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Organization and Management

Quarter 2: Module 3
Organization and Management
Grade 11: Quarter 2: Module 3
First Edition, 2020

Copyright © 2020
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without
written permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Irene S. Cinense T-II

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team

Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos Jr., P II

Management Team:

Atty. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent

Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief

Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS

Lorna O. Gaspar, EPS in Charge of ABM

Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II

Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II
Organization and
Quarter 2: Module 3


If you were a hiring manager, what qualifications will you look for in hiring
employees who will work in your company? What points will you consider in your
recruitment? Would you consider competencies over skills or vice versa? We will find
out the answer to these questions in this lesson.
After you have learned the concept and nature of staffing, in this learning
materials we will discuss the process of recruitment and selection of applicants to
work in a company as well as the training and development
After going through this lesson, you are expected to;
 Explain the steps in the recruitment and selection process
 Recognize the different training programs


In your previous lesson, you’ve learned that it is the people that move the
company. Without people, the organization is nothing, it inactive. A company must
have the best forward looking vision of what it wants to be in the future, well-crafted
mission statement, well developed strategy and action plans to achieve its business
goals, but without people –the vision, mission and strategic goals and objectives are

Try to examine your computer. It might be the best brand in the market. You
will look into its hardware. But without the software application, your computer will
not work. The same as true in an organization, the hardware, without the right
people, the software is next to nothing.

For you to understand the lesson well, do the following activities.

Have fun and good luck!

Activity 1: “My Ideal Man/Woman”

Directions: List down at least 5 qualities of your ideal person and answer the
questions below in a separate sheet of paper.

In choosing your ideal man or woman, do you have a set of criteria or

standard? Why? Answer the question briefly.


Activity 2: The Right Person for the Right Job

Directions: Read and analyze the given situation and answer the guided questions

Mr. Tony Lee’s grocery store is gradually improving its sales, because of the
different strategies he applied in his business. He has expanded his store, He now
sells a complete line of products. It is no longer a small grocery store. It is a little
Friendship Grocery Store in the making.
Since his business is getting bigger Mr. Lee needs additional employees. He
needs an accountant who must be able to do the following: prepare Financial
Statements and other reports needed to tax purposes.
In looking for a good accountant, Mr. Lee must know what are the
requirements for the job as his guide in his search. He / she must at least be a holder
of Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce major in Accounting, preferably Certified Public
Accountants. He / she must be good in numbers. He / she must have knowledge in
labor law compliance. He/she must have the technical expertise in the use of
1. List down the qualifications Mr. Lee is looking for his potential applicants?

2.If you were the manager, what other qualifications that a potential applicants must
have to be suited in the said position?


You’re on the right track. Keep going!

From your previous activity, do you think those qualifications are enough?
Are those skills good enough for an applicant to be succeed in his/ her job? The
answer is NO. Those skills are called, “hard skills”. A good employee must have also
the so- called “soft skills.” All jobholders need to have hard and soft skills in order
to succeed in their chosen career or profession. But what are their differences?
Hard Skills Soft Skills
It utilizes the Intelligence Quotient ( IQ) It takes Emotional Quotient EQ)
e.g. Skills in Math, Physic, accounting , e.g. Self-management skills-
statistics etc. confidence , stress management and
people sills
These are rules where rule stays the same These rules change depending on the
regardless of circumstances, organization, circumstances, organization, culture
culture and co- employee and co- employee
e.g. Programming – good at creating the e.g. Communication to coworker
best code to fo a function are the same about technical details but struggle
regardless who you work with. to communicate to managers about
the progress of the project.
It can be learned in school or training Not directly taught in school and
e.g. Accounting skills have to be learned during interaction
with other people . e.g. People Skills
These are technical knowledge or training These are personal habits and traits
that you have gained through any life that shape how you work on your
experience , including in your career or own and others.

Let’s check if you understand the difference between hard skills and soft skills.
Do the next activity.

Activity 3: Hard Skills vs. Soft Skills: What's the Difference?

