal graphite iron or steel, or fabricated in steel, If higher temperatures are used, components such as
replacing earlier grey iron castings. There are several steam chests, pipes, inner casings, blades, and rotors
instances of breakages of parts of cast grey iron ped- require either to be cooled by the supply of cooler steam
estals, usually due to extreme thermal distortion forces, to their surfaces (commonly applied to rotors) or to be
which accelerated the movement away from this made from superior materials. Materials suitable for
material. higher temperature service include 12Cr martensitic
Most turbine components require to be of very high steels (already used by GE and others for large high-
internal quality. Castings until the 1940s or so could temperature rotors), or one or other variety of austenitic
only be examined by magnetic particle detection, and steels. Austenitic steels, with their high coefficient of
even that required special surface preparation by grind- expansion, poor conductivity, and low proof stress, may
ing. Rotor forgings were examined visually and by mag- develop permanent strain when subjected in service to
netic crack detection over the external surface, and large temperature gradients, and their large grain size
along the central bore, which had been introduced for also makes ultrasonic detection of defects almost impos-
inspection purposes after several bursts of defective sible; designs incorporating these alloys must take these
rotors. The purpose of the bore was to permit internal characteristics into account. Several of these materials
inspection, but it did of course remove some of the have already been used in high-temperature machines,
central part of the forging which was where defects or usually in components of relatively small physical size,
segregation in the original ingot might be located. Some and widespread adoption of high temperatures will
evidence as to the sometimes very variable quality of require their production in larger dimensions without
the forgings was also obtained by ‘sulphur-prints’ taken any reduction in properties or quality.
from the exposed ends of the forging body, which indi- Nuclear machines do not operate at high tem-
cated the location and intensity of chemical segregation peratures, but in the HP cylinders the steam is wet
and non-metallic inclusions. everywhere. Erosion attack from the water droplets can
The application of X-ray techniques, in the 1940s, to be very damaging, particularly at joint contact faces.
the detection of internal defects proved difficult and of The usual practice is to make stationary components
limited value in the case of forgings because of their from 2iCr-lMo steel, which has good corrosion-
thickness, but has played a useful part in the inspection erosion resistance, and to protect joint faces by weld
of castings and thinner sections such as welded pipe deposits of resistant material such as austenitic stainless
joints. For thick-walled parts, the more important steel or Inconel, but some manufacturers have used
inspection tool was the ultrasonic probe. This was stainless steel for HP cylinder castings and diaphragms.
introduced at about the same time, principally for Components upstream of the H P cylinder, such as
examination of welds, and is now the most common steam chests and pipes, are exposed to steam which is
method of inspection of internal quality for both forg- very nearly dry, and carbon steel has proved adequate
ings and castings. Many years were spent in developing for these components.
operating techniques, and fault interpretation, so as to
make it a dependable process. The sensitivity and accu-
racy of this method make it arguable whether a central 14 EFFICIENCY
rotor bore is still needed for inspection purposes; even The efficiency of steam turbine plant is obviously
the centre of the forging is now relatively good in extremely important and has increased steadily over the
properties and freedom from inclusions, and ultrasonics years. Some of the contributory reasons are:
can replace the former visual bore inspection. In theory,
the centrifugal stress in the centre of an unbored rotor is (a) increase in blading efficiency;
about half that of one with a bore; if it is assumed that (b) increase in steam conditions;
the centre quality may not be so good because it cannot (c) increase in rating of individual units;
be examined visually, statistical analysis may have to be (d) adoption of single or, later, double-reheat cycles;
applied to estimate whether in fact a bored rotor any (e) more extensive systems of feedwater heating.
longer offers advantages over an unbored rotor. Most The importance is illustrated by the evaluations that
builders now do not require the boring of H P rotors,
prospective purchasers quote in their specifications for
and unbored I P and LP rotors are becoming increas-
turbine plant; a one per cent deficiency in heat con-
ingly common.
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sumption may penalize the steam turbine by 10 per cent vidual plants are frequently profitless. Nevertheless, to
or more or its own price. Equally, a one per cent record two outstanding examples, the corrected test
improvement may be worth 10 per cent of the price, to heat consumption of the Philo turbine (32) (125 MW,
the purchaser, 4500/1 150°/10500/10000,GE, 1957) was 7168 Btu/kWh
So far as the turbine itself is concerned the principal (124); that of the Eddystone turbine (31) (325 MW,
factors affecting its own performance are the blading 5000/1200"/1050"/1050", W, 1960) is quoted as 6769
efficiencies of the different cylinders, the various press- Btu/kWh with a corresponding station efficiency of
ure losses (through valves, pipes, etc.) and the leaving 41.6 per cent (125). The general rule remains, however;
loss at exit from the last stage in each cylinder, but the most efficient plant is, in economic terms, rarely
especially that from the LP cylinder. The performance worth building.
of the complete plant is crucially dependent on the An interesting figure is that of overall station effi-
steam cycle and the steam conditions selected ; however, ciency over the year, fuel to kilowatt-hours, including
for many years the expected advantages of high steam the boiler and auxiliaries, as well as the effects of starts,
pressures were not achieved because the pressure was operation at partial load, at off-design conditions, etc.
too high for the rating, leading to inefficiently short (126). In the UK the overall efficiency of the best station
blades for the early H P stages. The steam conditions has increased from 17.8 per cent in 1923 to 30.4 per cent
affect the cost of the turbine, but to a much lesser in 1953 and to 37.7 per cent in 1982-83 (Rugeley 'B')
degree than they affect the cost of the boiler and its (127).
associated steam piping. The overall efficiency of the best US station in 1981
Cylinder efficiencies have now reached levels of 90 (Duke Power Co., Marshall) was 38.4 per cent (128),
per cent or so for H P cylinders with comparatively although the same station in previous years had (at
short wide blades, and up to 93-94 per cent for I P and higher load factor) shown a higher figure. These figures
(equivalent dry) L P cylinders with their longer blades, refer to fossil-fired plant; nuclear plants using water-
so that the scope for future improvement is very limited. cooled reactors show much lower efficiencies, but
Most of the factors, other than cylinder efficiency and British AGR plant with steam conditions of 2300/1000"/
steam conditions, which affect the overall efficiency of 1000" showed, for example, 37.3 per cent in 1982-83
the steam turbine plant, present simple economic (Hinkley Point 'B) (127). It should be noted that the
choices to the purchaser. Better efficiency can be UK figures are quoted on the basis of the lower calorific
achieved by the adoption of: value of the fuel: the US figures use the higher calorific
value, so that the UK figures are artificially high in
(a) reduced condenser pressure, by larger condensers;
comparison, by a factor of about 1.05 (for coal-firing).
