Lloyd Bacani GOAT Contract Player 211201 English 14

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GOAT GOAT Squad Player Contract

This contract is between you, the Player, also known in this contract as GOAT Squad Player
(GSP), and GOAT. The GOAT Management Team (GMT) is the managing body of GOAT.

You will report directly to your GOAT Squad Manager, also known in this contract as GSM,
which will be assigned to you.

GOAT Squad must agree to the standard rules of GOAT and Axie Infinity:

Standard rules:

● Managers and Players must be over 18 years old.

● Only one account is allowed per person and per device. You must not accept
scholarship programs from other Principal’s and/or Manager’s after signing this
agreement. Multiple accounts handled by one person will lead to account banning.

● Do not log in to the game server using another Ronin account. Only use the GOAT
account to log in to the game server that was provided to you.

● Multi-accounting is strictly forbidden. If you are found multi-accounting will be kicked

out immediately with no pay-out of SLP.

● Never adjust the date and time of your device to manipulate the energy. This will
automatically lead to account banning.

● You agree to play every day and not leave your account unattended for 1-2 days.

● You agree to never change the login email and password unless directed to do so
by one of the GOAT Management Team.

● Accounts given are non-transferable. Your QR code should not be shared with
anyone. Do not share your account.

● A GOAT Squad Player (GSP) minimum of 1500 MMR must be maintained at all

● New GOAT Squad Players are allowed to play adventure mode for the first two
weeks to level up their team.

● GOAT Squad Players must obtain a 160 SLP average per day or 1120 per week.

● In the event of server maintenance, the application should be closed / logged out
immediately. It is your responsibility to coordinate with your Squad via discord
channel for possible announcements to prevent the occurrence of unnecessary

● You must provide your own device to use for Playing Axie Infinity. The requirements
are the following:
● Mac / Windows Desktop or laptop

GOAT GOAT Squad Player Contract

● iPhone or Android Phone

● Strong Data Connection

● You must not use any VPN or any relative tools.

● You agree to never use any mobile emulators and/or any other relative tools.

● You agree to provide your own data connection to be used for playing Axie Infinity,
This data connect shall NEVER be shared with any other person playing Axie
Infinity to prevent the account from getting banned. You may use Wifi connection
only if you are the only one playing Axie Infinity in the household.

● AFK (Absent from keyboard) while in-game is strictly not allowed. Once the game
has started, you must check your screen at all times. Axie Infinity randomly sends
anti-bot pop ups. You must be prepared for this when launching the app.

● Passing your interview and giving your account to other players that are
incompetent will result in your scholarship getting revoked.

● All GOAT Squad Players must be respectful of all other players in the games and
be always courteous, this is in Axie and on Discord. Do not use profanity or bad
language. You agree not to break any Axie Infinity rules. Do not make threats of
violence or threaten to harm others.

● GOAT Squad Players and GOAT Squad Managers must maintain daily

● GOAT Squad Players are required to message their GSM their daily SLP when they
finish playing every day. This will then be updated on your GOAT Squad report from
your manager and sent to the GOAT Management Team.

Your roles and responsibilities:

You will work with your GSM to find a team that is a 7/10 team with a maximum spend of
$900 USD. This $ amount spend will change from time to time as set by GMT.

Make sure you have read all the onboarding materials and understand what is required of
you to make your journey into Axie Infinity and get started in the game.

Work with your GSM when you need training and take their direction to help improve your

Be part of the GOAT Squad Community that empowers players and always keep the
community a safe and respectful space.

You must set your Discord notifications to be on, so you are always in communication with
your GSM.

GOAT GOAT Squad Player Contract

In the instance you wish to resign your GSP position, 14 days’ notice is to be given to your
GOAT Squad Manager or no SLP will be paid out.

On a daily basis:

● you need to check in with your GSM every morning

● advise your GSM of your SLP from the previous day
● play for a minimum of 3 hours per day ● maintain your SLP of 160

Profit Sharing Payments

Profit sharing is confidential. It is based on your rating and contribution. Do not share this
information with peers or to public.

As a GSP you will be on the revenue spilt below. To maintain this you must achieve your
SLP daily limit and maintain the MMR of the team.

Your first two weeks you will be on probation (up to and including your first pay), while on
probation you will receive 30% then move to the below revenue split:
SLP % you receive Status
Under 140 SLP 30% Trainee
140 SLP to 179 SLP 40% Solid
180 SLP to 269 SLP 50% Super Strong
270 SLP and Above 60% Champion
Players who fail to get a minimum of 75 SLP on 3 separate occasions will automatically lose
their scholarship. 75 SLP is the basic SLP farming even when in levelling phase.

Players who fail to get 120 SLP per day will be given a warning. 5 warnings will lead to
losing their scholarship.

Every pay out the Player should have an average of 130 SLP, failing to do this twice will
lead to losing their scholarship.

Pay-outs are scheduled every 15 days to the Ronin wallet address provided by you. You are
paid in SLP.If this date falls on a weekend, then pays will be done on the next business day.


Discord Name: Lloyd Bacani

Discord ID: Lloyd#1415

GOAT #: 14

Date: DEC,03,2021

GOAT GOAT Squad Player Contract


GOAT GOAT Squad Player Contract

Manager Name:

Discord Name:


Rating / 10



Snr Manager Name:

Discord Name:

Goat #:




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