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Engineering Graphics and Design

(18 ME C01N)

An Introduction to Autocad
What is Engineering Graphics / Drawing?

• Drawing is the Graphical means of expression of technical details without the barrier of a
language. Engineering Drawing is the Universal Language for Engineers .

• Drawings help us in developing our thoughts and ideas in to a final product. Drawings are
necessary for engineering industries since they are being used at various stages of development
of an engineering product.
Stages Like…
 Conceptual stage
 Design stage
 Modification stage
 Prototype development stage
 Process and production planning
 Production
 Inspection
 Marketing
 Servicing and maintenance, etc.
What information should be available in an engineering
• Shape of an object
• Exact Sizes and tolerances of various parts of the object
• The finish of the product
• The details of materials
• The company’s name
• Catalogue no of the product
• Date on which the drawing was made
• The person who made the drawing
What will you learn from this course?
In this course you will learn how to communicate technical
information by
Visualization – the ability to mentally understand visual information.
Graphics theory – geometry and projection techniques used for preparation of drawings.
Use of standards – set of rules for preparation of technical drawings.
Use of conventions – commonly accepted practices in technical drawings.
Use of Tools – devices used to create technical drawings and models. Applications – the various
uses for technical drawings.

Engineering drawing can be developed either by manual

drawing or by computer graphics.
• Drawing board Drawing board is made of soft wooden platens.
 Drawing Sheet
Drawing sheet is the medium on which drawings are prepared by means of

• This is a device used to draw parallel or inclined lines very effectively with ease. This
is mounted on the top left corner of the drawing board by means of a clamping
mechanism which is an integral part of the device.
• Other Instruments are ….
 Compass
 Set Square
 Divider
 Pencils: The primary tool used in technical drawings is pencil or lead
sticks. Generally for technical drawings, three grades of pencil used is HB,
H and 2H .
 French Curve: French curve is free form template made of acrylic and is
used to draw a smooth curve passing through a number of points.
Layout of drawing sheet
Why Computers are used as the drawing tools?
• Drawing becomes easy and less time consuming.
• Ease of editing the current drawing for modifications or errors.
• Easy to follow standards and conventions of drawing.
• Better Visualization.
• Repetitive objects can be reproduced easily (Once they are drawn).
• Availability of vast material library to indicate various materials used.
• Soft copies can be printed any number of times and they can be sent to the
customer (user) though electronic mail.
• Computer drawing is free from seasonal effects unlike conventional drawings
which are drawn on a sheet of paper.
• Computer Aided Drawing /Drafting is a process of preparing a drawing of
an object/product/component using a computer and a software package,
while following the standards and conventions of technical drawing .
• The CAD software is an interpreter or translator which allows the user to
perform specific type of application or job related to CAD.
• Following are the various type of software used for drafting:
– Auto-CAD
– Draftsight
– Pro-E
– CATIA etc…
• The Word AutoCAD is made up of two words “Auto(logo of company)”and
CAD “(computer aided design)”.
• AutoCAD is 2D and 3D modelling software developed by Autodesk
• It is widely used in industry for 2D drawing and 3D modelling.
• AutoCAD software was firstly launched by Autodesk company in Dec. 1982.
• The first version of AutoCAD was R1 after that R2,R3,R4…………… and so
• In 2000,Autodesk launched a version of AutoCAD 2000 after that
2001,2002…… so on.
• Latest version is 2020 viz easy to use and overcomes the difficulties of old
AutoCAD 2020 – tool for making drawings
• AutoCAD® is computer-aided design (CAD) software that architects,
engineers and construction professionals to rely on so as to create
precise 2D and 3D drawings.
• Examples where it is used extensively:
– Mechanical engineering : drawing of machine components and layouts
– Civil engineering : plans and layouts of buildings
– Architecture
– Electrical and Electronics fields of engineering
– Aeronautical engineering
Pedestal Bearing
Starting AutoCAD
AutoCAD operates with
– Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP.
– Windows versions are almost identical with regard to
– When AutoCAD is installed, Windows places a Program Icon
on the desktop.
– AutoCAD can be started from the Start Menu or from the
Program Icon.


Standard Screen Layout
• Graphical User Interface
– One of the most important aspects of AutoCAD is the
Graphical User Interface (GUI).
– Most common component of the GUI is the dialog box.

The AutoCAD Graphics Window
• The AutoCAD graphics window is similar to any other window
within the Windows operating system.
– Maximize and minimize buttons
– Close buttons, in the upper right corner
– Window sizing operations are done as with any other window.

