Learning Plan in Entrepreneurship

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Learning Plan in Entrepreneurship

I. Topic: Entrepreneurship

II. Content Standard: The learner demonstrates the understanding about Entrepreneurship.

III. Performance Standard: The learner independently Write/Create a business plan

IV. Learning Competencies

1. Discuss basic concept in entrepreneurship. 

2. Define the different parts of business plan. 

3. Write/Create business plan. 

V. Time Allotment: 6 hours

VI. Lesson Outline: Synchronous Learning-MS teams

A. Introduction/Motivation

The teacher will show a visual presentation about Entrepreneurship and the detailed explanation.

Sample Picture:
A. Instruction/Delivery

The teacher will discuss the Meaning of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur, Income Statement, and Steps in Business plan and
their descriptions.

B. Evaluation

The teacher will conduct a quiz after the discussion


1. This is a statement that summarizes the historical financial results of a business’s revenues and expenses over a selected period of

A .Business Plan

B. Enterprise

C. Income Statement

D. Revenue

2. This is the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services related to the company's primary operations.

A .Business Plan

B. Enterprise

C. Income Statement

D. Revenue

3. This Is the person that bring in a overall change through innovation for the maximum social good.

A. Enterprise
B. Entrepreneur

C. Business Plan

D. Income Statement

4. This is the amount of income that remains after accounting for all expenses, debts, additional income streams, and operating costs.

A. Profit

B. Revenue

C. Entrepreneur

D. Enterprise.

5. The control and deployment of resources to create an innovative economic organization for the purpose of gain or growth under
conditions of risk and uncertainty.

A. Entrepreneurship

B. Entrepreneur

C. Enterprise

D. Income Statement

6. This step of business planning you are going to determine who are your customer’s?

A. Prepare a production plan.

B. Prepare a financial plan.

C. Analyze you market

D. Income Statement

7. This is a price that can be directly tied to the production of specific goods or services.

A. Indirect cost

B. Enterprise

C. Revenue

D. Direct cost

8. ITS Company had Php 1,750,000.00 in total revenue. The total expenses for the company were Php 1,175,000.00. What was the
profit for ITS Company?

A. Php 550,000.00

B. Php 575,000.00

C. Php 555,000.00

D. Php 577,000.00

9. This represents the expenses of doing business that are not readily identified with a particular grant but are necessary for the
general operation of the organization and the conduct of activities it perform.

A. Indirect cost

B. Enterprise

C. Revenue

D. Direct cost
10. Toms runs a business which is a sword, and he sold it Php 86,000 last year. Unfortunately, toms need to pay taxes and expenses,
which cost Php 41,000. How much money is tom left?

A. Php 55,000.00

B. Php 44,000.00

C. Php 55,000.00

D. Php 45,000.00

Answer Key:

1. C = Income Statement

2. D = Revenue

3. B = Entrepreneur

4. A = Profit

5. A = Entrepreneurship

6. C = Revenue

7. D = Direct cost

8. B = Php 575,000.00

9. A = Indirect cost

10. D = Php 45,000.00


NAME OF STUDENT: ___________________________


Application of Orderly application Orderly application Orderly application Never follows No attempt to
the procedure of procedures all the of procedures all the of procedures all the orderly application apply procedures
time without time with minimum time with constant of procedures and to the activity
supervision supervision supervision highly development
on supervision

Speed/Quality Work finished ahead Work finished meets Work finished close Work finished way No concept of time
of time, Organized deadline, mostly to deadline, beyond deadline and and unprofessional
and Unique. Organized and somewhat Organized somehow looking.
Unique. and Unique. acceptable.


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