Activity 3: Group Members:Angela Anne Bantula Course: BSN1A

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University of Cebu

Cebu City
Date: September 28, 2020
Subject:Humanities 100 Subject Time/Days: Mon-Wed 7:30-9:00AM
School Year/Semester:2020-21/1stSem. Term: Prelim Period

Group Members:Angela Anne Bantula Course: BSN1A

Franze Jessie Sabang
Jennie Mae Quiapo
Kristie Quiachon
Mary Cooper Lumayag
Activity 3

Art as Universal

Universality in Art is referring to the applicability of all truths in a way that lasts or remains for
all time, giving a tangible or visible form through an artwork. This type of artwork calls the attention
indirectly or touches the emotions of anyone who is able to perceive the intended meaning that the artist is
trying to portray.

Art as Cultural

This art is in association with the ideas, customs, and socia

place. It contains the components that describes a group of people
composed of their creative efforts, their practice, and their transm
generation to generation.

Art is Not Nature

Art is an Expression of the Mind

It is believed to be that art is not considered to be natural, fo

creates an artwork, it is solely coming from his/her own mind. Art is
made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally,

Art is a Form of Creativity

Expression of the mind is making reference on artist’s freedom of expression, anything the mind
thinks of is already considered as a work of art. The result of their artwork is determined by what the artist
is visualizing inside their head. "The artist's world is limitless. It can be found anywhere, far from where
he lives or a few feet away. It is always on his doorstep." ~ Paul Strand.

The potential of the artist to make art that is capable of inspiring and informing the audience,
commonly in a way that gives pleasure through beauty. Art in the form of creativity is defined as the
tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving
problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.

Art Involves Personal Experience

Art is frequently by the artist’s personal experiences, so usually it is first hand experiences. The
creation of this work must be something of personal and knowledgeable value.

Art is Ageless and Timeless

Art Invokes Expressions

Art is ageless and timeless in view of the fact that it is not affected by time or altered by fashion
and it never grows old. It is not an important factor of how old the piece of art is because it will still
remain as relevant and relatable to all of the people born and living at about the same time. Even though
their perspectives about it may differ through time, but it will not lose importance.

Appealing to art as an expression, then the one who creates it is the expresser of emotion, using
art as making known one's thoughts or feelings. It is conveying an emotional state, an acceptance that a
statement is true, and the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. Art that invokes
expression is the outcome of the complexities of life, of human’s continuous search for explanations,
making meaning out of lived or observed experiences, and attempting to have a connection with other

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