CV Final Doc Rhiannon

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Rhiannon Sheard

25 Alderney road, stepney green, e14eg

Tel: 07912679549 Email:


I have a 2.1 degree in Criminology and management from Leeds Metropolitan


I have a keen interest in Crime and the Justice system. This interest stems from my
want to help people which I have felt from a young age.

My strong drive and ambition began at school as part of a Young Enterprise team and
has continued throughout my degree.

I'm a very determined person, when I set my mind to something I feel very
disappointed if this target is not achieved.


2007-2010 Leeds metropolitan university

B.A. Criminology and management II.i

1999-2007 Dame Alice Harpur School, Bedford

3 A-levels, Business studies (B), classical civilisation (c), Religious studies (B)
9 GCSEs, 1 A*, 3 A’s ,3 B and 2 C's , including Maths and English

Other Certificates include:

Distinction in L.A.M.D.A public speaking
Grade 7 singing
Distinction in Young enterprise examinations


2009 Admin Assistant, Evolving Media, Bedford

Market Researcher, MATSsoft, Bedford

4 weeks work experience covering market research and the combined reception for the two companies
• I conducted market research for the customer communications software company MATSsoft.
• This role included researching customer communications in the Financial Sector and working
alongside the Managing Director to draw up a draft marketing strategy for the software.
• This enabled me to experience a fast paced office environment; share knowledge with others and
learn to appreciate the importance of research when marketing any product or service.
• Moreover, I was able to see the theories and practices that I have been learning throughout my
degree put into practice in a real life situation.
• As the receptionist I was responsible for all administration activities for the digital marketing firm
Evolving Media.
2005-2008 Shop staff, Roxton Garden centre
I Did this job on weekends for a number of years whilst at school, this taught me how to balance
work and school and also was the first experience I had with working with other people. This job also
taught me about management and hierarchy's within the work place.

2005-present PA and administration Assistant for world sport fishing

I have worked for my fathers company on and off now for a number of years when I have been
needed. This involved skills such as organising his meetings with clients and organising travel. This job
also taught me about talking to and working with present and future clients.

2006 - Volunteer Classroom Aid, Ridgeway School, Kempston

• During a 6 month period, I helped out at this school for disabled children, helping teachers teach
young children with learning difficulties which sometimes proved challenging.
• The time I spent with the children helped me to better understand how a disability can affect
education and learn about non-traditional teaching methods.


Young Enterprise: Worked alongside 14 peers as deputy Managing Director of a small company. We
had to raise share capital, and design, make and market a product. I learnt to successfully work as a
member of a team, but also learnt to successfully lead a team and delegate tasks to ensure we worked
towards our strategic goals whilst making a profit. It was through successful cooperation that our
company turned a profit and made it to the regional round of competition. This work stimulated my
interest and understanding of business management and marketing, learning enterprise skills through
practical experience.

Travel: I’ve always been fascinated by different cultures and travel. For this reason, since a young age I
have travelled as much as possible, visiting most of Europe and parts of Africa and America. Last
summer I also toured Eastern Europe gaining a better understanding of their history and culture. These
experiences, other than being rewarding and enjoyable, broadened my knowledge of other societies,
countries and their history, and have been a great influence in considering my future career.

I.T Skills: I have always had a keen interest in technology and IT, and through this interest have learned
to touch type and am competent with most commonly used software, including Windows 7, MS Word,
MS Excel and MS Powerpoint. Growing up in a world of constant innovation means I am used to
adapting to new technology and pick up new competencies quickly.

REFERENCES available on request

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