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Play scripts Writing e Student book pages 88, 89, 92

Sharing cultures

Coyote Steals the Sun

Reod this extrqct from o Zuni legend qbout the sun ond moon.
Long, long ogo, when the world wos sti[[ dork os
there wos no sun or moon get in the skg, tived
Cogote. Cogote wos o terribte hunter,
which he blqmed on the
dqrkness. He never monoged
to cotch ongthing so he wos
olwogs hungrg.
One dog he sow Eogle hunting
robbits. Eogle wos such o good
hunter thot he wos oble to
cotch monu more robbits thon
he could possiblg eot. Cogote
immediotelg thought thot if he
could hunt with Eogle then he
would never be hungrg ogoin.
Cogote osked Eog[e if theg could
join together soging thot two were
surelg olwogs better thon one. Eogle
ogreed, so theg storted to hunt together.


:) Play scripts Writing * Student book pages 50, 51, 88, 89 and 92

O Below is the'Cogote Steols the Sun'storg but it is written Look bock ot

os o plog script. Use the storg on poge 32 to complete the pqges 50 ond 51 of
diologue in gour own words. gour Student Book
Norrqtor: Long, long ogo, when the world wos stitl in dorkness for tips.
os there wos no moon or sun get in the skg, tived Cogote.
Cogote: (sitting miserablg in almost complete darkness)
Oh, whg om I such o terrible ? I never
monoge ond I'm otwogs
If onIg it wosn't so so . Look, (points sadlg)
there is hunting. He is such o good
He con cotch so mong robbits.
Hmm, (smiles slglg os he thinks) I hove o plon. If I coutd onlg hunt
with Eogle then ogo in.
(He calls ouf,) Friend!

(Eagle comes over to where Cogote is sitting.)

O continue the diologue bg imogining whot cogote ond Eogle

sog to eqch other in this next port of the storg. Include the stoge
Eogle ond cogote went hunting together monu times, but eoch
time it wos the some. Eogte cought o robbit, Cogote cought
nothing. Though he cought nothing, cogote wos greedg ond ote
twice os much os Eogle. Eogle become tired of hunting
for the greedg Cogote. He wos cross with Cogote for being
such o useless hunter ond told him he must trg horder.


copyRrcHT oxFoRD uNrvERsrry pREss 2013. pHorocopyrNG pRoHrBrrED g:

Poetry and play scripts Grammar and spelling e Student book pages 94 and 95

Alphabetical ordering and irregular verbs

O Put the following words in olphobeticol order.
I cogote chop custom corru
2 eogle excuse essou equol
3 dig dog dug deep
4 indeed invent inform increose

O The verb'to be' is qn irregulor verb. Choose the post tense of the verb to fill
the gops.
1 The closs woiting for lunchtime to orrive.
2 Rono tolking to the teocher ot her desk
3 Kio finishing her closs work.
h She sitting next to Leo.
5 Theg both weoring
6 Joshi ond Roo ploging chess.
7I reoding o book quietlg.
8 Finollg, the belt went ond the closs oble to go outside.

& Chonge these sentences from the post to the present tense.
1 Dovid ond Morekwere tolking obout their homework ot the bus stop.

2 I wos running veru fqst becouse I wonted to cotch up with Louro ond IVIorio.

3 Theo's friends were woiting for him becouse he wos looking for his coot.



Poetry and play scripts Grammar s Student book page 94

lf,ore irregular verbs

O Use o dictionorg to find the post tense of these iruegulor verbs.
owoke become bring
bite choose freeze
know eot rise

cotch speok ho ng

O Circle qll the irregulor verbs hidden in the word seorch.

There ore 26 oltogether.

b e f o r I V e S

t c o d r o W n I (

e g r i I e o V e s (
c (

I t I I r e o d W h

k c e k n o W p o o
II h t S e n d o k n

m t o s i t U e g

o o o s p e o k e p
tt k s e b e n d o U

le e d r V e t t

c e 5 of the irre gulor verbs ond write q sentence using eoch one.

copyRIGHT oxFoRD uNIVERSITy pRESS 201 3. pHorocopylNG pRoHIBITED 3
Poetry Writing and spelling e Student book pages 95, 96 and 97

Writing poetry and the alphabet

Read this alphabet poem
Mg Best Friend
A She's so omozing
B She's so bright
C She's clever ond sunng
D She's so doring
E She's so exciting
F She's fobulous ond funng!

O Now onswer the questions obout the poem.

1 Which word is the some in eoch line?

2 Whot do gou notice obout the botd words in the poem?

3 Whot do gou notice obout lines 3 ond 6 compored to the other lines?

O Write os mong odjectives os gou con to describe o friend or relotive.

The odjectives could be qbout their chqrocter or whot theg look like.

Use gour list of odjectives to write the next verse of the poem,
describing o friend or relqtive.

36 copyRrcHr oxFoRD uNIVERsITy pREss 201 3. pHorocopytNG pRoHIBITED

Poetry and play scripts Assessilment

Self-assessment on my learning
Unit 6 Sharing cultures

I understond ond con do this we[t.
I understond but I om not confident.

I don't understond ond find this difficutt.

Reoding poetrg qnd plog scripts skills
I con reod o ronge of poems ond plou scripts.
Writing skills
I con write o poem.
I om storting to use tenses properlg.
I con choose words to describe chorocters
I con write simple ptou scripts bosed on o storg.
Longpoge skills
I con se irregulor forms of common verbs
Icono o nise words o Ipho betico Ilg.
con use G dictionorg.
Icon choose ond compore words to moke mg writing more
descri ptive or exciti n g.

ould [ike more help with


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