Criminal Law I: Art. 15: Alternative Circumstances

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Based on the book of Reyes on PRC • Arson (Art.

321-322, 325-326)
• Swindling or malicious mischief committed or

CRIMINAL LAW I caused mutually by spouses, ascendants,

descendants, or relatives by affinity in the same
line; brothers and sisters and brothers-in-law and
Art. 15: Alternative Circumstances sisters-in-law, if living together.
• Under Art. 332, no criminal, but only civil liability
Art. 15. Their concept. – Alternative circumstances are those which
shall result from commission of the crime of theft
must be taken into consideration as aggravating or
mitigating according to the nature and effects of the
Art. 332: Exemption from criminal liability in crimes against property.
crime and the other conditions attending its commission. Persons exempt from criminal liability
They are the relationship, intoxication, and the degree of - No criminal, but only civil liability shall result from the
instruction and education of the offender. commission of the crime of (1) theft, (2) swindling or estafa, or
(3) malicious mischief or caused mutually by the following
The alternative circumstance of relationship shall be taken into persons:
consideration when the offended party is the souse, ascendant, 1. Spouses, ascendants, descendants, or relatives by the
descendant, legitimate, natural, or adopted brother or sister, or affinity in the same line
2. The widowed spouse with respect to the property which
relative by affinity in the same degrees of the offender.
belonged to the deceased spouse before the same shall
have passed into the possession of another
The intoxication of the offender shall be taken into consideration 3. Brothers and sisters and brother-in-law and sisters-in-law,
as a mitigating circumstance when the offender has committed a if living together.
felony or subsequent to the plan to commit said felony; but when The exemption established by this article shall not be applicable
the intoxication is habitual or intentional, it shall be considered as to strangers participating in the commission of the crime.
an aggravating circumstance.
When relationship is aggravating:
• In crimes against persons in case where the offended party is
a relative of a higher degree than the offender
The alternative circumstances are:
• When the offender and the offended party are relatives of
1. Relationship the same level, as killing a brother, brother-in-law, half-
2. Intoxication brother, adopted brother
3. Degree or instruction and education of the offender.
Is relationship not aggravating when the offender killed his brother-
Relationship as alternative circumstance in-law?
Yes, except where there is an admission by the appellant that the
Relationship deceased was his:
✓ Brother-in-law
The alternative circumstance of relationship shall be taken into
✓ Relationship by affinity should not be deemed to
consideration when the offended party is the – aggravate the crime in the absence of evidence to show
(a) Spouse that the offended arty is of a higher degree in the
(b) Ascendant relationship than that of the offender.
(c) Descendant
(d) Legitimate, natural, or adopted brother or sister If the crime against persons is any of the serious physical injuries,
the fact that the offended party is a descendant of the offender is
(e) Relative y affinity in the same degree of the offender
not mitigating but an aggravating circumstance
• The offense is of serious physical injuries is committed by
Other relatives included the offender against his child (whether legitimate or
✓ Relationship of stepfather or stepmother and illegitimate, or any of his legitimate other descendants)
stepson or stepdaughter relationship is aggravating.
✓ Relationship of adopted parent and adopted child • Serious physical injuries must not be inflicted by a parent
may be included, similar to that of ascendant and upon his child by excessive chastisement
descendant. • Higher penalty under the Art. 263: if the offense (any of
✓ EXCEPTION: relationship between uncle and niece the serious physical injuries) is committed against any of
the persons enumerated in Art. 246 (Parricide: Any
person who shall kill his father, mother, or child, whether
People v. Portento legitimate or illegitimate, or any of his ascendants, or
It is the duty of the stepmother to bestow upon her descendants, or his spouse, shall be guilty or parricide
stepdaughter a mother’s affection, care and protection and shall be punished by the penalty of reclusion
perpetua to death)
When mitigating and when aggravating
The law is silent as to when relationship is mitigating and When the crime is less serious physical injuries (Art. 265) or slight
when it is aggravating. physical injuries (Art. 266), the ordinary rule applies
• Relationship is a mitigating circumstance-if the offended
party is a relative of a lower degree of the offender
RULE: Relationship is mitigating in crimes against property,
• An aggravating circumstance if the offended party is a
by analogy to the provisions of Art. 332.
relative of a higher degree of the offender