(b) increased turbine exhaust area (provided that the
appropriate lower condenser pressure can be eco-
nomically achieved) : by longer last-stage blades or 15 THE TECHNOLOGY OF TURBINE DESIGN
more L P cylinders; Turbine design embraces three main areas : mechanical
(c) reduced pressure drops in valves, pipes, and inlets calculations of stress or vibration, thermodynamic cal-
and outlets of cylinders; culations of pressures, temperatures, heat drops etc., and
(d) reduced pressure drop in the reheater and associated aerodynamic calculations of flow past blades and
pipework ; through other passages. The pioneers of turbine design
(e) increase in number of feedwater heating stages; already had available the basis of such important
(f) increase in temperature of feedwater out of the last mechanical calculations as critical speeds (Rayleigh,
heater, by adoption of a higher tapping pressure ; Foppl, Dunkerley) and stresses in cylinders and rotating
(g) increase in feedwater temperature leaving each discs. The codification of many such types of calculation
heater, for the same tapped steam conditions, by into forms applicable to turbine design was carried out
larger or more efficient heaters, and reduction in by Stodola, whose book, originally based on lectures
steam side pressure drop; delivered in 1902, was for neary half a century the stan-
(h) steam turbine drive (condensing or back-pressure) dard work on steam turbines (1).
for large variable-speed auxiliaries such as boiler Thermodynamic calculations were already estab-
fans (122). lished in 1884 because of the prior development of the
Every one of these items is achievable without diffi- steam engine, and the great interest being shown in the
culty, and most are frequently optimized for individual gas engine, held at that time to be the power plant of
plants; but every one costs money, and a balance must the future. The temperature-entropy diagram was the
be struck to determine the most economic plant. It is standard means of analysis of steam cycles, the more
very important to realize that the most efficient plant is convenient enthalpy-entropy diagram, or Mollier chart,
rarely the most economic; also, since the economic par- not appearing until 1904. That thermodynamic knowl-
ameters (cost of money, fuel cost, cooling water tem- edge was imperfect in the early years of this century is
perature, etc.) differ from one plant to another, each illustrated by the various figures quoted for the critical
plant will quite properly require different solutions, for pressure ratio across a convergent nozzle, at which
example different condenser sizes or different exhaust sonic speed was achieved at the throat. However,
areas. Rapid calculation methods allow approximate Stodola was able to say, to this Institution, in 1911,
heat consumption to be readily determined (123). In the that:
first half-century of the steam turbine, there was great 'The period of the experimental stage had passed, and that
rivalry among all turbine manufacturers in publishing the thermo-dynamical and mechanical foundations of the
the heat consumptions of their plant, but under present steam turbine were firmly established. Steam turbine
diverse circumstances such comparisons between indi- builders were now able to turn out a steam turbine on the
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basis of sound calculation, with the assurance that not only A development over the last twenty years or so
the power and the guaranteed heat-consumption would be relates to stress calculations in both stationary and
obtained, but, also, which was of equal importance, that the rotating components due not to steady rotation or
machine would possess the required reliability in practical pressure, which have been calculable tolerably accu-
rately for many years, but due to temperature; in parti-
By the 1920s, with reheat and regenerative feed heating cular due to steady or transient temperature differences
increasingly employed, thermodynamic calculations between different parts of the component. Such thermal
were well understood, and began to be more refined, stresses occur during start-up, shut-down, and load
enabling assessments of improvements in efficiency to changing, and these operations can, if repeated often
be made due to increases in steam pressure and tem- enough, lead to cracking by thermal fatigue unless rates
perature and to more extensive feed heating. Most of increase of speed, load, or steam or metal tem-
builders concentrated on the marginal improvements perature are controlled so as to restrict the thermal
available by such means, neglecting for many years the stress.
equally fruitful improvements in efficiency which could The aerodynamics of steam turbine blading were
be achieved by the adoption of higher ratings, with cor- refined more slowly. Initially, moving blades of a
respondingly longer and more efficient blades. Accuracy crudely circular-arc form were used for impulse turb-
of calculation also requires accurate knowledge of the ines, to be succeeded by Rateau’s very simple parallel
thermodynamic properties of steam : these have for passage blade, which was used for about forty years.
many years been reviewed and published by an interna- Parsons once again demonstrated his genius by pre-
tional body (129). scribing in 1896, apparently arbitrarily, a shape for his
Concepts of thermodynamic calculations have not reaction blades which defied much improvement for
changed much over the last thirty years, although the four decades (7); he had before 1895 conducted flow
cycle itself has become more complicated and more effi- experiments, using coloured water streams, through
cient. The effect of steam wetness on efficiency is of blade passages with glass sides. Impulse moving blades
increasing interest, particularly for nuclear turbines, and with their small degree of flow acceleration, were always
it is surprising that no widely accepted replacement for a more difficult problem than reaction blading, but until
Baumann’s 1912 proposal (81), that ‘the efficiency will the late 1930s very little attention was paid to improve-
change 1 per cent for each 1 per cent variation in ment of efficiency of impulse blade profiles. The rapid
wetness’, has emerged. In cylinders where the steam is advance eventually came with the advent of the gas
wet, such as all L P cylinders and nuclear H P cylinders, turbine, with its great dependence on high blading effi-
effective performance analysis requires knowledge of ciencies in compressor and turbine; twisted blades
wetness at exhaust and at tapping points. For nuclear based on vortex-flow considerations were not common
H P cylinders, special measuring techniques, using radio- at that time in steam turbines, but were soon universal
active tracers in the steam, have been developed to in gas turbine designs. From 1950 or so equal effort has
measure wetness, including that at inlet (130). been paid to the aerodynamics of steam turbine blades,
Most of the principles of current mechanical calcu- with heat drops and velocities similar to those in most
lations had been established by 1960; some previous gas turbine blades apart from last-stage LP blades,
pioneering landmarks include Campbell (GE) on blade where such conditions are far beyond those in the gas
and disc vibration (1924) (131), Smith (MV) on the turbine. Aerodynamic development was for many years
dynamic characteristics of bearings and bearing sup- based on little more than intuition, followed by cascade
ports (1933) (132), and on vibration of blades in packets testing, then by tests in laboratory turbines. Subsequent
(1948) (133), Prohl (GE) on calculation of multi-span work led to correlation of various parameters affecting
critical speeds including flexible supports (1951) (134), performance (137, 138), and recently it has become pos-
and of blade vibrations (1958) (135), and Hagg and sible to calculate steady state velocities and flow around
Sankey (W) on dynamic characteristics of bearings a blade profile, so that those candidate profiles unlikely
(1958) (136). However, the scope of such calculations to perform well are not even tested. Calculation of the
has expanded enormously by the advent of the com- unsteady flow through moving blades caused by their
puter, which permits rapid calculations of a complexity passage through wakes in the flow from the fixed
totally impossible in former years. Vibration responses blades, and of the variable blade stresses so caused, has
of multi-span rotors supported on flexible and damped proved more intractable (139, 140), and the ambition to
supports; finite element calculations of frequencies of calculate the vibratory stresses in moving blades excited
blades singly or in groups, or of local stresses at pene- by these wakes has not yet proved practicable.