Direction: Classify the different skills in the first column of the table whether it is
a Hard Skills or Soft Skills. Write a 2 column table in a separate sheet of paper to
answer this activity.
Example of Skills Hard Skills Soft Skills
1. Interpersonal Skills

2. Drafting
3. Communication
4. Teamwork
5. Leadership Skills
6. Typing Speed
7. Time Management
8. Machine Operation
9. Creativity
10. Language
11. Computer Skills
12. Research Skills
13. Planning Skills
14. Decision making
15. Bookkeeping

Activity 4: ABC Appraisals

Direction: Think of a traits, qualities or skills when evaluating applicants for a job.
The first letter is given for you as an example.

A- Adaptable H O V


During a job opening, a company must be careful when recruiting and

choosing who to bring into organization. They must see to it that the new recruit
possesses the knowledge and skills needed to be successful in helping the company
achieve their set goals and objectives. So how a company can find the right person
suited for the job position? This is where recruitment and selection process comes

RECRUITMENT is defined as:

 The process of looking for potential applicants and encouraging them to apply
for existing or anticipated job openings or “vacancies” within the organization.
 It is a two way process that provides opportunities to both those who do not
have people on the job and those people who are looking for jobs to meet.
 It is also a set of activities designed by the company to attracts qualified
persons to apply for vacant positions


1. Vacant or new position occurs 1. Receive education and choose
2. Generate candidate pool via internal 2. Acquire employment experience
And external recruitment method
3. Evaluation Candidates via Selection 3. Search for Job Openings
4. Impress Candidates 4. Apply for jobs
5. Make an offer 5. Impress company during selection
6. Evaluate jobs and companies
7. Accept and reject offer

An organization looks to fill vacancies An organization intends to fill a vacancy
from applicants outside of the within its existing workforce.
Advantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages
 Morale of the  Possible morale  Outside people  Longer
promote problems of those bring new ideas process-
 Better not promoted  Larger pool of  More
assessment of  “Political” workers from expensive
abilities infighting for which to find best process due
 Lower cost- promotions candidates to
may  Need for  People have a advertisement
disseminate management wider range of and
information development experience interviews
within the program  Applicants used required
company  Limited number their own initiative  May not be
 Trainings and of applicants are believed to be effective
orientation  Favoritism may better potential enough to
are less influence a employees because reveal the
expensive manager to they are serious best
since they are recommend a about getting the candidate
already current employee job.
familiar with for promotion to  Recommend high
the company a higher position. quality applicants
policies  because employees
 Motivator for are generally
good hesitant to
performance recommend
 Uses of persons who are
succession of not qualified for job
promotion openings and they
 Have to hire make an effort to
only at entry check applicant’s
level qualifications

 The process before
is faster – the recommending
candidate is them to client firms
already part who pay for their
of the services.


When companies aim to fill vacancies within the organization, they may likely
look for prospective applicants from the following sources:
1. Current Employees. These candidates already possess the qualifications needed
to occupy higher positions in the company and given prior consideration.
2. Newspaper Ads. In the classified ads section of a newspaper, there are numerous
advertisements about job openings or offerings for prospective applicants.
3. Schools or Educational Institutions. Companies send representatives to
various colleges and universities to interview applicants inside campuses to conduct
company talks, organize job fairs, and establish linkages with the job placement
offices of schools.
4. Employee Referrals. Some organization’s current employees recommend relatives
or friends who may be qualified for the job.
5. Recruitment agencies. A company usually taps companies that are established
specifically to assist client firms in recruiting qualified prospective applicants
6. Competitors. Companies would like to take advantage of hiring employees who
may have been already previously trained by competing firms or who may possess a
record of skill and expertise already. “Pirate” employees from competing firm by
offering them higher salaries or more attractive compensation and incentive package
just to entice these employees to work or them.
7. Unsolicited Applications. These application received by employers from
individuals who may not be qualified for the job openings.
8. Internet Recruiting. These are independent job boards on the web commonly
used by job seekers and recruiters to gather and disseminate job opening

9. Executive Search Firms. It is also known as “head hunters” help employers

find the right person for a job.

