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Noma oh the studnt Jupitana SauMa

Dot and time oexominahon -

22.,12.2020, 9.30 FN
EXominotion Rou Numbr 19029527059
Nom o th prognon B, A (Hon)



nigu popin Coc 123213 02

Porspktive on
Titl oh thu popir
Pabie Adminis

Nam oth Coll
Coldgon Romua
Univuy oh Delhi)
Email - ID
mail Com

Mobil No Go025 8260

Total huts usr

An4 tu the o: no- 5
vet opmenk administratisn

Ahuk bruns Rbou

dyn omic Conupf
an potro econoMi

todords th
chongus in Kouty. Aining
dvetopmuak. j Stniv hor chongf Nod th,
PRgMa an developnunk in 2VUNY

Mpheres h country. t wAs nst

intmoduuol by eolesana A. tiolnun ,

Elwana. eicln opkns in niw

indo dahined v l o pmut administnbon

asan aclion- oNiLntua 4 0 a t g o o - o i u

nud acdmini ANotive dystem , Ja oddrtion,


he obsen vid
that dvlopnunk adninistnocie
is t h prLO WDd a guidin oNganiz ovó

twones t achevunu
opogHLAS ivpol-
PHO LAivu poli-
conomic Ano so id objtctin that
th authouttativt catirminud in onL

mannn O andthur.

hwL ako
Authony hor

ShanLe variant dehjnitiond o levalepmuk

adminitNation, Koma anasolos

Faiod evlopmint arlninistrrtjon

i Cannie o 1nno0vatina vO
E enb NasthL aNNA ° n
hunctionu adsund y dvlopin
tnbracking on the path
mocletnd zation anel incdustualaetion,
Deve lopmenk adnini ssion Odinol
invol ves eltablishment
emichinur or
PlonAn1, Lcononiu ru and
ization ane allodn to extnd

naiona inuom

F Gond
Devulopmint adninistHetton
i tho aspts oh Publt ndninistn -

ason in shich th houud o attertion is


O n
ogniza íng Cnd adninistuning publu
Gencies (n kuck a as to stimuloat

Jactulbtu dhin o pmo qmam Sou
and ttonondu ptnu, t ho t h e

PuMpoda omaki chong
ond possi b to-th Populotion 9nerey

J. D. Hont omo
Divelop mint odninst Nativa mtam

Conn in oul plonne chm1 in Lco nomy

Bnd to usser extunt ia t h ouol

SRHn ah t Atut (ducah'onal anJ

huakth) h

Un oll thi obovc

the holt oping Conup Con be poj xdiy

OA pMou to move tarad higlun

I ib plnpetual onda dnomi

tu athtvrnt
94 id poi hhore hon

e p k -onitnti and qOal-

ONLanthd administrnacbon,

ignihiaignikicamt ínshutund
h NINse phobluns t u

thind onld

i not snlH akmini stah on o

dvalopmunt but alo t ouvuopmint

aolnini sanot6on,
E is an administmatire mathi-

-ne D channg a n modurunu'g oion

thind ONlot 6otidis. Actondinq -to thu

Umnunl autho, Ranusk K. AmoN, t

t m drepnut administrodtion. had

been usud i'n tdo í'ntinnulobd densas

O Fineh itnulu t t ndnini-

-rmdion o stopm enkF PMMOnmis, to
th mthods. usad by
ong onizodions, notaby govUnmuts, to
9039 S24055

ano plond lsigne t

implemet polius
meetthin davaloprmut Objuutiv

Second, it indinLutly involves t h

dtNEhuning oaolninistuti'y copnbili-

T s eThhs tdo spets davdePmun
adninfskrotion, that iA th adnini-
Bkrtootion o vispnin and lavlop .
-n a adninlstretion

kdínnd in modk yinition t t tunn,

Chonodzustics o Developmint_administ
Chon4 OHitLol

Th diskinrtiva Reotua o

odtylopminl adnnisbestion is i CAntna

nlm OHientd kowonolu Souo - LLonomiu

Rduk onientzel
Devalopmnt adnínutrnoion i

dmad ad
nchiM ud ho it iv
to bung nbout napiod chang B t1thN
Adeinit tim cheoluls. I s ptrhon -
manuis lne cklY rulodiol to prodn cti
vityhoM Rapl in (MARs, ín ptr Copi ta

