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Report for Project entitled

“Prototype of Industrial Robotic Arm ”
Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial
fulfilment of the requirements for Final year project
Mechanical Engineering

Submitted by
ROLL NO – 182202

Under the Guidance of

Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Government Polytechnic, Kolhapur
In recent years the industry and daily routine works are found to be
more attracted and implemented through automation via Robots. The
pick and place robot are one of the technologies in manufacturing
industries which is designed to perform pick and place operations. The
system is so designed that it eliminates the human error and human
intervention to get more precise work. There are many fields in which
human intervention is difficult but the process under consideration has
to be operated and controlled this leads to the area in which robots find
their applications. The project deals with implementing an pick and
place robot using Robo-Arduino for any pick and place functions. The
pick and place robot so implemented is controlled using RF signal. The
chassis is supported for the displacement of robotic arm by four Omni
wheels. The robotic arm implemented has two degrees of freedom.
Many other features such as line follower, wall hugger, obstacle
avoider, metal detector etc can be added to this robot for versatility of
In today’s industrial environment a robot or more precisely robotic
arm is not something that is hard to find, we can find a mechanical
assistant for the human worker in almost any factory.
The work is designed to develop the pick and place robotic arm with
a soft catching gripper that to lift hazardous object which cannot not be
touched by human hands. The robot is controlled through Bluetooth
using smartphone. It is built with servo motors. Arduino controller is
used in robotic arm process, the movement of the robot is either
forward, backward, left or right. The robotic arm is designed using
servo motors, and it is interfaced with micro controller. The main
advantage of soft catching gripper is to lift a hazardous is
controlled by using Bluetooth in smart phone.
Since many years people try to replace human work with
machines. Machines called robots are faster and more effective
than people. The term robotics is practically defined as the study,
design and use of robot systems for manufacturing. Robots are
generally used to perform unsafe, hazardous, highly repetitive, and
unpleasant tasks. They have many different functions such as material
handling, assembly, arc welding, resistance welding and machine tool
load and unload functions, painting, spraying, etc. Many elements
of robots are built with inspiration from the nature. Construction of the
manipulator as the arm of the robot is based on human arm. The robot
has the ability to manipulate objects such as pick and place operations.
It is also able to function by itself. The development of electronic
industry robot system technology has been expanded increasingly.
As one such application, the service robot with machine vision
capability has been developed recently.
In this highly developing society time and man power are
critical constrains for completion of task in large scales. The
automation is playing important role to save human efforts in most of
the regular and frequently carried works. One of the major and most
commonly performed works is picking and placing of jobs from
source to destination. Present day industry is increasingly turning
towards computer-based automation mainly due to the need for
increased productivity and delivery of end products with uniform
quality. The inflexibility and generally high cost of hard-automation
systems, which have been used for automated manufacturing tasks
in the past, have led to a broad based interest in the use of mechanical
arm capable of performing a variety of manufacturing functions in a
flexible environment and at lower costs. The use of Industrial
mechanical arm characterizes some of contemporary trends in
automation of the manufacturing process. However, present day
industrial mechanical arm also exhibit a monolithic mechanical
structure and closed-system software architecture. They are
concentrated on simple repetitive tasks, which tend not to require high
precision. The pick and place mechanical arm is a human controlled
based system that detects the object, picks that object from source
location and places at the desired location. For detection of object,
human detect presence of object and move machine accordingly.
Literature Survey

John Iovine [1], in this book various aspects of designing a Robot is

described. It deals with different types of Arm design, controlling
techniques, vehicle design etc. ER. Rajput, in this book the operation
and control of robots is discussed. Arduino cookbook, in this book
details and methods of interfacing hardware components such as
DC motor, Servo motor and RF Transmitter and Receiver is been
The other references listed in the references section discusses similar
concepts in its various fields such as color identification and
segregation robot, robot for surveillance, pick and place robot
controlled using android etc.
Problem Statement
The pick and place robot being implemented to ease the process of
sorting, process of moving heavy materials etc. Usually the transfer
process of the heavy materials is being carried out, using man power
and if the transfer process is repeated for a period of time, it can
cause injuries to the operator. By using the particular robot the
operator, will no longer have to bent and lift up heavy loads thus
preventing injuries and increasing the efficiency of the work. Operator
will make mistakes whether small or big in a while. In the industrial
world, the industry cannot afford to take any kind of mistakes. As every
mistake is costly whether interns of time, money and material.
The main objectives of this project are
• To control the displacement of the robotic arm so that the arm
can be used to pick and place the elements from any source to
• To control the displacement and movement of robotic arm using
RF Transmitter and Receiver.
• To implement a robotic arm with two degrees of freedom.

