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Root Cause Analysis / Analýzy kořenové příčiny

TOOL / Nástroj USED FOR / Použití pro BENEFITS / Výhody DRAWBACKS / Nevýhody

• Informal; easy for anyone to do • Relies on other tools to validate the actual cause with
• Uncovers causes that would otherwise be facts
• Tracing back the sequence of events that ignored or missed • Of limited value if there are multiple causes
led to the problem or nonconformance contributing to the problem
5 Whys
* Neformální, snadno proveditelné pro každého
5 Proč * Zpětné vysledování řady událostí, které * Validování skutečné příčiny vůči faktům závisí na
vedly k problému nebo neshodě * Odhaluje příčiny, které by jinak byly ostatních nástrojích
opomenuty nebo nepovšimnuty * Má omezenou hodnotu, pokud k problému přispívá
více příčin

• Easy; nonthreatening
• Good team builder
• Relies on other tools to validate the actual cause with
• Uncovers causes that would otherwise be
• A creative exercise to get ideas flowing ignored or missed
• Undervalued because it’s fun
Brainstorming * Kreativní cvičení s cílem vyvolat volný tok * Snadný; neodstrašující
* Validování skutečné příčiny vůči faktům závisí na
myšlenek * Dobrý nástroj k budování týmu
ostatních nástrojích
* Odhaluje příčiny, které by jinak byly
* Podceňuje se protože je to legrace
opomenuty nebo nepovšimnuty

• Presents an easy to follow picture

• Helps in understanding inputs into a process • Intimidating to individuals who haven’t used it before
Cause-and-effect • A graphic depiction of contributors to
• Provides a more holistic perspective of the • Requires more training that other tools to be useful
problem or nonconformance
analysis situation
Analýza příčin a * Grafické znázornění přispěvatelů k
* Odrazuje pracovníky, kteří ho ještě nepoužili
důsledku * Poskytuje snadno čitelný obraz * Aby byl užitečný, vyžaduje hlubší školení než ostatní
problému nebo neshodě
* Pomáhá poznat vstupy do procesu nástroje
* Podává holističtější perspektivu situace

• Presents an easy to follow picture • Don’t have the level of detail found in
• A graphic depiction of contributors to • Helps to identify significant contributors to procedures/records
problem or nonconformance known problem or nonconformance • Not always readily understood
Pareto analysis
Paretova analýza * Grafické znázornění přispěvatelů k * Poskytuje snadno čitelný obraz * Postupy/záznamy neobsahují potřebnou úroveň
problému nebo neshodě * Pomáhá při identifikování přispěvatelů ke detailu
známému problému nebo neshodě * Není vždy správně pochopen

1/13 file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/573791931.xls/Summary
Uncovers causes that would otherwise be
ignored or missed.
It is an effective way of analyzing the key
factual information about the problem.
KT Problem Solving Step by Step approach of problem solving.
Requires training to understand the appalication of its
Worksheet Identifies the possible causes of failure. use.
KT Pracovní list pro
řešení problémů *Jedná se o účinný způsob, jak analyzovat
*Odhalí příčiny, které by jinak byly ignorovány
klíčové faktické informace o problému. *Vyžaduje trénink, aby pochopil, jaký je jeho použití
nebo zmeškány.
*Identifikuje možné příčiny selhání
*Přístup řešení problémů krok za krokem.

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The 5 Whys / 5 proč
Why did this problem Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? How to use it:
happen? Proč? Proč? Proč? Proč? Proč? With this tool you begin with the
Proč problém nastal? problem and make your way back by
revisiting and investigating the actions
that preceded it.
The intention is literally to ask "why" a
minimum of five times.
Determine You ask such questions as "if this
Root happened, what caused it?" and/or
Cause "What happened before this?" and/or
Určit kořenovou "Why did this happen?".
příčinu The parth that the Five Whys will take
you down may surprise you.

Jak používat?
Tímto nástrojem začnete zkoumat
problém tím, že se znova podíváte a
Why was this problem not Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? prozkoumáte akce, které mu
prevented? Proč? Proč? Proč? Proč? Proč? předcházely.
Proč se tomuto problému Záměrem je doslova položit minimálně
nepředešlo? pětkrát otázku "proč".
Kladete otázky jako např. "pokud se toto
stalo, co to zapříčinilo?" anebo "co se
stalo předtím? a/nebo "proč se to
Cesta, kam vás těchto Pět proč zavede
Prevent může být pro vás překvapivá.

