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Tutorial 6

Valid A deductive argument in which the conclusion follows necessarily

Argument from the premises. The premise supports the conclusion.
A deductive argument in which the conclusion does not follow
necessarily from the premises – there is no connection between the
premise and the conclusion.

If I’m in Asia Jaya Park, then I must be in Petaling Jaya.
I am in Asia Jaya Park.
Hence, I must be in Petaling Jaya. 

If Asia Jaya Park then Petaling Jaya 
Asia Jaya Park  A = Asia Jaya Park 
Petaling Jaya  B = Petaling Jaya 

Thus, this argument is valid since it fits the valid form: 

If A then B.
Therefore, B.

Task 1
Analyze whether the following arguments are valid or invalid.
No Argument Analysis Form
If I’m in Asia Jaya Park, then I must be in PJ. If A then B.
Eg I am in Asia Jaya Park. A.  Valid
Hence, I must be in PJ.  Therefore, B.
If I’m in Selangor then I’m in Malaysia.
1 But I’m not in Selangor.
Thus, I’m not in Malaysia. 
If you’ve had too many drinks then you shouldn’t
2 drive home. You have had too many drinks. So, you
shouldn’t drive home. 
If someone is homeless then they have only
3 themselves to blame. It follows that Mahmud has only
himself to blame since he is now homeless. 
I’ve heard it said, “Join the Navy if you want to see the
4 world.” Actually, I’m very content to stay in the good
old U.S.A. So, I won’t join the Navy. 
If I had good grades, I would get into UTAR.
5 I did not get into UTAR.
Therefore, I did not get good grades. 
Hurricane season will continue to grow worse. If
nothing significant is done about global warming then
6 hurricane season will continue to grow worse and
nothing significant is being done about global
If drug use is on the rise then the War on Drugs has
7 failed. Consequently, the War on Drugs has not failed
because drug use is going down. 
If Karthik has quit school, then Shalini will need a new
tennis partner.
Shalini does not need a new tennis partner.
So, Karthik has not quit school.

Task 2

The following arguments are deductive. Determine whether the arguments are sound
or unsound.

No Argument Form
If the moon is made of green cheese, then astronauts can eat
1 moon rocks. The moon is made of green cheese. Therefore,
astronauts can eat moon rocks.
If Barack Obama is President of the USA, then Michelle Obama
is First Lady.
Barack Obama is President of the USA.
Therefore, Michelle Obama is First Lady.
All rabbits are mammals.
3 All mammals have lungs.
Therefore, all rabbits have lungs.
4 No mammals have lungs.
No whales are mammals.
Therefore, no whales have lungs.
5 If Abraham Lincoln died of cancer, then he is dead today.
Abraham Lincoln is dead today.
Therefore, he died of cancer.
6 All children like sweets.
My Mathematics lecturer is a child.
Therefore, my Mathematics lecturer likes sweets.
7 No insects have six legs.
All spiders are insects.
Therefore, no spiders have six legs.
8 If Steve Job is poor, then I’m a monkey’s uncle.
Steve Job is poor. 
So I’m a monkey’s uncle.
9 If a thing is a rectangle, then it’s not a circle. 
This page is a rectangle. 
So, this page is not a circle.
Task 3
The following arguments are inductive. Determine whether the arguments
are cogent or uncogent.

No Argument Form
Overeating causes obesity.
Therefore, if you constantly overeat, you will probably be obese. 
The vast majority of Malaysian Prime Ministers have been men.
2 Therefore, the next Malaysian Prime Minister will probably be a
Many housewives around the world cook daily.
3 Therefore, somewhere in the world, a housewife must be cooking
Ninety-five percent of Koreans jog daily.
4 PSY is a Korean.
So, PSY probably jogs daily.
Very few people in this country are named Obadiah.
5 Therefore, the next person I meet is unlikely to be named
Most boys like to play sports.
6 Beyoncé is a boy.
Therefore, Beyoncé probably likes to play sports.
Most painters are very talented.
7 Michael Jackson was a painter.
Therefore, Michael Jackson probably was talented.
Coca-Cola is an extremely popular soft drink.
8 Therefore, probably someone, somewhere, is drinking a Coke
right this minute.
When Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, he left behind a gold-
9 plated bicycle, which he used to ride around on the moon’s
surface. Probably that bicycle is still up there on the moon.

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