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Exercise 4.2.

1 page 221-222 of the e-book Readings in Philippine History

Category Malolos 1935 1973 1987

Constitution Constitution Constitution Constitution

Form of The Government of The Philippines is a The Philippines is a The Philippines is a

Government and the Republic is republican nation. republican state. democratic and
Separation of prevalent, for Sovereignty lies with Sovereignty resides in republican State.
Powers example, recourse, the people, and all the people and all Sovereignty resides in
obligated, and wields governance comes governmental the people and all
three different powers: from them. The authority emanates government authority
legislative, executive, legislative power lies from them. The State emanates from them.
and judicial. Two or in the Philippine shall guarantee and The legislative power
more of these three Congress, which promote the autonomy shall be vested in the
powers will not be consists of the Senate of local government Congress of the
integrated into one and the House of units, especially the Philippines which
individual or group, Representatives. The [barangays ], to ensure shall consist of a
nor will legislative Senate is made up of their fullest Senate and a House of
powers be granted to 24 Senators, and the development as Representatives,
one person. House of self-reliant except to the extent
Representatives is communities. The reserved to the people
made up of 120 or Legislative power by the provision on
fewer members. shall be vested in a initiative and
Batasang Pambansa. referendum.

Provisions on Civil The Constitution You will not be You will not be No one shall be
Liberties explicitly protected deprived of your life, deprived of your life, deprived of life,
against abuse, as well liberty, property, or liberty, property, or liberty or property
as Filipinos and denied protection of denied protection of without due process of
outsiders, and listed the same law without the same law without law, and no one shall
national and legal proceedings legal proceedings. be denied equal
individual rights. protection of the law.

Provision on The administration Federal debt, local Batasang Pambansa Congress develops
Taxation or proposes this every application bills, and develops progressive progressive taxation
Revenue Sharing year, completing private bills are to be control systems. No system. A law that
funding for submitted exclusively tax exemption law can provides all tax relief
expenditures and by the House of be passed without the cannot be passed
revenue that indicates Representatives, but consent of a majority without the consent of
modifications from the the Senate can of all members of a majority of all
prior year, which a propose or approve Batasang Pambansa. members of the House
year-end equilibrium changes. of Representatives.
sheet must escort by Money raised with Any money collected
decree. This funding taxes collected for a for taxes levied for a
shall be raised to particular purpose is special purpose is
Parliament within 10 treated as a fund and treated as a special
days of the start of the is paid only for that fund and paid only for
session. purpose. If the that purpose. When
purpose for which the the purpose of
Special Fund was establishment of the
established is achieved special fund is
or abandoned, the achieved or canceled,
remaining amount the balance is
must be remitted to transferred to the
the General Special general fund of the
Fund. government.
Provisions of N/A N/A N/A N/A
Political Dynasty

Provisions on Not the term of our A 6-year term, no In Case of In case of death,
Changing/ year, a legitimate 4-year re-election, and The president's Permanent obstacles,
Removing the choice. a second term is permanent disability, impeachment, or
Head of Senate of For reelection possible. death, impeachment or resignation of the
the President resignation, and the President, the Vice
executive committee President will be
led by the prime President for the rest
minister of his term. In the case
of the death,
permanent disability,
impeachment, or
resignation of both the
President and Vice
President, the
disability, death,
impeachment, or
resignation of the
President of the
Senate, or in the
absence of him, shall
serve earlier. Eighteen
months before the
expiration of his term,
Batasan Pambansa
shall convene a
special election To
choose the date of
such a nomination, the
president selects a
term that has not yet
expired. The Standing
House of
Representatives then
serves as president
until the president or
vice president is
elected and qualified.

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