trations of pressure vessels; temperature distributions It can be seen that during the span of steam turbine
and thermal stresses; and many other turbine calcu- history, designs based on intuition have been largely
lations, can be made, many times over at slightly differ- replaced by designs where nearly every facet can be
ent conditions if required, at a very rapid rate, using explored either by calculation or by testing, before
principles previously enunciated. This refinement of cal- actual embodiment in a steam turbine. In hindsight, the
culation has provided better understanding, for degree of intuition of the pioneers was very great, and,
instance, of stresses in components and has permitted in spite of their occasional failures, credit is due to these
gradual advances without fear of failure. Two areas of engineers for their many successes.
more recent development include the application of
fracture-mechanics principles to rotor design, and the 16 PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED IN SERVICE
calculation of the probability of a catastrophic rotor
burst, together with the energies contained in any pieces Although the large steam turbine is an extremely reli-
which may penetrate the casings. able machine, there are many problems which have
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occurred over the years, some of which even now have centric when the distorted casing is eventually fully
not been totally overcome. Some would have been rec- bolted up.
ognized by Sir Charles Parsons and his contemporaries Repeated application of severe temperature gradients
(141), but others are of more recent origin. Some of can lead to thermal cracking in casings and valve chests.
these latter will be briefly described. This is nowadays a much reduced problem. Better
designs are used, with greater symmetry, less variation
in wall thickness, and absence of internal partitions in
16.1 Failures of moving blades valve chests, all resulting in reduced local strain concen-
tration. Control of steam temperature is also greatly
Blade failures due to any cause other than water ingress
improved, frequently due to the employment of turbine
or fatigue by resonant vibration are uncommon (142).
bypass systems.
For such fatigue failures, excitation is usually at nozzle
Most casing or chest cracks can be repaired by in-situ
passing frequency or at a low-integral multiple of
welding, followed by stress-relief, but there is always the
running speed. Excitation at non-integral multiples of
problem of the possible distortion caused by this
running speed, or ‘buffeting’ (as occurs in gas turbine
compressor blades subject to rotating stall) has some-
times been suspected, particularly in long blades at off-
design conditions, but has only in rare instances been 16.3 Rotor instability
confirmed (143), in steam turbine blades. Failures due to
Although the dangers of critical speeds being too near
steady centrifugal stresses or to creep are almost non-
running speed were appreciated very early, other prob-
existent, but ingress of large quantities of water from the
lems of instability were encountered. They included
boiler or the feed system can cause serious damage
those due to oil whirl (if the critical speed were 4&50
(144), by virtue of the relatively dense water causing
per cent of running speed) and to lightly-loaded bear-
excessive stresses or deflections of the bladed assembly.
ings; this latter was virtually confined to small high-
Stress-corrosion cracking and corrosion fatigue also
speed machines. Such problems were substantially
occasionally cause trouble, usually in the wet region
overcome by the 1940s by better disposition of critical
speed, and by the use of specially developed bearings
Blade resonant frequencies should be relatively easy
to establish experimentally but in practice effects such
A more difficult problem arose, initially in 1941 (149),
as root fixity can be significant, and if the type of root
where an H P impulse rotor experienced vibration at
fastening used is one where slight variations in manu-
high loads, which disappeared when the load was
facturing accuracy can lead to variation in position of
reduced. It was soon appreciated that this was a result
the effective point of support, the expected frequencies
of a light rotor operating in dense steam, where circum-
may not be achieved. With all the precautions nowa-
ferential variations in the relative radial position of the
days taken by builders, fatigue failures do not occur
fixed blade annulus and the moving blade annulus
very often. Freedom from resonance cannot, however,
could give rise to unbalanced steam forces large enough
be maintained over a wide speed range; many purcha-
to cause rotor vibration. The condition was eventually
sers require unrestricted operation down to as much as
5 per cent below design speed, and most manufacturers contained at that time by the use of special bearings.
The problem has persisted until recently, and it is now
specify stringent time-related limitations to operation at
recognized that adventitious circumferential variation in
such low frequencies (146).
radial interstage or blade tip seal clearances can cause
pressure variations which can produce vibratory forces,
leading to a load-dependent vibration known as steam-
16.2 Casing distortion
excited whirl, under conditions where the rotor is too
Components such as turbine casings and steam chests flexible for the torque it has to carry (150); so far the
not only operate at high temperature but are also problem has been confined to H P rotors. The vibration
subject to temperature gradients, sometimes in more frequency typically coincides with one of the resonant
than one direction. These conditions can lead to distor- frequencies of the H P (or the adjoining IP) rotor. The
tion, which can be either transient or permanent; this is use of stiffer rotors, with on some occasions a change to
particularly important in casings (147). It is common, tilting pad or other multi-arc bearings with high stabil-
sometimes even in L P casings, to discover on overhaul, ity, usually provides an acceptable solution.
permanent distortion, usually shown as out-of-flatness
at the horizontal joint, accompanied by out-of-
roundness, and occasionally including changes in axial 16.4 Rotor integrity
dimensions, not always the same in both casing halves. Rotor bursts were not uncommon in the early decades
Impulse turbines are usually arranged so that the glands of this century, but are now extremely rare. Most early
and seals are not constrained by the shape of the casing bursts (including those in cast steel rotors) were due to
and will remain circular and concentric, but in reaction gross material defects such as cracks or inclusions.
turbines where the seals may be carried from the casing, Improvement of steel-making techniques and of inspec-
distortion can be more troublesome. The designs of HP tion processes led to the virtual disappearance of such
cylinders of reaction turbines to avoid distortion have failures. It was nevertheless realized, as a result of inves-
already been referred to. With these reservations, casing tigation into several rotor bursts in USA in the 1950s
distortion need not normally be a major problem, but that repeated starting and stopping applied and then
great care must be taken during reassembly to ensure removed the stresses in the rotor, and that if a defect
that the small internal radial clearances are truly con- were initially present this repeated application of stress
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could cause it to grow to the stage where it was so big the rotor in more normal operation. Most builders now
that on the next application of stress the rotor would use spring-backed gland segments which can limit the
burst. This led to changes in the ways in which rotors damage caused by rubbing, but which do not give com-
were designed. plete freedom from shaft bends.