The relationship is mitigating when: When the crime against persons is homicide or murder,
• In the crimes of robbery (Art. 294-302) relationship is aggravating even if the victim of crime is a relative
• Usurpation (Art. 312) of lower degree
• Fraudulent insolvency (Art. 314) • Rule applies when crime committed is homicide
• E.g. killing of a stepdaughter by her stepmother – crime
is not parricide since the relationship is not by blood and
in the direct line INTOXICATION
• But if relationship is considered by Court to aggravate the
penalty, notwithstanding the fact that the victim of the a. Mitigating – if intoxication is
crime was a relative of a lower degree. (1) Not habitual
(2) Is not subsequent to the plan to commit a felony
Relationship is mitigating in trespass to dwelling ▪ Drunkenness/intoxication is mitigating if accidental,
E.g. A son-in-law, believing his wife to be in her father’s house, not habitual nor intentional
attempted to force an entry therein, the relationship is to be ▪ Intoxication is mitigating where the same was not
considered in mitigation. habitual nor intentional and the crime was not the
offspring of planning and deliberation but a fatal
Relationship is neither mitigating nor aggravating, when improvisation dictated by an impromptu impulse.
relationship is an element of the offense.
When the qualification given to the crime is derived from the b. Aggravating
relationship between the offender and offended party, it is neither (1) If intoxication is habitual
mitigating nor aggravating, because it is inseparable from the ▪ A habitual drunkard is one given to intoxication by
inherent in the offense. Examples: excessive use of intoxicating drinks
✓ Parricide ▪ Habit should be actual and confirmed
✓ Adultery
✓ Concubinage E.g. Accused drinking intoxicating liquor about 7
months and that he had been drunk once or twice a
In crimes against chastity, relationship is always aggravating: month is not constituting habitual drunkenness
• Like acts of lasciviousness (Art. 336), relationship is
aggravating regardless of whether the offender is a ▪ It not necessary that it be continuous or by daily
relative of a higher or lower degree of the offended party occurrence
(Why? Due to the nature and effect of the crime ▪ If habit is with no actual evidence but with testimony
committed, it is considered aggravating although the from the victim, then it is a mitigating circumstance
offended party is a relative of lower degree- way more ▪ Evidence for intoxication to be aggravating
morally wrong)
(2) If its is intentional
The rule may be different because of the “other condition attending” ▪ Subsequent to the plan to commit a felony
the commission of the crime e.g. When A decided to kill B, A planned to commit
• The relationship of brother-in-law is aggravating when the crime by preparing the means to carry it out.
one commits a crime against the other, such relationship When he was ready to kill B, A drank a glass of wine
is mitigating when the accused killed his brother-in-law and when already intoxicated, he looked for B and
in view of the conduct pursued by the latter in killed him.
contracting adulterous relations with the wife of the
accused. NOTE: A drank wine to intoxicate himself after he had
• The deceased was suffering from an attack of insanity planned the commission of the crime – intoxication is
and the accused, his brother-in-law, in his desire to place intentional.
the deceased under control, struck him with a club,
exceeding the limits of his discretion in the heat of the US v. McMann: witness testified hat he saw the
struggle, it was held that relationship was mitigating defendant drunk 12x or more. Held: he was a habitual
because the cause of maltreatment was the desire to drunkard
render service to a relative.
People v. Mabilangan: Drunkenness to be habitual
In rape, relationship is a special circumstance which makes the where the defendants admitted in open court that
imposition of the death penalty mandatory before they committed the crime, they drank for 3
• Relationship as an alternative circumstance under Art. 15 hours and often had a drinking party.
appreciated as an aggravating circumstance in rape and
should no longer be applied in view of the amendments ▪ When the offender drinks liquor fully knowing its
introduced by RA 7659 effects
▪ To find in the liquor a stimulant to commit a crime or
• Sec. 11 RA 7659: death penalty shall also be imposed if
as means to suffocate any remorse.
the crime of rape is committed with any of the following
▪ Aggravating circumstance: the accused who had
attendant circumstances:
plotted the death of the victim, drank wine in order
When the victim is under 18 years old and offender is a
to embolden himself in the carrying out of his evil
✓ Parent
plan, his intoxication cannot be considered as a
✓ Ascendant
mitigating circumstance
✓ Step-parent
✓ Guardian
When the offender has committed a felony in a state of intoxication
✓ Relative by consanguinity or affinity within
The offender’s mental faculties must be affected by drunkenness
the 3rd civil degree
✓ Common-law spouse of the parent of the
Accused’s state of intoxication must be proved
• Evidence will not be satisfactory to warrant a mitigation
of the penalty even if the defendant testified that before
the murder, he took a bottle of wine little by little until he
got drunk and the policemen testified that he smelled of
wine and vomited.
• It is not proven when the only evidence was that the consequences of his criminal act, he may still be entitled
defendant had a gallon of tuba with him the time he to the mitigating circumstance.
committed the crime. • Person not able to write his name because of lack of
• Intoxication is also not proven when accused alleged that education but is highly or exceptionally intelligent and
when he committed the offense charged, he was mentally alert (applies to street-smart) and can easily
intoxicated although he was “not used to be drunk” – realize the full significance of his acts, he may not invoke