• AutoCAD uses the Windows Guidelines for appearance:

– Buttons, pull-down menus, and dialog boxes.
User Interface
The Mouse
Most people use a mouse as their pointing device, Here’s a Tip:
When looking
but other devices have equivalent controls.
for a command
or option, try
Depending on
where your
cursor is
menus will
commands and
Starting procedures:
• To set the units according to the requirement
Click on the red A -AutoCAD button -and a new list drops down.
Click on “Drawing Utilities” then “Units” and the dropdown
menu below will appear.
type “units” / “un” in the command window, same dialogue box
Change to millimetres
The precision can also be changed – set to 0.00
Dialogue box

Units and Precision Setting window

Starting procedures:
• To set the limits
Type “limits” in the command window
Set the left corner at 0,0
And the right corner at 297,210 – A4 size sheet

• To visualize the limits

Type “rect”
Specify first point or corner 0,0
Specify other corner 297, 210
Z a
Starting procedures:
• To display the lineweight
Type “lweight” in the command box
Tick the box adjacent to
“Display Lineweight”

• To change the point style

Type “ddptype” or “ptype”
Dialogue box appears to change the type and size of point
Starting procedures:
 To change the dimension style
Type “dimstyle” or “dimsty”
Click on “Modify...”
In the dialogue box , Adjust Line type(for dimension and extension lines)
size and type of arrow , text, proper fit and primary units
Changing of text and the arrow sizes
• In the ribbon provided, ‘DRAW’ panel has provision to make 2D
 Line, Arc, Circle, Polyline, Rectangle, Spline, Multiple points,
Donuts etc
• Use of dynamic input – toggle switch
• Shortcuts like – ‘l’ for line, ‘c’ for circle, ‘p’ for polyline etc in the
command window
Draw commands
• Line  Measure
• Arc  Divide
• Circle  Construction line
• Polyline
 Ray
• Rectangle
 Hatch
– polygon
 3D Polyline
• Spline
– With control  Region
vertices  Wipeout
– With fit points  Helix
• Multiple points Etc…
• Donut
Draw Commands
• Line: Line command is used to draw lines on autocad.

• Construction line: Construction line is used to create lines which are

of infinite lengths. It is used for construction of reference lines such as a
horizontal lines, vertical lines etc.
• Polyline: Poly line is used for creating 2d poly line segments and arcs
• Polygon: This tool draws polygon with three or more sides (equilateral
closed poly line). This tool specifies the different parameters of the
polygon including number of sides.
Draw Commands
• Rectangle: This tool used to draw rectangles.
– Click on rectangle icon on the draw toolbar
– Specify first corner point click on screen anywhere / select another point few
distance away from first point

• Arc: Draws an arc. The default method of drawing arcs is selecting three
points (so-called "3 point arc"), which are the two endpoints of the arc
and some other point along its locus. Other methods are
– Start, centre, end / Start, centre, angle / Start, centre, length
– Start, end, Angle / Start, end, Direction / Start, end, radius
– Centre, start, end / Centre, start, angle / Centre, start, length
Draw Commands

• Circle: Draws a circle of any size. The default method is to pick a centre
point and pick a point on the radius or type the radius dimension, but
other methods can be selected.
– 2P Specifies circle by picking 2 points on the diameter
– 3P Specifies circle by picking 3 points through which the circle will pass
– D Allows entering the diameter dimension instead of radius dimension
– TTR Specifies circle by picking two lines, arcs or circles for the circle to be
tangent to, and entering the dimension of the radius
– TTT Specifies circle by picking three lines, arcs or circles for the circle to be
tangent to.
Draw Commands
• Ellipse: Used to draw ellipse. The default method is by
specifying the centre of the axis, end point of second axis and
length of second axis. Other methods are
– End points of first axis and distance of the end point on second axis
from the centre of ellipse
– Elliptical arc: Used to draw arcs
Function Keys
• [F1] - Help
• [F2] - Flip screen from graphics to text toggle
• [F3] - displays Osnap Settings dialog box
• [F5] - Isoplane left, right, top
• [F7] - Grid mode toggle
• [F8] - Ortho mode toggle
• [F9] - Snap mode toggle
• [F10] - Polar mode toggle
• [F11] – Object snap tracking
• [F12] – Dynamic input toggle 38
Status toolbar : aid to work better and faster

• Show Grid : displays grid in model space

• Snap to Grid : cursor snaps to grid points
• Orthographic : constraints lines to 90deg angles (F8)
• Polar Snap : constraints lines to other angle increments
• Object Snap Tracking: It produces tracking lines for
specified points on the objects
• Object Snap : cursor snaps to geometric points on objects
Grid (F3)
• Grid is a rectangular pattern of lines over the drawing area.
• Using the grid is similar to placing a sheet of grid paper under a
• The grid helps you align and visualize the distance between objects.
Ortho (F8)
 Ortho mode is used when you specify an angle or distance by means of two
points using a pointing device.