Current designs require that, assuming that the
largest undetectable defect is present initially in the
16.6 Assessment of remaining life
rotor in the most unfavourable location, the total
required service life including many starts and stops, Many large turbines, at high steam conditions, are now
and occasional overspeeds, can be completed without approaching the end of the life for which they were
the defect enlarging to a dangerous size (151). This originally designed, as defined by some creep criterion,
fracture-mechanics approach has led to the develop- without any major sign of distress. In present economic
ment of steels with high fracture toughness, which is not conditions, the operator may properly ask the builder
related to material strength alone. whether it is safe to continue operation for another five
Cracks can also occur due to stress-corrosion. Fol- years, or ten years, or more; this is an extraordinarily
lowing the bursting of some discs of a built-up LP rotor difficult question for him to answer.
in Britain in 1969 (152), many hundreds of LP discs It is the high-temperature components that normally
were examined in Britain, Europe, USA and elsewhere, have limited lives, and although fretting, abrasion, or
and many stress-corrosion cracks were found, both in erosion can limit the life of low-temperature com-
fossil and nuclear turbines, made by several builders ponents such effects are rarely serious. Failure of high-
(77). Most but not all of the cracks were at the bore, temperature components after long life is usually due
mainly in the keyway area. The adoption of tougher either to creep or to thermal fatigue. Creep takes place
steels, and the abandonment of keyed connections during steady operation, whereas thermal fatigue is the
between discs and shaft with their stress concentrations, result of repeated thermal stresses caused by starting or
are expected greatly to reduce this cracking problem, load changing. Both types of failure will first show
but most builders now conclude that the only certain themselves as cracks at regions of high stress, usually at
method for its elimination is to avoid high stresses in a stress concentration; if a machine should, on detailed
areas subject to corrosion (that is, in pinch fits) by the inspection, exhibit such cracks, the alternatives are
use of monobloc or welded rotors. either to replace the component or, on the basis of
current knowledge of crack growth rates under different
conditions, to advise the length of safe further service
16.5 Rotor bending
before a new component must be introduced, or a repair
A rub between a rotor and a stationary seal generates effected. The difficult situation arises when no apparent
heat, and unsymmetrical heat generation in a rotor can defect is found on detailed inspection. It is not economic
cause a transverse bend. Continuous unsymmetrical to inspect at frequent intervals, and the time to next
rubbing, which bends the rotor even further, can cause inspection could be five years or more. Will the com-
so much heating that the heated area of the rotor, ponents last another five years?
expanding and constrained by the surrounding One action that can sometimes be taken on com-
unheated material, yields in compression. As a result, ponents where the vulnerable areas are readily recog-
when the heated area is allowed to cool, it applies local nizable (for example, rotor gland areas subject to
tension leading to a permanent bend with the rubbed thermal stress) is to remove metal, probably structurally
area on the inside of the bend. damaged and life-reduced, but not necessarily near the
Such rubs, leading to bends, are usually caused by point of failure, by machining to a relatively small
distortion of seal positions from their normal concentric depth, but this method cannot be applied to all com-
location. This may be because of rapid increases or, ponents (153).
more dangerously, decreases, in steam temperature, or The component materials of these turbines will be
to water ingress; external forces due to steam pipes, or twenty or more years old, probably of a lower quality
sticking pedestal sliding surfaces, can also contribute. A than those obtained nowadays, and with individual
most important safeguard is that the build of the long-term creep or thermal fatigue properties which are
machine is correct, with all the seals in their proper not known with any accuracy. If enough material speci-
relationship to the rotor. Most bends occur during mens could be obtained, tests of some sort could be
starting, when steam conditions are changing and are made to determine the residual creep and thermal
not always well controlled, and where sometimes critical fatigue lives, but to be meaningful, the specimens should
speeds, with their attendant rotor vibrations, have to be be from the areas most liable to imminent failure. From
run through. A bent rotor will not run satisfactorily and these areas, even if they could be pinpointed, it is obvi-
has to be straightened, a time-consuming process poss- ously not possible to remove material for testing
ibly involving pressing the bend out while the rotor is without further weakening, leading to accelerated
heated. The golden rule to avoid bends is to build the failure. For some materials examination of the metallur-
turbine correctly and to operate it correctly. gical structure may provide a useful contribution to
Impulse turbines frequently have heat-relief grooves assessment of the remanent life in that particular loca-
machined in the interstage gland areas, and both tion.
impulse and reaction turbines may have such grooves in It may be possible for the operator to state the past
the rotor-end glands, so that there is scope for local service history (logs of temperature variation during
axial extension of a rubbed part without producing a every start, for example) and to specify his intentions
bend. Such grooves require very careful design to ensure regarding future operation; and for the builder then to
that they do not adversely affect the thermal stresses in make some estimate of the likelihood of the total past
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service, plus such a future service pattern, leading to Table 1 Approximate changes in heat rate
failure. Such a procedure is very time consuming and with advances in steam conditions
very uncertain : unfortunately, no prediction of this Base cycle 2300/1000"/1000" Heat r a t e d a t u m
nature is likely to be accurate (154). 2300/1050"/1050" - 1.6%
35W/1OOOo/ 1OW" - 2.0%
Because of this lack of precision in calculation, the
3500/l 05W/l050" -3.8%
best advice that the builder can proffer for old plant will 35W/1050°/10500/1050" - 5.8%
usually be to proceed cautiously, to inspect for cracking 35W/ 1 100"/11OO~jl100" -1.2%)
in vulnerable areas at suitable intervals, and to treat the 4500/1100"/1100"/1100" - 8.50/;,
turbine gently: this implies avoiding high thermal 5000/1200"/1100"/1100" - 10Y"

stresses by increasing times for starting and loading,

careful supervision of steam conditions, and avoiding
unnecessary overspeeds.
reheat units (33). In addition, there has been sufficient
experience in various countries with the occasional
venture into high steam conditions not to discourage at
The 1950s and 1960s saw only a modest general rate of least the consideration of commercially viable turbine
increase in steam conditions, but a very rapid rate of plant, double-reheat, at inlet steam conditions signifi-
increase in rating; in Britain, 500 MW units were cantly higher than those common today.