Why use it?

It allows you to begin at a predetermined point and trace back the sequence of events that led to the problem.

Proč používat?
Umožňuje vám začít v předem definovaném bodě a zpětně sledovat řadu události, které vedly k problému

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Why use it?

To establish a common method for a team to creatively and efficiently generate a high volume of ideas.

Proč používat?
Zajistit týmu obecnou metodu kreativního a efektivního vytváření velkého množství nápadů.

How to use it:

Can be used as a structured or unstructured process.
The central brainstorming question is stated and agreed to.
Each team member, in turn, is given the opportunity to present an idea.
No idea is ever criticized.
As ideas are generated, write them down on a large board or chart where everybody can see them.
Keep this process going for no longer than 20 minutes depending on how complex the topic is.
The unstructured process is the same except team members are not solicited in rotation and anyone can submit an idea
at any time.

Jak používat?
Může se provést jako strukturovaný či nestrukturovaný proces.
Ústřední otázka pro brainstroming je stanovena a odsouhlasena.
Každý člen týmu dostává po řadě příležitost vyslovit nápad.
Žádný nápad se nikdy nekritizuje.
Vytvářené nápady se zapisují na velkou tabuli nebo flip chart, kde je může každý vidět.
Proces se v závislosti na složitosti tématu udržuje v chodu maximálně 20 minut.
U nestrukturovaného procesu je to stejné až na to, že členové nejsou vyzýváni postupně, ale každý může vyslovit nápad

4/13 file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/573791931.xls/Brainstorming
5/13 file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/573791931.xls/Brainstorming
Cause & Effect Diagram
Why use it?
Diagram příčin a důsledku To allow a team to identify, explore, and
display, in detail, all of the possible causes to a
Causes problem
Proč používat?
Material Manpower Machinery Umožnit týmu detailně identifikovat,
prozkoumat a zobrazit všechny možné příčiny
Materiál Pracovní síla Stroj problému.

1. Does the operator have 1. Does the machine need

1. Check certificate of analysis adequate training? adjusting?
for raw material. 2. Did the operator receive 2. Are the drills defective? How to use it:
2. Inspect/test raw material in different instructions from a 3. Are the feed sand speeds Generate the causes needed to build the
stock. supervisor? correct for the job? diagram by using the Brainstorming
1. Podívejte se na atest suroviny 1. Má operátor odpovídající 1. Nepotřebuje stroj seřízení? The causes make up the "bones" of the
2. Proveďte kontrolu/zkoušku výcvik? 2. Nejsou vrtáky vadné? diagram.
materiálu ve skladu 2. Nedostal operátor od mistra 3. Jsou rychlosti posuvu pro The categories Material, Manpower, etc. can
be changes.
jiné pokyny? daný úkon správné? Effect There is no perfect set of categories or
Důsledek set number.
Make the categories fit the problem.
Place the brainstorming causes in the
appropriate category.
Inspection report For each basic cause ask "why does this
shows part not happen" to lead to a more deeper cause. For
to specification. each deeper cause continue to
Z kontrolního protokolu push further, but know when to stop.
vyplývá, že díl neodpovídá
specifikacím. Jak používat?
Použitím brainstormingu zformulovat příčiny
potřebné k sestavení diagramu.
Příčiny tvoří "kosti" diagramu.
Kategorie Materiál, Pracovní síla atd. mohou
být změněny.
Neexistuje dokonalý soubor kategorií či
1. Check drawing and build 1. Is the inside equipment velikost souboru.
specifications. calibrated? Volte kategorie tak, aby odpovídaly problému.
2. Review work instructions 2. Is the tool capable of Příčiny z brainstormingu připojte k odpovídající
measuring the part? kategorii.
1. Podívejte se na výkres a do U každé základní příčiny si položte otázku
specifikací 1. Je vnitřní zařízení "proč k tomu došlo", abyste se dostali k hlubší
2. Přezkoumejte pracovní kalibrované? příčině. U každé hlubší příčiny postupujte dál
instrukce 2. Je nástroj schopný změřit díl? do hloubky, ale musíte vědět, kdy přestat.

