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Hill Protection Management plan

Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Prepared By
Green Tech Total Environment Solution

Address: Milonchari Bottola, Chimbuk

Road, Ward No. 03, Bandarban sadar
Upazilla , Bandarban ,Bangladesh

Section 1 - Introduction
1 - Introduction
There is no better place in which to experience the magic of the Hill Tracts than in the lively small town of Bandarban,
which lies on the Sangu River, 92km from Chittagong. The river is the centre of local life: epically long bamboo rafts,
steered by a solitary boatman, drift leisurely downstream, while country boats make slow trips to neighbouring villages.

Frustratingly, Bandarban also tends to be the place where officialdom is at its most restrictive. As elsewhere in the
Chittagong Hill Tracts, all foreigners need a permit to visit. However, at times the authorities may choose to restrict
where you can go in or outside the town – talk to a guide company before planning your trip to get an idea

Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Bandarban has been the most beautiful tourist destination of Bangladesh in recent years. Nature has adorned this region
with its magnificent and splendid green ornaments. Beauty is scattered everywhere of Bandarban in magnanimous
mood. One will find the virgin beauty of Bandarban on every step he or she advances. Nature is extravagant here.
Behind the name of Bandarban there is an overwhelming story. Long time ago this district was a great natural habitat
for monkeys and it was crisscrossed by numerous canals (jhiri). Monkeys used to collect fruits from forests on the other
side of the canal and cross it. After eating and collection of fruits, they returned in the same way as a group. When they
crossed canals it looked like a dam from a distance. It caught the sight of local Marma community and they termed it as
Magci. Here Mag means andarban is unanimously regarded as the most remote region yet the most exotic travel
destination in Bangladesh. Be it the range of lush green hills with tiny little organised villages on them, the mighty
mountains covered in cotton like clouds or the furious fountains and soothing streams of crystal-clear water that comes
out of them, Bandarban has all of them. All the highest peaks of

An ecosystems approach
A healthy natural environment underpins the health and wellbeing of our society and our economy. The natural resources – or
‘Natural Capital’ – of the Bandarban Hills include its trees and woodland, rivers and streams, aquifer and other water bodies,
farmland and grassland, soils, landscape and cultural assets. The benefits or services that we get from these natural resources
are known as Ecosystems Services. agriculture, forestry, land use and fishing that puts the environment first. One of its key goals is to
use resources from nature more sustainably and efficiently by:

 sustainably managing land and water environments

 protecting and providing more, better and joined up natural habitats conserving water resources and improving water
 improving the Bandarban Hills resilience to, and mitigation of, climate change increasing the ability to store carbon
through new planting or other means conserving and improving soils
 reducing litter and environmental pollution, especially air pollution managing and mitigating the risk of flooding
 supporting the sustainable production and local use of food, forestry and raw materials

 improving opportunities for people’s health and wellbeing stimulating sustainable tourism and economic activity
 delivering high-quality sustainable design that protects the local distinctiveness of the Bandarban Hills
The Hill Management:
Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty are designated by the Government for the purpose of ensuring that the special
qualities of the finest landscapes in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are conserved and enhanced. The primary purpose of
designation is to conserve and enhance the natural beauty of the area, as confirmed by Chittagong Hill Tracts Regional
Council Act, 1998 stated that the Regional Council would advise the government to remove conflicting provisions
from the Chittagong Hill Tracts Regulation, 1900 and from the Hill District Councils Act, 1989. As a result, the
Chittagong Hill Tracts Act (Amended), 2003 was passed to remove the conflicting provisions of the Regulation and
transfer judicial power from administrative officers to judicial officers (Judges).

As well as formulating the policy of local authorities in relation to their Hill Management Plans are intended to:

• Highlight the special qualities and the enduring significance of the and the importance of its landscape, wildlife and cultural
heritage, identifying those features that are vulnerable to change.

• Present an integrated vision for the future of the as a whole, in the light of national, regional and local priorities,
regardless of administrative boundaries.

• Set out agreed policies which will help secure that vision.
• Identify what needs to be done, by whom and when, in order to achieve these objectives.
• Stimulate action aimed at helping people to discover, enjoy and understand the local
landscape and its natural and cultural features.

• Identify actions which will support those economic and social activities which in themselves contribute to the
conservation and enhancement of natural beauty.