The block diagram of the proposed system is shown in Fig1. It consists

of an Atmega328 Microcontroller IC, four DC Motors with driver
IC, two servo motors and power supply. The pick and place robotic
arm consists of a robotic arm placed on a moving vehicle (chassis).
The vehicle is able to move along any type of surfaces irrespective of
it is smooth or rough. The pick and place robot uses four motors
for the operation of the chassis, two servo motors for the operation
pick and place operation. The pick and place arm consists of an arm
assembly with a jaw, which is only able to move in up and down
direction. There are two motors for the arm assembly, one for the up
and down motion and other for jaw opening and closing. For the
controlling of motor, motor driver IC and Atmega328 micro controller
is used. The input signal or controlling signal is given from a wireless
play station, which is interfaced with the microcontroller by a RF
receiver module. When the signal is sent from the play station it is
decoded in the controller and proper controlling signal is sent to
actuators (dc motors or servo motor) in the system.
General Characteristics of Robot Arm Mechanics
Kinematics in robotics is the science of motion investigation. Robot
arm links can be rotated or offset according to the reference
coordinate frame. A systematic and general approach developed by
Denavit and Hartenberg establishes the relationship between the
robot endpoint and the total displacement of robot arm links (1).
Angular and linear displacements between limbs are called joint
coordinates and are defined by limb variables. In order to
determine the amount of rotation and displacement according to
the reference coordinate system of the multiplied in turn. If the
coordinates of the end point are given, limb variables can be obtained
by going backward. These operations are called forward and
inverse kinematics. The next section will explain how to determine
forward and reverse kinematics. The general transformation matrix
can be quite complex even for simple robots. It can be found in
standard textbooks such as the Jacobian matrix for standardendpoint,
the matrices A which represent the amounts of each limb rotation and
The design part is divided into two parts, the mechanical part
design, and the mechanical part installation. In the design of the
mechanical part, the millimetric drawings of the parts to be used in
the robot arm construction were made through the help program. In
the installation of the mechanical part, the naming of the
servomotors used in the robot arm and the tasks during the operation
of the robot are explained. The construction of the project consists of
several steps. These steps are;
Determination of the mechanical materials required for the
production of the project,
Determination of microcontroller and software to be used in the
project, Search and selection of servo motors that will run the robot
arm in a proper way, Proper selection of mechanical parts,
Implementation of robot arm assembly, Testing the system to see
if it works properly with the microcontroller we choose, Possible
faults have been given in the form of restructuring the system by
passing through the eye. These steps have been completed and the
design of the robot has been completed.
Arduino Robot Arm Circuit Diagram

The next stage is connecting the electronics. The circuit diagram of

this project is actually quite simple. We just need an Arduino board
and a HC-05 Bluetooth module for communication with the
smartphone. The control pins of the six servo motors are connected to
six digital pins of the Arduino board.

or powering the servos we need 5V, but this must come from an
external power source because the Arduino is not able to handle the
amount of current that all of them can draw. The power source must
be able to handle at least 2A of current. So once we have connected
everything together we can move on to programing the Arduino and
make the Android app.
Arduino Robot Arm Code
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <Servo.h>
Servo servo01;
Servo servo02;
Servo servo03;
Servo servo04;
Servo servo05;
Servo servo06;
SoftwareSerial Bluetooth(3, 4); // Arduino(RX, TX) - HC-05 Bluetooth (TX, RX)
int servo1Pos, servo2Pos, servo3Pos, servo4Pos, servo5Pos, servo6Pos; // current position
int servo1PPos, servo2PPos, servo3PPos, servo4PPos, servo5PPos, servo6PPos; // previous
int servo01SP[50], servo02SP[50], servo03SP[50], servo04SP[50], servo05SP[50],
servo06SP[50]; // for storing positions/steps
int speedDelay = 20;
int index = 0;
String dataIn = "";

void setup() {
Bluetooth.begin(38400); // Default baud rate of the Bluetooth module
// Robot arm initial position
servo1PPos = 90;
servo2PPos = 150;
servo3PPos = 35;
servo4PPos = 140;
servo5PPos = 85;
servo6PPos = 80;
Control Android App

Each slider have different initial, minimum and maximum value that
suits the robot arm joints. At the bottom of the app, we have three
button, SAVE, RUN and RESET through which we can program the
robot arm to run automatically. There is also a label below which shows
the number of steps we have saved. Nevertheless, for more details how
to build apps like this using the MIT App Inventor you can check my
other detailed tutorial for let’s see the program or the blocks
behind the application. First, on the left side we have the blocks for
connecting the smartphone to the Bluetooth module.

Then we have the sliders blocks for the servo position control and the
buttons blocks for programing the robot arm. So if we change the
position of the slider, using the Bluetooth function .SendText, we
send a text to the Arduino. This text consist of a prefix which
indicates which slider has been changed as well as the current value
of the slider.
Robotic arms, many areas are developable. Thanks to the robotic arms,
many tasks are made easier and the resulting error level has been
reduced to a minimum. For example; some pharmacy-based drug-
giving robots and a projected robot arm have been developed. In
addition to this, the ability to move the robot arm is further
increased, and when the camera is placed in the finger area and the
sensitivity is increased, it can be used in a wide range of applications
from the medical sector to the automation systems. With the robotic
arms developed in this way, the risk of infecting the patient in the
medical sector is minimized, while the human errors are minimized
during the surgical intervention. Despite the fact that the robotic
arm made by this project is of prototype quality, it has a quality that
can be improved for more robotic systems. Besides these, robotic
arm sector, which is open to development, will keep its importance
in the future. The purpose of the project is to provide control of 4 axes
moving robot arm design and this robot arm with a suitable
microcontroller and Bluetooth module with android application. The
necessary theoretical and practical information for this purpose has
been obtained and the necessary infrastructure has been established for
the project. During the process of making and developing the
project, a lot of theoretical knowledge has been transferred to the
practice and it has been ensured that it is suitable for the purpose of the
1.WMHW Kadir, RE Samin, BSK Ibrahim. Internet controlled a
robotic arm. Procedia Engineering. 2012.
2. MAK Yusoff, RE Samin, mobile robotic arm. Procedia
Engineering. 2012.
3. AM Al-Busaidi, Development of an educational environment
for online control of a biped robot using MATLAB and Arduino,
(MECHATRONICS), 9th France-Japan.2012.
4. HS Juang, KY Lurrr. Design and control of a two-wheel self-
balancing robot using the Arduino microcontroller board. Control
and Automation (ICCA), 2013.
5. R Krishna, GS Bala, SS ASC, BBP Sarma. Design and
implementation of a robotic arm based on haptic technology. Int. J. of
Eng. Research. 2012.
6. Electric Electronic Technology-Step and Servo Motors, SVET,

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