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Module 1 Answer Sheet:

Process questions:
1. Defining globalization can enlighten people what is contemporary world all about. Since globalization
affect every aspect of our life, it is important to know what is globalization as a concept and
understanding globalization is a very important part of learning about our human involvement with the
environment and society making ourselves more aware of our roles, of what we can contribute, what
we can do in this world that is driven by change.

2. Yes, I agree that contemporary world is characterized by high liquidity. For example, the flow or
exchange of ideas moves faster than before. A product of globalization, the Internet, helps the modern
world to exchange/communicate ideas and information easily. I also think that by “high liquidity” means
“change is permanent”. There is no assertion here about discontinuity, randomness, or complete
absence of "structure". Indeed, the quotation explicitly allows that there a structure which implies that
they persist over some period of time; and it observes, reasonably enough, that structures change and

Activity #1
1. Answer the following questions:
1. Runaway by Aurora, She is a Norwegian singer-songwriter.
2. That should be me by Justin Bieber, He is a Canadian singer-songwriter.
3. Paubaya by Moira Dela Torre, She is a Philippine singer-songwriter.
- I used Cell phone.
- My Cell phone is Samsung Unit, Samsung is a company based in South Korea.
Most of its products are either produced in the respective country or South Korea itself.

2. Globalization has become a fashion concept that explains the changes experienced in the world and
which is accepted as the reason of the transformations. While the concept of globalization is defined in
this sense, the meanings of globalization in different dimensions have emerged. When the definitions of
globalization are analyzed, it is seen that the definitions that prioritize economic expansions are
examined more. The common feature of the definitions that evaluate the phenomenon of globalization
economically is that it emphasizes the increase in foreign investments, the increasing importance of
multinational companies, the economical interdependence of countries and increasing unlimited capital

3. What metaphors are you going to use in order to improve your own definition of globalizations?
Enumerate at least three and explain one of them.
- I will use WIFI, multi-level marketing and family
Globalization means developing international influences. When we influence, it means we
combine our economic forces with others to be more powerful.
1. Globalization is a fast and strong wifi connection. It connects people and technology
together for faster transactions. Globalization acts the same reason.
2. Globalization is creating an empire.
3. Globalization is like a family and the differences create opportunity to resolve and

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