Wetland Protection
The developer is aware of the ecological role of wetlands as 100% of the hotel area has been fallen in
bandarban Hill Track and for that reason these wetland area of the project site will be protected. It is
intended that the existing trees will be maintained and restored as much as the original state and the floating
marsh will be incorporated as a special feature in the landscape design. The details of this are to be worked
out. The measures of wetland protection are discussed
The Landscape Character of the Bundarban Hills Sylvan Whe Resort:

 East Reserved forest in the east

 Floating gardens and vast area of
marsh land can be viewed in the
west side

Sylvan wye resort Hill Protection Plan and Process
Corporate Social Responsibility Plan
Along with PMP, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Plan is also formulated to be implemented
by Sylvan Wye Resort and Spa Ltd Co., during the 50-years operation period. The Sylvan Wye
Resort and Spa Ltd Co.‟ strongly believed that a hotel/resort and tourism business can achieve
sustainable profits, only by minimizing environmental footprint caused by itself and sharing the
benefits with employees and local community. The aim of CSR is to ensure social well-being of the
employees and their family members, better living condition and transparent and friendly relationship
with the communities nearby. Sylvan Wye Resort and Spa Ltd Co.‟ has allocated 2% of its net profit
for CSR plan.

Table 19: Corporate Social Responsibility Plan

Estimated Budget
No Activity Responsibility Timing
(BDT per annum)
1. Provide free emergency medical care. HSE Coordinator/
Annual medical checkup and Sylvan Wye Annually -----
vaccination for all employees Resort and
Spa Ltd
2. Social and environmental assistance to
nearest villages, Maingthauk Village
and Pay-pin-inn village of Bandarban
HSE Coordinator/
Hill Tracks(provide teaching materials
Sylvan Wye Annually ---------
to school, basic medicines to clinic,
Resort and Spa
conduct environmental education
program, tree planting program,
contribute for local pagoda festival)
3. Cooperation with nearby hotels,
businesses and concerned authorities for
local environmental safety and
HSE Coordinator/
sanitation (contribution to Bandarban
Sylvan Wye Annually -----------
Hill TracksDoE for collective
Resort and Spa
sewage/waste water disposed system,
cleaning and maintenance of drainages,
roads, power lines)
Contributions to local infrastructure
development (for better development of
HSE Coordinator/
power supply, water supply, roads,
Sylvan Wye Annually --------
health and sanitation facilities in the
Resort and Spa
area in cooperation with nearby hotels,
businesses and concerned authorities)
Total -------------

Biodiversity is essential for human life. It provides human society with many important benefits and
services. These services are collectively termed as environmental services. They are 1) provisional
services: food, fresh water, fuel and materials, 2) regulating services: climate regulation, flood
control, disease regulation and water purification, 3) cultural services: aesthetic, spiritual,
educational and recreational benefits and 4) supporting services: biomass production, soil formation,
nutrient cycling and provision of habitats. Although biodiversity is providing these valuable services,
human activities are causing tremendous damage to ecosystems and species around the world.
There are a number of reasons for the overall loss of biodiversity that we now face, including climate
change, habitat conversion, invasive species, overexploitation and pollution.

A hotel impacts biodiversity at each stage of its life cycle, from planning through to closure.
At the construction state, impact is determined by the size and location of the area cleared
for development and where construction activities are taking place, the choice of
construction methods, the sources and amount and type of materials, water and energy
used to build the hotel, the location of temporary camps for construction workers,
inadequate storage facilities for construction materials, the amount of construction waste
that has to be disposed of, and other types of damage such as surface soil erosion or,
compaction caused by construction activities or disruption of natural water flows and
drainage patterns.

In the operational stage, a hotel‟s impact comes mainly from the energy, water, food and
other resources that are consumed in running the hotel, by the solid and liquid wastes it
produces, by the way its grounds are managed, and by the direct impacts of its guests. In
addition, regular renovation and replacement of furniture, appliances and facilities can cause
impacts through purchasing choices and increased waste generation. Using energy and
water more efficiently, using organic and sustainably produced food, reducing, treating and
disposing of waste appropriately, making sustainable purchasing decisions and managing
gardens with natural-style plantings can all help a hotel to reduce its adverse impacts on
biodiversity. Similarly, a hotel‟s relationship with host communities not only affects the
sustainable operations of the hotel but also the use of environmental resources by
communities themselves.

Biodiversity resources are used in every area of a hotel, from restaurants to guest rooms to
gardens. The following action plan has been developed to mitigate the biodiversity impacts
caused by hotel.
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Hill Management Plan