 In Ortho mode, cursor movement is constrained to the horizontal or vertical

direction relative to the UCS..
Snap / object snap settings

• The Object Snaps (Osnaps for

short) are drawing aids which are
used in conjunction with other
commands to help you draw

• Osnaps allow you to snap onto a

specific object location when you
are picking a point.
Polar Tracking
• Polar tracking restricts cursor movement to specified angles.
• Polar restricts cursor movement to specified increments along
a polar angle.
• When you create or modify objects, you can use polar tracking to
display temporary alignment paths defined by the polar angles you
Object Selection Options

For modifying any entity in the drawing, AutoCAD

allows you to select objects in several ways.
• Individual object selection
• Enclosing window
• Crossing window
• Polygon area
• Selection fence
Modify toolbar
• Move
• Copy
• Rotate
• Stretch
• Trim
• Extend
• Chamfer / fillet
• Array
• Offset
• Erase etc
• MOVE or M : Moves selected entities to another location
• COPY or CP : Draws a copy of selected objects using two methods -- "base point"
method, or "displacement" method.
– “M” Allows multiple copies to be made of an object.
– Option of Array allows to create a periodic arrangement of the entity at specified
distance and number.
• STRETCH : Allows moving a portion of a drawing while retaining their connections
to other parts of the drawing. One cannot stretch Blocks, Hatch patterns, or Text
• ROTATE : Rotates selected objects around a base point
• MIRROR : Reflects designated entities about a user-specified axis
• SCALE : Alters the size of existing objects, R Resizes with respect to a reference size
• TRIM : Erases a portion of selected entities that cross a specified "cutting edge“.

• EXTEND: Lengthens a line, arc, or polyline to meet a specified "boundary edge“.

(Note: U Undoes last trim/Extend operation)
• FILLET: Constructs an arc of specified radius between two lines, arcs, circles, or will
create arcs of the specified radius at the vertices of a polyline. Radius of the arc to be
constructed may be set to 0, which will make a sharp corner
– P Fillets an entire Polyline at the vertices
– R Allows setting of the fillet radius. Default value is 0. Radius remains set until changed again.
• CHAMFER: Creates a chamfer (a angled line connection) at the intersection of two
– D Sets chamfer distances
– P Chamfers an entire polyline
• ARRAY : Makes multiple copies of selected objects in a rectangular
(parallel with the snap rotation) or circular pattern
– R rectangular array type
– Path array : evenly distributes object copies along a path or a portion of a path. The
path may be a line, polyline, spline, arc, helix etc
– P "polar" array type in circular pattern: number of items and angle to fill must be
indicated, and whether the objects get rotated with the angle
– C "circular" array type in a circular pattern, angle between items, angle to fill, and
whether objects get rotated with the angle must be specified

• ERASE or E : Erases selected entities from the drawing

• EXPLODE : Separates a block, dimension or hatch pattern into its constituent
entities or makes a polyline into a series of straight lines.
• OFFSET: Creates a new line, polyline arc or circle parallel to the entity and at a
specified distance from it.
 specify offset distance
 T : "Through" allows specification of a point through which the offset line, polyline, arc or
circle is to pass.
• Edit commands : which can edit an already existing entity.
– Editspline
– Edit polyline
– edithatch
Use of Layers - for different kind of lines
• The layering system is an essential drawing management in AutoCAD
• The common usage of layers is to draw objects on a layer based on their
function. Create all dimensions on a specific layer. Create walls, doors,
windows on separate layers, and so on.
• In our case, different layers can be used
for different line-types and line thickness.
Layers – when and how to use
With layers, we can
• Associate objects by their function or location
• Display or hide all related objects in a single operation
• Enforce linetype, color, and other property standards for each
Layer Controls
One can either enter LAYER or LA in the Command window, or
can click the Layer Properties tool on the ribbon.
Saving your work
• File -> Save or Save as. or Type SAVE or SAVEAS at the
command prompt. Press ENTER. Type the drawing name or
keep the existing drawing name. Click The OK button.
• Saving is simpler- Ctrl S.
• Command: QSAVE
• Choose a name for the file
• Then choose a location to save the work - preferably folder with
your roll no. as the folder name on the desktop.
• File is saved as “.dwg”
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 4

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