ordered in 1961 when 200 MW units were just coming Proposals already made for advanced-condition plant
into service. Many experienced engineers were con- in USA (160) envisage conditions of 4500/1050"/1075"/
fidently forecasting, for example (in 1968), 2000 MW 1100" (GE) or 4500/1100°/10500/10500 (W); in both
cross-compound turbines at 60 Hz in service by 1980, instances a few years are required for design and
and 3000 MW by 1985 (155,156). material development. The former proposal envisages
Various factors have slowed down this rate of an H P cylinder little different from existing 1050°F or
increase in rating: fuel price increases, starting in 1973; 1100°F designs, and chooses to have the highest tem-
the resulting worldwide fall in demand for power; and perature at the second reheat inlet, where pressures are
the poor reliability reputation, for many years, of the low and rotor cooling is easily arranged; the latter pro-
largest new units, boilers plus turbines, in service. The posal involves near-existing first and second I P cylinder
reaction to this last problem has been one of consoli- designs and chooses the highest temperature for H P
dation, and improvement of reliability, for instance by inlet, where the components (valve chests, rotor) are
replication of standard components, and to a large smallest. In Japan, Mitsubishi have claimed that condi-
extent this goal has been achieved. For some time pur- tions of 4500/1050°/10500/10500 are presently possible,
chasers have, quite properly, been more interested in that development would be complete in 1983 for a
reliability than in the last ounce of efficiency, and there turbine at 4500/1 10O0/l100°/l loo", including develop-
is no doubt that no proposal for improvement in effi- ment of materials and components, and in 1984 for a
ciency will succeed if there is a prospect of significantly turbine at 5000/1200"/1 100°/1100"; such turbines, in the
poorer reliability. 70&1000 MW range, could be in service in 1986 and
In addition to the early plants at very high steam 1987 respectively (161). Most of these turbines require
conditions mentioned previously, there are several that certain of the critical components, in particular
instances of less dramatic increases in conditions, now rotors, are cooled in ways analogous to those employed
in service for many years. Examples in USA include in gas turbines: rotor cooling in I P and in some L P
Linden (250 MW, TC, 2350/1100"/1010", GE, 1957) cylinders has been used since the 1960s. These turbines
(157), Avon (215 MW, TC, 3500/1100"/1050", W, 1958) are likely to require materials different from those now
(158) and Breed (450 MW, CC, 3500/1050"/1050"/1050", in common use, for the high-temperature rotors, steam
GE, 1960) (159). However, in the climate of twenty years chests, pipes, etc. '(46); at 1100°F it is possible that the
ago, when fossil fuels were cheap, and there was every 12Cr class of materials will be adequate, but at 1200°F
expectation of a rapid increase of nuclear installations, some turbine components would be in austenitic steel,
there seemed to be little incentive to the pursuit of already widely used in 1050°F boilers. The question of
extreme efficiency through advanced steam conditions. whether these materials can be obtained in the necess-
The result was that the materials development necessary ary sizes and qualities required for the relevant turbine
for significant increases in steam temperatures was not components is being investigated by the experimental
carried out. production of such parts. Parallel developments in
In the short-term it is possible that more coal-fired boilers and pipework are considered to be achievable,
plants in future will employ the currently allowable both in USA and Japan; other components such as feed
temperature of 1050"F, with increasing emphasis on pumps and H P heaters, suitable for the increased press-
supercritical pressure and double reheat, but the contin- ures, also require development.
uing increase in fuel costs has led, particularly in USA While all of these improvements can undoubtedly be
and Japan, to interest in still more efficient plant, regarded as technically feasible to some time-scale,
achieved by yet higher steam conditions. The dramatic every advance in conditions has its financial implica-
effect of such increases is shown in Table 1 : reasonable tions, most particularly in the boiler area, and very
assumptions have been made for the number of heaters careful costing, as well as reliable forecasts of future fuel
and the final feedwater temperature. costs and assurances of reliability, are necessary before
Experience, principally in USA and Japan, of double- such a plant can be recommended for purchase. One US
reheat boiler-turbine units is that, after teething utility reported in 1962, after service experience of nine
troubles, they are now of as good reliability as single- successive units, from 150 MW (1953) to 324 MW
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(1962), all with initial steam temperatures of 1100"F, Turbines for district heating will certainly increase in
that they were reverting to 1000°Ffor the next unit. The rating, and possibly in complexity of the steamlwater
engineering problems had been solved, and the cycle to ensure that the maximum possible useful energy
reversion was solely due to the economics of the situ- is extracted from increasingly valuable fuel. When
ation, and the high capital cost of the plant (162). It will public opinion allows nuclear plants to be located near
therefore be interesting to see whether any hard-headed centres of population, more such plants may also
operator will actually purchase a plant of such very provide district heating.
advanced ('ultra-supercritical') conditions. A modest So much for the steam turbine by itself as a power
start has been made; Toshiba are building two 700 producer. The gas turbine by itself, currently limited to
MW, 3600 r/min units, at 4580/1050°/10500/1050". about 120 MW rating at 3000 r/min, does not seem
The rating for advanced-condition plants may pru- likely to be a serious threat to the large base-load steam
dently be limited initially to maybe 800 MW, at 3600 turbine, but the combined steam turbine/gas turbine
r/min, by the achievable size of critical components, and plant in one form or another can offer efficiencies of 47
by the desire to ensure that any question-mark over per cent or more, much better than even advanced
reliability emanates only from the increase in steam steam plants, by the use of maximum gas temperatures
conditions and not from an increase of rating. For turb- of 1800°F or higher. To reap the benefit of this per-
ines using current steam conditions (up to 3500 Ibf/in2, formance, it is necessary to have the right fuel; there is
1000°F or 1050°F) there appears to be no difficulty in no doubt that natural gas suits the gas turbine best, but
achieving ratings of up to 1500 MW or more at 3000 such a fuel is not universally and cheaply available.
r/min (note that any one of the several 850 MW 3600 Strenuous efforts have been made for over thirty years
r/min TC units in USA is the exact equivalent, so far as to develop viable coal-fired gas turbines; if they should
aerodynamics and material stresses are concerned, of a succeed, such combined cycle plant could well challenge
3000 r/min unit of rating 850 x 1.22 = 1224 MW; one the steam-only plant.
of the 1300 MW 3600/3600 r/min CC BBC units is A development which can in some circumstances
similarly equivalent to a 3000/3000 r/min CC unit of reduce the requirement for quick-starting or two-
1870 MW). Such units require that the boiler and gener- shifting of steam turbines is that of hydraulic pumped-
ator designs can maintain the pace, and that the trans- storage schemes, where large outputs can be achieved,
mission system can accept such a large block of power. within a few seconds of demand, from units already
Such large single units, although possibly no more effi- spinning at no-load. The British plant at Dinorwig
cient than smaller units, will be cheaper per kilowatt, (163), with 6 x 313 MW pump/turbine units, 1983, can
and the saving in site area, floor space, and operating make a formidable contribution to meeting peak loads,
staff, per kilowatt, is a further bonus. but such plants require the right topography. A similar
If any questions of technology of boilers, feed pumps, development, again dependent on favourable topog-
generators, or other associated plant are set aside, the raphy, is to compress air and store it in a suitable
principal engineering barriers to future progress in underground cavern during slack periods, meeting peak
fossil-fired plant are likely to be twofold. Firstly, in the loads quickly by burning fuel in the air before expand-
materials field, there are always the problems that ing it back to atmosphere through a gas turbine
higher steam conditions require higher material proper- (Huntorf, Germany, 290 MC, BBC, 1978) (164).
ties, and larger rating means larger forgings or castings. The major effort in future is likely to lie not so much
Secondly, there is the very proper reluctance to embark in dramatic advances of rating or steam conditions, but
on any major design change (either rating or steam in persistent small improvements to reliability. Cost
conditions) without the preliminary work, followed penalties to the operator of up to three-quarters of a
possibly by controlled introduction of new features, million pounds for a single day's outage for a 1000 MW
necessary to convince a purchaser that reliability has plant have been claimed, a figure that encourages very
not been impaired. great caution in adopting unproved design changes.