Project / Activity
Responsible Person
(Potential Objectives Mitigating & Enhancement Measures
/ Unit
Construction Phase
Change in land use To ensure no major change in existing  Conserve trees and plant more
extent land use on completion Sylvan Wye Resort
 Ensure compliant with existing and Spa Ltd
planning policy /Contractor
Loss of terrestrial To protect endemic species of  Retain and restore as much of the
habitat and wildlife sanctuary and their habitats original and natural forested
biodiversity condition of the site.
 Site clearance should be carried out
in a manner that retains the large
trees while the building footprints
are pegged out.
 Construction of the internal roads
and placement of the building
footprints should be carried out after
identifying and locating all the Sylvan Wye Resort
mature and ecologically valuable and Spa Ltd
trees (using qualified personnel) and /Contractor
aligning the roads and building
footprints as much as possible soas
to save these trees. Trees and shrubs
contained within the footprints that
are amenable to transplanting
should be identified and removed to
the nursery.
 Where possible bird feeding
trees should be retained and
used in the
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

landscaping of there sort property

 Trees to be protected and left in place
should be clearly marked,
individually numbered, identified on
the site plan and encircled by a sturdy
fence prior to the commencement of
 The landscape plan should be
prepared prior to commencement of
site clearance activities and be
subject to careful review and
 All construction workers and persons
on site must be given specific
instructions not to harm snakes but
allow the animals to retreat into the
nearby area.
 All construction contractors should
be exposed to the environmental
management plan and sensitized to
the environmental issues.
Soil To lessen soil disturbance and  Control earthworks and
disturbance/erosion prevent soil erosion due to compact loose soils
construction activities  Install drainage structure properly
 Landscaping on project completion
 Control and mange excavation
 Control activities during rainy
Sylvan Wye Resort
conditions No extra cost
and Spa Ltd
 Provide soil erosion control and
conservation structures/means where
 To the greatest extent possible, phase
site clearance so as to minimize the
area of exposedsoil at any given
 Re-cover exposed soils with grass
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

and other appropriate species as soon

as possible.
 Temporarily bund exposed soil and
redirect flows from heavy runoff
areas that threaten to
 erode or result in substantial surface
runoff to adjacent Bandarban
 Monitor areas of exposed soil during
periods of heavy rainfall throughout
the construction
 phase of the project
Traffic To reduce traffic jam and accidents  Provide adequate parking and
 Control and management of traffic
Sylvan Wye Resort
through enforcement of speed limits No extra cost
and Spa Ltd
 Provide bill boards at the
site/entrance to notify motorists about
the development
Noise To ensure cumulative noise impacts  Construction activities that will Contractor
are acceptable generate disturbing sounds should be
restricted to normalworking hours.
 Local residents should be given
notice of intended noisy activities so
as to reduce thedegree of annoyances.
 Workers operating equipment that
generates noise should be equipped
with noise protection gear. Workers
operating equipment generating
noise levels greater than 80 dBA
continuously for 8 hours or more
should use earmuffs. Workers
experiencing prolonged noise levels
of 70 – 80 dBA should wear earplugs.
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Air Pollution To minimize dust effectively and  Water during the construction phase Contractor
(nuisance dust) avoid complaint due to the air borne of excavated areas during dry
particulate matter release to the conditions
atmosphere  Control speed and operation of
construction vehicles
 Prohibit idling of vehicles
 Ensure sound condition of
construction machinery and
 Workers on the site should be issued
with dust masks during dry and
windy conditions.
Material To reduce dust/noise/waste  All fine earth materials must be
transportation generation and avoid spillage during enclosed during transportation to the
transportation site to prevent spillageand dusting.
Trucks used for that purpose should
be fitted with tailgates that close
properlyand with tarpaulins to cover
the materials. The cleanup of spilled
earth and constructionmaterial on the
main roads should be the
responsibility of the Contractor and
should bedone in a timely manner
(say within 2 hours) so as not to Contractor/ Sylvan
No extra cost
inconvenience or endanger otherroad Wye Resort and
users. These requirements should be Spa Ltd
included as clauses within the
contracts madewith relevant sub-
 The transportation of lubricants and
fuel to the construction site should
only be done in theappropriate
vehicles and containers, i.e. fuel
tankers and sealed drums.
 As far as possible, transport of
construction materials should be
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

scheduled for off-peaktraffic hours

(to avoid other hoteliers‟ construction
works). This will reduce the risk of
traffic congestion and of road
accidents on theaccess roads to the
 Appropriate traffic warning signs,
informing road users of a
construction site entrance ahead
and instructing them to reduce speed,
should be placed along the main road
in the vicinity ofthe entrance to the
Sanctum Resort Hotel property
 Flagmen should be employed to
control traffic and assist construction
vehicles as theyattempt to enter and
exit the project site.
Material storage To ensure proper storage of material  The stockpiling of construction
and avoid accidental spillage materials should be properly
controlled and managed.
Finegrainedmaterials (sand, marl,
etc.) should be stockpiled away from
surface drainagechannels and
 Low berms should be placed around
the piles and/or tarpaulin used to
Contractor/ Sylvan
cover open piles ofstored materials to No extra cost
Wye Resort and
prevent them from being washed
Spa Ltd
away duringrainfall
 Safe storage areas should be
identified and retaining structures put
in place prior to thearrival and
placement of material.
 Hazardous chemicals (e.g. fuels)
should be properly stored in
appropriate containers andthese
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

should be safely locked away.