Method Measurement Environment

Metoda Měření Prostředí

6/13 file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/573791931.xls/Cause & Effect Diagram

Why use it?
To allow a team to identify, explore, and
display, in detail, all of the possible causes to a

Proč používat?
Umožnit týmu detailně identifikovat,
prozkoumat a zobrazit všechny možné příčiny

How to use it:

Generate the causes needed to build the
diagram by using the Brainstorming
The causes make up the "bones" of the
The categories Material, Manpower, etc. can
be changes.
There is no perfect set of categories or
set number.
Make the categories fit the problem.
Place the brainstorming causes in the
appropriate category.
For each basic cause ask "why does this
happen" to lead to a more deeper cause. For
each deeper cause continue to
push further, but know when to stop.

Jak používat?
Použitím brainstormingu zformulovat příčiny
potřebné k sestavení diagramu.
Příčiny tvoří "kosti" diagramu.
Kategorie Materiál, Pracovní síla atd. mohou
být změněny.
Neexistuje dokonalý soubor kategorií či
velikost souboru.
Volte kategorie tak, aby odpovídaly problému.
Příčiny z brainstormingu připojte k odpovídající
U každé základní příčiny si položte otázku
"proč k tomu došlo", abyste se dostali k hlubší
příčině. U každé hlubší příčiny postupujte dál
do hloubky, ale musíte vědět, kdy přestat.

7/13 file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/573791931.xls/Cause & Effect Diagram

Why use it?
An easy to understand, graphic depiction of contributors to a
Pareto Analysis problem.
Paretova analýza Helps focus efforts on the problems that offer the greatest
potential for improvement.

60 Proč používat?
Grafické znázornění přispěvatelů k problému pro snadné
Pomáhá koncentrovat úsilí na problémy, které nabízejí největší


potenciál zlepšení.

How to use it:
Once the problem has been identified, choose the causes that will
be monitored, compared, and ranked.
30 The Brainstorming process can be used to help identify
potential causes.
Choose the most meaningful unit of measurement such as
frequency or cost.
Choose the time period for the study that is long enough to
represent the situation and then gather the necessary
Jak používat?
Jakmile byl identifikován problém, vybírají se příčiny, které se budou
0 monitorovat, srovnávat a řadit podle významu.
Jako pomůcka pro identifikování potenciálních příčin se může použít
Problem 1 Problem 2 Problem 3
Problems Problem 4 Problem 5 brainstorming.
Problémy Zvolí se smysluplná jednotka měření (ukazatel) jako například
četnost nebo náklady.
Zvolí se časový úsek studie, který bude dostatečně dlouhý, aby
reprezentoval situaci a pak se shromáždí nezbytná data.

Problem 1 50
Problem 2 30
Problem 3 15
Problem 4 5
Problem 5 5

8/13 file:///conversion/tmp/activity_task_scratch/573791931.xls/Pareto Analysis

Problem Solving Worksheet Step 1 of 4
Problem Statement:

Problem (Logically could be but) Get

Description IS NOT Information
What objects that are similar
What object has the in shape, composition, form or
What Object defect? function could have the defect

but do not?

What other similar

What Defect What is the defect? defect(s) could have been
observed but were not?

Where on the object is the

Where else on the object
defect observed
Where on could the defect have
(inside/outside, top/
object bottom, same/different
been observed but was

Where geographically
Where geographically was could the defective object
the defective object first have first been observed
Where first observed? but was not?
observed Where in the process was Where in the process
the defective object first could the defective object

observed? have first been observed

but was not?

Where geographically
Where geographically have
Where seen could the defective
the defective objects been
since observed?
objects have been
observed but were not?

When in time could the

defective object have
When in time was the
first been observed but
defective object first
was not?
When in the process could
When in the process was
When first the defective object have
the defective object first
observed observed?
first been observed but
was not?
When in the life cycle of
When in the defective
the defective object was
object's life could the
the defect first observed?
defect have first been

observed but was not?

What patterns of
What patterns of occurrence could have
occurrence of the defect been observed with
have been observed with respect to time but were
What pattern
respect to time? not?
since When during use of the When during use of the
defective object is the defective object could the
defect observed? defect have been
observed and was not?

How many objects could

How many How many objects have the
have the defect but do
affected defect?

What is the magnitude of

the defect in terms of What magnitude could the
What size percentages, rates, defect have, but does
patterns, trends, yield, not?

physical dimensions, etc.?

How many defects could

How many defects are
Defects per there have been per
there per defective
object defective object but were

not ?

What could the trend

What is the trend
have been but was not
Trend (increasing, decreasing,
(increasing, decreasing,
cyclical, etc.)?
cyclical, etc.)?