Take note that with all the above sources of recruitment, the search usually
depend on the type of employees or positions needed; when a firm looks for entry-
level positions, they usually rely on newspaper ads, schools, and referrals. For higher
positions they rely more on their current employees, recruitment firms, or employees
from their competitors.

Whereas recruitment deals with attracting qualified applicants, selection is the
process of selecting individuals who are most qualified for the job. For a selection
process to be effective, a company should be able to determine that an adequate pool
or number of candidates is available. The main purpose of the selection process is
to evaluate each candidate based on their qualifications and to choose the person
most suited for the job.
The selection process usually includes the following steps.
1. Establishing the selection criteria. This requires the understanding the
nature and purpose of the job position to be filled.
2. Requesting applicants to complete the application form .Application form
must be complete because these provide the need information about the
3. Screening by listing applicants who seem to meet the set criteria.
Preparation of shortlists of applicants to avoid wasting of time in conducting
interviews to applicants who do not meet the criteria.
4. Screening interview to identify more promising applicants. A shortlist of
applicants is prepared,
5. Interview by the supervisor/manager or panel interviewers. Through
formal interview other characteristics of the applicant may be revealed or
observed during the interview such as self-confidence, self-esteem, ability to
relate with others.
6. Verifying information provided by the applicant. To make sure that the
applicant has not given false information about himself or herself. Back
ground checking must also be done to avoid hiring applicants with a no
criminal record/ good moral character
7. Requesting the applicant to undergo psychological and physical
examination. Having a healthy mind and healthy body is important for good
job performance.

8. Informing the applicant that he or she has been chosen for the position
applied for. May be done verbally or in writing by the managers who give the
final decision regarding the applicants hiring.
This refers to the oral examination of a candidate for employment. Gives opportunity
for recruiters to talk face-to-face with the applicants, obtain and synthesize
information about the abilities of the applicant, and analyse “applicant-job-fit”
Interviews are of different types, some of which are as follows:
a. Nondirective interview. It does not follow any specific interview format and
asks questions as they come to mind. Broad, open-ended questions such as
“tell me something about yourself” or “tell me about what you accomplished
in your previous job”. Allows the applicant to talk freely with minimum
b. Directive or structured interview. It uses a structured, predetermined set
of interview questions that are job-related and are asked of every interviewee.
c. Situational interview. It presents to interviewees a hypothetical situation or
incident and asks how they would respond to it. Responses are then evaluated
based on standards set by the company or any industry benchmark.
d. Stress interview. The interviewer tries to determine how an applicant would
respond to aggressive, embarrassing, awkward, rude, or insulting questions
to assess whether he or she can cope up with situations that are highly
stressful and demanding while maintaining a calm composure.
e. Timer interview. The applicants are all given the same amount of time to
convince the interviewer of their qualifications for the job. Done to test how
well applicants handle grace under pressure.
f. Panel Interview. The applicants face a group of interviewers-usually three or
five-who take turns asking questions. The interviewers then consolidate their
observations to make consensus on the overall suitability of the applicant.

These are examinations that assess the probable match between the applicant and
the requirements of the job.
Different types of employment test are as follows:
a. Intelligence/aptitude tests. These are mental ability tests that measure the
applicant’s learning ability to understand instructions and make judgments,
and potential ability to learn certain skills.

b. Performance/simulation tests. These measure the applicant’s ability to
demonstrate, perform, or duplicate essential activities in doing the actual
c. Psychological/personality tests. These measure the basic aspects of an
applicant’s personality such as dominance, sociability, conformity,
motivation, emotional balance, self-confidence, interpersonal behavior
d. Physical tests. This is performed to assess whether the applicant’s physical
health is adequate to meet the requirements of the job.



Here are some enrichment activities for you to work on to master and
strengthen the basic concepts you have learned from this lesson.

Activity 5: In or Out!

Directions: Given the following sources of recruitment in the box, identify whether
they are Internal or External. Use a separate sheet of paper.


