BSBWOR203 Assessment - 1

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BSBWOR203 Work effectively with others

Name: Date: Class:

Assessment 1


STUDENT ID: (if applicable)



STUDENT DECLARATION:  I certify that this is my own work.





(if applicable)




Futura Group SIT12 /BSB15 Version 1.0


Read the activity questions below and provide responses as indicated:

1. You have successfully gained employment at the reception of the new Plaza Hotel. Your position
description outlines the details below:

Job Title Receptionist

Employment Full time


Reporting to Front Office Supervisor

Liaising Reception staff; concierge; housekeeping

Key skill requirements Under the direction of the Front Office Manager or Supervisor,
the receptionist is responsible for all activities relevant to the
Front Desk. This includes reception, check-in/out, rooming of
all Hotel guests, foreign currency exchange and assisting
guests with inquiries. The receptionist should promote and
follow the desired work culture and ethos.

Date of commencement 01.04.2014

Desirable Experience with international clientele and extensive knowledge

of local area. Basic knowledge of English, French and
Mandarin due to our client base. Diploma and 2-3 years
experience in a similar role

a. What are your key duties?

: It is responsible for all activities relevant to the Front Desk. This includes reception, check-
in/out, rooming of all Hotel guests, foreign currency exchange and assisting guests with
inquiries. The receptionist should promote and follow the desired work culture and ethos.

b. To whom do you report?

: Front Office Supervisor

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2. Choose a position relevant to your area of training e.g. receptionist, apprentice chef or similar
and draw the typical hierarchy with roles and responsibilities from Director or General Manger
down to your relevant department’ roles:

Sketch of Hierarchy:


General manager

FOH supervisor Kitchen manager/ Head chef

Waiter Bartenders Second chef Second chef

food runner Barbacks (glassies)
Dishies Chef de partis Dish washier

3. Your workplace policy states in 3.0.

- Dress code for front-of-house Positions : Shoes and foot attire

All footwear must comply with Workplace, Health & Safety requirements for the area of work, as
well as the following:
 Shoes must be black/navy for uniformed staff, clean and in good repair.
 Shoes must have non-slip rubber soles and heels which are in good condition. This is a safety
 Only fully closed-in shoes with heels being a maximum height of 3cm are to be worn.
 (– Thongs, sandals or deck shoes are not acceptable forms of footwear.)

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 Staff required to do any style of lifting/manual handling must have flat non-slip rubber soles
unless otherwise approved through Workplace, Health & Safety.
 Hosiery and socks must complement the uniform and be without holes or ladders.
 Socks must not be worn with skirts.

1. What colour shoes must be worn on the job?

: black/navy

2. Which types of shoes must be worn if you do lifting or manual handling tasks?

: non-slip rubber soles and heels which are in good condition, fully closed-in shoes

3. Could you wear blue socks with a black uniform? Yes.

4. You have now been employed for a period of 4 months and are keen to find out how your job
performance is perceived in order to identify shortfalls and improve your work and service skills.
Provide 3 different methods for obtaining feedback in the workplace from colleagues and
customers and describe how this can be done objectively:

1) self-assessment : ensures that you analyse your work and also that you have an input into
the review process. It also means that there are at least two different viewpoints taken into
account during a review process.

2) Peer review : the people who are the most informed about the performance of employees are
the other employees who work alongside them. 

3) Customer feedback : There are many forms of evidence that help you to assess how your
customers rate your service.

5. Your supervisor has told you to consider time and resource constraints when planning and
organising your busy work schedule.

Explain how your daily tasks should be planned efficiently and provide examples for resource
constraints which could impact on your work.

: Prioritising your work means that you must decide the most effective order of doing your
tasks. For example, if you have 5 tasks on your to-do list, how will you decide which one you
should do first.

Futura Group SIT12 /BSB15 Version 1.0

6. Explain your responsibilities for complying with the following types of legislation and ethical
standards and state where you could find information relating to these:

 Workplace Health and Safety : The primary reason for WHS legislation is to make every
workplace a safe and healthy one. WHS legislation is extensive, continually changing and job-
specific. This reflects the importance that society puts on safety at work. After all, when we
spend the majority of our waking life at work, we don’t want to be at risk of injury, illness or
death. Every business is required to provide a safe, healthy and secure workplace for their
employees. Every worker is required to follow the WHS procedures, practices and guidelines
of their workplace. This means that everyone involved in the business has a responsibility for
WHS. Nobody wants to be responsible for injuring someone or, at worst, causing someone’s

 Privacy Act : Privacy laws exist to protect the personal information of guests and staff. A
business is required to record and keep personal details of staff members. TH&E
businesses also often compile data on their guests in a bid to tailor their product and
service offering to their clientele. Whenever this information is taken, it is subject to
privacy laws

 Environmental Sustainability :

Environmental concerns, such as global warming and greenhouse gas emissions, are
in the news almost daily. Industry contributes to the environmental situation of the
planet as it is a large user of energy and man-made products. A challenge for the
industry is to reduce or minimise the negative environmental impacts as much as

Recycling and environmental concerns are not only good for the environment, but they
also make good business sense, because they can save the business money with only
small changes to work practices. Select each department below  for  a few ideas on how
a business can save money and reduce harmful impacts on the environment.