Conspicuous warning signs (e.g. „No
Smoking‟) shouldalso be posted
around hazardous waste storage and
handling facilities.
Construction waste To ensure adequate disposal options  Waste collection, segregation and Contractor
disposal for all kinds of construction waste disposal should be properly
including glass, metal, wood, cement managed and contact to Bandarban
residues, plastic, paper based wastes, Hill TracksDoE for final disposal.
oil spills etc.  Special attention should be given
to minimizing and reducing the
quantities of solid wasteproduced
during site preparation and
construction. To reduce organic
waste, softervegetation may be
composted onsite and used for soil
amendment during landscaping.
 Reusable inorganic waste (e.g.
excavated soil) should be stockpiled
away from drainagefeatures and used
for in filling where necessary.
 Unusable construction waste, such as
damaged pipes, formwork and other
constructionmaterial, must be
disposed of atBandarban Hill
TracksDoE dumpsite.

Sewage and litter To prevent soil/water contamination  Install proper sewage treatment plant Sylvan Wye Resort
management due to grey water discharge and  Proper solid waste receptacles and and Spa Ltd
overload or spillage of temporary storage containers should be provided
in sufficientnumbers, particularly for
septic tanks
the disposal of lunch boxes and
drinking bottles, so as to prevent
littering ofthe site
 Arrangements should be made for the
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

regular collection of litter and for its

Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

disposal only atthe dump site.

 No discharge of sewage sludge to
Inle lake

Accident/ Injury/ To minimize potential  Proper personal protective equipment Sylvan Wye Resort
Health Hazard accidents/injuries and disease i.e. safety shoes, helmet, goggles, and Spa Ltd
respiratory equipment and gloves
shall be used at all times on site
 Use barriers and guards as necessary
to protect employees from physical
 Signage danger warning or
CAUTION will be put at strategic
 Development of occupational safety
and health guidance plans
 Provide first aid kits and contact
points in case of injury and
 Form a safety and health committee
to coordinate safety and health issues
at workplace
 Provide regular safety awareness
talks and trainings
Replanting and To ensure plant and trees are  Retain and restore as much of the No extra cost Sylvan Wye Resort
landscaping maintained and restored original and natural forestedcondition and Spa Ltd
of the site.
 Site clearance should be carried out
in a manner that retains the large
trees while thebuilding footprints are
pegged out.
 Construction of the internal roads and
placement of the building footprints
should be carriedout afteridentifying
and locating all the mature and
ecologically valuable trees
(usingqualified personnel) and
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

aligning the roads and building

footprints as much as possible soas to
save these trees. Trees and shrubs
contained within the footprints that
are amenableto transplanting should
be identified and removed to the
 Where possible bird feeding trees
should be retained and used in the
landscaping of theresort property
 Trees to be protected and left in place
should be clearly marked,
individually numbered, identified on
the site plan and encircled by a sturdy
fence prior to the commencement
 The landscape plan should be
prepared prior to commencement of
site clearance activitiesand be
subject to careful review and
 All construction workers and persons
on site must be given specific
instructions not to harmsnakes but
allow the animals to retreat into the
nearby area
 All construction contractors should
be exposed to the environmental
management plan andsensitized to the
environmental issues.
To ensure local people get employed  N/A
Employment/income and increase livelihood status.
Operation Phase
Employment To ensure local people get employed  N/A
and increase their livelihood status
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Water supply To ensure adequate water supply  Provide adequate water storage No extra cost Sylvan Wye Resort
facilities to ensure adequate supplies and Spa Ltd
for thedevelopment.