1. Previous Applicants

2. Professional Associations

3. Former Employees

4. Competitors

5. Newspaper Ads

6. E- Recruitment

7. Employee Referrals

8. Private and Public Employment Agencies

9. Campus Recruitment

10. Current Employees

11. Recruitment Agencies

12. Unsolicited Applications

Activity 6: My Flow Charts

Directions: Recruitment is a two way process that provides opportunities to both

the company looking for employees and the prospective employees. With this, prepare
two (2) separate FLOWCHARTS on how each party, The ORGANIZATION and the
CANDIDATE in the recruitment process do their part to meet one another. Arrange
the steps below by identifying first what steps belong to each process. Fill in the
flowcharts below. Answer using a separate sheet of paper the

Make a proposal. Impress company during selection process

Assess jobs and companies  Apply for job vacancy
Please Candidates  Accept or reject offer
Look for Job openings  Evaluation Candidates via selection Process
Finished a course through formal  Earn employment experience
Gather applicants through internal Vacant or New Positions Occurs
and external recruitment method

Congratulations! Your performance is amazing.

Let’s move on to our last topic in this learning material.


Employees, whether newly hired or newly promoted to a higher position, will

require the necessary skills to perform the job well. This is where training and
development comes in. Training is a program that helps employees learn specific
knowledge or skills to improve performance in their current roles. Development is
more expansive and focuses on employee growth and future performance, rather
than an immediate job role.


1. On-the-job training (OJT). These are the training programs usually for non-
managers (or even students) wherein trainee is placed in an actual work
setting under the direction of an immediate supervisor acting as trainer. The
trainee establishes a motivation to learn while doing the job.

2. Vestibule training. Trainees are placed in a situation that stimulates exactly

the prospective work environment and are expected to perform or duplicate
the job or operate required machinery, equipment, or materials. to make sure
that they gain knowledge and skills on proper methods and procedures before
being allowed to work.

3. Coaching. Daily training and feedback process given to employees by

immediate supervisors wherein the supervisor explains things and answers
questions, explains why things are done the way they are, and offers a model
for trainees to copy.

4. Mentoring or apprenticeship. This is a program wherein a senior manager

(mentor) assumes responsibility for grooming a junior employee (apprentice).
The mentor act as teacher, counsellor and facilitator to help the junior
employees attain professional and psychological maturity. Apprentice obtains
the necessary skills and competencies required to succeed the mentor in the

5. Job rotation. This involves the movement of trainee from one job to another
to provide them with a general understanding of how the organization
functions and to prevent familiarity threat among employees

6. Committee assignments. This involves making an employee a part of a
special committee or task force to solve an actual organizational problem.
Provides talented employees with growth potential and broadening experience
to help understand and resolve issues governing the organization and work
with other managers or employee.

Activity 7: Training vs. Development Exercise

Directions: Listed below are some examples of programs provided by some

organizations. Identity whether each program is classifies as training program or a
development program. Write T for Training Program and D for Development Program.
Use a separate sheet of paper.

__________1. Effective customer service

__________2. Effective team leadership

__________3. Strategic leadership

__________ 4. Salary Administration

__________5. Sexual harassment prevention and control

__________6. Developing cultural sensitivity

__________7. Telemarketing Skills

__________8. Principle centered leadership

__________9. Retaining valued employees

__________10. Understanding financial statements

__________11. Becoming a charismatic leader

__________12. E-commerce

__________13. E-Learning

__________14. Dealing with difficult employees

___________15. Introduction to labor law


Activity 8: Performance Activity: Job Interview Simulation

Directions: Listed below are examples of some common job interview questions
employers ask their perspective job applicants. Assume that you are one of the
applicants in a vacant position in a certain company. . Make a 3-5 minute video in
this job interview. Send your video to your teacher.

1. Tell something about yourself.

2. Why did you leave your most recent jobs?
3. Tell me what you know about the company.
4. How much salary do you want?
5. What is s the most difficult situation you have ever faced on the job?
6. What are you looking for in this job?
7. Why should I hire you?
8. If you could take only three things with you in an island, what would they be
and why?
9. Tell me what you greatest weakness is?
10. Are you a risk taker?
11. How do you handle rejection?
12. What kinds of people do you find difficult to work with?


