SOF Olympiad Animals Class 2

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7/3/2020 SOF Olympiad Trainer


Domestic animals
The animals we tameand look after are called Domestic animals.
We get many things from these animals like food, fibre, etc. Some people use them as modes of
Example, cow, buffalo, goat, dog, horse etc.
We keep these animals as pets in our homes or nearby.
We get milk from cow, buffalo and goat.
We get eggs from ducks and hens. Eggs are used as healthy food.
Some animals like fish, goat, lamb and cock give us meat or flesh to eat.
Sheep give us wool fibre. Wool is used for making woolen clothes.
We get silk from silkworms. We use silk to make sarees, scarves and shirts.
We use fur from bodies of some animals like sheep to make warm clothes.
We use animals like camel, elephant, donkey, horse as modes of transporting heavy loads. They help
us to make our work easier.
Honey bees give us honey.
We keep dogs as pets to protect our homes.
Camel is called ship of deserts.
Wild animals
Animals like tiger, elephant and fox that live in deep and thick forest are known as wild animals.
On basis of living places animals are classified into three groups:
Terrestrial animals

Animals that live on land are called terrestrial animals. Lion, tiger, giraffe are terrestrial
animals. Lion is called king of the jungle.

Aquatic animals

Animals that live in water are called aquatic animals. Animals like fish live in fresh waters
and some animals like sea horse live in salty sea waters. They all breathe in oxygen present in


Animals that live both on land and in water are called amphibians. Animals like frogs,
alligators and tortoise live both on land and in water. Frogs lay their eggs in water. Alligator
and tortoise lay their eggs in sand or on land.

Wild animals like elephant and zebra wander from one place to another in search of food and water.
They live in groups called
They do not have fixed place to live. They take rest under trees.
Some animals like rats, rabbits and snakes dig holes in the ground to live. These holes are
called burrows.
On basis of their eating habits, animals have been classified into 4 groups.
Herbivores: Animals which eat only plants and plant products are herbivores. Example,
elephant, rabbit, cow etc. Grass eating animals have strong and broad back teeth to grind their
Carnivores: Animals that eat other animals are called carnivores. Example, lion, tiger, lizard
etc. They are called hunters. Flesh eating animals have pointed teeth to tear the flesh.
Omnivores: Animals that eat both plants and animals are called omnivores. Example, dog,
cat, crow etc. 1/2
7/3/2020 SOF Olympiad Trainer

Decomposers: Birds like kite, vulture and eagle feed on dead animals. They are called
decomposers or scavengers.
Endangered animals

Many wild animals are killed by humans for sport, food and medicines. Animals like tiger, panda
and Indian rhinoceros have become very few in number. They would become extinct one day. These
animals are called Endangered animals.

Endangered animals are kept safe in wildlife sanctuaries and national parks.

Animal Sounds
Tiger – Growl
Elephant – Trumpet
Monkey- Chatter
Cow – Moo
Bear –Growl
Camel – Grunt
Apes – Gibber
Bees - Hum & buzz
Deer – Bell
Whales - Sing
Joey is the name for baby of Kangaroo.
Elephant’s young one is called calf.
Giraffe is the tallest land animal.
Cheetah is the fastest animal.
Peacock is a bird that cannot fly. Louse is an insect that cannot fly.
Prey is an animal that is killed and eaten by another animal. E.g. Giraffe is prey of Lion. 2/2

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