Depletion of water To minimize water consumption  Install water meter for control of Sylvan Wye Resort
resources water use. and Spa Ltd
 Install water-saving equipment,
including ultra-low-flush toilets,
spray nozzles, urinals, and low-flow
Energy To save energy consumed by the  Regular servicing of vehicles, boats Sylvan Wye Resort
Consumption saving resort and machinery and Spa Ltd
(Electricity, Diesel,  Switch off idle vehicles and
Gasoline etc…) machinery
 Use efficient energy consuming
equipments and energy saving bulbs
 Sub-meters and real-time energy
monitoring equipment, timers,
photoelectric cells, thermostats, etc.
should be installed throughout the
Sylvan Wye Resort and Spa Ltd
 Install translucent shades and
fluorescent lighting.
 Pipe insulation, tank lagging (not
asbestos!) and heat recovery
systems should be installedwherever
it is
practical to do so.
Electricity To reduce noise impact produced by  The placement of the power No extra cost Sylvan Wye Resort
generation by stand- generator and avoid accidental generators on the less populated side and Spa Ltd
by generator spillage of the project site will remove the
source of noise and vibration from
the vicinity of the hotels.
 The fuel storage facilities will comply
with suppliers‟ specifications for
contained storage.
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Accident/ Injury/ To minimize potential  Proper personal protective equipment Sylvan Wye Resort
Health Hazard accidents/injuries and disease i.e. safety shoes, helmet, goggles, and Spa Ltd
respiratory equipment and gloves
shall be used at all times on site
 Use barriers and guards as necessary
to protect employees from physical
 Signage danger warning or
CAUTION will be put at strategic
 Development of occupational safety
and health guidance plans
 Provide first aid kits and contact
points in case of injury and
 Form a safety and health committee
to coordinate safety and health issues
at workplace
 Provide regular safety awareness
talks and trainings
Sewage treatment To prevent soil/water contamination  Design of sewage system should be Sylvan Wye Resort
and disposal due to overload or spillage of septic sound in terms of adequacy, gradient and Spa Ltd
tank system materials and standards and should
connect to the proposed wastewater
treatment system and should be
monitored regularly to avoid leakages
and spills
 Construction of adequate and
standard wastewater treatment plant
system (e.g. Bio-Tank)
 Regular emptying of the septic tank
 Contact Bandarban Hill
TracksDoE for final disposal of
sewage sludge.
 Undertake regular monitoring and
testing of effluent to ensure
compliance with national standards
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

and regulations

Solid waste disposal To minimize generation of different  Proper segregation in collection of Sylvan Wye Resort
types of waste waste. and Spa Ltd
 Practice recycling of waste.
 Implement composting of waste
especially garden refuse and provide
food wastes to nearby villages for
animal fodder
 Contact Bandarban Hill Tracks
DoE for proper disposal.
Ground water To avoid ground water  Install oil traps on drainage Sylvan Wye Resort
contamination contamination due to accidental  Use drip trays to collect oil leakage and Spa Ltd
spillage of diesel  Servicing of machinery and
equipment to be done at a designated
place with a paved surface and oil
A/C maintenance Ozone depletion/Global warming  Construct the buildings with high Sylvan Wye Resort
ceiling, large windows, sidewalks and and Spa Ltd
verandas for proper natural air
 Provide environmental friendly
R410A typed A/C
Fire To prevent from incidents of fire  Ensure sufficient emergency Sylvan Wye Resort
firefighting tools (fire alarm, fire and Spa Ltd
extinguishers, fire hoses, standby
water tanks, water pumps, and first
aid boxes) are installed and standby
at all corners of resort and regular
check and maintenance.
 Training on fire fighting, evacuation
and first aid. Organize a volunteer
firefighting team with
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Hotel employees and get consultation

by Bandarban Hill Tracks fire station.
 Keep enough spaces for sidewalks,
escape routes, emergency exits,
assembly area with regular inspection
and maintenance. Proper maintenance
of machines, wires and electrical

Food and Portable To ensure that food and water  Install additional water purification . Sylvan Wye Resort
water Quality provided by resort is hygienic and system at kitchen. Use only purified and Spa Ltd
standard quality drinking water for all cooking and
food preparing.
 Do not use banned substances,
ingredients or chemicals in food
 Compliance with food hygiene and
water-quality standards of
government authorities and
international standards of food-
handling, preparation and storage and
water-quality. Supply of safe and
hygiene foods, drinks and water.
Regular testing of food and water
according to World Health
Organization (WHO) standards as a
Emission of noise To minimize emission of CO2/noise  Noise survey No extra cost Sylvan Wye Resort
and CO2 from Signage and Spa Ltd
vehicle movements Use of PPEs and
Proper maintenance of vehicles.

Decommissioning Phase
Waste disposal due To minimize generation of scraps  Use of an integrated solid waste Sylvan Wye Resort
to dismantling and other debris on sites management system i.e. through a and Spa Ltd
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

activities hierarchy of options:

 Wastes generated as a result of
facility decommissioning activities
will be characterized in compliance
with standard waste management
 All buildings, machinery, equipment,
structures and tools that will not be
used for other purposes should be
removed and recycled/ reused say in
other projects
 Where recycling/reuse of the
machinery, equipment, implements,
structures, tools and other waste is
not possible, the materials should be
disposed to approved dumpsites
 To contact Bandarban Hill
TracksDoE for final waste disposal
Ground water To prevent potential pollution  procedures for finding contaminated Sylvan Wye Resort
pollution due to material during excavations will be and Spa Ltd
dismantling established Resort/Contractor
activities  covering and damping of excavated
 appropriate storage of contaminated
material if found.
 Ground contamination and storm
water contamination will be
limited on site by proper handling
storage of materials and equipment.
Rehabilitation of To ensure less vegetation  Implement an appropriate re- - Sylvan Wye Resort
project site disturbance, land deformation and vegetation program to restore the site and Spa Ltd
restoration of site to its original status Resort/Contractor
 During the re-vegetation period,
appropriate surface water run off
controls will be taken to prevent
surface erosion;
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

