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Silvester Joe Frias Macasieb, BSIT 1-4 11/23/21

Human Reproduction

1. What is Evolution of Human Reproduction?

It describes how sexually reproducing humans could have evolved. It describes the
processes and stages or steps on how human evolved and transformed.
2. What are the 5 stages of reproduction?
The 5 stages of reproduction are: contraception, contraction, embryo, gestation
(pregnancy), and labour.
3. What are the 4 steps of fertilization?
The stages of fertilization can be divided into four processes: 1) sperm preparation, 2)
sperm-egg recognition and binding, 3) sperm-egg fusion and 4) fusion of sperm and egg
pronuclei and activation of the zygote.
4. What are the 4 phases of human reproduction?
A) First Trimester. The first trimester lasts three months. It begins with fertilization of
the egg by a sperm in the fallopian tube that connects the uterus to the ovaries.
B) Second Trimester. After the first trimester, the fetus has almost all of its organs ready
apart from the brain, nervous system and lungs. 
C.) Third Trimester. The fetus perfects its brain structure during the last trimester. Its
circulatory system and its lung system develop more during this time so the baby is ready to
breathe air. 
D.) Stages of Birth. Birth also has three stages. The first stage is when the mother goes
into labor and the labor progresses until her cervix is fully dilated (10 cm in diameter). The
amniotic sac also bursts (her water breaks) during the first stage. The second stage involves
moving the baby down the birth canal and out of the body using very strong contractions of the
uterus every two to three minutes. The third stage of birth is expelling the placenta after the
baby is born.
5. When did humans start reproducing?
Basically, since the beginning. While anthropologists and evolutionary biologists can’t be
precise, all available evidence suggests that humans have understood that there is some
relationship between copulation and childbirth since Homo sapiens first exhibited greater
cognitive development, sometime between the emergence of our species 200,000 years ago
and the elaboration of human culture probably about 50,000 years ago. 

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