In the nuclear field, the extraordinary economies of An assessment of the future of the steam turbine
scale of reactors are likely to favour progression to would not be complete without a glance at potential
larger reactor ratings. Larger machines than the cur- rival sources of power. Hydro power is of course well
rently common 120@1300 MW units will be at 1800 established, but its costs inevitably rise as the increas-
r/min for 60 Hz generation, but at 50 Hz may well be at ingly rare or remote unused resources are tapped. In the
3000 r/min, depending on the rapidity of introduction of field of thermal power, the use in thermodynamic cycles
new last-stage blades of increased annulus area. of alternative fluids whose thermal properties are differ-
Outputs of up to 2000 MW or over would seem pos- ent from those of water has been analysed (165), and the
sible without major development. Such increases must, conclusion is that either for straightforward operation
however, be in abeyance until nuclear power regains or for supplementary use as topping or bottoming plant
some of its former momentum. The possible advent of to a conventional steam cycle, there is little chance of
different kinds of reactor is unlikely to lead to signifi- operation with any alternative fluid being economically
cant variation from either the relatively low initial preferable to steam.
steam conditions of water-cooled reactors or the high Methods of converting heat into electrical power
initial steam conditions of fossil-fired plant, so that the by such methods as thermoelectric conversion
turbines will not involve any strikingly new features. (thermocouples), thermionic conversion (diodes), fuel
The acute shortage, at many inland locations in some cells, and several others, have been examined (166) and
countries of the large quantities of cooling water nor- it was concluded that all are technically feasible, at least
mally demanded by steam stations is likely to lead to for very small outputs, but none is commercially suit-
further application of dry-cooling. able for large ratings. Solar power can be considered,
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220 € R HARRIS

for suitable locations, but is obviously intermittent, 1. Engineering is the science of knowing what you can
poses environmental problems, and is very costly and get away with.
unsuitable for large ratings; the generating plant for 2. Progress is getting out of the trouble that you would
such an installation would probably include a steam not have been in had it not been for progress.
turbine, and such a unit has in 1982 generated 12 MW
in California (1450/950") (167). Geothermal energy (168), Nowhere are these definitions more apt than in the
first harnessed at Larderello in Northern Italy (in a history of the steam turbine, and of Sir Charles Parsons
steam engine in 1905, followed in 1912 by a 250 kW in particular. The modern turbine designer, who tends
turbine (4 lbf/in2) and later by many more units, total- to be extremely cautious, cannot fail to be amazed at
ling over 300 MW) already uses steam turbines, usually the way in which this engineering genius arrived at so
similar to nuclear wet-steam non-reheat units; Toshiba many usually sound solutions to each fresh engineering
have many such units, up to 124 MW (Geysers, Califor- problem, with little basis for his decisions except intu-
nia, 99/337", 3600 r/min, 1982) in service (169). ition.
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) plants, where very The problems faced by the early giants of the
hot gases pass through a magnetic field which induces industry-Parsons, Rateau, de Laval, and many
in the gas current, which can be drawn off, is already a others-have now largely been overcome, only to be
technical possibility, but in any case the heat in the continuously overtaken by new and apparently equally
gases leaving the MHD generator would probably best intractable problems, each of which in turn has suc-
be used in a steam turbine plant of some sort (170). In cumbed to the inventive talents of their successors. After
the USSR a pilot plant has generated electricity, and a a hundred years, the steam turbine is still completely
550 MW unit (250 MW MHD generation plus 300 MW recognizable from the first claims made in Parsons'
steam turbine generation) is being built at Ryazan for patent; a very fitting tribute to an outstanding British
service in 1985. The forecast efficiency is 48.5 per cent. engineer.
Renewable energy sources (wind, waves) which are
feasible in small outputs, are uneconomic at present, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
and for large ratings would produce severe
environmental problems. In addition, they are inter- In the preparation of this lecture, the author gratefully
mittent in action and so are undependable power acknowledges the assistance not only of colleagues, past
sources. and present, in GEC Turbine-Generators Limited, but
It appears therefore that for large ratings, the steam also of many friends in the turbine industry throughout
turbine, by itself or in combination with a gas turbine, the world. In particular, thanks are due to Alsthom-
has no visible challenger in the field of thermal power. Atlantique, Brown Boveri, General Electric (USA),
Kraftwerk Union, MAN, NEI-Parsons, and West-
inghouse, for their assistance and for their permission to
18 CONCLUSION reproduce illustrations.
It is not an exaggeration to claim that our life today
might be very different if the steam turbine, with its APPENDIX
capacity for generating enormous power efficiently and
in a compact installation, had not been invented, and Abbreviations
developed in the way described. Steam conditions are referred to by pressure in pounds
The late Lord Hinton, a respected figure in the per square inch and temperature in degrees Fahrenheit,
British power industry, proposed two definitions: e.g. 1500/1000"/1000" means 1500 lbf/in2 gauge, 1000°F

Fig. 28 Two 1300 MW cross compound 3600/3600 r/min turbines (as shown
in Fig. 18), in the Gavin station of the American Electric Power
Service Corporation,the largest fossil-fired units in the world (BBC)
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initial conditions, reheating to 1000°F. This system of 3 Mitchell, J. M. The present status and likely prospects of the
units has been chosen because so much of the literature steam turbine. The Sir Charles Parsons Memorial Lecture, 1980,
Trans. N.E. Cst Instn Engrs Shipbdrs, 1980-1, 97, 23.
uses it. 4 Neilson, R. M. T h e steam turbine, Longmans Green, 1902.
For convenience, turbine builders are frequently 5 Smith, E. C. A short history of naval and marine engineering,
referred to by abbreviations. Many famous names have Cambridge University Press, 1937.
disappeared over the years, and the following list 6 Seippel, C. The development of the industrial gas turbine. Nomi-
nated Lecture, Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs, 1965-6, 180, Part T1,
defines the present position. 217.
AEG Allgemeine Elektrizitats Gesellschaft, 7 Gibb, Sir C. D. Parsons-the man and his work. Twelfth Parsons
Memorial Lecture, Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs, 1947,156, 213.
Germany, large turbine business now part of 8 Darrieus, G. Contribution au trace des aubes radiales des turb-
KWU. ines. Prof. Dr. A. Stodola, zum 70 Geburtstag 1929 (Ore1 Fussli
AEI Associated Electrical Industries, Britain, Verlag, Zurich).
combining BTH and MV, now part of GEC. 9 Soderberg, C. R. Developments in steam turbines. Mechanical
World, 1935, 21 June, 609.
Alsthom Alsthom-Atlantique, France. 10 Smith, A. Survey of twisted blading development in steam turb-
BBC Brown Boveri, Switzerland and Germany. ines. Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs, 1969-70, 184, part 1, No. 26,449.
BTH British Thomson-Houston, Britain, part of 11 Ljungstrom, F. The development of the Ljungstrom steam
AEI and later of GEC. turbine and air preheater. Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs, 1949, 160,
CAP C. A. Parsons, Britain, now part of North- 21 1.