self-serving statement was uncorroborated and the mitigating circumstance.
dismissed as devoid of any probative value
• To be mitigating, accused’s state of intoxication must be Lack of sufficient instruction is not mitigating when the offender is
proved with satisfactory evidence, in absence of proof to a city resident who knows how to sign his name
contrary, it is presumed to be non-habitual or Appellant guilty of murder with the qualifying circumstance of
unintentional. treachery and the aggravating circumstance of equivalent
Drunkenness must affect mental faculties
RPC says nothing about the degree of intoxication needed to Lack of instruction must be proved by the defense
mitigate, but to produce such effect, it must diminish the agent’s ✓ Must be proved positively and cannot be based on mere
capacity to know the injustice of his acts, and his will to act deduction interference
accordingly ✓ Needs to be proven as all circumstances modifying
(a) Before drunkenness may be considered as a mitigating criminal liability should be proved directly and positively.
✓ It must 1st be established that the liquor taken Question of lack of instruction cannot be raised for the first time in the
appellate court – it must be in the trial court
by the accused was of such quantity as to have
• It is the trial court rather than the appellate court to find and
blurred his reason and deprived him of self-
consider the circumstance of lack of instruction
✓ The intoxication should diminish the agent’s Ordinarily, low degree of instruction or lack of instruction is mitigating in all
capacity to know the injustice of his acts, and crimes
his will to act accordingly. • Robbery with homicide, murder, homicide, etc.
(b) If the amount of the liquor that accused had taken was • In robbery with homicide, the accused was illiterate, lack of
not of insufficient quantity to affect his mental faculties instruction was held to be mitigating.
✓ Accused is not in state of intoxication • In robbery with homicide, belonging to cultural minorities cannot
conceivably reduce, from the subjective point of view, the
defendant’s awareness of the gravity of their offense, such that
Presumption is that intoxication is accidental
killing and robbery is very wrong in its nature
• In the absence of proof to the contrary, it will be Exceptions:
presumed that intoxication is not habitual but accidental. 1. Not mitigating in crimes against property, such as estafa, theft,
robbery, arson, robbery with homicide;
Non-habitual intoxication, lack of instruction and obfuscation are
not to be taken separately US v. Maqui: lack of instruction was mitigating in theft of large
• Trial court considered them separately as 3 distinct cattle committed by a member of an uncivilized tribe of Igorots
or in Igorot land.
mitigating circumstances and imposed a penalty one
degree lower People v. Macatanda: Accused, a Muslim belonging to a cultural
minority who is being ruled by court that mitigating
circumstance of lack of instruction does not apply to theft and
robbery and left the court with no choice but reject the plea of
appellant. Membership in a cultural minority does not per se
imply being an uncivilized or semi-uncivilized state of the
Mitigating – low degree of instruction and education or lack of it offender. It is the only case where lack of instruction was
Aggravating – high degree of instruction and education and is considered to mitigate liability for theft
aggravating when the offender avails himself of his
learning in committing the crime. 2. Not mitigating in crimes against chastity, such as rape and
▪ No one is so ignorant as not to know that the crime of rape
Lack of instruction, mitigating
is wrong and in violation of the law
• Cannot be taken into account where the defendant
admitted that he studied in the 1st grade in a public In Treason…….
elementary school. ✓ Not mitigating, because love of country should be a natural
• Art. 15 applies only for those who have not received any feeling of every citizen
instruction. ✓ Accused was charged with treason as his schooling was confined
• Lack of instruction is not mitigating where the accused in studying and finishing caton only
himself finished grade 2 and answered in Tagalog,
Lack of education and instruction is not mitigating in murder
questions put to him in English • Cannot mitigate appellant’s guilt because to kill is forbidden by
• Having studied until grade 6 is more than sufficient natural law which every rational being is endowed to know and
schooling to give the accused a degree of instruction as feel.
to properly appraisee him of what is right and wrong. • Murder committed by a band where there was an abuse of
superior strength - 4 men with knives against one unarmed
Lack of sufficient intelligence is required in illiteracy person is compensated by lack of instruction, the appellants
• Illiteracy and lack of sufficient intelligence are necessary being “ignorant people living in a barrio almost 20 km away from
civilization.” – Held: medium degree of the penalty for murder
to invoke the benefit of the alternative circumstance of
reclusion perpetua – becomes imposable
lack if instruction – but it is up for the court to determine
• A person who is able to sign his name but is ignorant and High degree of instruction, as aggravating
of low intelligence and doesn’t fully realize the A lawyer, wo, with abuse of his education and learning, commits estafa
A medical student who was convicted of slander by deed

Degree of instruction is aggravating when the offender availed himself or

took advantage of it in committing the crime
• Doctor, who, using his knowledge, prepared certain kind of poison to
kill his victim in such a way as to avoid detection, may be considered
as having taken advantage of his high degree of instruction and
• The fact that the accused was a lawyer was not considered
aggravating in physical injuries – since he did not take advantage of
his high degree of education

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