SP GL SF 1022a
Released: 01-Aug-2012 Is / Is Not - Problem Solving Worksheet
Problem Solving Worksheet Step 1 of 4 Step 2 of 4
Problem Statement: Differences and Changes

Problem IS Logically could be but Get

Differences Changes Date
IS NOT What is different between the IS state and the IS NOT state What has changed between the IS state and the IS NOT state
Description Information
What objects that are similar
What object has the in shape, composition, form or
What Object defect? function could have the defect

but do not?

What other similar

What Defect What is the defect? defect(s) could have been
observed but were not?

Where on the object is the

Where else on the object
defect observed
Where on could the defect have
(inside/outside, top/
object bottom, same/different
been observed but was

Where geographically
Where geographically was could the defective object
the defective object first have first been observed
Where first observed? but was not?
observed Where in the process was Where in the process
the defective object first could the defective object

observed? have first been observed

but was not?

Where geographically
Where geographically have
Where seen could the defective
the defective objects been
since observed?
objects have been
observed but were not?

When in time could the

defective object have
When in time was the
first been observed but
defective object first
was not?
When in the process could
When in the process was
When first the defective object have
the defective object first
observed observed?
first been observed but
was not?
When in the life cycle of
When in the defective
the defective object was
object's life could the
the defect first observed?
defect have first been

observed but was not?

What patterns of
What patterns of occurrence could have
occurrence of the defect been observed with
have been observed with respect to time but were
What pattern
respect to time? not?
since When during use of the When during use of the
defective object is the defective object could the
defect observed? defect have been
observed and was not?

How many objects could

How many How many objects have the
have the defect but do
affected defect?

What is the magnitude of

the defect in terms of What magnitude could the
What size percentages, rates, defect have, but does
patterns, trends, yield, not?
physical dimensions, etc.?

How many defects could

How many defects are
Defects per there have been per
------------ -------------
there per defective
object defective object but were

not ?

What could the trend

What is the trend
have been but was not
Trend (increasing, decreasing,
(increasing, decreasing,
-------------- ---------------
cyclical, etc.)?
cyclical, etc.)?

SP GL SF 1022b Is / Is Not - Problem Solving Worksheet

Released: 01-Aug-2012
Comparative Analysis - Rules and Guidelines

Step 3a : Differences
Differences are facts that are only true of the IS column.
They may be obtained by asking:
What is special, unique or different only of the IS when compared with the IS NOT?
The words from the IS and IS NOT columns should be substituted for the corresponding words in italics.
Step 3b : Changes
Changes are things that have changed in, on around or about the differences.
They may be obtained by asking:
What has changed in, on, around or about the difference?
The words from the difference column should be substituted for the corresponding words in italics.
The date on which the change took place should also be entered into the date column.

Step 4 : Developing Possible Cause "Change - How" Theories

Theories are fully rounded possible causes, rather that probable causes, that may have created the defect.
They may be obtained by asking:
How could this change have caused the problem statement?
The words from the changes column and the problem statement should be substituted for the corresponding words in italics.

Step 5 : Testing the Theories

Tests of the theories are destructive critical evaluations of the developed theories against the sets of IS and IS NOT columns.
They may be obtained by asking:
If the possible cause theory is the cause of the problem statement why is it only the IS and never the IS NOT?
The words from the possible cause theory, the problem statement, the IS column and the IS NOT column should be substituted for the corresponding words in italics.
If the possible cause theory logically explains the information in the IS and IS NOT columns then put a "+" in the test matrix.
If the possible cause theory cannot logically explains the information in the IS and IS NOT columns then put a "-" in the test matrix.
If it is unclear whether the possible cause theory logically explains the information in the IS and IS NOT columns then put a "?" in the test matrix.

SP GL SF 1022e
Released: 01-Aug-2012 Is / Is Not - Problem Solving Worksheet
Problem Solving Worksheet - Step 3 of 4
Possible Causes
List Possible Cause Theories Comment Proposed testing







SP GL SF 1022c
Released: 01-Aug-2012 Is / Is Not - Problem Solving Worksheet
Test: If the possible cause theory is the cause of the problem statement
Problem Solving Worksheet then does it fully explain the IS and never the IS NOT ?
Problem Solving Worksheet Step 4 of 4
Problem Statement: 0 Test possible root causes for probability (show as +, - or ?)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Problem Logically could be but Get

Description IS IS NOT Information

What Object

What Defect

Where on

Where first

Where seen

When first

What pattern

How many

What size

Defects per


SP GL SF 1022d
Released: 01-Aug-2012
Is / Is Not - Problem Solving Worksheet

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