You can see from these suggestions below that it does not take much effort to look
after the environment and we can all contribute. Think about the little ways you can
help the environment and remember that big changes come from small ones!

 Code of Conduct / Ethical Principles : Codes of conduct and codes of practice provide

guidelines for your conduct (how you act) when carrying out your duties. The codes are

Futura Group SIT12 /BSB15 Version 1.0

made up of a set of rules that help you to know what you should and should not do.
They are designed to regulate the industry and ensure a minimum standard is achieved.

 Anti-discrimination

: Under Australian law, everyone has an equal right to work and to be treated fairly while
at work. It is illegal to deny someone an opportunity to work on the basis of their race,
sexuality, age, marital status, political affiliation, religion, favourite sport team or
anything else unrelated to their ability to perform the tasks of the job. It is also illegal to
discriminate against someone, on the same basis.

Examples of unlawful discrimination practices in the workplace include:

 Asking different interview questions to applicants applying for the same job.
 Not offering someone a job, training or career advancement on the assumption
that the person will leave and have a baby, take too many leave days or be
inflexible due to parental responsibilities.
 Offer different terms of employment to people doing the same jobs.

Each state has Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and anti-

discrimination legislation, put in place to create a fair workplace. There are penalties
involved for those employers who do not ensure an EEO and harassment-free
workplace. Staff must ensure that their work activities and behaviour is carried out
fairly and respectfully of others and that they follow the organisation's policies and

Futura Group SIT12 /BSB15 Version 1.0

7. Provide 3 examples how you could support to your colleagues in the team to ensure work goals
are met:
1) Explaining : Team members need to understand what their roles and responsibilities
are. For this to happen, instructions must be clearly explained and details clarified when
2) Listen : Team members must be willing to listen to other people’s ideas without
interrupting and to respect their contributions to the team.
3) Discussion : If there are differences or conflicts of opinion the team must be able to
come to an amicable agreement through discussion of the issues.

8. Provide 5 examples how the performance of individual team members in a work group can be
improved to enhance knowledge, skills and enhanced delivery of products and services:

: Coaching and mentoring, performance appraisals, personal study, skills assessment, career

9. Provide 3 common reasons for conflict in the workplace:

 Jealousy
 Communication problems,
 Clashes of culture,
 Religious differences
 Sexuality.

: Need for apology, Enjoyment of conflict, Resentment

10. What is loafing? How can loafing be managed?

: Loafing involves not doing as much work as is possible or necessary; procrastinating; and
doing meaningless tasks. Loafing can cause large losses due to decreased productivity. It can
be a big issue for management, but it is usually due to poor management practices in the first

 : Collaboration - Giving people specific tasks that contribute to the success of

the team will make them feel an integral part of it. By giving them a specific role,
they will feel an obligation to complete their tasks.

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 Content - Clearly setting out what is needed to be done gives people clear
 Choice - Allowing people to choose what they want to do gives them ownership
of their role and can help avoid complaints and jealousies. It also helps in
placing people in the roles that suit them. Management must be aware, though,
of the natural loafers who choose the ‘easy' jobs, or the ones where they think
they can get away with doing nothing.

11. How could the following communication barriers affect effective communication or cause
problems in a team

• Assumptions : Assuming others see the situation the same as you or have the same feelings
about the subject can lead to miscommunication.

 Perceptions : Defensiveness, distorted perceptions from the past and guilt can all change the
message. For example, if you do not like a person you are often interpreting their message

• Distrusted source : Value judgements and the state of mind of the 2 people involved in the
communication process can lead to misunderstandings. Stereotyping and projecting your
beliefs onto other people often results in a misunderstanding. Just because you think one
way about a particular subject doesn’t mean that the other party thinks the same way.

 Cultural differences : Effective communication is based on values, motives, aspirations and

assumptions. There are differences in approaches to communication across cultures which
include how close we stand to a person, the eye contact when speaking and the forms of

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12. Provide 3 examples how you can overcome communication barriers. What would this require
from you?
Seek out feedback, listen carefully, avoid making judgement

13. List the steps and procedures for effective conflict resolution as part of a team:

Take responsibility - if you are involved in a workplace conflict situation, you

should take the initiative and begin dealing with the situation

Tread carefully - be extremely careful regarding your communication style and

how it may be received by others. Tread carefully, courteously and discreetly

Encourage all points of view - encourage a fair discussion by only allowing one
person to speak at a time, without interruption

Establish and agree on the problem - clarify and summarise what has occurred.
Try to distinguish the root cause of the problem and whether there are other
issues surrounding the situation

Determine possible solutions - work together and search for a mutually

acceptable solution. The aim is a win-win scenario.

Futura Group SIT12 /BSB15 Version 1.0

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