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Tokyo is the capital of Japan and with a population of nearly 40 millions, is

also the largest metropolis in the world.
Akihabara district has emerged as a center of anime and manga and video
game culture in Japan. It has dozens of specialty stores selling everything,
from figurines to collectible trading cards to retro video games. There are
also several multi floors arcades, called game centers, as well as maid
cafes and other themed restaurants.
Another nickname of the Akihabara district is ''Electric town'' because of the
many electronic shops here rangin for large department stores selling the
latest technology to smalls stalls selling computer components
Meiji Shrine y Nearby areas
A few minutes from Harajuku Station is the famous meiji shrine and its
forested grounds. Completed in 1920 the Shrine itself is dedicated to the
late emperor Meiji, and this consort Empress Shoken. Ruling from 1867 to
1972 Meiji was the first emperor of modern Japan. During the Meiji period,
the country transitioned from being an isolated feudal nation to becoming
an industrialized world power. The shrine grounds are a peaceful oasis
amid the densely built up city.
Shinjuku is a lively entertainment and business district known for being one
of Japan's premiere nightlife spots. During the Edo era it used to be located
outside the city center and was the first rest stop along the Koshu kaido
which was the five major trade highways at the time. Since the Tokyo has
expanded and shinjuku has become one of its multiple major downtown
areas handling over three and half million passengers every day Shinjuku
station has become the busiest train station in the world

One of the best districts to experience old-fashioned Tokyo is historical
Asakusa. Located in the center of an area traditionally known as
Shitamachi, this was the part of the city generally inhabited by common
townspeople during the Edo era. The main attraction in Asakusa is Sensoji
Temple. Completed in the 7th century, it is one of Tokyo's oldest and most
popular Buddhist Temples.Leading up to the main temple building is the
iconic gate Kaminarimon and Nakamise shopping street which is lined with
vendors selling local speciality items and souvenirs.
As a city Tokyo has received the most Michelin stars of any city in the world
and offers an amazing range of dining opportunities, of course like every
region of Japan you can find local speciality cuisine items such as nigiri-
zushi, tempura, soba, chankonabe, and monjayaki to name a few.
However, because people from all over Japan have been relocating to the
capital for hundreds of years, It's also possible to find authentic regional
food from all across the country in Tokyo.

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