 Monitoring and inspection of the area

for indications of erosion will be
conducted and appropriate measures
taken to correct any occurrences;
 Fencing and signs restricting access
will be posted to minimize
disturbance to newly-vegetated areas;
 Scoop out any contaminated soils and
replace with uncontaminated soil
from another source Comprehensive
Health and safety To potential occupational  The safety of the workers should Sylvan Wye Resort
impacts surpass as a priority of all other and Spa Ltd
avoid objectives in the decommissioning Resort/Contractor
hazards project
 Provide appropriate Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) as
 Staircases and other hazardous areas
shall be suitably protected say using
strong rails to avoid occurrence of
 Provide emergency health care and
sanitation to employees.
 Ensure sufficient emergency
firefighting tools (fire extinguishers,
hooks, buckets and water tanks) are
standby at demolishing site
Socio-economic To prevent loss of income, quality of  Assist with re-employment and job - Sylvan Wye Resort
impacts life and benefits such as medical, seeking of the involved workforce. and Spa Ltd
insurance cover etc…  Compensate and suitably recommend
the workers to help in seeking
opportunities elsewhere.
 Offer advice and counseling on issues
such as financial matters.
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Hill Protection & Management Activities

Environmental Responsible
Management Activities Frequency/Timing Cost (BDT)
Management Person / Unit
Health, Safety and • Appoint one Health, Safety and Environment permanent Sylvan Wye
Environment (HSE) (HSE) Coordinator. Resort and
issues Spa Ltd
Review of EMP • Review EMP to cover any unidentified impacts. Monthly No extra cost HSE
Construction Phase
Traffic  Provide adequate parking and driveways Daily check and No extra cost Contractors/HS
 Control and management of traffic control during E Coordinator
through enforcement of speed limits construction
 Provide bill boards at the site/entrance to
notify motorists about the development
Waste Management  Design of sewerage system should be sound in Daily check and No extra cost Contractor/HSE
terms of adequacy, gradient materials and control during Coordinator
standards and should connect to the proposed construction
wastewater treatment system and should be
monitored regularly to avoid leakages and spills
 Engage the services of Bandarban Hill
TracksDoE for disposal of solid waste
 Construction of adequate and standard
wastewater treatment plant/system
 Full compliance with the law and all regulations

Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Environmental Responsible
Management Activities Frequency/Timing Cost (BDT)
Management Person / Unit
Soil disturbance  Control earthworks &compact loose soils Daily check and No extra cost Contractor/HSE
 Install drainage structures properly control during Coordinator
 Landscaping on project completion construction
 Control and manage excavation activities
 Control activities especially during rainy conditions
 Provide soil erosion control and
conservation structures/means where
 Ensure standard appropriate practices on the provided
Change in land use  Conserve trees and plant more on completion Daily check and No extra cost Contractor/HSE
extent  ensure compliance with existing planning policy control Coordinator
Changes in  Proper installation of drainage structures Field observation No extra cost Contractor/HSE
hydrology/ impended  Install cascades to break the impact of water flowing Coordinator
drainage in the drains
 Ensure efficiency of drainage structures through
proper design and maintenance
 Provide gratings to the drainage channels
Air pollution  Enclose the site with dust-proof net Air quality 500 per year Contractor/HSE
during construction measurement – once a Coordinator
 Water should be sprayed during the construction year
phase of excavated areas during dry conditions Field observation once
 Control speed and operation of construction vehicles a month
 Prohibit idling of vehicles
 Ensure sound condition of construction machinery
and equipment
 Engage sensitive construction workers.
 Measure air quality
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Noise pollution  Erect suitable barriers to control noise Noise level 1000 per year Contractor/HSE
 Sensitize drivers of construction machinery on measurement – twice a Coordinator
effects of noise year
 Maintain plant equipment (if present) Field observation –
 Construction activities to be restricted to daytime once a month
 Workers in the vicinity of or involved in high-level

Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Environmental Responsible
Management Activities Frequency/Timing Cost (BDT)
Management Person / Unit
noise to wear safety & protective gear.
 Listening to local communities on their perception
and complaints
 Measure noise quality