12 Whyte, R. R. Engineering progress through development, Mechani-
ern Engineering Industries. cal Engineering Publications, London, 1978.
CEM Compagnie Electro-Mecanique, France, 13 Roeder, A. Final blades of the largest full-speed standard low-
former associate of BBC, turbine business pressure turbine. Brown Boveri Review, 1976,2-76, 1 15.
now part of Alsthom-Atlantique. 14 Finbow, 1. and Watson, S. J. Experimental verification of turbine
blade vibration characteristics. Steam turbines for the 1980s,
EE English Electric, Britain, now part of GEC. IMechE Design Conference 1979, 163.
EW Escher Wyss, Switzerland, turbine business 15 Engelke, W., Gloger, M., Maly, W. and Termuehlen, H. Large
now part of BBC. steam turbine free-standing blade development based on 30 years
GE General Electric, USA 1 no connection of experience. Proc. Am. Pwr Con$, 1978,490.
GEC General Electric Company, f between these 16 Harris, F: R. Recent progress in the design of large steam turb-
ines. Trans. Instn Engrs Shipbdrs Scotl., 1978-9, 122, part 2, 1.
Britain I companies 17 Maddaus, A. D., Morson, A. and O’Connor, M. F. Continuously-
KTGZ Kharkov Turbine-Generator Factory, coupled last-stage bucket design and experience. Proc. Am. Pwr
USSR. Conf., 1982,311.
KWU Kraftwerk Union, Germany. 18 Troyanowskii, B. Steam turbines in the Soviet Union, and an
assessment of their operational performance. V G B Kraftwerks-
LMZ Leningrad Metalworking Factory, USSR. technik, Aug. 1980,525.
MAN Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nurnberg, 19 Guy, H: L. Some researches on steam-turbine nozzle-eficiency.
Germany. Parsons Memorial Lecture, J . Instn Ciu. Engrs, 1939, No. 2, 91.
MV Metropolitan-Vickers, Britain, part of AEI 20 Denton, J. D. and Spurr, A. Aerodynamic factors in the design of
and later of GEC. the final stage of large high-speed steam turbines. Sream turbines
for the 1980s, IMechE Design Conference 1979,281.
ssw Siemens-Schuckertwerke, Germany, large 21 Schnee, Y. I., Garkusha, A. V. and Shvedova, T. I. Investigation
turbine business now part of KWU. of the stage with a small ratio D J L , and with a decreased radial
STAL Svenska Turbinfabriksaktiebolaget Ljungs- gradient of the degree of reaction. Teploenergetika, Oct. 1976, 34.
trom, Sweden. 22 Pollard, D., Lord, M. J. and Stockton, E. C. An evaluation of low
pressure steam turbine blade erosion. Steam turbines for the
W Westinghouse Electric Company, USA. 1980s, IMechE Design Conference 1979,413.
23 Parsons, R. H. T h e development of the Parsons steam turbine,
Abbreviations for the different types of nuclear Constable, London, 1936.
reactor referred to in the paper are as follows: 24 The North Tees power station of the Newcastle upon Tyne Elec-
tricity Supply Company Limited. Engineering, 13 June and 11
AGR advanced gas-cooled reactor July, 1924.
BWR boiling water reactor 25 Baumann, K. Some considerations affecting the future develop-
PWR pressurized water reactor ment of the steam cycle. Instn Mech. Engrs, NW Branch, 6 Nov.
SGHWR steam generating heavy water reactor 1930.
26 Drewry, M. K. Reheat experiences at Port Washington. ASME
Other abbreviations used throughout the paper are: Paper 5 1-A-45.
27 Parker, E. E. Steam turbines for resuperheat cycle. Trans.
HP high-pressure A S M E , Aug. 1949,693.
IP intermediate-pressure 28 Ludewig, M. Modern AEG condensing and reheat turbines of
medium and high rating. AEG Review, 1963, No. 2, 81.
LP low-pressure 29 Smith, A. R. and Thompson, E. S. The mercury-vapour process.
TC tandem-compound Trans. A S M E , Oct. 1942, 625.
CC cross-compound 30 Schroder, K. Gross Dampfkrafwerke, Springer-Verlag, 1959,81.
31 Campbell, C. B., Franck, C. C. and Spahr, J. C. The Eddystone
superpressure unit. Trans. A S M E , Aug. 1957, 1431.
32 Elston, C. W. and Sheppard, R. First commercial supercritical-
REFERENCES pressure steam turbine-built for the Philo plant. ASME paper
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Reference (I), first published in 1902 and the latest English edition of 33 Spencer, R. C. Design of double-reheat turbines for supercritical
which was in 1927, represents the definitive textbook of its day on pressures. Proc. Am. Pwr Con$, 1980,225.
turbine technology. References (2) and (3) form useful modern sources 34 Bailey, R. W. The utilisation of creep test data in engineering
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35 Gibb, C. D. Postwar land turbine development. Proc. Instn
1 Stodola, A. Steam and gas turbines, McGraw-Hill, 1927. Mech. Engrs, 1931, 120,413.
2 Traupel, W. Steam turbines, yesterday, today and tomorrow. 36 Scbeffczyk, H. Dampfturbinen. Elektrizitutswirtschqft, 1976, 20,
Proc. lnstn Mech. Engrs, 1979,193, No. 38, 391. 691.
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37 Hard, F. 75 years of Brown Boveri steam turbines. Brown Boveri power plant operating with no. 6 oil. Brown Boveri Review, 1982,
Review, 2-76, 85. 11-82,373.
38 Fairchild, F. P. The design of Sewaren generating station and no. 70 Harris, F. R. and Kalderon, D. The choice of design speed for
1 unit at Essex station, Public Service Electric and Gas PWR turbines for 50 Hz generating systems. Steam plant for
Company. Trans. A S M E , April 1950,247. pressurised water reactors, IMechE Conference Publication 1983-
39 Fairchild, F. P. The new Kearny generating station. Trans. 11, Paper C268/83.
A S M E , July 1954,735. 71 Scharff, W., Sonin, J. and Riolo, H. Graben 1200 MW nuclear
40 Reynolds, R. L. Recent development of the reheat steam turbine. plant. Brown Boveri Review, 1-76, 54.
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41 Biennial steam station design surveys. Electrical World. Turbines manufactured by Leningrad Metalworking Plant for
42 Flatt, F. 600°C turbine of 115 MW at Baudour power station. nuclear power stations. Thermal Engineering, Sept. 1981, 497.
Escher W y s s News, 1961, No. 1,2. 73 Safonov, L. P. et al. Future 2000 MW turbine units for nuclear
43 Steinack, K. and Veenhoff, F. The development of AEG turbines power stations. Thermal Engineering, Sept. 1981, 505.
for high temperatures. AEG Progress, 1961, No. 1, 35. 74 Joyce, J. S., Haas, H. and Heinrichs, F. Tandem-compound
44 Shubenko-Shubin, L. A. and Ostrovskii, S. I. Kharkov turbine 1800-r/min turbine generators to match very large superheated
works SKR-100 condensing steam turbine for supercritical steam steam supply systems. Proc. Am. Pwr Con$, 1980, 233.
