Cdi2 Prelim

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D 1. Desirable qualities of an investigator include all except

a. perseverance

b. inquisitiveness.

c. open-mindedness.

d. subjectivity.

__A__2. The ultimate responsibility for solving crime lies with

a. all police personnel of the department.

b. the patrol officers only.
c. the investigative unit only.
d. the chief of police.

__D__3. A crime is any

a. illegal act only if observed by a police officer.

b. act forbidden by law.
c. omission forbidden by law.
d. both b and c

__A__4. The primary factor in a successful investigation is that

a. all available information that is relevant and material is legally obtained.

b. an arrest is made.
c. a conviction is obtained.
d. innocent people are cleared.

__B__5. The majority of leads for subsequent action are obtained

a. when the call comes into dispatch.

b. at the point of arrival.
c. the follow-up investigation.
d. after the victim is interviewed.
__B__6. All suspects at a crime scene should be

a. handcuffed.
b. questioned.
c. arrested.
d. all of the preceding

__C__7. A follow-up investigative duty might be any of the following except

a. checking the victim's background.

b. obtaining mug shots.
c. taking statements from the victim at the scene.
d. tracing a rifle found at the scene.

__C__8. When a dead body is found at the scene, the most immediate concern is

a. identifying the victim.

b. interviewing family members.
c. preserving and securing the crime scene.
d. notifying the news media.

__D__9. Effective investigators are

a. detached.
b. suspecting.
c. emotionally well balanced.
d. all of the preceding

__A__10. The basic purpose of crime scene photography is

a. to record the entire crime scene.

b. to support the sketch.
c. to show the benefits of color film.
d. all of the preceding

__C__11. The type of photography that can, for example, reveal the outline of a footprint in carpet even
though the fibers have returned to normal position is

a. microphotography.
b. ultraviolet-light photography.
c. laser-beam photography.
d. macrophotography.

_A___12. The photographic technique where the first picture taken has a specific object on the right and
the next picture taken shows the same object on the left is called

a. overlapping.
b. backing.
c. cross-projection photography.
d. triangulation.
_A___13. The most common method to locate objects in an indoor area uses.

a. rectangular coordinates.
b. triangulation.
c. compass points.
d. all of the preceding

__D__14. The crime-scene sketch supplements

a. notes.
b. plaster casts.
c. photographs.
d. all of the preceding

__C__15. Which of the following is not an advantage of photographs?

a. They can be taken immediately.

b. They increase attention to testimony.
c. They show actual distances.
d. They create interest for jurors.

__B__16. Which of the following investigative tasks usually precedes the others?

a. sketching
b. photographing
c. note taking
d. searching

__A__17. To be ruled inadmissible, color photographs must be judged by the court to be

a. so inflammatory that they will unduly influence the jury.

b. distorted regardless of sufficient explanation.
c. too inflammatory for the defense to bear.
d. all of the preceding

__B__18. In court, it is true that

a. notes cannot be used to refresh the memory while on the witness stand.
b. defense counsel may examine notes used on the stand.
c. notes cannot be shown to the jury.
d. defense counsel cannot read the notes aloud in court.

__B__19. Once a report is written, the writer should

a. staple the pages together if it is more than one page and file it.
b. evaluate it.
c. immediately show it to the prosecutor for approval.
d. none of the preceding
__C__20. Each paragraph in a police report

a. should discuss only one subject.

b. should be kept to under 100 words.
c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b

__A__21. Field training officers believe report writing skills are

a. of great importance.
b. of little significance.
c. adequately taught in police academies.
d. a natural ability that cannot be taught.

__B__22. One way to achieve a reader-friendly report is to

a. make ample use of the phrase "the above.

b. be certain the narrative part of your report can stand alone.
c. use third person, passive voice.
d. none of the preceding

__D__23. The computer-Assisted Report Entry (CARE) system has

a. reduced officers' report-writing time.

b. improved the timeliness of police report information.
c. improved the quality of police reports.
d. all of the preceding

___A_24. An effective report uses

a. first person.
b. passive voice.
c. present tense.
d. all of the preceding

__A__25. Being concise means

a. eliminating wordiness.
b. eliminating details.
c. both a and b
d. neither a nor b

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