Water resources  Management of water usage. Avoid Daily check and No extra cost
unnecessary wastage control during
 Recycling of water at the construction phase construction
where possible
Fuel, Oil, fats &  Proper storage, handling and disposal of new oil Daily check and No extra cost Contractor/HSE
greases pollution and used oil wastes control during Coordinator
 Maintain plant and equipment to avoid leaks construction
 Maintenance of construction vehicles should be
carried out in the contractors yard (off the site)
 Provide oil interceptors along the drains leading
from fuel storage station& parking
 Provide a grease trap for all wastewater from kitchen
 Regular scheming of the oil interceptor& grease trap
Health and Safety  Regular field checks to make sure minimal use of Field observation – HSE
update and good vehicles, machines, equipment once a month Coordinator
with proper maintenance
 Strict control to avoid use of toxic and
hazardous substance in construction.
 Make sure that appropriate Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) are provided as
 Make sure that emergency health care and sanitation
is provided to employees
 Ensure sufficient emergency firefighting tools
(fire extinguishers, hooks, buckets and water
tanks) are
standby at construction site
Operation Phase
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Environmental Responsible
Management Activities Frequency/Timing Cost (BDT)
Management Person / Unit
Vegetation  Landscaping and planting vegetation in all Inspection: Monthly No extra cost HSE
disturbed areas Coordinator
 Planting and grassing should be done just before the
rains or irrigated on dry spells.
Sewage disposal  Ensure that standard septic type/ bio-tanks is used Monthly 50 per trip HSE
 Regular inspection of Waste water Treatment Plant (contact with Coordinator
and Septic Tanks/ Bio-tanks to prevent overload or (DoE)
 Make sure that final disposal of sewage& sludge
follow Bandarban Hill TracksDoEguidelines
Energy consumption  Regular servicing of vehicles and Continuous No extra cost Contractor
machinery Switch off idle vehicles and
Use efficient energy consuming equipments and
energy saving bulbs
Solid waste disposal  Make sure recyclable and reusable wastes are sent to Daily 25 per trip HSE
appropriate facilities or places for proper recycling (contact with Coordinator
and reuse. DoE)
 Make sure hotel staffs and guests follow the
waste segregation system.
Ground water  Ensure minimum use and proper maintenance Monthly check No extra cost HSE
contamination due to of vehicles, machines and equipment Coordinator
spillage of oil and  Regular inspection to make sure transport, storage
lubricants and handling of oil and lubricants are carried out
under standard procedure
 Make sure spill response kits are standby at
storage area
 Inspect if secondary containments are
installed properly and oil separators are
 Ensure servicing of machinery and equipment to be
done at a designated place with a paved surface and
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

 Make sure maintenance of vehicles/boats are done monthly No extra cost HSE
regularly. Coordinator

Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Environmental Responsible
Management Activities Frequency/Timing Cost (BDT)
Management Person / Unit
Safety  Inspect and assured that measures for prevention of Daily No extra cost HSE
accidents and injuries are properly practiced such as Coordinator
insulation of electrical equipment, hand rails for
ladders, anti-slip strips, swimming pool cautions,
 Make sure proper PPE is provided as necessary and
all employees get first aid training
 Ensure that vehicles, machines, equipment are in
good conditions and with regular maintenance.
 Test emergency lights regularly and keep in
proper working order
 Make sure that safety and emergency
rescued procedures are practiced at
swimming pool
 Keep battery-operated emergency lights in all
guest rooms and useful locations in order to light
aisles, halls, and stairways along evacuation routes.
 Review of existing safety plan by Resort
Management Committee and HSE Coordinator and
modify if necessary
Fire safety and  Install adequate and appropriate firefighting Drills: Quarterly No extra cost HSE
preparedness equipment as provided elsewhere in the report Inspection: Monthly Coordinator
 Conduct training on firefighting, evacuation and
emergency response & conduct regular fire
 Adapt effective emergency response plan
 Maintain/service firefighting machinery regularly
 Provide emergency numbers at strategic points
 Provide emergency control switch
 Follow rules and procedures to make sure that aisles
and exits are kept clear, are properly and clearly
marked, and allow workers to quickly and safely
leave the warehouse in an emergency.
 Enforce no smoking policy
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