Cient - onienzd

An oth pogitive objecir o

dvtlopmunk artnini strastin is its Comut

administa'on its CommLtmunt

mun th t h nus marinal oh mainaL
hwnmtr, landebs agiulturak iab-
OuLr nd ALUDl Ontti sans in
devlping Countnuu

utbzn partiapatíon ousnted

DAvlopm tn adnini oshon
(poiitiv oimd o a th
iuan Publi'u dumands, J
CoAALAAALAL con 3ousnSA th
úvic Lenticw makes Commtk *
cLve t a d duand and rinatio
peopl be c auds undunstonds th sbt1-

4actin oh publi hes bfecds ptical

and ndminiStnntíva davnlopminf oh
Concernel th innovotion
DevnlopMent alninisrokton

Ctubbe4 th
emphndis towools th
eplouMLnt on o improVzmtnt ) I1
Vnmenkal Ltudwms ond homns

Aith th oni the Sus th hr

Pouaad and ociL inyirnMn

6Administation o inolutial
evlopm int administnati on
i aimd brining
bung changes to the kouuty
hik is
indupuiall nd CLono u C a l

pRo Hw, Countis shith

hov bun
indskrualizea Can
laséH b deYa lepac
n othur dolk h
90295 2105S

7,Eleetivenas h coondinodion
Developmen ínpbes incodM4
ipeuai zacki on omo
pORe n ak izotion.
To meeE th moumum bunE +hus kmex-

n edninistnaivz systum, CopMdneton

buwn oigus admnisAnastiva umt ana

actii bes i sinial,

3 Ehiint ndninistnation
Developmint alninistmtio
aims tobring eiiny in t pMaCbuu

acdunistmaztion othou ík ity

maximum oRyepmanF Cen'f

nin a
be attoinnd

9. DuMoNae valus;

Kai to brung dimotmoth

vaus tv thonA adminisststhve
stktings, Democabc valus inply th
elings o NUpensihéLity nd ains hom
Pubu sillann n d ruspte to thi heumann
12 829S 27o55


Th conpartv Adninítissiv

Concptualigina o alvdpmut adnará tsbon

|had b n NVILLA ond.
CutiuaL OHa
Varu o NLaLons Soma oh th inpotnt
one can b idnti lir

Onit Aaid -hak individua

cholous didn't napNUJAN ww izd. irtilU-

-ctua O
Og&n3adional who. Potu
avaq o , 'Compoeetiva administastion
sRortadd Aith no pahadian oh itn oM
ond daveloptd nor

Second, the Atotsp bh olwlap-

mi adnu nitroin has ben guionud

chonatiniin1 it as h Firt Aornld

osplonakic 2bhort to stun t tid
inAungLN andt Communist movu
mink n t Thind Ronld
902 5 2 7 05 S

Third, DwlopmLat adninistMadion

had also bear iticizk as idso lggical


Fowdh, hz kub - optimiz atton CHL ud

has ComA om durlopm entouts U
FradP-4 , Luuan
Py and. Samuel N.
isantadt amona
annon athns, Tht hav Cauti-
Onn oqain b u a u l n a e

duvius thot migkt undruni and Deabu

pout c a in4ti tutionv An od prou,

Fth Lts daid thad davopmint

alsnin naton meas intuokd AToÍ buu-

aLCNaiL condnol .

oV indiidaua hwnan

Sixth, thu basie akmimstuociv
nudnas in
durlopinsotis au no
Ond tist haratu but lso
imatttva maTA than ngeno ws t t


Finy tha PMOU on davdopma

PRaAuppo&b ystan ob bur

thot oLupts Aav op mn ons its poa
- mouk. goa Th bhooun s iv

2envon doid to hav poor i t

oniLntotion ond poow

to donh.


Davlopment alniniskHoion Aas

inauguMotiI. in thu 1950 oh a

mocrngodion ponoiqn duop

Tun&. ondd ounj1 Cpi talis
|Linus, Thare W in1 P

len th ruth NoNth ndth

poon Loulh, and h latlen sad
In CHe singl ugh in t unavoI--

b l dib nop.
Sn dpr& a nun b oh onaaba
ckA lvlopment folniiitnatto hos
19029527d55S 12

JenvL asauseul. con 4tnuc toto

axploroa thu dynamics o CNong and
chongA and
almini'SAatln in th
h Thimd Ordd
Lota stresd on
duvelopin, india-
nous odminu t n a i v
m LaN, DMOCo
cL NS, muth odd AnaL
tuehniqws to
muek t nulG, actid cholung2s throin
b th PRIJA/n
1 dumonols h Harn th
nL nvionmLnt upon t h tate.

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