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45 Steinack, K. Recent development in steam turbines for high tem- Mech. Engrs., June 1904,737.
peratures. AEG Review, 1963, No. 2,99. 76 Robson, L. S. The development of large turbines for land power
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for advanced steam conditions. Proc. Am. Pwr Con$, 1982,330. 77 Lyle, F. F., Lamping, G. A. and Leverant, G. R. Stress corrosion
47 Warren, G. B. Progress in design and performance of modern cracking of low pressure turbine discs-an industry survey.
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48 Robertson, C. A. Operating experiences in connection with regen- 79 Drahy, J. Skoda steam turbines at the beginning of the 1980s.
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100 Vodichev, V. I. et al. Experience with operation and some fea- 132 Smith, D. M. The motion of a rotor carried by a flexible shaft in
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103 Vodichev, V. I. et al. TK-450/500-68(60) district-heating turbines steam turbine buckets. Trans. A S M E , 1958,80, No. 1, 181.
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106 Miihlhauser, H. and Eckert, W. Steam turbines in power stations 139 Kraft, H. Non-steady flow in the turbine, recent work and think-
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luftgekuhlten 160 MW Dampfkraftwerks Utrillas. Brennst.- 143 Williamson, R. B. Nuclear steam turbine operation experiences.
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110 Gray, R. J., Brauer, W. C. and Leland, S. C. Design and initial 144 Dickinson, J. D. and McKinley, D. E. Turbine effects from steam
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111 Van Der Walt, N. T., West, L. A., Sheer, T. J. and Kubail, D. The corrosion fatigue in steam turbine blades in the transition and
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112 Schabtach, C. The 900,000 kW turbine generator for Bull Run 147 Terrell, 8. J. Some reflections on the thermal distortion of
station of TVA. Trans. A S M E , J Engng Pwr, April 1964,219. turbine casings. Steam turbine research and development, IMechE
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114 Crook, A. W. and Frankel, A. The development of the integral 149 Sporn, P. Technically sound and commercially workable. Electri-
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neering, AEI, 1968, 14. 150 Pollman, E. and Termuehlen, H. Turbine rotor vibrations excited
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stations. Thermal Engineering, Aug. 1975, 1. 151 Bolton, J. L. Assurance of integrity of steam turbine rotors using
116 Palmer, W. E. and Miller, E. H. Why multi-pressure condenser- the methods of fracture mechanics and probability analysis.
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117 Elliott, A. C. Feed water heaters. Proc. S . Wales Inst. Engrs, 93.
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118 Baumann, K. Heat Engines. Thomas Hawksley Lecture, Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs, 1972, 186, No. 31, 379.
lnstn Mech. Engrs, 1949,160, 61. 153 Hirota, Y. et al. Changes of material properties and life manage-
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120 Brazier, P. H. The economic advantages and limitations of multi- 154 Berg, U., Melton, K. N. and Heiberger, D. Determining and
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Turbine-Generator Engineering, AEI, 1968, 108. Boueri Review, 12-81,486.
121 Dickenson, J. H. S. Some experiments on the flow of steels at a 155 Hodges, J. T. and Boone, C. C. The future of power generation
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Steel Inst., 1922, CVI. 156 Bennett, R. R. Station s i z e w h e r e are we heading? Proc. Am.
122 Williamson, E. L., Black, J. C., Destrihats, A. F., Iuliano, W. N. Pwr Con&, 1968,481.
and Reed, F. A. Increased plant kilowatts using turbine driven 157 Linden steam power station. Engineer, 13 June 1958, 909; 20
boiler fans. Proc. Am. Pwr Con&, 1972, 346. June 1958,949.
123 Spencer, R. C., Cotton, K. C. and Cannon, C. N. A method of 158 Frank, C. C. and Carlson, J. A. The supercritical-pressure steam
predicting the performance of steam turbine-generators, 16,500 turbine-generator unit. Symposium on Avon unit No. 8, Proc.
kW and larger. ASME paper 62-WA-209. Am. Pwr Con$, 1961,87.
124 Sheppard, R. Operational experience with the first commercial 159 Sporn, P. and Fiala, S. N. The Breed plant story. Electrical
supercritical pressure steam turbine built for the Philo plant. World, 16 Jan. 1961,47.
Proc. Am. Pwr Con$, 1958, 171. 160 Giovanni, D. V. and Armor, A. F. Improving the thermal effi-
125 Williamson, R. B. The Eddystone story-turbine-generator unit ciency of conventional steam-electric power plants. Power plants
leads heat-rate parade. Electrical World, 11 Mar. 1963, 98. 1981, VGB Congress, The Hague, Sept. 1981.
126 Stinson, W. H. and Fruchtman, I. Effect of turbine design and 161 Toda, G., Haneda, H. and Hizume, A. Ultra supercritical press-
operation factors on plant heat rate. ASME paper 81-JPGC- ure power generation. Daily Electrical News, 29 0ct.-16 Nov.
Pwr-36. 1982, Japan Electric Association, Tokyo.
127 CEGB Statistical Yearbook, 1982-3. 162 Baker, R. A. Mercer generating plant-the case for 1100°F
128 Electrical Week, 7 June 1982, 7. steam. Proc. Am. Pwr Con&, 1962,437.
129 Campbell, W. W. Steam, the substance and its properties. Steam 163 Hernen, B. Dinorwic pumped storage station for standby and
plant engineering: present status and future trends, IMechE Con- stability. Water Power and Dam Construction, July 1976, 21.
vention 1964, 1. 164 Mattick, W. et al. Huntorf-the world’s first 290 MW gas
130 British Standard 752 : 1974. turbine air-storage peaking plant. Proc. Am. Pwr Con&, 1975,322.
131 Campbell, W. The protection of steam turbine disc wheels from 165 Wood, B. Alternative fluids for power generation. Proc. Instn
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166 Billett, H., Dunn, P. D. and Whitby, H. C. Generation of elec- Engrs, 1962, 176, No. 23, 603.
tricity by unconventional methods. Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs, 169 Sato, R., Miyoshi, M., Miyazaki, M. Experience and develop-
1962, 176, No. 18,421. ment of geothermal power plants. Proc. Am. Pwr Con$, 1981,
167 Gervais, R. L. Solar One; one year after turbine roll. Modern 444.
Power Systems, July/Aug. 1983, 19. 170 Chapman, J. N., Strom, S. S. and Wu, Y. C. L. MHD steam
168 Haldane, T. G. N. and Armstead, H. C. H. The geothermal power power, promise, progress, and problems. Mechanical Engineering,
development at Wairakei, New Zealand. Proc. Instn Mech. Sept. 1981, 30.

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