 Have emergency evacuation procedures that require

all employees to participate in drills. During a drill,

Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Environmental Responsible
Management Activities Frequency/Timing Cost (BDT)
Management Person / Unit
employees should leave the building, go to an assigned
location (assembly area) and remain there until a signal
is given to return to the resort. The focus should be on
orderly evacuation, rather than on speed.
 Hold at least one emergency evacuation drill every
year during which all employees are evacuated
within 3 minutes.
 Fire extinguishers should match the potential fire
hazard and should be located near flammable
liquids and near every strategic area.
 Fire extinguishers should have maintenance tags
attached to them to indicate the date they were last
checked and serviced. In addition, there should be
a diagram that shows workers how to use fire
extinguishers in the immediate area.
 Install two separate fire alarms: one that has a
sound that only means “fire” and one for “general”.
 Alarms should have back-up battery or
an uninterruptible power supply.
 Test alarms regularly and maintain in proper
working order.
 In addition to the resort‟s audible alarm, a visible fire
alarm (such as a flashing light) should be installed.
Health  Provide Medical Checkup and vaccination for Yearly 20 per head HSE
all employees. Coordinator
 Maintain a record of occupationalaccidents
and diseases occurrences
 Review of existing health plan by
management committee and HSE Coordinator.
 Modify if necessary.
Security  Ensure security guards and facilities are Daily No extra cost
provided during the entire project cycle
Decommissioning Phase
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Environmental Responsible
Management Activities Frequency/Timing Cost (BDT)
Concern Person / Unit
Waste disposal due to  Ensure the use of an integrated solid waste Daily check and No extra cost HSE
dismantling activities management system i.e. through a hierarchy control coordinator/Con
of options: tractor
 Make sure all buildings, machinery, equipment,
structures and tools that will not be used for other
purposes should be removed and recycled/ reused
say in other projects
 Where recycling/reuse of the machinery, equipment,
implements, structures, tools and other waste is not
possible, the materials should be disposed to
approved dumpsites.
 Make sure wastes are collected regularly and
collection, segregation, storage and disposal of
wastes are in accordance with NSTM procedure and
Water pollution due  Test the water quality of daily consumed water Water quality test – Contractor
to dismantling  Field observation and counter measures to once during
activities ensure minimal use of water demolishing
 Special care and cautions in transport, storage
and handling of oil and lubricants Field observation –
 Listen to employee and local communities‟ perception once a month
and complaints on water quality and respond/ react
 Covering and damping of excavated materials
 Appropriate storage of contaminated material if found.
 Ground contamination and storm water
contamination will be limited on site by proper
handling and storage
of materials and equipment.
Rehabilitation of  Implement an appropriate re-vegetation programme Field observation No extra cost
project site to restore the site to its original status
 During the re-vegetation period, appropriate surface
water run off controls will be taken to prevent
surface erosion;
 Monitoring and inspection of the area for indications of
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

Environmental Responsible
Management Activities Frequency/Timing Cost (BDT)
Concern Person / Unit
erosion will be conducted and appropriate measures
taken to correct any occurrences;
 Fencing and signs restricting access will be posted
to minimize disturbance to newly-vegetated areas;
 Carry out soil tests foe contaminants & if need be
scoop out any contaminated soils and replace
with uncontaminated soil from another source
Comprehensive Landscaping
Health and safety  The safety of the workers should surpass as a priority Field observation- Contractor
impacts of all other objectives in the decommissioning once a month
 Strict control to avoid use of toxic and
hazardous substance in demolishing
 Make sure that appropriate Personal
Protective Equipment (PPE) are provided as
 Make sure that emergency health care and sanitation
is provided to employees
 Ensure that safety measures have been effectively
integrated and positioned in respective areas of
the project to control and manage fire outbreaks
 Staircases and other hazardous areas shall be suitably
protected say using strong rails to avoid occurrence of
Socio-economic  Ensure assistance with re-employment and job Field observation No extra cost Sylvan Wye
impacts seeking of the involved workforce. Resort and
 Make sure to compensate and suitably recommend Spa Ltd
the workers to help in seeking opportunities
 Offer advice and counseling on issues such as
financial matters.
Hill Protection Management plan for Sylvan Wye Resort & Spa Ltd

1. Fazlul Karim Chowdhury (Managing Director)

2. Jamil Uddin Shovo (Director)

Information on Survey Team

Green Tech is the company conducting the Initial Environmental
Examination (IEE) for Sylvan Wye Resort and Spa Ltd Co., Ltd. Mr
Neroz Barua is the Managing Director Green Tech Services.
Table 5: Information on survey team

Name Position
Swastika Barua Environmental Advisor (Team Leader)
Jitu Barua Research Assistant
Mr. Mir Hossain Chowdhury Research Assistant
Md. Monirul Islam Technician (Data Acquisition and Solution)

Full Address of the company conducting

House No # 3,(3rdFloor) Prasanti Main Gate,1216/B, Prasanti R/A Colonel hat Road,
Akbarsha, Chittagong-4207.
Cell: 01554-329818, 01942-620197, 01711-903032

of Exec
of Sylva
Spa Lt

Prepared by Green Tech

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