You did great. Have you had a challenging experience?

I am sure that it will be easier for you this time. Let’s review your
Activity 9: Modified True or False
Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct but if it is FALSE, write the
word(s) that make it wrong and change the word (s) to make the whole statement
true. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. Selection refers to the process of looking for potential applicants for a specific
2. Employee referrals happen when some of the organization’s current employees
recommend relatives or friends who may be qualifies for the job.
3. Development refers to the provision of learning so that employees can improve
performance needed for their current job.
4. Planning is the management function that devotes itself to acquiring, training,
appraising and compensating employees.
5. A resume is an application document submitted for purposes of showing
specific qualifications suited to a particular job being applied for.
6. Coaching involves the movement of trainee from one job to another.
7. In a situational interview, the applicant faces a group of interviewers who take
turns in asking questions.
8. The mental ability tests that measure the applicant’s learning ability to
understand instructions and make judgments, and potential ability to learn
certain skills is called the simulation test.
9. Selection is the process of choosing individuals who are most qualified in the
10. Current employees are considered external recruitment since the applicant is
already part of the organization.

Activity 10: Multiple Choice:

Direction: Read and analyze each question and answer each number carefully and
choose the ONE best answer. Write the letters only.

1. MS Corporation needs people to fill up the team of SM Prime Younique. What is

the component of staffing that is designed to attract qualified applicants for job
position vacancies in MS Prime Younique?
A. Orientation C. Recruitment
B. Placement D. Selection
2. Which of the following is an internal source of recruitment?
A. Newspaper Ads C. Competitors
B. Current Employees D. Recruitment Agencies
3. The need of recruitment may arise due to the following situations EXCEPT:
A. Vacancies due to bankruptcy C. Vacancies due to retirement
B. Vacancies due to expansion D. Vacancies due to transfer
4. F. Acordon Company gives these learning to their employees that concentrate on
a short-term job performance. What is this responsibility of F. Acordon Company
that focuses on the employees’ improvement of job-related skills?
A. Development C. Training
B. Seminar D. Work ethic
5. Manila firms seek out candidates with qualifications that match the requirements
of the job openings that their client company hopes to fill. These firms are sometimes
called “head hunters” in the industry. What do you call this type of external method
of recruitment?
A. Employee referrals C. Professional associations
B. Executive search firms D. Public and private employment agencies
6. Advertising through newspapers and recruiting through the internet reach large
numbers of possible applicants. What will be the advantages of this external
recruitment method?
A. With no effect in recruiting applicants
B. Increases the probability of being able to recruit applicants suited for the job
C. Increases the quality of shortlist applicants
D. Generally affects the unqualified job applicants

7. This involves the preparation of a shortlist applicants who meet the minimum
requirements of the job position to be filled. It is done to avoid wasting of time by
conducting interviews with applicants who do not meet the set of criteria for the job
opening. What is the step in selection process that the above statements require?
A. Establishing the selection criteria
B. Informing the applicant that he has been chosen for the position applied for
C. Screening by listing applicants who seem to meet the set criteria
D. Screening interview to identify more promising applicants
8.______ refers to recruitment from the outside sources while _____ refers to
recruitment done within the organization.
A. Internal Environment, Externals Environment
B. External Recruitment, Internal Recruitment
C. Internal Recruitment, External Recruitment
D. External Environment, Internal Environment
9. The step in the selection process wherein application forms must be
accompanied because these provide the needed information about the applicant.
A. Establishing the selection of criteria
B. Requesting applicants to complete the application form
C. Screening by listing applicants who seems to meet the set criteria
D. Screening interview to identify more promising applicants
10.A type of a job interview where interviewer asks the applicant to answer a set of
prepared questions.
A. One-on-one C. Panel
B. Structured D. Unstructured

Great Job! Explore Another Challenge. You Can Do It!

Activity 11: Identification

DIRECTION: Read the following statements and identify the different types of
interview and employment test. Choose the answer from the box. Use a separate
sheet of paper.

Structured Interview Unstructured Interview

One-On-One Interview Panel Interview
Stress Interview Situational Interview

1. It is where only one interviewer is assigned to interview the applicant.

2. It is where several interviewers conduct the interview of the applicants
3. It is where the interviewer has no interview guide and may ask questions
4. It is where the interviewer asks the applicant to answer a set of prepared
5. It is where the interviewer asks several questions about an aggressive,
embarrassing, awkward, rude, or insulting questions to assess whether he or
she can cope up with situations that are highly stressful and demanding while
maintaining a calm composure.

Intelligence Tests Proficiency / Aptitude Tests

Psychological Test Vocational Tests
Simulation Test Psychological Test

6. A test that shows the occupation best suited to an applicant.

7. It is designed to reveal the applicant’s personal characteristics and ability to
relate with others.
8. It is done to test the present skills and potential for learning other skills.
9. It is performed to assess whether the applicant’s physical health is adequate
to meet the requirements of the job.
10. It is designed to measure the cognitive capacity, speed of thinking and ability
to see relationships in problematic situations.

You are learning a lot! The best way to improve skills and get the proper direction
to express your feelings about your learning is to write a self- reflection.

Activity 12: Reflection

Directions: Answer the questions below by making a reflection paper on a separate

sheet of paper. Make sure to ponder on your thoughts by reflecting carefully and

Suppose you were to act as a human resource manager of a firm. Which of the
following traits of an applicant would you put more emphasis on: aptitude
(intellectual ability) or attitude ( behavior character? Why do you say so?


10 7 5 3
Ideas were Ideas may be Ideas were Ideas were
Development clearly evident but present but poorly
of Ideas organized, on the vague developed and
point and organization of lack
supported thoughts need organization
with valid to be
reasons strengthened
Well written Well written Awkward Poor writing
and fully and most writing style with little to
Elaboration elaborated points and points no specific
points with elaborated are general. details
clear and with clear and Errors are
accurate detailed also present.
information information

Congratulations! You’re done. See in our next lesson.


ACTIVITY 1: Answer Varies

ACTIVITY 2: Answer Varies

ACTIVITY 3: Hard Skills Soft Skills

Drafting Interpersonal Skills
Typing Speed Communication Skills
Language Knowledge Teamwork
Machine Operation Leadership Skills
Computer Skills Time Management
Research Skills Decision making
Bookkeeping Creativity
Planning Skills

ACTIVITY 4: Answer Varies


Current Employees Newspaper Ads
Previous Applicants Campus Recruitment
Employee Referrals Recruitment Agencies
Former Employees Competitors
E- Recruitment
Professional Associations
Private and Public Employment Agencies
Unsolicited Applications


1. T 9. D
2. D 10. T
3. D 11. D
4. T 12. T
5. T 13. T
6. D 14. D
7. T
15. T
8. D

ACTIVITY 8: Answer Varies


1. Selection - Recruitment
2. True
3. Development - Training
4. Planning - Staffing
5. True
6. Coaching - Job Rotation
7. Situational – Panel
8. Simulation - Intelligence/Aptitude
9. True
10. External - Internal


1. C 6. B
2. B 7. C
3. A 8. B
4. C 9. B
5. B 10. B


1. One-On-One Interview
2. Panel Interview
3. Unstructured Interview
4. Structured Interview
5. Stress Interview
6. Vocational Tests
7. Psychological Test
8. Proficiency / Aptitude Tests
9. Physical test
10. Intelligence Tests

ACTIVITY 12: Answer Varies


Printed Materials:

Cabrera, Helena Ma. F. et al. (2016) Organization and Management, Quezon City
Philippines, Vibal Group, Inc.
Enriquez, Edilynda G. (2016) Organization and Management, Pasay City
Philippines, JFS Publishing Services
Ng, Mark Francis G. (2019) Organization and Management, Mandaluyong City
Philippines, Anvil Publishing, Inc.
Payos, Ranulfo P. (2016) Organization and Management, Sampaloc , Manila
Philippines, REX Book Store , Inc.



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